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Hey all, 

Back again with some tweaks to the Alternate Bard that I hope you'll all enjoy! 

Trying my best to carve out a truly unique identity for the class here without going down the PF2e route of "Bard Invocations" - doing that would require poaching the unique uses for Bardic Inspiration that come with all the subclasses.


Bardic Inspiration. If this is going to be the core resource of the Bard it needed to scale much harder. Now you have a number of uses equal to your Bard level + your Charisma modifier per long rest. Is this too many? I don't think so!

Folk Expertise. In an effort to preserve the identity of the Rogue, and encourage you to single-class Bard, you now gain a bonus to these skill checks equal to a roll of your Bardic Inspiration die. This type of feature was received very well with my other Alternate Martial classes (particularly in my Alt Fighter Archetypes).

Font of Inspiration. A new feature that gives you even more uses of Bardic Inspiration when you short rest.

Fool Tradition. Added vicious mockery back in here (it worked too well to keep it away!), and reworked their 5th-level feature.

Loremaster Tradition. Did away with the CHA mod free uses of Cutting Words. With the increased number of Bardic Inspiration uses their Folklore feature is going to carry a lot more weight.

As always, I'm interested to hear what you think! 




Jeff Potato

Countersong allowing you to expend multiple Inspiration dice gets pretty impressive when your pile of Inspiration dice is that big. Rolling multiple Inspiration dice together might get a little awkward if you're a Loremaster who gets to roll each Inspiration die twice, though. ...Also, a part of me feels like there should be some way for Skalds to get access to a slightly wider variety of attack cantrips, since Magical Secrets doesn't work on cantrips. But that's a personal taste thing; balance-wise I think the typical Skald is fine with Booming Blade and Glitterbeam for their Extra Attack business.


I feel like the fool level 5 ability conflicts too much with bardic inspiration. I would kinda merge the old trip up ability with their spellcasting, maybe like this: Once per turn when they damage someone with a bard spell or attack, the target takes an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage and you can force them to succeed on a dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. Would also be more versatile as prone isn't always ideal in every situation.