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Hey all, back with a big update for my Fighter Martial Archetypes. These are all for the base PHB fighter (don't worry, they'll all be coming to the Alternate Fighter soon).

Always open to feedback!

New Archetypes: Commander, Crusader, Master of Hounds, Swordsage

Updated Archetypes: Guardian, Guerrilla, Marksman, Pact Warrior, Quartermaster, Tinker Knight.

I've also included all of my additional Fighting Style options all in one place!


Fighter Archetypes & Fighting Styles by laserllama

At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype feature. The following options are available to the fighter, in addition to those in the Players Handbook: Commander, Crusader, Guardian, Guerrilla, Marksman, Master of Hounds, Pact Warrior, Quartermaster, Swordsage, and Tinker Knight.



Still haven't read all of it, focusing more on the new Fighting Styles. The one that worries me the most is the Berserkergang Fighting style, which grants advantage to one attack roll (melee or ranged, including spell attacks) at the cost of -2 AC that round. This is really strong on a Paladin, who is famous for using smites only when criting, but this isn't really my problem with this fighting style. My problem is more if a -2 AC isn't too little a price for free advantage to one hit. The closest to this ability is the Barbarian's Reckless Attack, with the differences being: 1. Berserkergang grants advantage to one attack, instead of all attack in your turn. Even so, normally a barbarian is only making 2 attacks per turn, rarely making 3 2. Because of how it's written, you can use it in ANY attack roll, which means someone like a cleric with Fighting Initiate can gain advantage on Spiritual Weapon, since you also make an attack roll with it. Compare this to the limiting "advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn" from Reckless Attack 3. While Berserkergang only gives -2 to AC, Reckless Atack gives advantage to all attack rolls against you until your next turn I only have a few recommendations: first, instead of "attack roll", say "weapon attack". This will include melee weapons, ranged weapons and unarmed strikes. Second, either increase the AC reduction from 2 to 4 or do as Reckless Attack and give other advantage, but of course, it still needs playtesting, so maybe -2 AC is bigger than I think it is (it is +10% to hit the target, when you think about it), but then again, it is free advantage that any class can get as a feat. Apart from it, I'm loving your work, and will continue my support for as long I have money to spare