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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 3, episode 20 of REBELS!!!!  OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Of all the times NOT to wear my Obi-Wan shirt!!!!  :O  I love the many, many intricacies of this ep - from the twist of Ezra not exactly doing the right thing by rushing off to "save" Obi-Wan, to the unbelievable twist of how short the battle was, even to Maul dying in Obi-Wan's arms......something I never EVER thought I'd see!!!  Even after all the hurt he inflicted, especially on Obi-Wan, at the end of the day, we were all victims of the same person / evil force.  Mind-blowing!!!!
WOW!!!  I'm still reeling from this one!!!  Also, am I losing it or was that a sound clip from A New Hope at the end????  Can't wait for more!  AWESOME EP!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 3x20 full reaction.mp4



The voice actor is Stephen Stanton, who also voices Tarkin, AP-5, and many others throughout the animated shows. He’s a skilled impressionist and is spot on with his Alec Guinness. This is without question one of the best episodes in the show. And with one of the best duals in Star Wars that is literally only *three moves*! Just unbelievably beautiful. Obi Wan starts in his Clone Wars stance, switches to Qui Gon’s to bait Maul in, Maul goes for the same move he used to disorient Qui Gon, and Obi Wan just cuts through it. Absolutely incredible. And the fact that Obi Wan holds Maul, who has caused him so much grief, I’m his final moments shows just how great Obi Wan has become at this point. Even though I knew about this dual I was blown away by how great this was. 10/10 episode!


No kidding!!! That's so cool. DANG he got this done fast, right?! It was amazing. I love how much is done and how symbolic it is in just those few moves too. The way he holds him is just so amazing and heartbreaking. I was blown away too - couldn't agree more!! Maybe even 13/10!!!


Jason David frank who played Tommy the green ranger on power rangers passed away they announced it yesterday

Jeremy Bassett

Fantastic episode! I have the pre-duel moment as my lock screen and I have for years, the little cameo at the end is so good. My favourite part is the fact that Obi-Wan used Qui-Gons' lightsaber form for the duel to bait Maul into trying the same move he used on Qui-Gon on him was beautiful. https://youtu.be/uDs9gPozODM here's a video so you can easily compare the two. Obi also swaps from his Clone Wars form to his ANH form before doing Qui-Gons' form. Edit: I'd also highly suggest watching this: https://youtu.be/pykJCXKhllA since you've seen all of Obi-Wans stuff (or at least the stuff in the video), it's really good. All of HFPs videos are and I'd love to see reaction to them :P Sorry for the wall of text!


Star Wars at its best, great visual storytelling in particular from Filoni with this one, so much in it thats that marries together two of the trilogies. Couple of notes before the big stuff. Ezra checks out the holo's calling to him, but Kanan isn't in his quarters at night, interesting! Jedi should be meditating or resting at night shouldn't they? :P You feel for Rex as he says no one would be more glad to see Obi-Wan than him, and Ezra is right, if Obi-Wan were to come back, he would be the Rebellion's greatest asset. Chopper doing a double-take at Ezra, as he walks into the desert, reminiscent of R2-D2 doing the same with C-3P0 when they split up at the start of A New Hope. That sand again, perhaps Anakin was right, it truly is Star Wars greatest foe!! Finally then, the circle is complete : Obi-Wan Kenobi kills Maul. [Solo, the film was way before this] While we can never feel sorry for Darth Maul, his story, and the story of the last three Sith's in Maul, Vader and Tyranus, are all tragic in their own way. Anakin and Dooku however misguided in their beliefs and faults, DO make the choice to become Sith; Maul didn't have that choice, he was taken as a child by Sidious and trained for decades in the dark arts, he knew no other way. His true tragedy however is that he was given another chance at life after Naboo, even going through the hell of becoming an insane mechanical spider and being resurrected by Mother Talzin on Dathomir (who was his biological mother btw which is strange to think). After that he sticks to the dark side behaving as a Sith would, seeking power, raises his crime syndicate and becomes ruler of Mandalore. However, after all that throughout the Clone Wars, he loses it all, and rather than try to learn and move beyond all that, after he loses everything, all he feels he has left is vengeance and Obi-Wan. In the holocron episode where he and Ezra look into both of theirs looking for answers to their questions, Maul remarks he sees 'nothing, only oblivion'. The holo wasn't failing to give him an answer, it was, it was telling him going down this path will only end up in his death. When he appears at the start of this episode lost, he is both that physically and mentally, and seeks one thing, closure, one way or another; it ends on Tatooine. This episode sums up for me why Obi-Wan is my favourite Star Wars character, and Jedi. We've seen his trials and tribulations throughout his life, but at each stage he grows in maturity and wisdom; even during his darkest times in the Kenobi series, where he is deep in depression about everything that happened to the Republic, the Jedi and Anakin. By the end of that series though, he found his balance once more, and became what we saw here; a Jedi Master certain of his path, and of the hope that is to come with the boy he is looking after here. (This is what he is now, looking after kids in deserts, with Luke and Ezra here! :P ) The fight is subtle but brilliant and yields a very heavy nod to the Phantom Menace duels. I don't know how much Japanese style swordplay you have seen Mel; perhaps with your animé fondness you'll recognise the style, its pure Kurosawa. Obi-Wan wins the duel before they clash blades. He firstly goes to his classic Soresu stance, then switches up to Qui-Gon's stance. Maul adjusts his feet in anticipation of doing exactly to Obi-Wan, what he did to Qui-Gon - push his hilt into his face, stun him and then go in for the kill. Obi-Wan knows this, is waiting for it, then splits his sabre in two striking the final deadly blow to Maul and finishes him for the last time. When we first saw the two of them, Maul was a Sith Lord, sure of his destiny to have power alongside Sidious. He was a superior warrior to Obi-Wan then, but got overconfident (which happened to him with Ahsoka in their duel note) to his detriment as Obi-Wan splits him in half. He should have won that duel though. During the Clone Wars however, as Obi-Wan becomes a more experienced fighter throughout the war and becomes a High Council Jedi Master, we see that when he was balanced, he was more than capable of taking on Maul, they were equals there. However, here he is way beyond anything Maul, or any Sith, could hope to become as he reaches true Jedi Masterhood that very few Jedi every achieved, to make him one of the greatest Jedi in the history of the order. What sets Obi-Wan apart though is his compassion at the end. As Maul falls, he is quick to catch him in his arms, cradling him as he did Qui-Gon and Satine, both people very dear to him, who were killed by this very foe. However, he doesn't see an enemy now, just someone else who like the Jedi, was played by Sidious, as the whole galaxy was. And when he puts his hand on Maul's chest as he passes, he shows sorrow for his fallen nemesis. Even writing this makes me weep slightly! You couldn't imagine Mace Windu being like that... :D He tells Maul that Luke is The Chosen One. To some this may contradict what George Lucas says, that Anakin is that. However it ties up with what is said in the OT films. Both Obi-Wan and to an extent, Yoda, believe Anakin is too far gone "he is more machine now than man, twisted and evil", and thinks Luke will become the Chosen One to end the Sith once and for all. Luke does do this, but finds the Jedi way of doing it, by trying to bring Anakin back to the light. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka couldn't do that, but Luke can. Speaking of Luke, seeing him run across the desert back to the Homestead hits me every time. In just over a year from now, he'll begin to realise his destiny as R2 and 3P0 come into his life, and it changes the fate of the galaxy... Then to finish it all off, cue Binary Sunset as we fade out. Perfection.


