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Hi all! Excited to share with you the latest in my line of ”Alternate Classes” for D&D 5e, the Alternate Bard! The Bard was the first class I played in 5e, so this has been a bit of a passion project for me - I hope you like it!

This is a first draft, so I’m especially interested in any constructive criticism and feedback you have on the class!


The Alternate Bard

The Bard has undergone some massive changes here, most notably becoming a “half-caster” (in the style of the Artificer). However, their other bardic abilities have been greatly improved to make up for the loss of those high level spells! Personally, I think full progression Spellcasting is such a powerful feature that it doesn’t leave much room in the power budget for anything else interesting - don’t worry you still end up learning the *same* number of spells as the PHB Bard!

Bardic Inspiration. This is still the bread and butter resource of the class, and you start off with more uses, they come back on a short rest, and (like in the OneDND playtest) these can be used as a *eaction.

Folklore. Replacing Expertise, this feature allows you to either master skills, or to learn new skills, tools, and languages as you level. This also preserves the Rogue class as the true master of skills - the Bard is the “jack of all trades”.

Bardic Traditions. The nomenclature of Bard subclasses has been changed (I never did like the “College” naming convention), and I’ve included three options as part of the initial release - the Fool, Loremaster, and Skald.

Magical Secrets. This is what makes a Bard a *Bard* One of the design goals was for the Bard to be a true master of low-level spells. Magical Secrets allows you to plunder every other spell list while also gaining a free casting of each of your Magical Secrets spells every single day!

Countersong. Replacing Countercharm is an actually useful feature! Look at every single Bard guide and they tell you that you *must* take counterspell as one of your Magical Secrets. Now, with Countersong you may not have to!

Font of Inspiration. Seamlessly trade Bardic Inspiration (aka short rest resource) for spell slots, and vice versa!

Musical Expertise. Because nobody is using Folklore on their lute proficiency, but Bards should still be excellent performers.


Bardic Traditions (Subclasses)

Fool. First up is a subclass loosely based on the old UA: College of Satire. Tumble, distract, insult, and confuse your foes while secretly gathering up secrets!

Loremaster. Replacing the College of Lore, this subclass is the Bard’s Bard. Gain more Magical Secrets spells, be a Jack of All Trades, and allow your allies to achieve Wondrous Success with your Bardic Inspiration!

Skald. The stand-in for the College of Valor, the Skald is your martial/melee Bard. Lead the charge with heavy armor, martial weapons, Bladesinger-style Extra Attack, and a sprinkling of Paladin-esque abilities!


Bard Spells

I’ve reworked/buffed a few spells (friends, vicious mockery), and added a few new powerful Bard-exclusive spells that are meant to emulate the Bardic Songs of editions past - glitterbeam, inspiring melody, song of confidence, heroic anthem, revitalizing hymn, and legendary ballad! As they are exclusive to a half-caster they are meant to be powerful (maybe you’ll even take on with Magical Secrets to get that free casting once per day)!


Change log: PHB Bard -> Alternate Bard

  • Proficiencies // Armor // Added medium armor.
  • Proficiencies // Tools // Added a choice of gaming sets and artisan’s tools.
  • Proficiencies // Skills // Limited the list of skills you can pick from.
  • Bardic Inspiration // Is now a reaction, you can target yourself, and you regain uses on short or long rests. You also have 1 +CHA mod uses.
  • Folklore // NEW 1st-level feature to replace Expertise. Grants new skills, tools, or languages, or a Bardic Inspiration Die bonus to skills/tools.
  • Jack of All Trades // Cut from base class - now a subclass (Loremaster) feature
  • Spellcasting // Bard is now a half-caster. Moved back to 2nd level. You start with three Spells Known (instead of four).
  • Bardic Tradition // Renamed (Bard College). Fool, Loremaster, and Skald.
  • Magical Secrets // Moved down to 3rd level. Spread spells over more levels so that you get a Magical Secret the level after you gain a new level of spell slot. You get a free casting of each Magical Secret spell once per day!
  • Bardic Versatility // Cut.
  • Countercharm // Cut.
  • Countersong // NEW feature. Gives the Bard a niche with counterspell-lite.
  • Font of Inspiration // Moved back to 7th level and reworked.
  • Musical Expertise // NEW feature.
  • Mythic Performance // Renamed (Superior Inspiration) and greatly improved!
  • Fool // NEW Tradition (based on the UA College of Satire).
  • Loremaster // Renamed (College of Lore). Reworked.
  • Skald // Renamed (College of Valor). Reworked.
  • Spells // Cantrips // Added Booming Blade, Guidance, Mind Sliver, Resistance, Spare the Dying, Toll the Dead.
  • Spells // 1st-level // Added Beast Bond, Cause Fear, Ceremony, Thunderous Smite
  • Spells // 3rd-level // Cut Plant Growth, Speak with Plants. Added Thunderstep
  • Spells // 4th-level // Added Banishment, Dominate Beast.
  • Spells // Reworked // Friends, Vicious Mockery
  • Spells // NEW // Glitterbeam (cantrip), Inspiring Melody (1st), Song of Confidence (2nd), Heroic Anthem (3rd), Revitalizing Hymn (4th), Legendary Ballad (5th).


I hope you enjoy it!



Alternate Bard by laserllama

An elderly man in a extravagant purple coat stepped out of the shadows into the middle of the giant lord's stronghold. With the eyes of all his foes on him, he began to play a masterful song ridiculing the frost giant lord.



Good work, looks like it turned out really damn well. The spells especially are really thematic and seem quite strong. If I was to make any suggestions it would be to give the fool vicious mockery for free, since it seems like it was part of the design of the subclass. You could even increase the damage die of the fools version to d8s or something to make it a little more satisfying to use.


Thanks! Originally vicious mockery was part of the Fool's subclass design, but I replaced it with Cutting Words - which works better in my opinion.


Looks good; I especially like the new spells. I eagerly await Alternate Bard: Expanded!


Thank you! I wouldn’t hold your breath for Alt Bard: Expanded. I really want to get the base class solidified before I add a massive expansion like that.

Crow's Parliament

A few questions: - Does this change the Warlord's Academy of Skalds at all since they use the Bard spell list? How do you feel about using a half-caster's spell list? - Why doesn't the Academy of Skalds use a specific spell list? - Is there a way of translating the Warden alt barbarian and Justicar Alt Rogue spell lists, to the style of Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight? i.e. two schools of magic from an existing spell list (Shaman or maybe Druid? and Paladin or maybe Cleric? respectively) Maybe Warden would be all Shaman spells like the Profane Soul Blood Hunter? - Why does Justicar Rogue use Warlock-style casting and not Eldritch Knight style casting, since it's supposed to be like a Paladin?


1. Up to you and your DM. 2. Because I thought the Bard spell list thematically captured a Skald. 3. That’d be up to you and your DM. I don’t really like that way of designing spell lists. 4. This was a thematic choice. I just thought it was cool and represented the “ruthless enforcer” archetype by having all your Spells at their highest level.