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PHB to Alternate Monk Changes:

  • Class Features // Hit Dice // Upgraded to 1d10.
  • Class Features // Equipment // Added an option for Shortbow and 20 arrows
  • Martial Arts // Die starts as a d6. Increased by one step at each stage.
  • Martial Arts // Rewrote the language around “unarmed strikes and monk weapon attacks” to just “Martial Arts attacks”.
  • Martial Arts // You can use Martial Arts in light and medium armor.
  • Martial Arts // Allows you to use Dexterity (Athletics) for grapple or shove attacks.
  • Ki // Rewrote the Ki resource explanation to be more in-line with other 5e resources (ie: Combat Superiority, Psi Dice, etc).
  • Ki // Techniques // Moved some of the ribbon-esque abilities out of the base class and added in Techniques that you can choose to learn (ie: Step of the Wind / Patient Defense).
  • Ki / Techniques // Your save DC for these features is now based on Dexterity (not Wisdom).
  • Flurry of Blows // Now its own class feature, gains a third attack at 11th level.
  • Unarmored Movement // The buff you get at 9th level was moved to the Technique list.
  • Deflect Missiles // Moved back to 5th level to compensate for Techniques.
  • Monastic Traditions // Included adjusted version of the Open Hand, Shadow (now Shadow Arts), and Four Elements (now Wu Jen).
  • Slow Fall // You don’t land prone if you reduce the damage to zero.
  • Deflect Missiles // Moved to 5th level rather than made an optional Technique. I felt it was core to the identity of the monk to do this sort of thing.
  • Stunning Strike // Now a Technique.
  • Enlightened Fist // Renamed Ki-Fueled Strikes.
  • Spirit of Tranquility // Name shamelessly stolen from the Open Hand subclass. Now lets you add your WIS mod to all saves (akin to a Paladin). Now the Monk is actually good at saves at a relevant level!
  • Stillness of Mind // Rewritten so it actually works as intended.
  • Evasion // Moved back to 14th level (swapped with Spirit of Tranquility)
  • Tongue of Sun and Moon // Now a Technique.
  • Diamond Soul // Replaced with Awakened Soul. Allows you to add your WIS mod to all saves instead of proficiency. Similar to Paladin Aura.
  • Timeless Body // For every 10 years you only age 1 year (like Druids).
  • Empty Body // Now a Technique
  • Perfect Self // Replaced with Ascended Soul. As a bonus action you can regain ki points equal to your WIS mod. Wild enough for a capstone ability!
  • Way of the Open Hand // Open Hand Technique // Replaced with two features: Disciple of Many forms (you learn an extra Technique), and Flurry of Fists (You can make an additional unarmed strike as part of your Attack action when only using unarmed strikes).
  • Way of the Open Hand // Master of Many Forms // New feature that allows you to switch out one Technique over a long rest.
  • Way of the Open Hand // Wholeness of Body // Replaced with Ebb and Flow to give you some cool reaction based Marital Arts options.
  • Way of the Open Hand // Tranquility // Now a Technique. Replaced with extra Martial Arts die damage once per turn.
  • Way of the Open Hand // Quivering Palm // Now a Technique. Replaced with Grand Master of the Open Hand, massive damage ability.
  • Way of the Shadow Arts // Eyes of Night // New ability that gives darkvision and eventually a devilsight equivalent. You now have adv on Stealth checks made to hide in darkness.
  • Shadow Arts // Shadow Arts // You can cast each spell once per day for free.
  • Way of the Shadow Arts // Opportunist. Rolled into Cloak of Shadows.
  • Shadow Arts // Grand Master of Shadows // You can cast each spell once per day for free. Your Shadow Arts spells are now free to cast an unlimited number of times.
  • Way of the Wu Jen // Completely reworked into a 1/4 caster (think Eldritch Knight or Arcane Trickster). Since the Monk is so focused on short rests, I gave them 1/4 Warlock casting.
  • Techniques // New Techniques // Gentling Touch, Unyielding Perseverance, Indomitable Spirit, Mantle of Courtesy, Mystic Fortitude, Aura Sight, and Enlightened Integrity.
  • Techniques // Patient Defense and Step of the Wind don’t cost ki.
  • Techniques // Arresting Strike, Crippling Strike, and Empowered Strike can be used for free once per turn starting at 11th level.


Alternate Monk by laserllama

The young man took a deep breath and focused himself as the ogre charged forward. He thought back to his training at the monastery and prepared to counter the incoming blow. As the ogre's club struck the dirt where he had been only moments before, the young man drew upon the reservoir of spiritual power within himself and unleashed a flurry of blows upon the unsuspecting creature.



Looks pretty amazing overall. A couple things with Wu Jen do bug me, like how Ki doesn't interact that much with Wu Jen's spellcasting. Might've glossed over something, I dunno. But it'd be cool if they also had the option to expend Ki to either cast the spells in addition or to generate new spell slots, so they could use their spells a bit more. Also, the cantrip options for Wu Jen are kinda bad other than Thorn Whip, since none of them really deal damage, so there's no real point is using them with the 6th level feature.