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Hey all, been working on a rather large update for the Alternate Fighter. Biggest thing has been replacing Maneuvers with Martial Exploits; feats you can perform both in and out of combat. As always, let me know what you think! 

I'm working on the Alt Fighter: Expanded now, so I'll post that when I'm done.

Alternate Fighter v2.0.0

  • Various spelling/grammar corrections for clarity.
  • Class Features / Skill Proficiencies - Removed Animal Handling and Insight
  • Fighting Styles - Removed non-SRD Fighting Styles
  • Fighting Style / Two-Weapon Fighting - Cut, renamed/reworked into Dual Wielding
  • Combat Superiority - Renamed to Martial Exploits, Exploit Dice.
  • Martial Exploits - Adjusted so it scales the same as a half-caster. You learn a new Exploit at odd numbered levels. Superiority Dice start as d4s, and scale up as half-casters unlock spell levels.
  • Ability Score Increase - added the 14th level ASI back.
  • Extra Attack - Moved 4th attack up to 17th level to match cantrip scaling for casters.
  • Action Surge - Moved second use back to 20th level to compensate for Extra Attack x4.
  • Relentless - Moved to 20th level, buffed so it gives you one Exploit Die per round if you are out.
  • Champion / Crushing Blow - Renamed “Mighty Warrior”. Swapped free Exploit for “Feat of Strength”
  • Champion / Remarkable Athlete - add proficiency bonus to any STR/CON check you make. If you already add proficiency it gives you double proficiency.
  • Champion / Improved Crushing Blow - Renamed “Paragon of Might”. You get a bonus d6 to any Strength check or saving throw you make.
  • Champion / Archetype Maneuvers - Pushing and Menacing attack moved to general list of Maneuvers, added Concussive Blow and Crippling Strike
  • Commander / Heroic Surge - Cut the option to take the Dodge action.
  • Marksman / Bonus Proficiencies - Replaced with Elite Training
  • Marksman / Grin and Bear It - Renamed to “Reposition”
  • Master at Arms - New subclass (based on the old Battle Master)
  • Swordsage - Moved to Alternate Fighter: Expanded
  • Martial Exploits - Replaced Maneuvers. Allows for more varied abilities (adding dice to skill checks/saves/etc). Weakened a bit by adding the extra damage only if the target fails a save.


Alternate Fighter by laserllama

The young guard quietly slipped past his comrades out the back door of the armory where the townsfolk were hiding. A bandit gang had come upon the town suddenly that morning, and their captain had issued a challenge. If a warrior from the town could best him in single combat, his gang of bandits would leave peacefully.



Extra Attack at 17 is quite a bit stronger than a cantrip is. There is also already a minor power boost at 17 (PB +6). That said, I think the change feels more streamlined and consistent with 5e as a system. The core class is in a good spot overall. The Exploits that are not like Maneuvers are great. Menacing Cry and Taunt are great counterparts to the PHB Maneuvers they are based on. But the cost associated with the Exploits that act most like Maneuvers is too high. Take Disarm for example. You have to hit AND they have to fail the save or else nothing happens. The smite spells from Paladin and old Maneuvers are examples of already having paid a cost of hitting a target.


Thanks for the feedback! Adding the Battle Master Maneuvers to the Fighter class "as is" was a little bit too strong, so I had to tone them down a bit. Similar to Divine Smite, the on-hit Exploits can be used after you hit the target, so you wouldn't be wasting them with missed hits. Then, it's just a failed save for them to work.


The longer I think it over, the more I prefer the Exploits trade-offs. I was mapping the DPR for v1.0 vs 2.0 and there were some parts in 1.0 that had the potential to be busted that didn't survive this version. My initial evaluation was quite a bit off the mark. Keep up the good work!