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Hey all, sorry I've been radio silent for a few days. I'm a teacher and it was graduation week so I was super busy. Anyway, back to D&D stuff!

I've been working on a fairly sizable update to my Alternate Fighter class, it's mostly smoothing out the mechanics and progression of features to match official content. As always, PDF is attached below, and I'd love to get any feedback you may have!

P.S. I'm updating the Alternate Fighter: Expanded right now. When I finish I'll make sure to attach an updated PDF to this post. Until then, you can check it out on my GM Binder page.

Change Log:

  • Various spelling/grammar corrections for clarity.
  • Fighting Style / Superior Technique - moved to the Alternate Fighter: Expanded
  • Fighting Style / Two-Weapon Fighting - Cut, renamed/reworked into Dual Wielding
  • Combat Superiority - Adjusted so it scales the same as a half-caster. You learn a new Maneuver on odd numbered Fighter levels. Superiority Dice start as d4’s, and scale up at the same level a half-caster unlocks a new spell level.
  • Ability Score Increase - added the 14th level ASI back.
  • Relentless - Moved to 20th level, buffed so it gives you one Superiority Die per round if you are out.
  • Champion / Crushing Blow - Renamed “Mighty Warrior”. Dropped the free Brutal Strike Maneuver, instead you can add a Superiority Die to any Strength check or saving throw.
  • Champion / Remarkable Athlete - add proficiency bonus to any STR/CON check you make. If you already add proficiency it gives you double proficiency.
  • Champion / Improved Crushing Blow - Renamed “Paragon of Might”. You get a bonus d6 to any Strength check or saving throw you make.
  • Champion / Archetype Maneuvers - Pushing and Menacing attack moved to general list of Maneuvers, added Concussive Blow and Crippling Strike
  • Commander / Heroic Surge - Cut the option to take the Dodge action.
  • Marksman / Bonus Proficiencies - Persuasion switched to Performance
  • Marksman / Grin and Bear It - Renamed to “Reposition”
  • Master at Arms - New subclass (based on the old Battle Master)
  • Swordsage - Moved to Alternate Fighter: Expanded


Alternate Fighter by laserllama

A young human guard quietly slipped past his comrades out the back door of the armory where the townsfolk were hiding. A gang of bandits had come upon the village suddenly that morning, and their captain had issued a challenge. If a warrior from the town could best him in single combat, his gang of bandits would leave peacefully.



The loss of an ASI at 6 is a painful one but honestly, you get a lot out of it. I'd love to see more maneuvers as they are the core of the flexibility/utility that this class offers (especially alternate spell effects like Steel Wind) I like that this class doesn't push on one direction too hard and lets you find the right balance of fight in your fighter.


Glad you like the direction I took it! Cutting the ASI was hard, but I just don't see how extra ASI's are "core" to the fantasy of playing a Fighter. It makes sense for the Rogue since they are the "expert" class. If you have suggestions for more spell-like (weeaboo fightin' magic) maneuvers, especially 5e spells that already exist and would work, I'd love to hear them. Thanks for the feedback!


I noticed the other day more changes to Alt Fighter...and woke up to even more! HYPE