At the risk of repeating myself, I love Rebels!!


Mel: I wanted to warn you to wear your t-shirt but just couldn’t think of a way to do so without giving the game away!


Love the scene at the start where Ezra is woken and can hear Obi Wan in the Holocron. The music is a little reminiscent of the start of the song Anywhere Out of the World by Dead Can Dance – one of my favourite songs from one of my all-time favourite bands. If you listen to the start of this song and compare it with the scene in this episode you will see what I mean. The music we hear in this scene makes it emotionally impactful for me: I don’t normally get goosebumps, but I invariably do with this! I don’t know why but there is something evocatively beautiful and moving about the scene and the accompanying music. Again, I can’t help but praise the voice acting: as usual for Maul, but especially for Obi Wan here – very much an Alec Guinness Obi Wan. More generally, I love the demeanour they give Obi Wan in this episode: a true Jedi master at peace with himself, alone but knowing his place in the world, confident in himself without being arrogant or overconfident, kind, compassionate, and certain of his mission. They did brilliantly in presenting an Obi Wan only a year or a bit more before Alec Guinness’ Obi Wan in a New Hope: spot on! I love the way Obi Wan cradles the dying Maul in his arms - as he did with Qui Gon Jin and Satine (as Saltire has already observed). Even after all his and Maul’s past he was compassionate towards him, and he only fought him because he had to - and did so without any hate or rancour: just determination and focus. And we all know now just how much Obi Wan went through in his life, but he still achieves this level of peace and balance. Totally awesome! The scene at the end where we hear Luke being called back home always gets to me: it’s such an ordinary scene played out between children and parents every day, all over the world, but there is nothing ordinary about the boy being called, or the unseen person watching him from a distance in the desert. And nearly 19 years of Obi Wans life now has been dedicated to quietly, without praise or thanks, ensuring this peaceful, ordinary scene can happen in safety to a very far from ordinary boy. Its lovely to hear Ezra’s words when he goes back to his family. Really touching. And the music that follows the end of the episode again just gets me every time: Mel, if you had not let it play that would have been frustrating enough that I would have had to press pause watching your reaction and go straight to Disney Plus to listen to it! 😊 I have always been intrigued by a couple of aspects of this episode. Firstly, how does Ezra know to go to Tatooine? I can only assume he hears this in the Holocron, but I can never hear it when I watch this episode. Secondly, Obi Wan when first speaking to Ezra, says “You are in the wrong place, Ezra Bridger”. In other words, he knows who Ezra is. I guess he could have been told by Chopper, but another possibility – and far more intriguing – is that he knew of Ezra through Yoda or Senator Organa. Not sure.


I agree that this is Star Wars at its best :-)


These last two episodes perfectly sum up the series. The first, daft and a lot of fun with comedy gold as Chopper and AP-5 go against each other. Then this, which is as good Star Wars, as you'll see anywhere. Rebels is the best! :D


I thought she might have carried on watching the episodes from last week, since she was wearing the shirt then!


