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Here it is! I'd love to know what you all think about the balance.

Alternate Barbarian v0.5.0

  • Rage // Added advantage on Constitution checks while Raging.
  • Rage // Your Rage doesn’t end if you Dash your full speed toward a hostile creature.
  • Rage // Now includes melee and thrown weapon attacks.
  • Rage // Bonus damage equal to d4 (increases by Exploit Die) instead of static bonus so as to synergies better with Improved Critical feature.
  • Rage // Lowered the amount of Rages per day, now you recover Rage on a short rest.
  • Unarmored Defense // Now 10 + STR + CON
  • Danger Sense // Combined with Feral Instinct at 7th level.
  • Savage Exploits // NEW 2nd level feature.
  • Fast Movement // Cut (you can always Dash)
  • Primal Path // Path Exploits // NEW subclass features
  • Feral Instincts // Added the benefits of Danger Sense and some Rage buffs
  • Brutal Critical // Removed
  • Improved Critical // NEW 9th level feature. Increases your Critical Hit Range at 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. Synergies better with the new Rage damage bonus.
  • Controlled Rage // NEW 9th level feature. Allows easier out of combat Rage use.
  • Critical Strike // NEW 6th level feature.
  • Relentless Rage // No saving throw, you just end your Rage. Also +CON mod to your mental saving throws while you are Raging.
  • Indomitable Might // Now effects your d20 roll instead of the total.
  • Berserker // Berserker Exploits // NEW feature!
  • Berserker // Frenzy // Now called Frenzied Rage, exhaustion isn’t automatic, you get to make a CON save which goes up each time you use the feature.
  • Berserker // Mindless Rage // Now allows you to ignore exhaustion in Frenzied Rage
  • Berserker // Intimidating Presence // Can use *menacing shout* without an Exploit Die
  • Berserker // Primal Restoration // NEW feature!
  • Berserker // Retaliation // Now called Furious Retaliation, range is now your reach.
  • Champion // NEW subclass based on the Martial Archetype for the Fighter
  • Totem Warrior // Totemic Spirit (Bear) // Resist all damage but force and psychic
  • Totem Warrior // Totemic Aspect (Bear) // Can grapple bigger targets
  • Totem Warrior // Totemic Aspect (Eagle) // Adv on sight based Perception checks
  • Totem Warrior // Totemic Aspect (Wolf) // Adv on Survival checks to track injured
  • Totem Warrior // Totemic Attunement (Bear) // Taunt works like the Armorer now
  • Totem Warrior // Totemic Attunement (Wolf) // Scales with your size now




What happens to your exploit die if you're multiclassing with the alt. fighter? Do they stack or have some math like spell slots?


Yeah it will be similar to how multiclassing with spell slots. I’ve still gotta work that up.


A few things I noticed: -I think Bonebreaker needs to be moved to the 2nd degree exploits because it has a 5th level prerequisite -For crushing grip, when you're grappling a creature its speed is already 0 so I don't think that part needs to be in the text for the exploit -For Greater Hurl, I noticed that it says I can only throw the creature into an unoccupied space. Why can't I yeet an enemy at another enemy?


Thanks for checking it out! For Bonebreaker, I ended up moving it up to 1st-degree at the last minute and forgot to update the prerequisites. Good call on Crushing Grip. I considered adding another higher level Exploit that allows you to restrain with grapples. I wanted to do that with Greater Hurl, but I figured I’d test out this simpler version first. If you toss them into a creature I’d probably have it mimic the effects of Hurl.