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Here is my take on the ever-popular Magus (or Spellsword, Arcane Knight, etc). I’ve designed the Magus to be the Intelligence-based Arcane counterpart to the Paladin and Ranger. *(I personally think the Artificer is in a category of its own and there is room for a warrior Intelligence-based half-caster).

Magi are those that combine spell and sword, never quite mastering either, but becoming a formidable warrior in their own way. Examples of what I would consider Magi from popular fiction: Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher), Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), and Cloud (Final Fantasy).

The Magus Class

**Class Features.** Pretty typical stuff for a half-caster class. 1d10 hit die, all weapons, all armor except for heavy. CON and INT saving throws (one “good” and one “bad”). Two skills from a thematic list.

**Arcane Armory.** One of the signature abilities of a magic swordsman, the ability to summon your weapon to you! As you gain levels, you can mark and summon more weapons, eventually doing a full “suit-up” a la *Iron Man* as a bonus action. As you gain levels this ability becomes more important for your other features.

**Spellsight.** The equivalent of the Paladin’s *Divine Sense*, *Spellsight* allows you to detect magic and sense other spellcasters.

**Fighting Style.** Most of the standard ones, and a few of my own creation. *Arcane Warrior* is the obvious counterpart to *Druidic & Blessed Warrior*.

**Spellcasting.** Again, pretty standard half-caster stuff here. Intelligence-based, Spells Known, no cantrips. The only difference is you can use weapons in your Arcane Armory as spellcasting foci.

**Spellstrike.** THE signature ability of any arcane warrior, the ability to imbue your weapons with spells. It takes a bonus action, and unlike a paladin you are able to deliver spells with effects. Not as much damage potential as a paladin since you can’t wait until a crit to do it.

**Esoteric Order.** Your subclass. You get features at the same levels Paladin subclasses do. You also get a list of thematic subclass spells that can be swapped out in a similar fashion to the *TCoE* Sorcererous Origins.

**Ability Score Improvement & Extra Attack.** Standard

**Aegis.** The ability to reduce incoming spell damage as a reaction, similar to the Monk’s ability to deflect projectiles. You can spend your limited spell slots to reduce the damage further, and if you reduce the spell to 0 damage you dispel it for all targets.

**Spellsunder.** Cut through magic, fairly straightforward.

**Arcane Strikes.** Imbue all of your attacks with the damage type of one of your Spells Known.

**Greater Aegis.** Regain a spell slot if you dispel an incoming spell.

**Greater Spellsunder.** Your strikes carry the effect of *disintegrate*.

**Magus Spell List.** Pretty straightforward list from the SRD. Mostly wizard spells.


**Order of Arcanists.** This Order lets you lean a little more into the spellcasting side of the Magus. You get a lot of the ribbon and out of combat abilities of a wizard (ritual casting, a more flexible spell list, etc).

**Order of Sentinels.** A defensively focused archetype that revolves around protecting your *Ward*. You get access to a ton of abjuration spells and improvements to your Aegis.

**Order of Spellbreakers.** This is your classic mage-hunter archetype that doesn’t really exist in (well) in 5e. You get improvements to your *Spellsight* that allow you to mark one target and really go after them.

But What About _____ ?!

**Bladesingers, Hexblades, and Eldritch Knights?!** I think if you are going to play a streamlined, *Player’s Handbook* only game, the Eldritch Knight does an okay job of filling this archetype. The Bladesinger (when played optimally) is just a very tanky wizard, and the Hexblade ~~should never have been published~~ is very limited in flavor.


The Magus Class by laserllama

As the cloaked swordsman made his way through the bustling marketplace his eyes flashed green for a moment. He could see the unmistakable aura of arcane magic surrounding the unassuming dwarf pretending to shop for wares. The warrior had found his target.



Hah, totally agree that the hexblade shouldn't have been published - at least with how they established the warlock.


The part where one can use Charisma for attack and damage rolls of Hex Warrior Feature of the Hexblade should have always been part of the Pact of the Blade