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Hey everyone!!!  Here it is - my reaction to vol 8 episodes 1 and 2 of RWBY!!!  WOW!!!!  Can't believe I'm saying this, but here we go with Vol. 8!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a start to the volume....for the first time since Vol. 4, it really feels like we're not all on the same page again.  It's not quite as bad, but maybe in some ways even worse, because we're emotionally separated instead of physically separated.  :(  Nora and Ren are breaking my heart!  Meanwhile Penny and Oscar have a lot of soul searching to do, we're trying to divide and conquer and take care of all the things, Ironwood is officially just GONE, Cinder is taking way too much credit, and oh yeah....let's not forget "NO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHAT THE FUUDDDDDGGGEEE!!!!!!  Wow guys, what an epic start!  Can't wait for more but I have a feeling it will be a bumpy ride!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


RWBY 8x01 and 8x02 full reaction.mp4



"Our greatest fears will be realized if we fall and lose ourselves to fear we've become what we feared all our lives" - Fear (V7 Soundtrack) We warned you that V8 would be intense! And yeah this episode really did feel like V4 for in terms of not being on the same wavelength... but in a situation like this it makes a whole lot of sense on why they aren't. Neither side of Yang and Ruby's argument are wrong in what they wish to prioritize and if anything it highlights alot on their characters. The smaller picture (Yang's POV) is that they have a whole city of people who are freezing to death and no longer have military protection - these people are the most at risk of Grimm and need to get to some form of safety. The bigger picture (Ruby's POV) is that Salem is here, no matter what they do, no one is safe while she is, and in order to stand any sort of chance against her they need help - and even if help doesn't come the rest of the world should know about her in order to prepare for what Atlas didn't. Neither are wrong at all, it's just with all the tension and emotions running high after everything that's happened the team are bound to step on eachother's toes. But I have to say I still find the team matchups so interesting, it really opens up the door for character interactions we haven't had or haven't had in a while. "I lost a part of me, a piece of me is gone...and it's never coming back" - Yang in V4 about her arm. I like taking that quote into consideration when I think about the fact Ironwood willingly chopped off his human arm and replaced it with a robotic one....symbolic and all that. But YEAH, Ironwood.... oh Ironwood... I've always sort of not liked the fact Ironwood had two seats on the council (TOO much power in the hands of the military and all that) and this is the exact reason why. It's his way or now way, and if you don't like it... well ask his previous fellow councilmember. It did look like some of the AceOps and Winter weren't okay with that (but then again really who would be) so let's see where that may lead). Ep 2 I always find myself not talking about too much, besides for a few of its more stand out moments. Like of course the best meme to ever come out of V8 = "Weiss was not the imposter", but no for real poor Weiss XD the way she just contorted looked lowkey painful. And yikesssss that "NO" still gives me massive chills. (Fun fact: it's voice is Qrow's new voice actor). Edit: Something you mentioned about Blake and Yang not being together being surprising really sticks out at me now, because like with Ruby and Yang, Blake is more of a big picture thinker (which is why she's with Ruby) and has been for a while which is another difference between her and Yang that aids the other as opposed to hindering the other - after all having someone whose opinion sorta balances yours can be quite grounding for both individuals. And another thing you mentioned often still rings in my head alot too: "I really don't feel like we're united". It's interesting because that's exactly how the characters feel. Because while they all are essentially working towards the same goal (saving the kingdom) just following different objectives they themselves don't feel like it. With the way they all left things, heated and tension filled its left them unsure of how they all stand with each other and that uncertainty follows them in their own individual groups and mindsets even if they all are trying their hardest to save Atlas and Mantle. Something I remember a whole lot, in terms of tension, was the lack of faith alot of fans had that Yang and Ruby's sisterhood would survive that argument which is... a different kind of ridiculousness. (Not even mentioning how many people were mad at Yang the whole volume for it). Yang has always sort of been the teams devils advocate, and while it might've been a little harsh in the way she worded it, one of Ruby's choices (which Yang questioned last volume as well) as the overall group leader did not turn out to be in their favor. That doesn't mean she loves Ruby any less than she did before. Yang literally helped raise Ruby, I doubt a disagreement over which way is better to help people will harm their sisterhood too deeply. Honestly, I can't blame her after everything for questioning her sister a little, but also I don't agree with putting the blame on Ruby either - and I think she knew she was going a little far too when she tried to elaborate. But yeah! Amazing reaction as always, I knew your reaction would be fantastic can't wait for more, buckle in you're in for a bumpy ride! Looking forward to the next set!


