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Hey all, been working on a fairly large update for my Magus class! 

I feel like the class is moving toward a good spot, hopefully, this update gets it closer to the mark. Going to post this publically at some point tomorrow, but I wanted to make sure you all got to check it out first!

As always, let me know what you think!

  • Misc // Major Art & Formatting updates!
  • Arcane Armory // You can enchant sets of armor from 1st level. Granted specific benefits for weapon, shields, and suits of armor in your Arcane Armory. The enchantment is now explicitly vulnerable to dispel magic, etc.
  • Fighting Style // Added Archery, removed Classical Swordplay and Great Weapon Fighting (they may return in an eventual “Magus: ExpandeD
  • Spellcasting // Spellcasting Focus // You can now use your Arcane Armory weapons and shields to perform the somatic components of magus spells.
  • Spellcasting // Spellstrike // Now included under Spellcasting. Clarified concentration on spells. Moved disadvantage on saving throws vs Spellstrike spells back to 11th level.
  • Aegis // Restored the ability to reduce the damage of incoming spells as a reaction (1d8 +INT) and improve the reduction with your spell slots.
  • Arcane Strikes // Now imposes disadvantage on saving throws for Spellstrike spells.
  • Arcanists // Arcanist’s Armory moved up to 3rd level, removed the once per day limitation on Esoteric Recovery.
  • Arcane Archers // Changed Spellstrike ammunition so you can retrieve it to use it again if you miss with an attack. Clarified Ranged Transposition.
  • Arcane Archers // Elite Archer // Renamed (Rain of Arrows).
  • Blade Dancers // Fluid Steps // Renamed (Arcane Momentum).
  • Blade Dancers // Clarified Master of Blades.
  • Eclipse // Cloak of Shadows now takes an action to turn invisible and it ends early if you attack a creature or force a saving throw.
  • Eclipse // Cloud the Mind // Renamed (Mental Erasure). Clarified how this works.
  • Eclipse // From the Shadows // Renamed (Ambush Specialist). Now allows you to see through ALL magical darkness. Significant buffs for Hour of the Eclipse.
  • Scales // Draconic Companion // Streamlined/clarified how your Companion works. It now uses your spell attack modifier to hit for its Claw attack.
  • Scales // Wyrmsoul // New (ribbon) feature
  • Scales // Draconic Majesty // Grants you resistance to your Companion’s Essence type.
  • Scales // Grand Dragon Rider // Renamed (Awakened Potential). Now specifies that your Draconic Companion retains its Armor Class, hit points, and hit dice.
  • Sentinel // Aegis of the Guardian // Combined both 7th level features.
  • Sentinel // Bond Perfected // Grants adv on saves to end charm/fear.
  • Sentinel // High Sentinel // Also grants your Ward temp hit points.
  • Spell List // Removed contact other plane, hellish rebuke, inflict wounds, legend lore, locate creature, locate object, vampiric touch.
  • Magus Spells // NEW class-exclusive spells


The Magus Class by laserllama

As the cloaked swordsman made his way through the bustling marketplace his eyes flashed green for a moment. He could see the unmistakable aura of arcane magic surrounding the unassuming dwarf pretending to shop for wares. The warrior had found his target.


Crow's Parliament

If I may ask, what's the difference between the public and patreon versions of the magus, if any?


Nothing currently. I just post the update on Patreon a few days before it goes public.


Are you going to update the Crimson Knight ?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure it is compatible "as-is" with this update.


It is I was just curious since all the other subclasses are getting updated if that one was also going to be.


Did i read correctly that we might get a Magus: Expanded ? Because i absolute Love this Class and would be excited to See more of it :D


Would Aegis work against something like divine smite ?


You did! I don't know when, but it is something that I'm interested in eventually putting out.


I would rule yes. I think that would fall under a "magical ability". I could see a DM ruling otherwise though.