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Hey all, got a big update for the Magus class - including four new Esoteric Orders and a new Patron Exclusive Order - the vampiric Order of Crimson Knights! I've also added in all of the non SRD spells (which is cool since this is out there for FREE!)

Let me know what you think in the comments, always looking for feedback!

Order of Arcane Archers. Use your Arcane Armory and Spellstrike from afar with ranged attacks. A replacement for the lackluster Arcane Archer for the Fighter.

Order of Blade Dancers. Do you like the Bladesinger Wizard? (I don't, wizards don't need to also be good in melee...) Then this is the subclass for you! Enter into your Blade Dance for increased benefits (not unlike the Bladesinger) and slay your foes!

Order of the Eclipse. An Order focused on subterfuge, darkness, and illusion magic. Not a ton of combat buffs, but more things to set you up to get the jump on enemies.

Order of Scales. Want to play as a Dragon Rider?! Now you can (at 14th level).

Order of Crimson Knights. Want to play as a vampire but don't want to be a squishy caster that has to hide from their enemies? This is the Order for you (are you evil?)


  • Arcane Armory // Increased the number of objects by 1 at each stage. You can add shields starting at 1st level, and suits of armor at 5th level.
  • Spellstrike // Specifies that spells must require a single attack roll, and creatures still have an opportunity to make their saving throw at disadvantage.
  • Aegis // Reworked, now costs a spell slot at all levels but includes magical effects.
  • Spell List // Corrected spells compatible with Spellstrike
  • Spell List // 1st-level // Added - absorb elements, armor of agathys, chromatic orb, earth tremor, ice knife, ray of sickness, caustic brew, witch bolt, zephyr strike. Removed - detect evil and good
  • Spell List // 2nd-level // Added - arcane scorcher, earthbind, snowball swarm
  • Spell List // 3rd-level // Added - elemental weapon, erupting earth, slow, thunder step, wall of sand, wall of water
  • Spell List // 4th-level // Added - elemental bane, sickening radiance, vitriolic sphere, watery sphere
  • Spell List // 5th-level // Added - far step, immolation, steel wind strike
  • Order of Arcanists // Arcanist Spells // Replaced disguise self with identify, tongues with tiny servant, and seeming with scrying
  • Order of Arcane Archers // NEW Esoteric Order!
  • Order of Blade Dancers // NEW Esoteric Order!
  • Order of the Eclipse // NEW Esoteric Order!
  • Order of Scales // NEW Esoteric Order!
  • Order of Sentinels // Sentinel Spells // Replaced alarm with compelled duel, glyph of warding with protection from energy, guardian of faith with death ward, and telepathic bond with circle of power
  • Order of Sentinels // Loyal Defender // Now only grants the Magi temp hit points.
  • Order of Spellbreakers // Spellbreaker Spells // replaced hunter’s mark with detect evil and good, moonbeam with blindness/deafness, nondetection with magic circle, compulsion with confusion, blight with banishment, mislead with dispel evil and good, contagion with planar binding
  • Order of Spellbreakers // Mantle of Protection // Reduced bonus to 1d4 (1d6).
  • Order of Spellbreakers // Arcane Reflection // Clarified that you cast the spell.


The Magus Class by laserllama

As the cloaked swordsman made his way through the bustling marketplace his eyes flashed green for a moment. He could see the unmistakable aura of arcane magic surrounding the unassuming dwarf pretending to shop for wares. The warrior had found his target.



A quick editing note on the Crimson Knight poison resist, the clarified wording from Mordenkainens Monsters of the Multiverse is "You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the poisoned condition on yourself."


Good call! I haven’t gotten the chance to read MotM (or Fizbans) yet unfortunately. Been meaning to pick those up when I get some spare time/money!

Jeff Potato

I would actually really like to see a Hexblade subclass for the Magus. As an arcane half-caster, it would definitely fit the theme of the original 3e Hexblade a lot better than the warlock subclass, and I think there's room for some interesting curse-related abilities. (Of course, you could and probably would want to call it something else. Order of the Evil Eye?)


That is an interesting way to go! Maybe they get access to certain Warlock spells to enhance the Hex flavor. The actual question is would you want them to be similar to the Hexblade thematically or mechanically? Because I'm not a huge fan of its mechanics. Thematically it is awesome though.