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Hey all, excited to post a major expansion for my Alternate Barbarian Class! Included here are the more explicitly magical/fantastical options for the Barbarian, so they are definitely not for games that prefer more “realistic” martial characters.

As always, I’m open to any constructive criticism and feedback ya’ll have!

Advanced Savage Exploits

Included here are 20 new Exploits for the Alternate Barbarian, with at least one for each degree. A lot of them are more “fantastical” in nature (*cunning instincts, subjugate beast*, etc). So make sure you check with your DM to make sure they fit the tone of your game!

Barbaric Feats

These Feats allow others to have some fun with Alternate Barbarian-like abilities, or buff your own Alternate Barbarian a little more once you max out your Strength!

Additional Primal Paths

The bulk of the document, most of these are conversions of the Primal Paths from my Barbarian Compendium which is designed to work with the Barbarian as presented in the Player’s Handbook.

  • Path of the Deep. This is your Eldritch Seamonster Barbarian, loosely based on the random Runeterra compendium that DND Beyond released and then immediately took down.
  • Path of the Favored. The winner of my Patreon Poll to decide on which new subclass should get added, play a Barbarian reminiscent of the heroes of myth and legend!
  • Path of the Inferno. Rage with the power of the Abyss! Or, reflavor this as a vampire, symbiote, or any other transformational monster.
  • Path of the Lycan. Part of my effort to bring the Blood Hunter in-line with traditional 5e mechanics, this is meant to be a port of the Order of the Lycan (and is slightly redundant with the official Path of the Beast).
  • Path of the Mutant. Another adapted Blood Hunter subclass (Order of the Mutant), play as a mad scientist that augments their body through Rage.
  • Path of the Reaver. What if your Rage was pure battle-focus in place of anger? Play as a more martial Barbarian with access to Exploits from the Alternate Fighter.
  • Path of the Titan. Designed by me almost three years before the latest Giant Barbarian UA, channel the Rage of your gigantic ancestors!
  • Path of the Warden. As the Arcane Trickster is to Rogue, the Warden is to Barbarian. Channel the power of nature spirits with 1/4 warlock-style nature magic!
  • Path of the Beauty. Support me on Patreon for this subclass that is definitely not just a magical anime girl Barbarian subclass… I promise…


Alternate Barbarian: Expanded by laserllama

In 5e, the barbarian, while mechanically balanced, can lack interesting decisions in combat. For some, this is okay, but for players that would enjoy a more tactical experience, the Alternate Barbarian strives to capture the fantasy of playing a barbarian without reducing it to simplistic features.


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