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Hello everyone!

Let me start this letter with a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has (and continues) to support me. I don’t share a lot about my personal life here, but I do want everyone to know that your support has been a significant help to my family. I am still in awe of the amazing community that has grown up around the brews that I’ve created with your help!

As many of you know, we hit a pretty massive goal I had posted, and I’m going to start producing a Patreon-exclusive “one-shot” adventure every month. This represents a pretty significant increase in laserllama content - and in my workload. With that is going to come some adjustments to how my Patreon is set up.

Don’t worry, nobody is going to lose access to anything they were promised in their specific Patreon tier’s description. As of today, I have 494 pages of (in my opinion) professional content for 5e, so I need to be organized with how you all as my supporters access this.


Over the next few days, there will be some changes, the biggest being a migration of the Journeyman (and above) Google Drive for laserllama content. This will be re-shared with the email you have listed in your Patreon account. If you don’t have a Gmail account listed, I will be sending you a DM requesting a Gmail account to share the drive with.

I will also be adding a NEW Patreon tier (Adept) to account for the addition of one-shots. The new tier layout (and benefits) will be as follows:


$3 - Apprentice

Patron-exclusive content, Patron Posts, Discord Role


$5 - Journeyman

Patron-exclusive content, Patron Posts, Discord Role

Previews of WIP Content

Google Drive - PDFs of Classes, Subclasses, and Player Races

One-Shot of the Month


$10 - Adept

Patron-exclusive content, Patron Posts, Discord Role

Previews of WIP Content

Google Drive - PDFs of Classes, Subclasses, and Player Races

Google Drive - Catalog of all previous One-shots

Google Drive - Complete Classes (coming soon!)


$15 - Archmage

Patron-exclusive content, Patron Posts, Discord Role

Previews of WIP Content

Google Drive - PDFs of Classes, Subclasses, and Player Races

Google Drive - All previous One-shots

Google Drive - Complete Classes

Google Drive - Access to All previous Archmage Commissions

One-time Custom Subclass, Player Race, Magic Item, or Monster


Thanks again for all the support! If you have questions feel free to send me a DM.




What of the difference between the Drive for PDFs of Classes, Subclasses, and Player Races and the Drive for complete Class


Example: a "Complete Alternate Fighter" would be everything from both the "Alternate Fighter" and "Alternate Fighter: Expanded" in one black/white printer-friendly PDF