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I do wish we could just do an abridged version of these last 4 episodes with just the important bits. But, hey, the next two parter is actually one of my favorite ones (particularly because of the way it concludes) and the one after that is the most highly rated episode in the whole run so far. And you should probably watch it in the dark... alone... at night. 😉 And then I think it's just the 3 part finale left! I do think it's pretty sucky how they kind of shoved all these filler-type episodes all together...but, I guess we've gotten where we needed to be at this point. Namely: we've heard the name "Saxon" throughout the season (kind of how Torchwood was the name to hear in S2 and "Bad Wolf" from S1), Martha's family (or at least her mother) is working to get Martha away from the Doctor, one member of the Cult of Scaro is still out there somewhere, and the Doctor is trying his best to let Martha in...but he sucks at it. Lol (that last bit is just my frustration with the whole season. Poor Martha keeps getting forced to save the day on her own, and he rewards her by staying as emotionally distant as possible.)