Maul uses his connection to Ezra to tell him where he is through the force I expect. Yoda knows of Ezra, and I'm sure Obi-Wan and Yoda have been in contact with each other, as remember Yoda tells Luke in Empire "... this one, long time have I watched", so I'm sure Yoda and Obi-Wan conversed on Luke beforehand and other Jedi that may be around still, like Caleb and Ezra.

Tyler Stobbe

Has your jaw been sufficiently cited off the floor by now? 😂 Ezra’s always been a bit of an impulsive hothead, but in this case his recklessness ended up causing more harm than good. In the back of his kind, I think he knows the others like Hera are right but he can’t help himself. I can’t comment on Maul’s story too much, since it’s incomplete for me. I’ll just suffice to say he was definitely an interesting character on the show, even if I don’t fully understand this motives yet. (This is not an invitation for some of you other commenters to spoil Clone Wats btw- just putting that out there! 😅) Chopper is all about anything anarchy based, it seems like he’s back to his usual self. He’s such a tsundere, but he’ll show up when he’s needed. Note to self: walking over an endless desert with no water is a bad idea. I don’t know if you picked up on this while watching, but a lot of Kenobi’s dialogue seemed to be a remix of lines he used in A New Hope. The VA certainly sounds similar to Alec Guinness. I think the reason the fight went so fast is that Kenobi is a lot more in tune with the Force now than he used to be, and he’s had time to hone his skills. And we all thought he had just spent years on this forsaken rock just sitting in his cave… Luke from the silhouette looks like he might be 10 or 11 - I think we’ve probably got a few more years before we catch up to the movie, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they pulled the audio for his aunt calling him. Kenobi sent Ezra back to where he belongs… so he can protect his family… just like old Ben is doing himself. I wondered if you’d pick up on the music cue, it’s the same one from A New Hope when Luke is staring out at the two suns. Seems like they ripped it. Okay, we’ve hit comedy, we’ve hit nostalgia, what’s in the grab bag next? There’s plenty of options! 😎

Melody Dia

You are 100% correct in that that is indeed the same voice clip used for Aunt Beru calling to Luke that is used in A New Hope. HOWEVER, what they did to avoid confusion and show that this isn't actually the same MOMENT from theovie, is they switched the clip around. In one she yells "Luke? Luuuuuke?" while the other is "Luuuuuke? Luke?". A very small change indeed, but one that is appreciated to differentiate them.

Melody Dia

Cool thing about the fight with Maul. You can see when they are preparing to battle, that at first Obi-Wan goes into his usual battle stance we all know and love. But! Then shifts into a different stance. Qui-gon's stance. And in doing so, baited Maul into using the same move that ended up defeating Qui-gon, in which he used the center hilt of his lightsaber to stun Qui-gon by hitting him in the face with it. Which is exactly what Maul attempts to do here to Obi-Wan, not realizing Obi-Wan had set him up to do just that. It really is such an amazing and layered battle... all in just a few simple moves.


Yes that’s my thought, although I don’t remember that line from A New Hope - or, maybe, it vaguely rings a bell. How do Yoda and Obi Wan communicate?


The line is from Empire Strikes Back when Yoda reveals himself as the Jedi Grand Master to Luke. As for communicating, I'm sure Yoda has his ways, and we've seen him converse with Caleb and Ezra when they were at the Lothal Jedi Temple, though perhaps thats different as that place will be a nexus in the force. Perhaps its just as simple as sharing a communicator; that they kept in touch after the conversation in ROTS when aboard the Tantive IV. That would make more sense, however it may not tie in with the Kenobi series, as though Obi-Wan still had a comm for Bail, it didn't sound like he was in touch with Yoda. We've also seen Jedi and Sith converse over distances in the original trilogy. Vader to Luke in Empire, then Luke to Leia there too. Ezra here in Rebels with Tseebo, though that wasn't a conversation, just Ezra apologising to him which wakens him out of his technically-induced coma. Ahsoka does it too elsewhere. Force-users can also feel when someone is in danger. Sidious does it with Vader in ROTS during his duel with Obi-Wan, and Caleb senses Ezra in danger when talking to Bendu at the start of the season here too. Ach they are powerful Jedi Masters anyway, they'd find a way I'm sure! :)


People often say that Luke looks a bit young when running at the end. However they used season 3 Ezra for the model, who is almost to the day the same age as Luke (not far off 18) and the latter is small in stature anyway. To me it also shows the journey of the two characters at this moment. Luke is still a farm boy with no real life experience or knowledge outside of the homestead. Ezra is a seasoned rebel and Jedi, who while he does still err as we see in this episode by going to Tatooine, is on the path that Luke will reach in a few years.


A very big difference from last episode. Wow! I’m reading the comments cause I knew there were cool things to learn about this episode. Really really appreciate the cool details within the episode. Mauls last line was so surprising. Such a small line that packed a punch I didn’t expect that. This was a very profound episode


Even the actor who played the dragon ranger in super Sentai said some words


Oh that's awesome about your lock screen!! Ohhhh that was Qui-Gon's form? How awesome!! Thanks for the links and info! I wanna see the Obi-Wan video too! I think I may have seen some of those videos before actually!!! I didn't react to them but I can tell you I was moved!!!!

