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Bounty Hunter (Update). My take on the “urban ranger” that has always seemed like a popular homebrew. The Bounty Hunter specializes in hunting and disabling humanoids by making use of Maneuvers from the Battle Master fighter Archetype.

Buccaneer (NEW). Who doesn’t like pirates (sorry privateers)? This is a ranger who hails from the high seas and thrives on the deck of a ship, and as they grow in level they are able to channel more and more watery magic of the high seas.

Druidic Guardian (NEW). Everyone knows the Druid is the half-caster counterpart to the Druid, but what if they were able to wield some of the Druid’s more potent magic? With Limited Wild Shape, now your wondering is over!

Dunestrider (NEW). Why yes I did just finish reading Dune, why do you ask? This is a Ranger who specializes in surviving in wasteland environments. While most iconically they are from deserts or tundra, they can use their knack with illusion magic to survive in any environment.

Grim Warden (Update). Part of my attempt to bring the Blood Hunter class into the fold of official classes, the Grim Warden brings the themes and features of the base Blood Hunter into a Ranger Archetype. Any fans of the Witcher?

Nomad (Update). Recycling the old UA Mystic class and I stumbled on an interesting Archetype, the Nomad! Access the strange hivemind known as the Noosphere and teleport across the battlefield with this psionic adjacent Ranger Archetype!

Spellbreaker (Update). Above all, Rangers are hunters, so why don’t they have a subclass that specializes in hunting spellcasters? Some small updates for what I think is one of the biggest Archetypes missing in official 5e content.

Stargazer (Update). I’ve had this concept for a while, but the Circle of the Stars Druid from *TCoE* kinda stole my thunder. Going in a different direction with this Archetype and allowing Rangers to slightly change their play style each long rest.

Wrangler (Update). While the Beast Master has one loyal pet, the Wrangler can go out and find their own (wild and wacky) pet on adventures. For the players that just can’t help but adopt every horrible monstrosity they come across.

Alternate Options (NEW). For those of you familiar with my Alternate Ranger, here are some of the quality of life features I’ve come up with to help out both the Beast Master and Hunter Archetypes from the *Player’s Handbook*.


Ranger Archetypes by laserllama

The following Ranger Archetypes are available to a ranger along with those in the Player's Handbook: Bounty Hunter, Buccaneer, Druidic Guardian, Dunestrider, Grim Warden, Nomad, Spellbreaker, Stargazer, and Wrangler. Also included in this compendium are Alternate options for the Beast Master's Primal Companions and the Hunter. Bounty Hunters protect humanoids from their own.


Crow's Parliament

Would it be too powerful to give the Bounty Hunter prepared spells like the others? What about using some of the existing Battle Master maneuvers instead of exploit reskins? And why doesn't this version get to force disadvantage once per round like the one in the expanded alternate ranger?


I feel like the Buccaneers Sea Legs ability is redundant if the player chooses Deft Explorer, since the get a climbing and swim speed at 6th level. I guess they could go with Natural Explorer, but it’s kind of useless in an aquatic environment