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Hey all, excited to share an update for my Alternate Barbarian class! For those that are unfamiliar with the project, the goal is to give the Barbarian more decisions to make in combat without radically increasing the power of the class (at least until around 11th level).

As always, I’m open to any constructive feedback you may have!

v1.2.0 Major Changes

Balance at 5th-level and Below. The Barbarian class as presented in the *Player’s Handbook* is balanced, but there aren’t many reasons to play one past 5th level. The previous version buffed the lower levels of the Barbarian a bit too much, so I’ve rebalanced a few things. (1) I’ve moved *Reckless Attack* back to 5th level and replaced it with the Initiative Bonus from *Danger Sense*. (2) I’ve added Savage Exploits, the barbaric counterpart to the Martial Exploits of my Alternate Fighter.

Indomitable Might. I buffed this a little too much (even for high-level play), so it's been reverted back to the standard version.

Path of the Brute. This one got a little too strong with access to Exploits on top of all its other goodies. I’ve brought it back down to earth in this version.

Tasha’s Primal Paths. With this update I’ve added the Barbarian Subclasses from *TCoE*, the Path of the Beast, and the Path of Wild Magic - I’ve also expanded the Wild Magic table!

Like What You See?

Be on the lookout for the Alternate Barbarian: Expanded coming later this week!


  • Danger Sense // Added back in - moved initiative boost down from 7th.
  • Reckless Attack // Moved back to 5th level
  • Feral Senses // Moved initiative boosts up to 2nd level.
  • Persistent Rage // Reduced Rage duration from indefinite to 1 hour.
  • Indomitable Might // Reverted back to the PHB version.
  • Berserker // Intimidating Presence // Limited to CON mod per long rest.
  • Brute // Unarmed & Dangerous // Damage dice bumped back down to 1d4 (1d6), you can only grapple as part of an unarmed strike once per turn.
  • Brute // Iron Grip // Damage dice bumped down to 1d6 (1d8).
  • Brute // Brutish Determination // Bonus bumped down to 1d4, not it only applies to STR, DEX, CON, and death saving throws. Your unarmed strike dice become 1d8 (1d10).
  • Exploits // Brace Up // Reduced temp hit points to 1 + your Exploit Die
  • Exploits // Aggressive Strike // Removed the Exploit Die damage, must be a melee attack.
  • Zealot // Rage Beyond Death // Changed to work with new Rage features.
  • Alternate Primal Paths // Added the Paths of the Beast and Wild Magic from TCoE.


Alternate Barbarian by laserllama

The massive half-orc let out a blood- curdling battle cry as he leaped from the roof onto the back of the gargantuan blue dragon. As the great foe flew into the sky, he gripped the dragon's spines with a near-supernatural level of strength.


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