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Ok, this looks awesome, but I have some concerns. Can you tell me what the thesis of this class is? Right now Im seeing martial half-pact caster tank. Spirit Mantle, while exactly the feature I have longed to see for so very long (naruto kurama cloak hello), is...really, really really really powerful. Like, at 10th level, you can gain 55 hit points as a bonus action 5 times? My gut -without doing the math- says that feels like it makes you a better tank than the barbarian? It also makes you the ultimate SAD class, with AC, attack and damage, and spellcasting mod all keying from charisma. This is fine, its actually exactly how I'd love for a feature like this to work, but all of it together feel kinda strange. And at this point you can concentrate on a spell and you can't lose your mantle to failing its cha check. The end result just feel a little overtuned, especially the hp. I also don't particularly like the concentration requirement in the first place. All that says to me is that you can either use this, or use a concentration spell, but your AC is dependant on the cloak? I get this is balanced more as a martial class, so you could look at it as just another spell that you get to use an extra number of times, but if thats the case modifying your AC, and basing your class features around it (by 6th level you still can't concentrate on other spells while its active but your subclass feature requries the mantle be up) feels weird. If I could make a reccomendation, I'd say consider dropping the concentration requirement entirely, and possibly retune the HP. The Spore druid's Symbiotic entitity is a fairly similar feature, 4 temp hp per level, but it doesn't require concentration so you're still able to cast spells. The druid also has a d8 hit die and is a fullcaster though, so I do see the difference in context. This class having a d10 hit die might be a little much. I struggled with this with the incarnate, which has a similar limited use HP buffer. with a d10 hit die the incarnate would easily outshine the barb as a tank, which I didnt necessarily want. I settle on a d8 hit die, and the temp hp granted was set to twice the players incarnate level + some extra, which brought them up to *match* the barb, and it worked great. Here, the d10 means you're at most 20 hit points below a barb at level 20, and as SAD as the class is you can easily focus con if you wanted, then at level 20, you have 105 pocket hp that you can draw on who knows how many times at that point. And one of the sculpted form options gives you bps resistance! The flavor of this class feels like it meant to be more offensive than defensive, which adds to the disonance I'm feeling.


Other note, does iridescent strike always use CHA for the unarmed strike attack roll? Or is only the damage affected?