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Hey all,

With the Alternate Bard in a good spot, I've got some time to work on new projects behind the scenes. 

It may not be the next thing you see from me, but I'm interested in what you would like to see as the next Alternate Class.

24 hours on the clock - one vote each - make it count!


Jeff Potato

As much as I like the standard 5e bard, the Alternate Bard does seem to be conceptually closer to the classic D&D bard. It would be interesting to see an Alternate Paladin that doesn't just smite things all the time. (Smiting things is cool, but the 2e paladin didn't even *have* a smite ability, so I'm not sure how that became the 5e paladin's main gimmick.) Maybe it could even have a warhorse with more than 19 HP?


I'd love to see an Alternate Warlock, especially after how they massacred it in the latest UA. It's fine balance wise, maybe a little weak, but I'm not okay with them removing Pact Magic. It would also be a great opportunity to polish off the old Pact Boon options and give them some updates.


I'm interested to see this too. Paladins in 5e can do a lot-- high burst, high AC, and some of the best saves in the game. plus they have healing and support casting on top of it. id like to see what a paladin with low-burst damage would look like. compared to ranger or fighter or rogue i would imagine the paladin to lean more on the support/defense side of combat but in their current state they play like high damage strikers, smiting down high priority targets on the first round. the direction of one D&D seems to be reinforcing this, now that they can do ranged smites as well their damage dealing role is even better than before.


I would love to see the cleric at some point (I have always found their progression to be...dull) but the wizard, paladin, druid, and cleric are regarded to be quite strong and mostly balanced. The warlock seems to frustrate everyone in one way or another. The abilities seem to be somehow both too strong and too weak and always seems to be exploited through multi-classing. The UA sucked but it does need tweaking


I don't really see myself moving away from Divine Smite on an Alt Paladin, but I haven't given a ton of thought to what that class would look like. I do know I'm not a fan of the OneDND Paladin though...

Jeff Potato

Hm. Well, if you wanted to keep Divine Smite as a major focus, maybe come up with more interesting options in how to use it? Perhaps each domain could have a unique smite option or rider effect or something. It would be cool if there was more options to the smite ability besides "insert spell slot of choice, apply radiant damage." (I always found it weird that the Divine Smite ability was wholly unconnected to the various ____ Smite spells.) It looks like Alternate Warlock is winning in the poll, though. I can't say I mind too much.


It may be too much of a departure and warrant its own class, but here's what I'd love to see from an Alternate Warlock: • Pact Boons are the Archetype, patron flavor comes from Invocations • Cooler cantrips than just Eldrich Blast, maybe Invocations to make specific cantrips better? • Less flavor baked into the class, and more from Invocation and Pact choices. Largely a spell list problem.

Kari Grace

If there's one thing I know about you, Laserllama, it's your love for the pact casting. So I'm excited to see this rendition. Also if you just so happen to tweak those "once per day using a spell slot" invocations, well, I won't complain.