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Hey all, I've recently returned to an old project of mine, the Shaman class! This was the first full homebrew class I created, and as such it had some strange features and was slightly boring in theme (pretty much just Warlock + Druid).

Now the Shaman is a unique spellcaster that wields the Primal power of Spirits! With spellcasting similar to the warlock, and a system of interchangeable Totems, the Shaman is a force to be reckoned with.

I've updated all six Spiritualities (subclasses) as well. You have the sinister Curse Binder (debuffer), the elemental Earth Shaker (fire & earth) and Storm Caller (wind & ice), the Spirit Warrior (martial), the Wild Heart (improved Wild Shape), and the Witch Doctor (support/healer).

As always I'd love to hear what my Patrons think!

Change Log

  • General - Updated artwork, flavor emphasizes your relationship with natural spirits.
  • Multiclassing / Proficiencies Gained - added shields.
  • Spells Known - Smoothed out progression.
  • Primal Magic - Removed Spell Versatility
  • Sacred Technique - Renamed Sacred Focus. Clarified the four options; body, mind, heart, and soul.
  • Spirituality - Moved to 1st level.
  • Spirituality Spells - Updated so you can change one per level up from a limited list (similar to the Sorcerer subclasses in TCoE).
  • Totemic Magic / General - Clarified wording.
  • Primeval Conduit - You can choose a spell of 5th-level or lower to be upcast as a Conduit Spell.
  • Spiritual Ascension - New capstone ability, inspired by the old UA Mystic Class
  • Totems / General - Replaced all summoning spells with summoning spells from TCoE.
  • Totem of the Autumn Wind - Requires you hit with an attack.
  • Totem of the Bear - Takes a bonus action to activate (hide) the claws.
  • Totem of the Earthquake - Changed to once per turn, scaled the damage dice up one level.
  • Totem of the Eruption - No longer does force damage, instead deals your choice of cold, fire, lighting, magical bludgeoning, or thunder damage.
  • Totem of the Hurricane - Reach increases by 5 feet.
  • Totem of the Elements - New
  • Shaman Spell list - Major additions!
  • Curse Binder - Evil Eye moved to 1st level, Shamanistic Ward alls you to have immunity as a reaction at the cost of losing your resistance.
  • Earth Shaker - Elemental Body moved to 1st level, features clarified.
  • Spirit Warrior - Bonus Proficiencies moved to 1st level, Primal Weapon options buffed, Extra Attack buffed to be in line with Bladesinger from TCoE.
  • Storm Caller - Elemental Body moved to 1st level, features clarified.
  • Wild Heart - Bestial Adaptation moved to 1st level, Primal Wild Shape clarified, Bestial Traits and Great Beast stat block cleaned up.
  • Witch Doctor - Life Bearer moved to 1st level and increases in power at 14th level, Primal Blessing clarified, Improved Primal Blessing buffs your allies saves.


The Shaman Class by laserllama

A female half-orc lumbered through the forest, her primal tattoos glistened in the light of the moon. A child of her tribe had seen a group of hobgoblins cutting lumber from their sacred grove of trees. Slicing her hand, the half-orc used her dark blood to inscribe a glyph on a the hilt of her greatclub.



Ultimately I wish the 5e Warlock was a tad bit more flavor neutral so it would work for Shaman as well. It's magic bestowed by the spirits after all. The biggest reason I love your work specifically is because it feels like it could be dropped in the next WotC sourcebook - not your own version or vision of 5e, but real official material. Everything relies on precedent. I think that only works with subclasses, monsters, and options. Classes each need some unique feature, something new and exclusive. I love the idea of the Shaman, but it feels a bit off. Thinking about it more, I'm pretty sure that's why. Same reason I really like your Alternate class line. E: I looked back at the Savant, and I think you nailed the schick with Adroit Analysis, and how each subclass modifies it a bit. I feel much better about that one now; I was thinking of the versions before that was added.


Heya! I love your brew so i decided to get your patreon! but I was wondering where i could get the google drive that was mentioned in the 5 dollar year?


I just shared it with the email connected to your Patreon account. Let me know if it didn’t come through.