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 22:20:43 Hahahaha you guys were awesome about no spoilers and to be fair, you did try and nudge me to wear the shirt for the rest of my filming!!!! The one day I wear my Snoopy shirt >.< Lol!!!
2022-11-23 21:34:18 Hahahaha you guys were awesome about no spoilers and to be fair, you did try and nudge me to wear the shirt for the rest of my filming!!!! The one day I wear my Snoopy shirt >.< Lol!!!

Hahahaha you guys were awesome about no spoilers and to be fair, you did try and nudge me to wear the shirt for the rest of my filming!!!! The one day I wear my Snoopy shirt >.< Lol!!!


Right?! Someone else in the comments said the styles of these two eps sums up Rebels perfectly and I couldn't agree more! Yes there's so much info in here right!! I know, I was shocked at how the battle and Maul's death went down. Didn't it pack a huge punch??? So profound!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh yay!! Glad I called it! Ohhhhh interesting that they changed it around! It's subtle but definitely makes a difference in the continuity I guess!!


OMG I love that it's Qui-Gon's stance, I did not guess that but it is so absolutely awesome! No kidding that he was reading Maul that far in advance, dang. It was the most exciting two seconds of a battle lol!!!!


Some people state that this is their favourite lightsabre duel in the whole franchise, and with all the subtext behind it, it may well be that. Some duels go on way too long, and for me the best duels are never about the spectacle, but the emotion or story behind them. This duel also pairs up with what Obi-Wan v Vader is in A New Hope, where being honest, its not choreographed all that great, but is far more reminiscent of Japanese Kendo sword fighting, than some of the stuff we see in the prequels especially. It would also look a bit ridiculous having Obi-Wan jump around doing the things we saw of him in Clone Wars, and then show him look underwhelming in ANH. So my thoughts on that later fight is that he could do this to Vader again had he wanted to, but that wasn't his purpose, it was to stall Vader and give Luke, Leia, Han etc the time to get off the Death Star (I was actually just playing this scene last night in Lego Star Wars too coincidentally!!). Filoni and co did superbly with it all, telling us a meaningful story of all the history of Kenobi v Maul, whilst marrying Qui-Gon, the prequels and the original trilogy beautifully; all within seconds...

Steffen K

So great observation, that clip of "Luke? Luuuke" from Beru, is indeed actually a straight clip from "A New Hope", however, this episode happens roughly 1-2 years before "A New Hope" chronologically.


It might be that the ‘special’ training that Yoda and Obi Wan have been getting from Qui-Gon Jinn allows the two of them to communicate?


It’s interesting that Twin Suns isn’t the season finale: under normal circumstances, someone might be forgiven for assuming/ thinking that such an epic episode would risk making the season finale arc a bit of a damp squib in comparison. However, this assumption doesn’t take into account the ability of the Rebels production team to constantly pull something unexpected and incredibly satisfying out the bag :-)


Oh wow, that's interesting about the song similarities! The music was great for sure. I couldn't agree more about the voice acting!!! And yes, they did a great job presenting Obi-Wan as "New Hope" Obi-Wan - definitely someone who has been shaped by the past, has come to terms with it, and gained a lot of wisdom. Oh I know, Luke being called at the end is so mundane but so special at the same time. Oh I know, I loved Ezra returning to his family! Oh, I had to listen to the music at the end!!!! That score means so, so very much to me. Oh yeah, I assumed he got that info from Maul through the Holocron?? But they didn't really say. Oh yeah, he did know Ezra!!! Hmmm, very interesting thought that he may have heard from Bail or Yoda! Saltire, I learned so much reading your comments back and forth, by the way! :D Love these discussions!!!


Hahhah my jaw is STILL on the floor :P That's the thing, it actually got him in trouble this time. Haha I tried to be SO careful about what I said about Maul, you truly have a lot to look forward to there! Hahah Chopper is all about chaos until you need him, and then he's got your back! Who knew you'd need water in a desert?? Also yes, I can see how the lines were sort of remixed from A New Hope. Luke does look young in that scene, but I think Saltire has a point that his actual age at this point is closer to Ezra's! That's such an interesting thought about that being a way of showing the contrast between previous Ezra / current Luke, and current Ezra! Yes, I know that score anywhere!! I remember seeing that scene of Luke staring out at the twin suns, to that music, when I was very very young, and just feeling CHANGED!!! :O Ah, can't wait for what's next!!! Watching the season 3 finale today and I'm so excited!!


Oh yeah, guess they were restless and couldn't sleep? :P Yeah I felt it when Rex was talking about Obi-Wan! And so true about him being a great asset! We know how much things got rolling once he did get involved! Oh good call about the similarities with Chopper and R2 / 3-P0! Hahahha Anakin had a point about sand I guess, even Sabine said it :P Gotcha, Solo was the thing I was trying to figure out, thanks for clarifying!!! And yes, we've truly come full circle now! Oh that's a really good point about Maul, he actually didn't even get a say in it. As tragic as the manipulation of the other Siths was too. Oof!!! It's chilling to think of how he was pursuing closure even at the risk of his death. So well said about Obi-Wan, he is a true Jedi through and through!!! Oh I can totally see the Kurosawa influence in the fight!!! And I LOVE that he used Qui-Gon's stance!!! I was shocked and so moved by the compassion that Obi-Wan shows! I'm tearing up as I read your comment too hahaha. Yeah, definitely not something you'd see from Mace Windu or many others at all for that matter!!! I think even Yoda would have struggled to show the grace that Obi-Wan did here, dang. I see what you mean about Luke being the Chosen One - that's something we've usually only heard for Anakin but it makes total sense that he has to restore what was done by Anakin's turning to the dark side. Oh I know, that Luke has no idea what he'll be up to in a very short amount of time....!!! The twin suns and fade out - chef's kiss!!!!


