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Inspired by the flood of feedback I received for the first draft of my take on an Alternate Bard Class I've continued working on some things!



Jack of All Trades. I guess I underestimated how much people viewed this as part of the Bard's identity, so it has returned (along with two languages).

Magical Secrets. Everyone's favorite part of the Bard will be greatly expanded on! The level after you unlock a new level of spell you'll get two Magical Secrets of your choice from any class spell list! This is basically a "create your own subclass spell list" as a feature. For now, it is not locked to two spells per level.

Countersong. A new feature of my own creation (because who was playing a Bard and not grabbing counterspell as one of your Magical Secrets?) that allows you a weaker version of counterspell. I've removed the use of your Performance skill and instead went with Charisma modifier. 

Starting out, you've got an okay chance to counter 1st-level spells, and it gets harder from there, which I think is perfect for a potentially 6x per rest feature.

Magical Inspiration. One of the less inspired features from TCoE makes an appearance here, but it has been totally reworked.

Song of Restoration. An exploration-oriented feature that basically allows you to replicate the catnap spell for free. Interested to see what ya'll think of this.



I've included a sample Tradition here - the Fool! Hopefully, this gives you an idea of how I plan to buff/improve the other Bard subclasses as this moves ahead.



I've added a slightly modified Bard spell list and included a first draft of a few cantrips I'd like to rework: friends, true strike, and vicious mockery.


Let me know what you all think in the comments! As always, thanks for all the support as we continue to create awesome new content for D&D.




Jeff Potato

I feel like I'm missing something here. How do bards attack? I don't expect bards to be DPS machines, but being only half-casters, they can't rely wholly on their magic in a fight. The new abilities are really cool, especially Countersong, but it feels like bards give up more than they gain by becoming half-casters here.


Their "default every turn action" would be different depending on their Tradition (subclass) - think Artificer subclass. I haven't worked out a ton of them beyond thought experiments but: - Fool - probably cantrips/vicious mockery - Valor - weapon attack (melee or ranged). They may get Fighting Styles and will definitely get the Bladesigner version of Extra Attack. - Lore - Cantrips/magic. Maybe something special with Bardic Inspiration.


Magical Inspiration feels like pretty terrible value for spell slots. Also I feel like Bards should still have the option to apply Bardic inspiration pro-actively as a bonus action. This class (as well as a few of the subclasses) already have very busy reaction economy.


I plan to rework the subclasses so they have powerful spell-like abilities that require Bardic Inspiration - (Valor with Smites, etc). Thanks for the feedback!