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Hey all, been brainstorming some ideas for the Alternate Artificer over the past few days since it won the Patron Poll for the next update.

I wanted to preview a possible direction I am thinking about going with the Alt Artificer. This new system of Arcane Charges would allow you to create spellstoring items (along with other Infusions) on the fly.

(for example *Enhanced Defense* would cost 1 Arcane Charge).

What do people think?




I could be wrong here but wouldn't this artificer be weaker than the current alternative artificer? At the very least have less they can do. A current alternative would have 4 1st 2 2nd spell slots and 4 infusions known. A 5th level artificer with this would have 10 points, assuming the attunement changed, that would give them 4 1st 2 2nd level spells with 2 points remaining. Obviously I don't know the rest of your plans here so it could be better balanced all round


I still need to work out the exact numbers to make sure it isn't an overall nerf, but this would provide some extra flexibility as well. In this model, you could hold Arcane Charges to be used later in the day during short rests, etc.


The idea for spell storing items seems cool. I'd probably have them as a seperate resource/feature to infusions, it feels a bit strange having spellcasting basically being an optional feature.


It is definitely an unorthodox way to go, but I think Artificer would be the one to do it! I've also been tinkering with having "spellstoring items" be separate from Infusions.