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Anyone want some new Marital Archetypes for the Fighter? Well here they are! I think the Fighter as presented in the Player’s Handbook is fairly bland, so coming up with archetypes for the class is pretty fun. I’m always open to constructive feedback, so let me know what you think.

Martial Archetypes

Guerrilla: A spin on the Battle Master Archetype from the PHB, the Guerrilla is focused on flexibility when preparing for combat. You gain a few maneuvers (and non-scaling superiority dice), buy you can change one out over a long rest. You eventually gain some thematic proficiencies and movement options, and the ability to switch your Fighting Style. Not sure if the versatility is powerful enough to warrant a subclass, but I personally like the idea.

Pact Warrior: Part of my ongoing "Blood Hunter, Dissected" project, the Pact Warrior is my attempt to balance the Profane Soul with 5e norms. It’s basically a tweaked version of the Eldritch Knight with Warlock spellcasting.

Phalanx Warrior. My take on a defensive Fighter based on the ancient Phalanx formation. Provide a marital take on the Paladin’s defensive auras.

Quartermaster. One of my first ever homebrew subclasses, the Quartermaster is a support fighter who prepares rations for their teammates. Play as a cook or team mom!

Marksman. A first draft of a dedicated ranged specialist. I’ve taken things from the UA: Sharpshooter, MM Gunslinger, and the Runeterra Renegade. Of course I’ve put my own spin on it, trying to keep it simple. Definitely interested on feedback on this one.

Tinker Knight. This subclass is really O U T - T H E R E. I originally wanted to design a Fighter that incorporated Artificer Infusions, but it morphed into something else. It ended up being designed based on the Rune Knight in *TCoE*. Hesitant to even put this odd subclass out there!

Fighting Styles

These are always fun to try and create. Some are adapted from cancelled old UA’s, and some are new!


Fighter Archetypes & Fighting Styles by laserllama

At 3rd level, a fighter gains the martial archetype feature. The following options are available to the fighter, in addition to the options in the Players Handbook: the Guerrilla, Pact Warrior, Phalanx Warrior, Marksman, Quartermaster, and the Tinker Knight. When commanders and conquerers need a mission executed with the utmost precision, they turn to the elite Guerrilla warriors in their ranks.


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