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Yay! I knew the 2 Part mid-season was coming, and here it is! To provide non-spoilery answers to some of your questions: Yes, we did see the crash. For *some* reason (probably because the show was designed to release one per week at most, so they wanted to add some pizzazz to the "Previously on..." section) they tend to put the first few seconds of the new episode as a part of the "Previously on" - so, if you skip it, you run the real risk of coming into the story after the theme with the conflict already started. Second, yes, you guessed it. The Cybermen were an old-series baddie, and a particularly nasty one. And I think you're really getting it: The bad guys in Doctor Who are 100% supposed to be "over the top" - dramatic and obviously evil. It's part of the charm of the show (along with the cosplay levels of practical effects and costuming - go back and look at the Tree people in Episode 2 S1 and all the work that went into them!) Additionally, you can usually tell when a guest actor playing the villain was a fan of the old show (think Simon Pegg as the Editor on Satellite 5 last season) because they understood the assignment and basically chew up every scene they're in with overdramatic antics. And, you're getting it, you don't need to take the show seriously most of the time. You're allowed to laugh and recognize that it's fun silliness a lot of the time (with some truly heartbreaking story-telling mixed in where you least expect it!) LOL Happy to see you continue and will enjoy no matter the schedule. :)