I love this as a premier so damn much because it really sets a dark tone and so it’s really fitting to have the volume start out with the villains. Also I want to think about the story of Cinderella with the very 1st scene. It’s so intimidating, horrifying, menacing and terrifying to see the giant horde of Grimm as well as Monstra just sitting there. Monstra as the name for the whale Grimm either after the 1st episode or 2nd episode. I absolutely love seeing Neo here because from the look on her face you can tell she’s thinking I’m regretting my recent life choices and I’m out of my depth and maybe this partnership might have been a bad decision. However she’s also in really deep so there's not much she can do right now. There's a really big body horror element to monster with a rib cage that doubles as a landing port, all the pulsating flesh/bone and the noise the “doors” make. You can see the surprise from Neo when she sees a person like Cinder bowing to someone and her fear of Salem. I really love the wordplay Salem starts out with the word trust. Also the annoyance from Neo when Cinder takes all the credit very much fit how I was feeling. And now it’s great and terrible to see Tyrian again especially with his hatred for Cinder sharing with him throwing shade at her although I like that she throws it right back at him. Also his comment towards Neo and her angry reaction makes you think about what a fight between those 2 would be like. I love seeing Salem so intimidating and commanding in this scene. Also here you start to see Neo realizing that she’s just considered an asset here when Salem mentions it and of course that’s when Hazel, Mercury and Emerald show up. I love the new designs for those 3 but none more so than Emerald’s it’s sexy but also really cool and awesome. Also of course Cinder shows no caring towards her whatsoever which is really sad. Seeing Salem control Monstra like she does is terrifying especially because this command deck I guess you would call it has a viewing port directly showing Atlas. Also the chess metaphor towards Cinder is such a crazy burn and the way Salem just waves them off is so casual. It’s sad/disheartening to see that some of the Faunus live in slums but heartwarming that they still share what little food/water they have with a tired young boy. Also this is actually the 1st time we see a Faunus with a serious animal trait this time I think Badger hands. It’s nice to see Oscar reunited with the others. Also while I wouldn’t say all his decisions were wrong but that definitely connects with his connection with Oz. It’s nice to see the happy huntresses more involved with the story now that Robyn is in jail. Now Maria and Pietro are on the wanted list as well. It’s interesting that Oscar is hiding Oz being back for now. It’s crazy how hard it would be to get worldwide communications back up as well as seeing this division here between Yang and Ruby. Although I like that it's not that the love is still there it’s just a disagreement. Also I love that Oscar says it’s less about division and more about in fighting with what Salem is doing and it’s great to see Jaune defusing the situation. I think the 2 different plans and different groupings of the characters to be very interesting and I like while the plans are being talked about that we see them being enacted allowing for exposition while still having things happening. I am disappointed that the abbreviation for Yang’s group is ORJY (orgy) but the abbreviation for Ruby’s group is really cool being RNBW plus P (rainbow and Penny). The conversation with Ironwood is so intense and scary. Also there is definitely some messed up emotional manipulation from him with this is how it is more towards Ruby in my opinion but people have different interpretations and sadly it does negatively affect Penny. It’s sad and interesting to see the different reactions of the ace operatives towards Clover’s death and this is some extreme confirmation of his death here with the extremely pale skin. Here we get to see more of how close James is to the edge/a breakdown with how he talks and with the Grimm Army it’s such a dire situation. It’s scary how much Winter was actually injured by Cinder it looks almost like some nerve damage although the brace like thing is interesting. It’s very concerning that it sounds like 1 of the few things keeping him sane is Winter. It makes sense for the council members to be outraged but that was a mistake. Seeing Ironwood shoot Slate is so shocking and crazy but very much fits with his willingness to do anything. Also to play devils advocate under martial law the military is allowed to do anything to maintain peace. One other thing James doesn’t shoot until Slate mentions him possibly being afraid. And we see very understandable but interesting reactions to this morally ambiguous action from Harriet and Winter most clearly but the other aces as well. Finally this opening is so amazing and has some of the darkest visuals of the shows openings. Also the instrumentals/singing is so damn fantastic. I can’t say a thing without spoiling really but I can say there were many theories/predictions based on this opening. Episode 2 comment coming soon.


