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Haha. Sorry not sorry. I loved watching this with you! And, idk, about the ending not being happy. They were all marked by the house and 4 of them made it out, because of Nell, really. And no, the stories are all very different. Some of them are hauntings, monsters, demons, etc... but the #1 thing I love about Flanagans work is that it's never about the antagonist. This isn't a ghost story, it's a family drama with ghosts sometimes. Lol Each season has its own main point to make apart from the supernatural conflict. This one was addressing grief, mental illness, and addiction. I've seen theories that the children all represented a stage of grief in order, (Steve=Denial, Shirley=Anger, Theo=Bargaining, Luke=Depression, Nellie=Acceptance). The third one is Midnight Mass, and it's actually my favorite of the 4. Though, two new members of the recurring cast appear for the first time in Bly and I'm very much looking forward to seeing them again!


I suppose you're right about it being happy. I definitely wasn't the happiest lol, but yeah four made it out. What a brilliant story it was. Tragic too, like you said in your last comment. Liv is tragic. I hate her for what she did but I also recognize that the house turned her into that. That it played into every fear a mother would have and twisted her into committing horrible acts. Like I said, I hate her, but I don't fully blame her. The house truly ruined her mind. Tragic but also lovely in the way Hugh's story ended. Honestly just an amazing show all round.