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Hey all, been a little bit since I've posted a finished project so I wanted to give you all an update on what I've been working on!

The Alternate Rogue - The final (???) Alternate Martial Class that I've been working on is almost complete. I just need to finish some formatting and write all the fun flavor text that comes at the beginning of each class. Hopefully, you'll be seeing the finished project within the week! I'm excited to see what you all think.

"Next Update" Poll Results - The winner of this was the Alternate Artificer (by a pretty solid margin). This is a BIG class, and I have some big ideas for where I want it to go, so the update will probably take a little while before it goes live.

Right now, I'm playing with the idea of giving them a certain number of "Infusion Points" (sexier name coming soon) which would allow them to create various Infusions and Spell Storing Items, but I'd get rid of their traditional spellcasting...

Basically, an Alt Artificer could spend 2 "Infusion Points" to make a returning weapon, or they could spend 2 "Infusion Points" to put two Charges of magic missile in a wand. Just thoughts!



I personally feel that removing traditional spellcasting will change the artificer too much compared to RAW or your previous alt artificer concept.


If I'm understanding it correctly, these "Infusion Points" would work similarly to the Alternate Sorcerers Sorcery points. The Sorc spends points on both spells and metamagic, and this alternate artificer would use it on spells and infusions?

Ranger of Goth

I like the idea of removing traditional spellcasting from the Artificer. I think leaning in to the whole building items is a good idea. And yes you could flavor their spells as magical items, but I think having mechanics that reinforce that they are building magical items is a better design choice. IMHO the vanilla Artificer feels like it should just be a wizard subclass, which is a shame because core concept of the class is really cool.


I really enjoy what you've proposed here.