I think for these first two episodes it is important to remember that the last time they all slept was last Volume before they went to Jaques Dinner. Since then things just keep happening. Which also means they don't have time to check in with each other. So of course Yang and Blake don't have time to talk while Ren and Nora continue their fight that Ren kind of started in the last episode of Volume 7.


Hi Hime :) Where to start ? Ironwood, I can assure you that it was hard to hear you say during volume 7 "he is finally on the right track" or "there is always hope for him", especially when you have in mind the murder scene from episode 1 ... We can clearly put it as an enemy and it is also one of the first times where there are 3 camps, not just RWBY and the others against the Salem's henchmen, but a third group to consider, bringing all the more opportunity for conflict. The theme now, when it first appeared, me and many others all immediately felt that vibe ... Volume 3 again. And I must admit that having Ruby separated from others and sentences like "some roses will never bloom" or "some life will end much too soon" is not so reassuring ... Despite that, it remains my favorite theme and I would continue to sing it everytime i hear it lol. Now it's time for the Hound, that new toy Grimm from Salem. He's a walking nightmare and that's why he's awesome, he's smart, talks and can change his shape, CRWBY has done wonders on this one and you haven't seen them all yet. Moreover, we can already see him observing Yang and the others when he tests their motorcycle for the first time. It's subtle, but its strengthens its dangerous side. But I would also like to thank Nora for this little passage of fresh air by sending (poor) Weiss down the tube. Seeing the dark atmosphere before that, a little laughter feels good. Blake arguing about the ownership of Schnee Dust Company is one of them too. It's fun to see this kind of scene and remember their talk in Volume 1. Time goes by and people change. But hey, at least with these two episodes, you understand how we were in a hurry to see you react to Volume 8, You will surely be a mess in the end , like all of us, but we will be there to support you I reassure you and it it's worth it.


I forgot to mention how amazingly dark and horror filled the instrumental at the beginning of the episode is. Also the little charm on Pietro's keys features an image of a cricket referencing Pinocchio. Finally I forgot to mention something hard to notice is that James has a new robotic arm meaning he had his people cut off his arm because he believed there wasn't enough time for it to be healed because of how bad the situation is. Also while the new arm is mostly black the other one has always been mostly white representing the Duality of his character.

Zen Reacts

Dont forget this is the Empire volume of RWBY! This theme is far and away my favorite. The neat part about chapter 2 is that on re-watch if you watch the rooftops during scenes with Jaune's team you can actually see the Hound hunting them through mantle

Derpy Trev

I really hope you react to RWBY Chibi after this, mainly cause I’d love to see you react to it. It’s bubbly and fun and I know you’d love it. It’s what we all needed after V3. As you saw from the opening, this volume is intense. The whole Atlas Arc is intense and Chibi a nice calm show in comparison to high stake intensity lol

Christopher Pope

As Nora demonstrated, amid all the intensity, there are still occasions to laugh and even cheer as our characters continue to be themselves and find themselves. It's sad, though, to see Penny pulled in different directions. Her ideas aren't always the best, but she really hasn't been allowed to make many decisions for herself. We did see her reluctance to follow Winter last finale, and she put her foot down on going to Amity. Self-determination is so important to her; since she's a genuine person, she needs to be treated like one.

Kayleigh McRae

My arms are here to hug you throughout this volume Hime. I know you are just as attached to Oscar and his wellbeing as I am. I'm here for you! 💔 In all seriousness though it has been foreshadowed that Oscar would be taken. Not just this volume but in volume 6 and 7. Where they teased it. Where Oscar goes missing! Twice! Welp third times the charm. Three strikes your out guys. We have a farmboy on his way to the lady who hates the man in his head. And would love nothing more then to see him and get him to cooperate in her plan to use the relics. Also dont know if you noticed. But Ren rolled his eyes at Yang when she suggests he use his semblance to mask everyone out of Mantle. Even tries to warn her it won't last. And then as Jaune is trying to give him motivation like any leader would. Ren snaps at him. Like listen to his tone of voice. That's lashing out in frustration. And we've seen this before with Ren in volume 7. He's not happy with things. Hope you enjoy where this volume takes everyone. :)


woohoo yes Vol. 8 is here and what an amazing reaction to start it off. You made it one episode in and already started to tear up yea you're gonna be fine this volume. The group might be split up but at least everyone knows what everyone is doing. Qrow looks so sad at least Robyn is with him. You have now been introduce to the grimm known as The Hound pretty scary right I was not expecting that thing to speak when I first saw it. You can actually see The Hound a couple of time just watching Oscar and the others before It attack them. Will Yang and the others be able to get him back before He's in Salems clutches who knows. I cannot wait for next week


