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Hey all, excited to be sharing a pretty significant update for my Alternate Fighter class! After incorporating feedback from this subreddit, Patreon, my Discord, play-testers, and my own players, I think I've come up with a pretty awesome update!

CHANGE LOGS: v2.0.1 - v2.1.0

Alternate Fighter v2.1.0

  • Formatting // Pretty Art & Formatting Updates!
  • Multiclassing // Added a blurb about multiclassing with Exploit Dice.
  • Fighting Styles // Classical Swordplay // Reduced to a +1 to hit.
  • Martial Exploits // Exploit Dice now start as d6s. Clarified that you can only use one Exploit per attack/ability check/saving throw.
  • Warrior Archetypes // Added a list of Archetype Exploits each Archetype learns for free at 3rd, 5th, and 9th levels. Removed all Archetype exclusive Exploits.
  • Indomitable // Specified that it can only be used once per saving throw.
  • Arcane Knight // Spellcasting // Corrected the starting number of Spells Known (3)
  • Champion // Mighty Warrior // Feat of Strength became an Archetype Exploit.
  • Champion // Remarkable Athlete // Removed the bit about jumping (became an Exploit - Mighty Leap).
  • Champion // Paragon of Might // Dropped the bonus d6, instead gave them Reliable Talent but only for Strength checks and saving throws.
  • Commander // Orders // NEW 3rd level feature that lets you Order at-will.
  • Commander // Rallying Cry & Strategic Command // Reworked and combined at 7th level.
  • Commander // Inspiring Commands // Now grants temporary hit points.
  • Marksman // Marksman’s Focus // Renamed from Steady Aim.
  • Marksman // Legendary Marksman // Renamed from Deadeye.
  • Master at Arms // Fluid Stances // Renamed from Adaptable Combatant.
  • Master at Arms // Master of Forms // Adjusted for changes to the base class.
  • Exploits // Broken down by degrees. Added level and minimum ability scores prerequisites. Basically reworked all of them. Check them out!

Alternate Fighter: Expanded v2.1.0

  • Format - Split into multiple sections, added an intro.
  • Fighting Style // Added Mountaineer, Standard Bearer, Strongbow.
  • New Martial Feats // Martial Training, Masterful Technique
  • New Martial Exploits // A ton of new options by degree!
  • Alternate Archetypes // Added Archetype Exploits for the Arcane Archer, Cavalier, Echo Knight, Rune Knight, and Samurai
  • Archetype Exploits // Added for all of the additional Archetypes and removed the Archetype exclusive Exploits.
  • New Archetypes // Crusader, Master of Hounds, and Mystic Warrior
  • Witch Knight // Renamed from Pact Warrior


Alternate Fighter by laserllama

The young guard quietly slipped past his comrades out the back door of the armory where the townsfolk were hiding. A bandit gang had come upon their village suddenly that morning, and their leader had issued a challenge. If a warrior from the town could best him in single combat, his gang of bandits would leave peacefully.



I have a question in regards to Master-At-Arms' # of exploit dice, I noticed they don't gain any additional over the base class, though the size increases, and it would take a Master-At-Arms until level 8 to equal a Battlemaster Fighter's Four exploit dice and level 3. Is this intentional?


Yes. Their ability to use an Exploit for free each turn (using a d6) is meant to replace the next Die size increase. They aren’t a direct conversion of the Battle Master from the PHB. In place of more Exploits they get the ability so switch Fighting Styles. Maybe they could get an extra Exploit Die or two…

Jeff Potato

Can a level 18 Quartermaster eat and benefit from a Ration normally in addition to their continual Ration effect? It seems like the general intent is that a given creature can't have more than one Ration effect going on at once, but I'm not sure if that includes the permanent one.