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Hello everyone, today I’m excited to post an update to my Alternate Artificer class! It is no secret that the process of bringing the Artificer to 5e was a bumpy road, and I, like many others, think the official class could’ve used some more time in the workshop.

The Alternate Artificer presented here is my take on what that Artificer class could have been. Major changes include: (1) standardizing the Artificer with other half-casters, (2) a greater emphasis on Infusions, (3) a reduced emphasis on “normal” spellcasting, and (4) moving your first subclass feature to 1st level.

As always, I’m open to any constructive criticism or feedback you may have!

Changelog v2.2.0 --- v2.3.0

  • General // Any mention of “any set of tools you are proficient with” has been replaced with tinker’s tools for clarity and ease of use.
  • Proficiencies // Removed thieves’ tools as a starting proficiency.
  • Infusions // The Infusion process now explicitly requires tinker’s tools.
  • Alchemist // Tools of the Trade // Allows you to know/cast acid splash.
  • Alchemist // Homunculus // Moved up to 1st level (from 3rd). Now it adds your PB to hit on its attack rolls. Attack is now Acidic Spittle that deals acid damage.
  • Alchemist // Alchemical Elixirs // Moved back to 3rd level (from 1st)
  • Alchemist // Master Alchemist // Now allows the creation of Elixirs as a bonus action.
  • Alchemist // Create Minor Elixir // Added caustic brew and color spray as options
  • Alchemist // Create Expert/Masterwork Elixir // Added Expert Elixirs (4th-level spells) and reworked Masterwork Elixirs to include 5th-level (and up) spells.
  • Armorer // Arcane Armor // Moved back to 3rd level
  • Armorer // Arcane Gauntlet // NEW 1st level feature. Allows the creation of a Lightning Launcher or Thunder Gauntlet at 1st level.
  • Armorer // Armorer Adept // Combined Extra Attack with this feature
  • Armorer // Modular Armor // Renamed.
  • Battle Smith // Steel Defender // Moved up to 1st level. Now it adds your PB to attack rolls on its Rend attacks.
  • Battle Smith // Battle Ready // Moved back to 3rd level.
  • Battle Smith // Infusion Bearer // NEW feature
  • Battle Smith // Greater Upgrade // Cut Restorative Touch, added Modular Construction.
  • Wandslinger // Arcane Sidearm // This is now a simple ranged weapon that uses INT.
  • Wandslinger // Quickdraw // NEW feature.
  • Wandslinger // Arcane Duelist // Renamed (Spellcraft Runes). You can use any of the three features as a bonus action on each of your turns. Renamed the features as well. Temp hit point feature (Wandslinger’s Ward) can now only target one creature.
  • Wandslinger // Spell Slinger // Renamed (Arcane Duelist). Allows an Arcane Sidearm attack as a bonus action when you cast a spell or use an Infusion.
  • Wandslinger // Expert Duelist // Renamed
  • Wandslinger // Master Wandslinger // Reworked (buffed).
  • Infusions // General // Infusion artificer level prerequisites and improvement levels now match the tiers of play (1st, 5th, 11th, and 17th level).
  • Infusions // Replicate Magic Item // Now open to any item of certain rarities (no lists).
  • Infusions // NEW // Minor/Greater/Masterwork Arcane Item
  • Infusions // Arm Launcher // Is now a ranged weapon attack.
  • Infusions // Infused Wand // Renamed (Arcane Firearm).
  • Infusions // Repulsion Gauntlets // Only work on Large or smaller creatures.
  • Infusions // Repulsion Shield // Now knocks the attacker prone. Includes a scaling magical bonus to the wielders Armor Class.
  • Infusions // Armor of Magical Strength // Includes scaling Armor Class bonus.
  • Infusions // Chameleon Armor // Includes scaling Armor Class bonus.
  • Infusions // Elemental Weapon // damage is now 1d6 (2d6 at 17th level).


Alternate Artificer by laserllama

A graying gnome hunched over his workbench, carefully adjusting the clockwork mechanism that would power his creation. Before him laid an automaton of intricate iron gears within a suit of plate armor, built to resemble a large gnome. As the tiny inventor affixed his signature mithril mustache to the face plate, a jolt of electric-blue magic flashed from the automaton.


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