The female vocalist in Dead Can Dance is Lisa Gerard: if you have not heard of the band, or her, you certainly might have heard her sing eg in the film Gladiator at the end when Maximus dies and sees his wife and son in the afterlife. The score was so perfect for the end of this episode - an exquisite ending. There is an even more exquisitely beautiful ending later in Season 4, which I will certainly be pointing out but obviously not for now. I wonder if others who are familiar with Rebels here will know the episode I am referring to, or whether it’s just my personal reaction? It’s all about context, visuals and music/ sound. It’s not the last episode, which is also amazing, and beautiful/ moving at the end but in a different way … Interesting question: did Ezra tell the rest of the Ghost crew he had seen Obi Wan? I suspect not on this one - not even Kanan, maybe.


Yes when Rex talks about Obi Wan that definitely hits home. The whole chosen one business I find tricky. Clearly Obi Wan believes Luke is the chosen one, but he actually still isn’t, I assume. And why Luke rather than Leia?


Thats a good point Melissa, that even Yoda doesn't display emotion on many occasions. The one time he is very emotional, is in his arc in Clone Wars when he is tested by the Force Priestesses. And in one of these visions, when Ahsoka is pleading with him about becoming a Jedi as she dies, that regret about what happened to her, and the guilt he feels about the Order's imminent demise, overwhelms him; even here in Rebels he is regretful when speaking to Ezra before Malachor about how the Jedi became an army for the darkside, and that taking the Sith head-on that way, wasn't a Jedi thing to do. Since you were checking the voice actor for Ben Kenobi, he's played by Stephen Stanton, who does AP-5 as well; so in the first episode you heard him singing in space as Alan Rickman, then here, he is doing Alec Guinness Ben Kenobi! Some range! :D I'm also glad during all the Obi-Wan and Maul stuff this episode, you brought up about Ezra making a mistake by coming here. We did see in the Clone Wars, that Anakin time and time again would go out of his way to help someone, and it would invariably work - heck both R2-D2 and Ahsoka wouldn't be alive were it not for his determination to help them. However we've seen in the original trilogy too, that Luke does this in Empire Strikes Back, and it almost costs him and his friend, everything; and he is an emotional and physical wreck after his encounter on Bespin. Jedi must know when the time to help is, and it is a difficult balancing act.


I've never been comfortable with The Chosen One stuff tbh Nick. I've always felt it one of Lucas's more silly ideas, along with Anakin being a kind of force messiah. When I was growing up with the OT, there was no Sith, no Chosen One, just a big bad guy who finds love for his son and in coming back to the light, brings down the devil. As it is, I'm kind of with you about Leia too, who is just as important for the galaxy, as Luke is. She just does things in another way. While Luke is about restoring the Jedi, Leia is more important for the galaxy in the Rebellion and political aspect of the fight against the Empire. She is needed to cement Mon Mothma's power base when she is elected Chancellor after Palpatine's imperial regime is ended. So you could say the Skywalker Bloodline is The Chosen One, because Anakin, Luke and Leia will all be important for the galaxy in different ways. Where that leaves Ben Solo though, is anyone's guess, but I'd rather not speak about the sequels much! :P


Lisa Gerard is extraordinary; the sounds she can generate with her voice are unlike anything else you'll ever hear. One of the few voices I can't stop crying at when I listen to her perform Preisner, or even when she did the score with Hans Zimmer for Gladiator, which is one of his better OST's. I think I know the bit you mean Nick, and I have the music for it ripped onto my pc and listen to it a lot. ;) I don't know if he told Rex anyway, but he may have told Kanan. The finality of him saying "we won't be seeing Maul again" would lead to questions from his master about what happened. They have their own path though especially with them training for the Lothal mission. No probs Melissa, I like discussing them too! Part of the reasons I believe Rebels and Clone Wars are two of the best pieces of Star Wars media, is because of all the subtext involved and how it ties in with the rest of the story at this period. Take Mortis in Clone Wars for example, we can all have our thoughts on it, and we'd each come up with something different. Or here now with this duel between Obi-Wan and Maul, which gets more incredible the more you watch it and understand everything behind it. Great stuff! :D


There is of course the Mortis Arc in Clone Wars, which aims to very clearly identify Anakin as the chosen one, and the prequels which do the same. I think all that is fine in isolation, but when Star Wars is considered as a whole the concept doesn’t seem to hold together as well. There are a few possible responses to this perspective from me. Firstly, maybe I just don’t understand how it really does hold together. Secondly, perhaps it’s meant to be that it is a little hard to understand in its entirety: it’s deliberately meant to be a little mysterious, a bit like aspects of religion are mysterious eg like the Christian concept of the Trinity, or the problem of evil with an all knowing, all powerful, loving God.


