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Ugh. Lost my comment. Darn app. I'll type it up and paste it next time.


I feel so bad for everyone here. The kids for losing their mother and never knowing why, Hugh for losing his wife and living with his guilt over not being able to fix it, Abigail who was 100% innocent in all of this, and Olivia who was slowly driven insane by the house. And the insanity was so perfectly catered to get the house what it wanted: more souls. It started by using her sensitivity to the paranormal to keep her in constant pain. Then, it slowly started to convince her that she couldn't tell the difference between dreams and reality by periodically snatching her mind out of time. Finally, it played on her absolute love of her children and showed her the deaths they were headed for if she didn't “save” them. I really can't bring myself to blame her for what she did, because she was entirely broken. She was just a tool the house used to get any soul it could. It started with Hugh (the screwdriver), but was unable to override her respect for his autonomy. So, it aimed her at the ones she was most responsible for…the youngest children. And then, it took her, too. I do have a few other things to say about Abigail, but I'll save it for ep10, to avoid any accidental spoilers on the off-chance anyone watching hasn't seen it yet. The final lines of the episode, “You guys go on without me./How could we?” Bring tears to my eyes every time. (There. Rewrote the whole thing. Lol)