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Hey all, excited to drop an update for one of my favorite homebrew classes, the Psion!  I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I really enjoy working on this one, so here it is.

Disclaimer - Psionics are Magic here.

Unfortunately, at this stage in 5e, there is no way to introduce a full psionics system without overhauling the entire Monster Manual and Player's Handbooks. The Psion presented here is a fusion between my Alternate Sorcerer (spell point caster) and the Warlock (pact slot, short rest caster). The result is a short rest, spell-point, Intelligence-based caster who can focus on control and single-target damage.

This 2.0 update includes a ton of changes as I have learned a lot over the past year of homebrewing (can't believe it's been so long since an update for the Psion). Anyway, as always I'm open to feedback. I hope you all enjoy!

Change Log v2.0.0

  • Class Features // Hit Die // Back to being a d6 hit die class.
  • Psionics // Psi Points // You now have psi points equal to your level + INT mod. More points sooner, but it levels off as you gain levels. Point buy starts you with 4.
  • Psionics // Mental Limit // Clarified to include spells and Psion abilities.
  • Mental Disciplines // Adjusted scaling so you end with 10.
  • Order Disciplines // Removed, added an extra to the normal scaling (10).
  • Mystic Animus // Renamed from Mystic Devotions, clarified/streamlined.
  • Consumptive Power // No limit on uses. Costs 2 hit points per psi point.
  • Empath // Aura Sight // Add your INT mod to Insight checks/passive.
  • Empath // Aura Manipulation // New 3rd level feature.
  • Empath // Aura of Stability // New 6th level feature.
  • Enlightened // Swapped Ethereal Sight and Mental Precision
  • Enlightened // Empowered Psionics // Now includes piercing damage.
  • Enlightened // Telekinetic Flight // Renamed from Telekinetic Movement
  • Immortal // Empowered Strike // New 3rd level feature.
  • Immortal // Extra Attack // Updated to match the Bladesinger’s Extra Attack.
  • Outsider // Aberrant Transformation // Moved the AC bonus to Alien Adaptation. Now grants temp hit points equal to double your psion level.
  • Outsider // Order Spells // Updated to be more alien/weird
  • Outsider // Alien Adaptation // Added additional options. You now get another adaptation at 6th, 14th, and 18th level.
  • Outsider // Deviant Strikes // YBladesinger Extra Attack in your Outsider form.
  • Outsider // Glimpse Beyond the Veil // New 18th level ability.
  • Wilder // Rampant Psionics // You now roll a d8 and must roll the same number as the psi points you expend (1/8 change to surge on every spell now).
  • Wilder // Inscrutable Mind // Removed psi point cost from the reaction. Changed the damage to equal your psion level.
  • Wilder // Psionic Burst // Radius now increases at 14th and 18th level
  • Wilder // Unbridled Power // Now includes magical piercing damage.
  • Wilder // Presence Overwhelming // NEW 14th level ability
  • Wilder // Limitless Potential // Exploding dice for your spells!
  • Wilder // Psionic Surge Table // Clarified a few effects don’t require concentration.
  • Spell List // added faerie fire, arcane (Nathair’s) mischief, (Raulothim’s) psychic lance, and (Fizban’s) platinum shield.
  • Mental Disciplines // Celerity IV // Removed Psi Point cost to use INT for DEX.
  • Mental Disciplines // Iron Durability // Renamed from Psionic Body.
  • Mental Disciplines // Iron Durability I // AC = 13 + INT
  • Mental Disciplines // Iron Durability II // BA temp hit points equal to INT
  • Mental Disciplines // Metamorphosis III // Replaced with a self-only polymorph.
  • Mental Disciplines // Precognition IV // You can take a special turn on initiative.
  • Mental Disciplines // Telekinesis & Telepathy // Totally reworked.
  • Psion Spells // Mental Barrier renamed Tower of Iron Will, added some upcasting options to a few of the higher level spells.


The Psion Class by laserllama

As the elderly human watched his apprentice struggle to lift the pebble with his mind, he thought back to his youth, and the years of training it took to hone the strange power within his mind. After traveling the world he had realized that true enlightenment could only be found within, and he retreated to the cave he now called home.


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