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Hey all, after a ton of work and number crunching, I've got the newest version of my Alternate Fighter here for your viewing pleasure!

Alternate Fighter v1.2.0

  • Fighter Table - Added Superiority Dice and Superiority die size
  • Fighting Style - Added Superior Technique
  • Combat Superiority - Superiority dice now scale by Fighter level
  • Maneuvers - Added Feinting Attack, Parry, and Riposte back to the list of maneuvers available to all fighter archetypes.
  • Ability Score Improvement - Removed extra 6th level ASI.
  • Action Surge - Moved to 6th level.
  • Arcane Knight / Spellcasting - Fixed Spells Known to match other quarter-casters.
  • Arcane Knight / War Magic - You can cast a cantrip in place of an attack when you take the Attack action.
  • Arcane Knight / Improved War Magic - You can cast an arcane knight spell in place of an attack when you take the Attack action.
  • Arcane Knight / Arcane Smite - Damage reduced a bit to compensate for at-will magic force damage.
  • Commander / Rallying Cry - Commander’s Strike grants temp hit points equal to fighter level.
  • Commander / Inspiring Commands - Creatures targeted by a maneuver have advantage on their next roll
  • Blade Master - Renamed to Swordsage
  • Guardian - Adjusted the 3rd level ability for clarity.
  • Guerrilla - Moved to “Alternate Fighter Expanded”. I just didn’t think this made the cut for “classic fighter archetype” like the others I included with the Alternate Fighter.
  • Quartermaster - Moved to “Alternate Fighter Expanded”.
  • Spellshot - renamed to Alternate Arcane Archer and moved to “Alternate Fighter Expanded”
  • Swordsage - (new?) archetype a combination of the PHB Battle Master and the Bladesinger. Why should wizards have a better swordsman archetype than the fighter?!

Alternate Fighter Expanded v1.2.0

  • New Fighting Styles and Maneuvers! These are a little out-there and 100% need playtesting.
  • Guerrilla / By Land or Sea - no disadvantage for underwater attacks. Added a third option for in-combat mobility on land.
  • Pact Warrior - new archetype!
  • Tinker Knight - new archetype!
  • Alternate Cavalier - clarified and added Cavalier Maneuvers.
  • Alternate Samurai - added Samurai Maneuvers
  • Alternate Arcane Archer - clarified and balanced. Added Divining Shot and Piercing Shot back.
  • Alternate Echo Knight - new archetype with new Echo Knight Maneuvers!
  • Alternate Psi Warrior - clarified and added Psi Warrior Maneuvers.
  • Alternate Rune Knight - Renamed/added new maneuvers.


Alternate Fighter by laserllama

A young human guard quietly slipped past his comrades out the back door of the armory where the townsfolk were hiding. A gang of bandits had come upon the village suddenly that morning, and their captain had issued a challenge. If a warrior from the town could best him in single combat, his gang of bandits would leave peacefully.



This is amazing! I love the inclusion of more skill uses for superiority dice. Fighters train for very specific things, and that non-magical resilience should come through more. The Shield Warrior Fighting Style is a bit out there, I have to say. I'm not sure how you'd change it though without stepping on the toes of the Shield Master feat, or other Fighting Styles. Could just be one of those things that only fits in certain game styles. Swordsage looks really cool by the way!


Hello! Me and my fellow players have been super super excited about this brew, with one of us making plans to multiclass to it and our local echo knight being potentially interested in it as well - however, we have a question about the latter subclass. We're not sure, but did you change the teleportation feature from an at-will feature into a specific maneuver that shares the same ressource pool as the maneuvers and unleash incarnation extra attacks? Or is the teleportation feature the same, with a new similar maneuver on top? We're not sure since you've added an extra maneuver that more or less does a similar thing, only without spending movement - we've been talking about it since the at-will teleportation is crucial to the subclass, and tying it to a ressource would feel very limiting (especially when said ressource is used to do maneuvers and extra attacks). What do you think about that?


Glad you like it! I loved the “skill maneuvers” they added in Tasha’s, so those were low hanging fruit for me to add. The stuff in the Alternate Fighter: Expanded is definitely a little more rough. I’ve always wanted a way to make a warrior that fights with a shield (Captain America, Braum from LoL, etc), but that fighting style probably needs work. Swordsage was originally just a Battle Master replacement, but I decided to borrow from Bladesinger and Swords Bards to make something super cool.


First off, thank you for your support! Multiclassing this should be fine, but my Alternate Echo Knight is a first draft. Admittedly I wasn’t super familiar with the subclass, but I think what I have works. You still have your normal Manifest Echo ability as published, so you can still sacrifice movement to teleport. The maneuver I added (Shadow Transposition) is just another way to teleport. You don’t automatically get your archetype maneuvers, so you don’t even need to take that one.


[This is Photonfiend] Maybe for the shield warrior you can go with something similar to how the TWF feat and fighting style interact: ... When shoving or pushing with a shield equipped, you may deal d6 + your Strength modifier in damage. or ... When shoving or pushing with a shield equipped, and while your other hand is empty, you roll with Advantage. Maybe even both? You could also add a maneuver, spend a superiority die when pushing or shoving and deal that much plus your strength in damage, or deal that much and the target has disadvantage on its next attack. Just spitballing here!


That's an interesting take! I like all these ideas and will try and incorporate them into the next version.