Ooo: I’ve not heard of Preisner: that’s something I’ll explore today!! Personally, I prefer it when Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry are working together in Dead Can Dance: they have been a killer creative combination together. I agree about Lisa Gerrard’s voice, but actually I also adore Brendan Perry’s voice in songs as well. A great more recent example is the song Opium, or a much earlier one, In Power We Entrust The Love Advocated. Of course there are loads more examples from both of them!! I suspect we are thinking of the same scene in Rebels - it destroys me every time I watch it: I’m tearing up now just thinking of it :-). [I think this might be my favourite episode, and that’s saying something given the consistently high quality of the series] Yes I certainly think that if Ezra had told anyone he would first and foremost have told Kanan.


I don't see your comment here but got it in my email - Burai came out and said something?! Wow!


No the Chosen One stuff kind of frays at the edges the more we see. I'm not bothered with it anyway since I'll always just think of the end of ROTJ as Anakin saving his son by killing Palpatine - nothing more is needed about 'bringing balance to the force' and all that. On Mortis, I remember watching the behind the scenes of the episode, as I did with most of Clone Wars; and remember Filoni stating that there is a specific way of looking at it, but that he'd rather not explain, as to leave it open to interpretation, just like with The Presence in the Sith holo here in Rebels. Some things are better just left to speculation. The force for me is what intrigues me most in the franchise, and the way I see it, the more mysterious it is, or the less explained, the better. Look to the Babel Fish to answer the God question. ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmpP73-SHPQ


Will need to seek those groupings out with Lisa and co. I love music but haven't been keeping up with much stuff since the 90's outside of film and tv music; and of course Star Wars in particular always has superb music. I had the funeral dirge from Andor's finale going through my head last night for example, as I watched it with two reactors. Hehe we'll get to all that soon enough. May rewatch a lot of season 4 tonight, since Melissa will be starting it next week.


If it’s film music you are into then you might like to try the film Baraka: Dead Can Dance contributed to that. Possibly the most awesome film ever for me, although it’s really perhaps more documentary. No dialogue just images of land- and city- scapes and people from all round the world set to amazing music. Although perhaps you have seen it already? Still got to see last episode of Andor yet - probably next weekend. And yes, tempting to watch season 4 through again myself, given where Mel had reached now. It’s going to be sad when her reactions for this series are finished.


Saltire, glad you agree about my thoughts on Yoda!! Also, that's crazy that Ben's voice is the same as AP!!! Wow, these eps really help him showcase what he's got don't they?! Lol! And I'm glad you enjoyed my discussion about Ezra. Being a Jedi really is more complicated than just doing whatever seems like the right thing. I find both your discussions about The Chosen One really interesting!!! I saw the originals first, but my experience with the prequels came shortly after - so to me, it feels like all one concept, even though the prequels was where they really pushed this concept. I suppose it could be taken many ways - I'm not quite sure what to make of it honestly! I've always just kind of accepted it as fact I guess? But yeah, you both make some great points, including Leia being as important in this as Luke. A lot to think about for sure!!


I definitely see that reasoning, but I have to agree since I've seen the finale at this point, that they totally made it work!!! :D


Oh wow, I might have to go look up more about Lisa Gerard!!! :O It's tough to say whether Ezra told anyone or not, I would think he eventually got around to telling Kanan at least, maybe! Nick - I can't wait to get to the part in season 4 you mentioned! Saltire - it really is amazing how deep we can dive into the intricacies put forth on shows like Clone Wars and Rebels! And I couldn't agree more that the more you watch / analyze, the more you discover. I could talk about it all day lol!


Wow!!! I can see why - there's quite a bit behind it for sure. And that's true about how it would have been out of place to have lots of gymnastics here when we're right on top of A New Hope's battle scene. But also a great point that the point of that battle was to stall for time. Oh, I love Lego Star Wars!!!! I watched someone play through the whole thing last summer and it was the time of my life haha! Yes, so well said about how this was all brought full circle so beautifully!


Looking forward to your reaction, of course :-). I assume you were pleasingly surprised in at least one way, and relieved in another way - keeping all my references very vague :-)


“Nick - I can't wait to get to the part in season 4 you mentioned!” I can think of quite a few very tempting but far too revealing replies to that, so it’s best I say nothing other than I think you will appreciate the visual and emotional beauty of the moment :-)


Ahhh wise choice!!! Thank you for being so considerate!! I'm excited to see what you mean!!


Yay!!!! Hahha yup, I think that sums it up fairly well! I've seen them both at this point so I can read between the lines of the references - I do appreciate the intentional vagueness though!!!!!!!


I am admittedly biased towards the original trilogy more, since it was my Star Wars, and was well into my 20's when Phantom Menace premiered. I have grew to appreciate the prequels more in the main (except for the last third of Attack Of The Clones which I just can't watch these days lol) as I do love the world-building and solid framework Lucas put into them that The Clone Wars built superbly on. And while I said there was no Sith in the OT, in the original scripts, they were mentioned as the enemy of the Jedi (who were warrior-protectors of the Emperor (not Palpatine btw) in the original draft of Star Wars), so the Sith themselves weren't a new concept brought in for the prequels, it was just the first time in the movies, the Darths' were called that. I also like the thought that the Sith corrupt the force and try to bend it to their will selfishly, while the Jedi work with the force to bring around a natural order; hence the destruction of the Sith restores balance in the force. I was just never comfortable with The Chosen One stuff, and felt that Anakin should have just been a powerful Jedi that got twisted by Palpatine into becoming Darth Vader who went about destroying the Jedi Order. We didn't need the Chosen One prophecy on top of all that. Ah well I've reluctantly got used to it, just like Rey being able to Jedi Mind Trick without practising on her first attempt. ;)


Just watched the finale of season 3 a few mins ago. Got my notes ready! :P


I'm sure you'll discover more things in the show when you start rewatching Rebels for your Youtube edits. And you'll be caught up completely with the rest of us by Spring next year so will fully be able to formulate your own theories on things, and where we go next! :)


Yes that’s the kind of problem that was scripted into the films with Rey.


