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Hey all, excited to be sharing a rather large update to my compendium of Martial Archetypes for the Fighter class! I’ve always thought the Fighter had a ton of room for interesting non-magical subclasses, so I’ve tried to fill that void here. I’ve also included 14 new Fighting Styles to choose from. Unfortunately, the Fighting Styles in the PHB are so general and powerful that it is hard to come up with additional compelling Fighting Styles, but here we are!

As always, I’m open to any constructive criticism/feedback you may have - especially on any of the new Archetypes and Fighting Styles!

Martial Archetypes

**Commander (NEW).** Originally, this Archetype started as an update to the Purple Dragon Knight (Banneret) from the *SCAG*, but it has since evolved into its own thing. The subclass focuses around issuing *Orders* to your allies in combat, essentially forgoing one of your attacks to buff your allies. Orders are limited based on your Charisma mod, which probably isn’t too high for most Fighters.

**Crusader (NEW).** Another new Archetype, the Crusader is a non-magic religious subclass for the Fighter. Similar to the Ranger/Scout Rogue relationship, there is definitely some thematic overlap here. This subclass revolves around your *Crusader’s Ire* feature, essentially marking one creature as your foe.

**Guardian.** My take on a missing non-magical Archetype for the fighter; the defender! Pretty basic; lay down a defensive zone, attack with your shield, defend allies within your zone.

**Guerrilla.** Formerly known as the Commando, this Archetype focuses on flexibility over raw power. They gain access to Battle Master Maneuvers (though their Superiority Dice are smaller and they get less), but they can swap one out over each long rest. They eventually gain a flexibly Fighting Style as well.

**Marksman.** Another missing non-magical Archetype for the fighter; the archer! Grant yourself bonuses to DEX feats, and *Take Aim* to rain down deadly fire on your foes. This one borrows a lot from various unofficial Gunslingers and Sharpshooters to make for a setting agnostic Marksman that can use bows, crossbows, guns, or laser rifles!

**Master of Hounds (NEW).** Taking man’s best friend to a whole new level! Based (loosely) on the revised Beast Master Ranger Archetype from *TCoE*, the Master of Hounds fights alongside a Loyal Hound. Your Hound specializes in locking down a single target and taking hits for you. Unlike other “pet subclasses” (Battle Smith, Beast Master), your Hound makes death saves like a player - helps to keep the non-magical aspect of the subclass!

**Pact Warrior.** Inspired by the Order of the Profane Soul Blood Hunter, the Pact Warrior is the equivalent of a Warlock Eldritch Knight… with some more nefarious abilities.

**Quartermaster.** My personal favorite Archetype, the Quartermaster is a non-magical support based fighter. Play as a monster chef, battle alchemist, or team mom!

**Swordsage (NEW).** When I first read over the Blademaster subclass for the Wizard, I thought “why doesn’t the Fighter have something like this?”. They gain access to a Battle Trance and limited Battle Master Maneuvers/Superiority Dice. Though, most of their Superiority Dice are going to be used to enter their Battle Trance. I could see dropping the Superiority Dice completely and just making Battle Trance once per rest. Open to feedback!

**Tinker Knight.** My strangest Archetype returns! Based on the Rune Knight fighter from *TCoE*, the Tinker Knight is an inventive fighter for someone that doesn’t want to deal with all the complications that come with an Artificer.

Fighting Styles

Like I said above, the official Fighting Styles don’t leave a lot of room for creating more unique Fighting Styles since the PHB versions are so general/strong. I think it would’ve been much cooler if Fighting Styles were more analogous to Warlock’s Pact Boons, but that’d be a big change. I’m definitely open to feedback on these!

**Berserkergang.** Barbarian-lite!

**Classical Swordplay.** For those that want to play a duelist without needing a shield.

**Dual Wielding.** My attempt to bring Dual Wielding up to par with heavy weapons.

**Featherweight Fighting.** For those who specialize in light weapons (daggers, etc).

**Heavyweight Fighting.** For bruisers who want to push other around.

**Improvised Fighting.** I’ve always thought improvised weapons were an underutilized aspect of 5e, so here’s a fighting style for all the scalawags out there.

**Mariner.** An updated (and hopefully more balanced) take on the old UA Fighting Style.

**Melee Marksman.** Another update on an old UA Fighting Style, this time its Close-Quarter’s Shooter.

**Mounted Warrior.** For all my Rohirrim out there who like to fight on horseback.

**Pit Fighting.** A Fighting Style that fixes the issues with tridents and nets (hopefully) making them a viable option for gladiators everywhere.

**Shield Warrior.** (Finally) a way to play as Captain America or Braum. Bash your way to victory.

**Strongbow.** A niche way for Strength-based fighters to have decent ranged options.

**Versatile Fighting.** This is a big one that I feel is missing. Not sure if I’ve worked it out to be balanced, but I feel like this is a much-needed Fighting Style.

**Wrester.** For all those who want to focus on grappling.


Fighter Archetypes & Fighting Styles by laserllama

At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype feature. The following options are available to the fighter, in addition to those in the Players Handbook: Commander, Crusader, Guardian, Guerrilla, Marksman, Master of Hounds, Pact Warrior, Quartermaster, Swordsage, and Tinker Knight.



This is very delayed but I've been loving these subclasses- the Commander especially fills a perfect niche for a battlefield leader type character I've been wanting to play, but without leaning too heavily into pure support since I wanted her to be able to knock some blows out herself. I just had one thought- I feel like some of the Order options might be a little weak compared to what you might be able to get from the Battle Master. This is mostly me comparing Attack Order and Commander's Strike- not only does Commander's Strike let your target attack effectively on your turn as a Reaction (though this reaction could be spent earlier in the round), but you can add the expended superiority die's roll to the damage of the attack. As the commander progresses they do get more opportunities to issue orders than a battle master might get to use Maneuvers, especially with the regaining Orders with a Second Wind use (which is a fantastic feature by the way- using base class features so creatively is brilliant and definitely makes the subclass and fighter's identities blend way better), but I do wonder if it might be worth adding a very minor buff for this option, even if it doesn't scale? The same might go for the Inspiring Order option- compared with the Rally maneuver being only a bonus action rather than replacing a whole attack to give temp HP (though the HP granted is much less consistent with Rally). Otherwise this feels brilliant- I'm also loving the Warlord and Savant at the moment. So many homebrew classes feel like they're not withdrawn enough from others in 5e, but you're doing an amazing job at filling niches and blank spots in the game I never would have thought of. Best homebrew on the market!


Thank you so much! The Commander subclass was a "first draft", so I was a little conservative with the power of the Orders. They'll most likely be getting a buff in the next update. Glad that you enjoy the Warlord and Savant, I'm a fan of non-magical characters. I feel like those options haven't been explored enough in 5e!