Not sure if you have been keeping up to date with any of the RWBY announcements we got over past few days during the RWBY panels at RTX (Rooster Teeth's yearly convention) but aside from volume 9 spoilers we are getting a new RWBY novel this September titled 'Roman Holiday' and it takes place before volume 1 and its all about Roman and Neo's backstory and we also got more information about the new RWBY video game coming next year called RWBY Arrowfell witch is a cannon side story the takes place during the volume 7 time skip when the team is working as professional huntsmen and huntresses and we get to see new and old faces like Clover and the new huntress team BRIR (pronounced briar) and CRWBY did all the animation for the cutscenes so they are like scenes from the actual show


While the intro episode really set the tone for the volume, it's episode 2 that really tells us just how far this volume is going to push the boundaries. My absolute favorite thing is to go through the episode and search for the new grimm, the Hound, as he stalks the team. There are three different points where the Hound shows up on screen before his attack to take Oscar. He's on the bridge watching when the speeder bikes initially go by. He's off in the distance on top of a tower when Oscar and Ozpin are having their internal dialogue. And during the fight with the pterodactyl grimm, you see the Hound running across the bridge just moments before it gets slammed into it. It shows how very different the grimm actually is, other than the obvious "NO". One cool thing about that scene though is you can see the Hound growing vocal cords right before it speaks. It grows what it needs out of its body at various moments, including changing its shape from dog to human stance during the fight. I'm really looking forward to you seeing where this volume goes. It's probably my favorite to watch reactors experience for the first time.


"We have a farmboy on his way to the lady who hates the man in his head." - Only RWBY could give us a sentence like this, LOL!


YES! Hime reacting to Chibi would be the perfect form of healing after this volume.


Oh, one more thing. The memes that came out of Nora's button push that sent Weiss hurtling up the tube are some of the funniest ever produced for scenes from this show. If you need a laugh to get you through the craziness, I highly recommend looking at some of those. :)

Haughtbreaker Nic

Yesss Volume 8. This is indeed such an intense volume. The OP is so dark and foreboding. I can't wait for the V8 soundtrack to come out so we can hear the whole thing. I love the callback of the OP to the Beacon days when they were full of hope and willing to give everything for the fight. In the V2 OP, it goes "It's time to say goodbye, to the things we loved and the Innocence of youth" and this OP begins with "We said goodbye, to all the things we loved. Gave up our lives, just to find that it was not enough." It really speaks a lot to the mentality of the group. So many people were upset with Yang, but both she and Ruby are equally correct in who needs help. And it's like, Ruby was the leader chosen in school, but they're not in school anymore and they need to work more as a group instead of letting Ruby make all the decisions. Through V7 you could see that Yang was not agreeing with the decisions Ruby was making but was willing to go with it, but now everything is starting to hit the fan and I think them being apart is a good idea. Really, only Yang and Nora switched places but the flow of the groups have just changed completely. But I feel like this is the best opportunity to see some character development, not just with Ruby/Yang and Ren/Nora but one of my favorite revelations you can see in ep 2 is that with Yang not there, Blake is showing a bit more playful personality to fill the space that's normally taken by Yang. I can't wait for you to see the rest of the volume.

