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I think this is the episode where I started to really get invested. Up until this point, there's a little nagging suspicion that this is all in their heads. But, I think this is where I decided it had to be real, or at least some of it...because Theo was RIGHT. How else would she have done that? But, yeah, the realization you get as to what is going on with that poor little girl...it's horrific. Particularly since they don't *really* come out and say it until near the end of the episode (for anyone in the back who didn't get it by then)... which I think makes it even creepier! And, omg...Luke. Like you said, no wonder he's so fucked up... OH! Something I didn't mention but may as well now! There are hidden ghosts in this show. Usually in the sections in the past. Some are much harder to see than others but there's one I know of in particular...If you go to the place where it's at 30:18 in your video above...(when Theo had just opened the basement door in the pantry but before she started down the ladder) and turn the brightness ALL the way up...and look at the spaces between the ladder near the bottom of the screen. ;) Once you're done with the series, you should check out the "Hidden Ghosts" videos on Youtube where they point them all out. It's amazing how many are right in front of your face! There's only one episode without hidden ghosts, and that's episode 6. I mean...there ARE ghosts in that one...you're just supposed to see them. ;)