In terms of where to go next is Mel going to jump into Bad Batch?


I totally get that Saltire! Very interesting about the Sith concept! Sounds like you've come to accept a lot of it haha. I find it helps to theorize with like minded folks. Sometimes a little head-canon helps to fill in the gaps or problems - a great channel on YouTube called Cinema Wins did that for me with a few issues I had!


YAY!!! I see I have a comment from you on one of the eps I posted - can't wait to get to it! Just about to film so it might be a little bit till I respond, but I can't wait to hear your feedback!


Saltire - that's so true, one of the things I actually truly appreciate about editing is the rewatch potential!! Nick - so that was the plan but I think I might finish Rebels just as Mando season 3 is about to start! So I might go ahead and do that first as it's sure to be fairly short (usually 8-12 eps I think). :D


Yes tbh, the older I get, the less fussed about it all with some of my gripes with Star Wars; I love it warts and all! And I have adopted my own head-canon for certain things; its not going to be perfect, a near 50 year old franchise thats been changed and adapted over the years. There are plenty of things in canon and legends that have never been explained - how did Shaak-Ti die for example, she has about 4 deaths at this point! :D I hear too much nitpicking from some about various things, especially with what they perceive as Disney's mismanagement of the franchise, when for me its never been in a healthier position. We will get good Star Wars with Disney, we will get mediocre Star Wars from them too; which is no different from what we had for 30 years with Lucas. Will need to check out that channel Mel; always on the lookout for new channels to follow.


Mel, I definitely agree with you in your discussion at the start about Twin Suns: including Obi Wan briefly in Rebels exceeded expectations it was that well done. As you say, in a really short time the show managed to convey saw how far Obi Wan had come, and the interaction with Maul was mostly not fighting, and it worked much better, and was far deeper, because of this. I also find that time to reflect deepens the emotional impact of the show and what we see. Repeated (okay bordering on obsessive :-)) watching in my case furthered this for me, especially because there are so many obscure links across episodes and seasons that get spotted on rewatches, and add to the appreciation of the show.


Thanks!! And yes I think it really worked even better that it did go against predictability/expectations. That's awesome!!! There's so much rewatch-ability in stories like this, considering just how deeply some of the themes, motifs, details, etc. go. It makes total sense!!


Oops, I meant to have posted that underneath Zero Hour part 1, as I was referring to your comments at the start of your reaction to that episode, so hope my comments didn’t seem odd here. I should also have said that the emotional depth is deepened in later episodes through the connections and references to earlier seasons and episodes. For example, there is a line said by one character in the last but one episode of season 4 that refers back to small humorous situations we all saw in the first few episodes of season 1, and that are incredibly moving as a consequence, and because of what transpires in season 4. The nature of the confrontation between Maul and Obi Wan here reminds me of the confrontation between Maul and Ahsoka in season 7 of clone wars in one narrow respect: in both cases it’s not the actual fight that was most impactful for me: it’s the dialogue before the fight starts. Although, in Twin Suns it’s a very personal exchange based strongly (but not completely) upon a long past history between the two of them; whereas, the Ahsoka - Maul dialogue is a much more impersonal exchange (they hardly knew each other) about massively, hugely, epic events on a galaxy wide scale coming imminently to fruition as we watched. Anyways, it’s the personal interactions that stand out most for me (although there is no doubt the Maul - Ahsoka, and Obi Wan - Maul fights are seriously impressive in very different ways). A further similarity is actually Maul’s arrogant overconfidence in his ability compared to his opponents: he underestimated Obi Wan (as he has done before) and he underestimated Ahsoka. I’m well into writing rambling thoughts now, but Maul wasn’t the only Sith to underestimate Obi Wan (and in fact arguably Ahsoka, too), as I’m inclined to think Palpatine did too.


Oh that's ok, I think I still knew what you meant! I love that there's callbacks like that and there will be more! That's actually a great point about the dialogue and the connection between the Maul / Ahsoka and Maul / Obi-Wan fights. On the one hand, we have a very globally-focused discussion in one; and in the other, it's deeply personal and based on a tumultuous history. The overconfidence is another common thread too, good point. Hahah no worries, you know how I get about Star Wars too :P Palpatine for sure underestimated - I guess you can see that echo throughout the Empire in a lot of ways too, and it all just leads to their ultimate downfall!


You are certainly an excellent talker with a lot to say when it comes to Star Wars, as we regularly see - and I suspect not just Star Wars either :-D


Ah okay. I was looking forward to watching Bad Batch again as a way of coping day to day when your Rebels reactions finish :-). But your new Mando reactions will also be great to see, although I still haven’t seen your reactions to the previous two seasons yet!