Lilith Night (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:11:28 I have a very very very VERY friendly advice for you Hime after you finish Vol 8, you need to watch RWBY Chibi after ALL of the intensity you're are going to go through. No spoilers, obviously, but you're going to need it!! (>_<)
2021-07-13 18:28:07 I have a very very very VERY friendly advice for you Hime after you finish Vol 8, you need to watch RWBY Chibi after ALL of the intensity you're are going to go through. No spoilers, obviously, but you're going to need it!! (>_<)

I have a very very very VERY friendly advice for you Hime after you finish Vol 8, you need to watch RWBY Chibi after ALL of the intensity you're are going to go through. No spoilers, obviously, but you're going to need it!! (>_<)

Zen Reacts

I mean, that is what Nora can do. Shes always good for that


Just a little fun fact, the writers have described the first 7 episodes of V8 as the "tame half"

John J Ronald

In my head I always hear the opening notes to the Futurama theme whenever Nora hits the button, cracks me up every time.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:11:28 Did you notice Salem using Whalevision (tm) to look at Occupied Beacon while holding the Relic of Knowledge. It's definitely heavily implied here that Salem wants to use the Lamp to find the Beacon Relic, since her efforts to date have thusfar been unsuccessful. I think the Whale Grimm is an upscaled &amp; heavily modded version of the Seer Grimm....it's bulbous head functions very much like one, i.e. as an AV communications array. For our team(s), we have a Division of Labor but not Purpose....but there are underlying tensions all around. Everyone's under enormous stress and a little thin skinned at the moment. The Amity Mission is being tackled by team RNBW (Rainbow), while the Mantle mission is being addressed by Team JOYR(ide)....at least those are names dubbed by some in FNDM. Also, it makes me a little sad thinking about the symbolism of May Marigold (the transgirl) using invisibility as her semblance...as in she wants to just disappear....ooof. I remember seeing on social media how nearly all the semblances of the main girls can analytically be tied back to trauma and psychological defense mechanisms; Blake's clones = dissociation, etc, etc. I'm afraid this is just the beginning of Atlas personnel being manipulative &amp; shitty to Penny, trying to guilt her into compliance. Had real 2020 flashbacks with the line "It should NOT be this hard just getting people to cooperate." (me, looking at all the misguided anti-mask childishness during the middle of the pandemic: "No kidding, and yet...." ) ...that scene really resonated because of the context of real life at the time it aired.... Anyway, buckle up, the wild ride has just begun!
2021-07-14 00:09:46 Did you notice Salem using Whalevision (tm) to look at Occupied Beacon while holding the Relic of Knowledge. It's definitely heavily implied here that Salem wants to use the Lamp to find the Beacon Relic, since her efforts to date have thusfar been unsuccessful. I think the Whale Grimm is an upscaled & heavily modded version of the Seer Grimm....it's bulbous head functions very much like one, i.e. as an AV communications array. For our team(s), we have a Division of Labor but not Purpose....but there are underlying tensions all around. Everyone's under enormous stress and a little thin skinned at the moment. The Amity Mission is being tackled by team RNBW (Rainbow), while the Mantle mission is being addressed by Team JOYR(ide)....at least those are names dubbed by some in FNDM. Also, it makes me a little sad thinking about the symbolism of May Marigold (the transgirl) using invisibility as her semblance...as in she wants to just disappear....ooof. I remember seeing on social media how nearly all the semblances of the main girls can analytically be tied back to trauma and psychological defense mechanisms; Blake's clones = dissociation, etc, etc. I'm afraid this is just the beginning of Atlas personnel being manipulative & shitty to Penny, trying to guilt her into compliance. Had real 2020 flashbacks with the line "It should NOT be this hard just getting people to cooperate." (me, looking at all the misguided anti-mask childishness during the middle of the pandemic: "No kidding, and yet...." ) ...that scene really resonated because of the context of real life at the time it aired.... Anyway, buckle up, the wild ride has just begun!

Did you notice Salem using Whalevision (tm) to look at Occupied Beacon while holding the Relic of Knowledge. It's definitely heavily implied here that Salem wants to use the Lamp to find the Beacon Relic, since her efforts to date have thusfar been unsuccessful. I think the Whale Grimm is an upscaled & heavily modded version of the Seer Grimm....it's bulbous head functions very much like one, i.e. as an AV communications array. For our team(s), we have a Division of Labor but not Purpose....but there are underlying tensions all around. Everyone's under enormous stress and a little thin skinned at the moment. The Amity Mission is being tackled by team RNBW (Rainbow), while the Mantle mission is being addressed by Team JOYR(ide)....at least those are names dubbed by some in FNDM. Also, it makes me a little sad thinking about the symbolism of May Marigold (the transgirl) using invisibility as her semblance...as in she wants to just disappear....ooof. I remember seeing on social media how nearly all the semblances of the main girls can analytically be tied back to trauma and psychological defense mechanisms; Blake's clones = dissociation, etc, etc. I'm afraid this is just the beginning of Atlas personnel being manipulative & shitty to Penny, trying to guilt her into compliance. Had real 2020 flashbacks with the line "It should NOT be this hard just getting people to cooperate." (me, looking at all the misguided anti-mask childishness during the middle of the pandemic: "No kidding, and yet...." ) ...that scene really resonated because of the context of real life at the time it aired.... Anyway, buckle up, the wild ride has just begun!


