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nice episode soon please and thank you




I'm starting to almost expect a personal "F U" at the end of these episodes for suggesting it! Lol! But it's just so gorgeous! And having a family drama mixed with paranormal? Yes, please!! I do have to defend Kevin (Shirley's husband) a little bit. He took the money to prop up the business (probably set up as a charitable grant from Steve to the funeral home for Shirley's "special cases" for tax reasons, I'd imagine) so that she could keep giving charity to people. He 100% should have included her and told her what her charity really meant for the business, but I can see where his heart was where it should be. (I do the books for a very small business and you'd bet your ass I'd take that money to give away free services to people who really needed it at the expense of my own morals!) But. The filmmaking is definitely what makes this one stand out no matter which character you side with! Most of it was 4 takes...the longest being over 17 minutes. There's a short documentary on YouTube describing the set they built just for this episode...and kudos for the kids for keeping up!! (My absolute favorite bit of this one is a bit odd, but it's because it showcases the talent and self-awareness of the actors. It's during what seems to have been a mistake...after the family finishes putting batteries in the flashlights and they're all looking for Nell, Hugh goes over to Luke to console him and the actor almost stumbles on an unlit flashlight on the floor. He continues without missing a beat and the actress playing Olivia discreetly points at the ground with her back turned to show the kids. Steve's actor moves up on it but Theo's actress picks it up and turns it on as if she'd always had it. And none of them break character once. It's just so good!!) As for having a happy episode...hmm...idk if you'll be getting that. Lol


I 100% agree with Kevin taking the money. I called him an idiot for just stating it out loud at possibly the worst moment. Unless I interpreted it wrong I was bashing him for cheating. It looked like him and Theo were getting a little too close in the store room. I've always been impressed with the talent it takes to do one shots especially considering that if you mess it up you may have to start way back from the beginning if we haven't got any hidden cuts. I'll have to watch that when I finish ep 10