I hear you!! You learn to take the good with the bad I guess. Head canon helps too! Lol poor Shaak-Ti!! She was so powerful they had to kill her 4 times to make it stick apparently :P I think that's perfectly said - that there will be good and not as good no matter who's in charge. There's definitely some differences with Disney managing, but not all are bad. For one thing, as someone who experienced the Star Wars "drought" in the 90s, I love that merch is so widely available! But that's just one of the many things. Sounds good on the channel, they put out some great stuff! Always a good thing to have some new content to dig into for sure!!


Lol so sorry to go so back and forth, but I just heard Mando is coming out March 1, which is way later than I thought! So I will probably jump into Bad Batch first like I originally planned! That will give you some time to catch up on my other Mando reactions too hehe :)


Either way suits me :-) But you are right that this means I can catch up on your Mando reactions, which is very cool. Just for context, did you watch all the Mandalorian stuff before you saw Clone Wars?


Is that right about Mando? Was on the Star Wars sub-reddit the other night looking for the dates for it and whats coming up, and surprised to see its been pushed back. I really hope that does mean Bad Batch season 2 will finally be out soon! Its the thing I've been waiting for the most all year lol!


Yeah I remember that drought period well. We all thought Star Wars was done and Lucas always said if he was going to make more, he'd wait until the technology caught up, which it did eventually 16 years after Return Of The Jedi. I went to Star Trek in those year, as the films were out with the original cast every other year and then The Next Generation started in the late 80's. Then my favourite sci-fi series of the lot back then came out, Babylon 5, I loved that show. After Next Gen and B5 finished, the hype for Phantom Menace kicked off and Star Wars was back! :D


Nick - yes I saw Mando before most of Clone Wars, but I think I had made my way a little bit into CW when watching season 2 of Mando. Saltire - Yeah that's what I heard was the official word, I can double check though! Aww I hope Bad Batch s2 comes out soon, sounds like they've pushed it back quite a bit!!

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-03 09:48:48 Wow, that worked out really well, adding Trek and B5 into that time slot!!! By the time you were done, you had more Star Wars - perfect!! :D I grew up on Trek in a big way as well, and I remember folks praising B5, but sadly I never got around to seeing it! &gt;.&lt;
2022-12-04 15:41:30 Wow, that worked out really well, adding Trek and B5 into that time slot!!! By the time you were done, you had more Star Wars - perfect!! :D I grew up on Trek in a big way as well, and I remember folks praising B5, but sadly I never got around to seeing it! >.<

Wow, that worked out really well, adding Trek and B5 into that time slot!!! By the time you were done, you had more Star Wars - perfect!! :D I grew up on Trek in a big way as well, and I remember folks praising B5, but sadly I never got around to seeing it! >.<


Okay thanks for the info: you probably were not hyperventilating with the excitement of Ahsoka’s turning up then (let alone Ahsoka’s asking about Thrawn)? :-)


Sure!! Oh yes so I had already gotten SUPER attached to Ahsoka even with only a little CW under my belt, so I freaked out over her....especially since I didn't know if she made it out of CW safely or not (probably a way bigger deal for Rebels fans though, since she was all but confirmed dead after the fight with Vader). The mention of Thrawn was really familiar, because I remembered the books being around when I was a kid. But no hyperventilating over him haha!


Apparently some fans found Ahsoka irritating to start with in Clone Wars. Personally I liked her from the start, especially as she was such a good match for Anakin. Besides, she was always advanced/ gifted for her young age and so a bit of precociousness seems appropriate :-) Besides, given my educational background (physics and maths) and my job (teaching) I am used to - and like - people who are a bit outside the box, personality wise and otherwise :-D


Really, wow! Me too, I guess I can see how introducing a new character might rub some people the wrong way, but for me the chemistry was just really there from the start. That's so cool about your educational background influencing your appreciation of unique characters too!!!


I think I forgot to mention one of the things that stands out in this episode (for me) is when Ezra gets back to Atollon he tells everyone that they won’t be seeing Maul again. How does he know this? One obvious interpretation of this comment is that Ezra just had no doubt at all in his mind that Obi Wan will ‘deal’ with Maul. Another interesting aspect is that he flew back to Atallon in Maul’s ship - at least I assume it’s Maul’s ship. How did he get it/ find it? And I’m not sure where Maul got that little Holocron from? Perhaps I’m just not remembering some detail from a past episode?


Hmm, that's a good point! I figured Maul's ship may have been involved, but even then, there's a chance Maul could just find another ship, so maybe he was just really aware of what Obi-Wan had done. Oh, good question about the Holocron!! I'm bad with remembering details, so I'm not sure either??


I guess one possibility is that Maul and Ezra are already connected and so Ezra could sense something when Maul died, but I’m not really convinced that’s a good explanation here.


And I had forgotten that Ezra has some of those small holocrons too this episode, just as Maul had one: where did Ezra get those from? Maybe both Ezra and Maul purchased their small holocrons from Luthen Rael’s antique shop on Coruscant on an intergalactic shopping trip 😀 Another thing: given that Chopper met Obi Wan, was that memory wiped from Chopper’s memory?


Oh yeah!! Good point! Hahaha the off-screen shopping spree makes sense :P Ohhh yeah, not sure about Chopper's memory....that's a good question!!! I never think to question these little details!!! It's fun to think about though.