So the shooting of an unarmed innocent adult is when you say Ironwood lost it, but doing the same thing to an unarmed innocent 14 year old child just a few hours earlier was just a well maybe he's bad but I'm not too sure yet kind of thing? Lol I gotta say...I thought he was a jerk when he stabbed Ozpin in the back by complaining about him to the Vale council back in volume 2. I almost changed my mind in volume 3 but I was believing Qrow's arguments and decided I don't like the guy.


So, you are correct that the first little scene we get there of the young girl scrubbing the floor is indeed a flashback, and the first glimpse we've gotten of Cinder's past. I'm sure you can imagine that this volume really hooked me right from the start sdfsfd. Aside from that, they're setting up some interesting stuff with Neo already. Regardless of Cinder's intentions with taking credit for everything (I think you could give it a kinda charitable reading and say that by focusing all the attention on herself Cinder is sorta protecting Neo, it's a dangerous thing to have Salem looking too closely at you after all, or alternatively Cinder is just looking out for herself, trying to make Salem as happy as possible with her) it's pretty clear that Neo isn't very happy. I think that what she ultimately wants is something like what she had with Roman, a partnership between equals, and when she agreed to work with Cinder in v6 she was hoping that they could have something like that together. Unfortunately, it's becoming more and more clear that Cinder just isn't going to treat her that way. Additionally, she only agreed to work with Cinder to kill Ruby, but now they haven't made any real progress toward that goal and she's trapped on a giant freaky whale with basically the equivalent of satan, it's looking less and less likely that she's gonna get what she wants. Which does all raise the question, what is Neo going to do? Ooh, and while I'm rambling about villains, one thing I find pretty funny towards the start of ep 1 is Tyrian being all "Oh we did a great job while you were just making up for your mistakes" when in actual fact, Tyrian and Watts' whole plan to divide Atlas failed entirely, and the only reason things actually ended up falling apart was Cinder leaving that chess piece in Ironwood's office. Of course, Tyrian doesn't actually know anything about the chess piece, so he's just like "hell yeah, we did a great job." Over on the heroes side, ahhhh it hurts so much to see everyone struggling, fighting, disagreeing on what they should do. My heart especially goes out to Penny, poor thing just wants to keep people safe, do the right thing, but now it's so hard to tell what that is, she's got so much weight on her shoulders q.q at least we get some nice moments between her and Ruby out of it. Ruby coming in to help Penny during the conversation with Ironwood, and then their talk at the shipping company, it just makes so clear that those two care about each other so deeply. Also very cool to see a bit more of the Happy Huntresses, especially May Marigold, the one accompanying Ruby's group. Someone may have already pointed this out, but if you remember back to v4 there was that part where Weiss was at a fancy party her father was hosting, and she gets approached by a guy who hits on her a bit until she throws him out. That guy was named Henry Marigold, and is the cousin of May, pretty interesting that when her family is apparently high society types along the lines of the Schnees, May herself is down in Mantle working alongside Robyn to protect the lower class people. really excited for the next few weeks, there's some great episodes coming up that I can hardly wait to see your reactions to!

Beowolf Chow

It's a wonderfully intense start to the season. In my opinion, volume 7 and 8 have some of the show's best writing. So enjoy the ride, and thanks once again for taking a chance on this series all those months ago.


What a huge rough start to things. I hope Oscar comes to terms with things. And I hope his leg is okay that thing was just yanking him around

Nathan Grenawalt

ABSOLUTELY not defending Ironwood's actions, but you could argue that he shot an immortal being he knew wouldn't stay dead last season, and lost sight that it was a child. he kept on addressing Ozpin during that confrontation, after all. And it was more personal, and emotions were running high. He has turned towards a darker path, and started down it. But the execution of an innocent, well-meaning man for no real reason other than to make a statement... that's dark.


