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Hey all, I got a ton of excellent feedback from Patrons and Redditors alike, and I'm proud to publish the 2.0.1 version of the Alternate Fighter. A lot of small adjustments, and a ton of fun new (slightly weeabo) options in the Alternate Fighter: Expanded.

Alternate Fighter Change Log:

  • Martial Exploits - You can only use one Exploit per attack/ability check/saving throw.
  • Martial Exploits - Exploit Die scaling increased (to a total of 7 at 20th level).
  • Indomitable - Specified that it can only be used once per saving throw.
  • Arcane Knight // Arcane Smite - Restricted to melee weapon attacks.
  • Martial Exploits // Defensive Stance - Clarified.
  • Martial Exploits // Reckless Strike - Renamed “Empowered Strike”, clarified.
  • Martial Exploits // Mighty Leap - Clarified.
  • Martial Exploits // Mighty Thrust - New Exploit!
  • Martial Exploits // Redirect - You now pick the target of the new attack.
  • Martial Exploits // Sweeping Strike - Creatures more than one size larger than you have advantage on the save.

Alternate Fighter: Expanded Change Log:

  • Format - Split into multiple sections, added an intro.
  • Fighting Style // Strongbow - New Strength-based archery style.
  • New Martial Feats // Martial Training, Masterful Technique
  • New Martial Exploits // Aggressive Strike, Execute, Feint, Form Up, Rending Strike, Shield Impact, Take Cover
  • Advanced Exploits // Shattering Slam - Can expend any amount of Exploit Dice.
  • Advanced Exploits // Strike of the Zephyr - Clarified.
  • Advanced Exploits // Flaming Shot - Removed level prerequisite, decreased damage.
  • Advanced Exploits // Shattering Wave - Combined with Erupting Slam into Destructive Slam.
  • Advanced Exploits // Rain of Arrows - Combined with Storm of Arrows.
  • Advanced Exploits // Cataclysmic Slam - Moved to 9th level.
  • Advanced Exploits // Gale Force Strike - Renamed to Strikes of Steel Wind, moved to 9th level.
  • New Advanced Exploits // Thunderous Blow, Gale Force Slash, Thunderous Shot
  • Pact Warrior // Arcane Smite - Removed, replaced with Cursed Blade.
  • Guardian // Heart of Steel - You now add your CON mod to damage reduction.


Alternate Fighter by laserllama

The young guard quietly slipped past his comrades out the back door of the armory where the townsfolk were hiding. A bandit gang had come upon the town suddenly that morning, and their captain had issued a challenge. If a warrior from the town could best him in single combat, his gang of bandits would leave peacefully.



For Strikes of Steel Wind, would it solve the scaling issue if it was attacks that you could normally make? If you tie it to the number of attacks you could make with the Attack action, it's always going to be worth it as long as the number of targets is equal to the number of attacks you can make. I'm sure there's a better way to phrase it, but something like "When you take the Attack action before you make an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to make each attack against different targets within 30 feet." EDIT: You'd basically be paying an exploit die to lock in your position to make your attacks against different targets in range and teleport ~0-30 feet.


My goal (especially with this Exploit) was to mimic the effects of the "Steel Wind Strike" spell. The spell was clearly designed to help Rangers out as a 5th-level (tier 4) spell but for some reason, the Wizard (?!) of all classes got access to it as well. The Fighter should really be able to do something comprable. Your option sounds like an idea for another (slightly different) interesting Exploit.