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Hey all, after publicly releasing my 2.0.0 version of my Warlord class last week I got a ton of great feedback (and even a little bit of play-testing)! For the 2.1.0 update here, I've done my best to streamline things. The detailed changelog is below, but here are the big changes that summarize everything:

Academies of War. The newly renamed Warlord subclasses now come online at 1st level and also determine the ability score you'll use as your Leadership ability: Intelligence (Schemes, Tactics), Wisdom (Ferocity), and Charisma (Chivalry, Skalds). Each Academy also has five Tactical Exploits you automatically learn - two 1st-degree at 2nd level, two 2nd-degree at 5th level, and one 3rd-degree at 9th level.

Your choice of Leadership ability (and the class features that went along with that choice) have all been rolled into various subclass features.

Exploits, Orders, and Order Range: To simplify the Exploit system, Orders are no longer a particular subtype of Exploit, and their unique rules have been rolled into each Order's description. Order Range has been removed - all Exploits now have a 30-foot range until you hit 11th level where it becomes 60 feet.

Additional Exploits: I've also added a few new Exploits: lightstep, support order, wild charge, and daring rescue!

As always, let me know what you think!

Changelog v2.0.0 --> 2.1.0

  • Leadership Style // This (and Exemplary Leadership at 11th, and Warlord of Legend at 20th) have been cut. Features worked into various subclasses.
  • Academy of War // Renamed from “College of War”. Moved up to 1st level, and it determines your Leadership modifier. Granting subclass proficiencies is cleaner.
  • Inspiring Word // Now costs an action to use. You can no longer use this on allies who are at 0 hit points. Improves to a bonus action and 60-foot range at 11th level.
  • Fighting Styles // Brought back Dual Wielding (added TCoE Fighting Style blurb).
  • Tactical Exploits // Orders are no longer their “own thing”, they are Exploits now.
  • Tactical Exploits // Order Range // All Exploits now have a range of 30 feet.
  • Tactical Exploits // Signature Exploits // Now you get two at 1st-degree Exploits, two 2nd-degree Exploits, and one 3rd-degree Exploits (in line with Alt Fighter).
  • Extra Attack // Removed language on Orders - included in Order descriptions.
  • Rallying Word // Improves to a 60-foot range at 11th level.
  • Rested and Ready // Returning feature at 9th level
  • Unwavering Will // Moved up to 10th level
  • Steadfast Leadership // NEW 11th level feature.
  • Warlord of Legend // Combined a few of the old Leadership Style-based features.
  • Chivalry // Honorable Bearing // NEW feature
  • Chivalry // Paragon of Chivalry // Reworked
  • Ferocity // Primal Instinct // NEW feature
  • Ferocity // Thrill of the Hunt // Free once per short/long rest
  • Ferocity // Savage Ambush // Reworked
  • Ferocity // Hunter’s Frenzy // Now grants temp hit points equal to your level.
  • Ferocity // Apex Predatory // Range increased to match Savage Ambush
  • Schemes // Deceitful Bearing // NEW feature
  • Schemes // Ruthless Focus // Renamed 6th level feature. Moved up Cheap Shot removing the target’s ability to take reactions
  • Schemes // Devious Tactics // Moved bonus actions here and reaction parry.
  • Skalds // Warrior Poet // NEW feature
  • Skalds // Soothing Performance // Grands advantage on Hit Die rolls and gives the ability to regain expended spell slots for double the number of Hit Dice.
  • Skalds // Skald of Legend // Now grants temp hit points to Exploit targets.
  • Tactics // Tactical Mind // NEW feature
  • Tactics // Calculated Preparations // Now you just swap out one Exploit at the end of each short or long rest (as opposed to being an “Exploits Prepared” subclass).
  • Tactics // Tactical Mastermind // Cut. Added a blurb explaining that Secret Gambit should be equivalent in power to a Cleric’s Divine Intervention or a 9th-level spell.
  • Exploits // Orders // All “Order Exploits” now include the range and rules of Orders.
  • Exploits // 1st-degree // Added Lightstep (Alt Fighter) and Support Order (NEW)
  • Exploits // 2nd-degree // Added Wild Charge (NEW)
  • Exploits // 3rd-degree // Added Daring Rescue (NEW), adjusted Warlord’s Gambit
  • Exploits // 4th-degree // Victory Surge (reworked)
  • Exploits // 5th-degree // Final Strike (reworked)


The Warlord Class by laserllama

As the aging man struggled to keep up with his companions, he started to regret his decision to join the young adventurers. His days of glory had long since passed, but hearing the poorly devised plan of the aspiring heroes had awoken something inside him that he had thought was gone forever.



Hi! I want to submit a few corrections. The Menacing Shot Exploit references an Order Range, which doesn't exist. Should War Cry read "...issue a mighty war cry, forcing any creatures..." instead of "...issue a mighty war cry, forcing any creature..."? I'm asking because this effect uses a cone instead of a range, so I think it is intended to affect a group of creatures. Daring Rescue reads "...and attempt to save It.", which should be "...and attempt to save it." I hope this is helpful, I love your work! I'll let you know if I spot anything else :)


Here's one from the Dreadlord subclass: Dread Bearing states "...you can treat a roll of 8 or lower as a 7", which is the wrong way around.


The final strike exploit has an error: "Creatures of your choice within 30 feet that can see or hear you equal to your Leadership modifier within 30 feet can immediately...". The second "within 30 feet" shouldn't be there.