Oh good lord, that's a good point actually. Yeah, not only are they sleep deprived, but they simply don't have time to talk things out.


Oh noooooo that's right haha! The theme is total fire! Really?!?!?! I need to go back and watch those scenes!!!!! Thanks for pointing it out!!!


YAY!!! So, I was kinda planning on this anyway, but it sounds like I will REALLY need it after getting current lol!!!


So true! That's definitely what Nora does!!! So sad about Penny for sure. It must be so hard to make decisions when that's not in her experience. Yet we know that it's important to her.


Ahhhhh thank you Kayleigh!!!!! I so appreciate that!!! Poor Oscar!! But yeah, it has been hinted at a LOT hasn't it lol. And OMG that line is something that only RWBY could provide for sure haha. Yeah Ren definitely seems like he's getting more and more not in a good place. Oh boy.....I'm scared for where this will all lead!!!!


YAY!!! And thank you so much!! Hahaha oh no I am in for it right? Poor Qrow!!!! And omg The Hound is something else for sure! I really thought I was losing it lol. Ah yes I need to go back and watch for the first appearances of the Hound in the background. Ahhhhh I hope we can get Oscar back!!!!! So excited for the next few eps!!

Derpy Trev

Yeah, these past volumes have all been so serious, it’s nice to just relax and just be happy with the show. Plus it’s super meta and funny. I remember you mentioning Chibi some time ago, I just hoped it was still something you wanted to do. :)


Whoa!!!! That's awesome! I can't wait for the book and game! WOW!!! Sounds amazing! Thank you so much!!!!! I've been really considering getting into gaming and I think some of these RWBY games might be a good gateway lol!


Right?!?! Me too!!! Ugh yes so true....even if he is in one piece I'm sure he'll be all banged up and bruised :(


Yes!!! I can definitely see that from Vol. 7 and what I've seen so far of 8. Oh my gosh, taking that chance paid off more than I could have ever dreamed possible!!!! I love this show, it's in my heart forever <3 Thanks for watching along with me!


Ah yes I'm seeing some other suggestions of this as well!!!! I was kinda planning on it anyway, but now I'm thinking it's a total must!!!

Nathan Grenawalt

I'm going to hold off on much commentary for now, because it's hard to avoid spoilers, but I want to point out a little side-story that took place in the background. The old lady who hates Faunus, her daughter with the snow-shovel, and the little (presumably) grand-child with them are all greeted warmly by a family of Fox-Faunus who we saw Oscar hanging out with in the first episode before being picked up by Ruby. So that's a heartwarming little story there, all in the background. Also, I appreciate how they are showing Jaune be confident and strong and cool, but still having that cute awkwardness he always had - his cool beheading of a Grimm followed by almost falling off his bike, for instance.

Nathan Grenawalt

OMG, I was just rewatching last volume for fun after this reaction, and there's a Faunus playing a banjo in Chapter 1 of last volume who is playing in the refugee camp in Chapter 2 of this volume! My God, there is so much detail put into the background stuff. I have watched these volumes over and over and never seen him before1

Dillon Hansel

Cue me cackling like a madman because you have now been introduced to THE HOUND!!!!! Have fun with him! You're not ready at all.


OMG yes you all did warn me!!! So true about the bigger/smaller picture - both are important, we're just all on edge right now and there's no time to really think or talk it out. That is such a good point about Ironwood's arm, I never even considered that!!! But yeah, it demonstrates where he's at mentally for sure. OMG I need to see the Weiss meme! And no way that was Qrow's VA?!?!!? Wow!!! That's such a good point about Blake actually! And omg, really?! This argument wasn't even that bad lol, maybe the folks saying that don't have siblings??? :P So true that this definitely won't break them apart. It just feels icky to not all be on the same page anymore. And this really wasn't all that out of character for Yang, like you said. YAY!!!! I'm so happy you liked my reaction, thank you!!!!! Can't wait for more!!!!! XD


Ooooh love the name Monstra!! Definitely feeling the horror vibes. Oh man, a Neo/Tyrian fight would be intense! The new looks are all great. Yeah I was happy to see more of the happy huntresses too! OMG that's really Yang's group's abbreviation?! Loving RNBW plus Penny though! Interesting that Winter is keeping Ironwood somewhat sane....but yeah shooting the guy was nuts, yet fit with where he's at right now. Oh yeah the instrumentals are awesome here!!! WHOA did not notice that about the arm!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!!! That's intense. Thank you so much!!!


Hi Spadeas! :) Ohhhhh that must have been cringey when I was talking about Ironwood last volume! :/ Great point that now there are 3 camps instead of 2, yikes. Oh the theme is amazing, albeit somewhat grim (no pun intended!) in the lyrics! Speaking of Grimm, the Hound is terrifying!! CRWBY has outdone themselves! Awwww poor Weiss hahaha but it was a great moment! Yeah the lines here really demonstrate the growth and change for sure. Ahhh yes I can see why you wanted me to get to this point so much now!!!! Thank you so much for supporting me! I know I'm going to need it!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD


Oh the theme really is dark! It's awesome though. Oh so true about the references in the lyrics!!! I totally get both Ruby and Yang's points. Also a great point that Ruby was chosen in a different time, a different world, that doesn't apply anymore (although I still think she should be leader). Yeah that's true, it's only Yang and Nora switched around yet it feels all different!!! Ohhhh that's true about Blake, she does get to shine a bit more doesn't she? I'm sure it will be great character development and hopefully we will all be back together again soon!!!! Thanks so much, I can't wait for more!


No I did not notice the Whalevision, omg, great name too!! Ohhhh makes sense it comes from the Seer Grimm. And also that she's after the Beacon relic next. Yeah we are all just REALLY tense, for sure! Loving the names! Ohhhhh I didn't even put that together about May!!!! That's intense! :( So true that the semblances tie in very closely with trauma and such. Ugh, I am so sad to hear that Penny has more of that to face! OMG, I so was gonna get into how it was way too 2020 but got distracted lol. I feel you there, ugh. OMG, can't wait for more - I'm scared but excited!!!


Thanks for being so considerate about spoilers!! Ohhhh I did not notice the background story!!! Yes it's nice to see Jaune being so awesome yet still being Jaune haha. OMG I did not notice the Faunus playing a banjo! I really need to go back and rewatch when I'm done so I can see all these fun details!!!


James - there have been huge hints at his nature from earlier on for sure. Him shooting Oscar was definitely a tipping point for me, but like Nathan said, I kinda still had the Ozpin stuff in mind there, i.e. not really seeing him as a child like you said Nathan. But yeah, seeing him have some time go by and then just slaughter a person for approaching him about something, seemed a bit more jarring somehow.


Oh I'm glad I was right about the flashback, and oh wow I can imagine you were instantly hooked haha!! Ohhh that's true, it's one way to look at it that Cinder is protecting Neo somewhat by keeping her involvement a bit more removed from everything. But yeah, Neo definitely wants something different. Hahaha yup the whole killing Ruby thing has fallen off the radar and now they're in the satan / whale place sooooo definitely a big step from where she thought she'd be hahaha. Oh I know, it's heartbreaking to see everyone up in the air with their thoughts and feelings like this! Oh yes I was feeling the love even more between Penny and Ruby here. OHHHHH I feel like someone mentioned that Henry was related to someone but I don't think I remembered and/or put it all together. Good for May for working to help people in Mantle when her family is clearly from a high society background. Ahhh I cannot wait for more!!! Thank you!


You do realize that Ironwood thinks he shot and murdered Oscar. He didn't shoot him thinking Ozpin would miraculously wake Oscar up and have him use his magic to save himself. He shot the councilman for a more devious reason though. At least I think so. By killing him he now has the majority of the remaining council seats and can do as he pleases. Other wise his 2 seats and their 2 evened out with Jacques in jail


Since these are my initial, first-time reactions to what I'm watching, what you're seeing here is kind of my first impressions of what's going on, and my initial thoughts honestly were that Ironwood was not even really thinking (and perhaps due to his mental state has not taken the time to reflect on what he's done since shooting Oscar, considering whether or not he was really dead, etc.). I agree that shooting the councilman was definitely more devious, hadn't even considered that about the seats!


I really enjoy this episode. I think the thing I love most about this episode is besides the action scene at the end it’s mostly a set up for the volume showing character motivations and where character’s are at but still has a lot of small details that are really great. I love that it starts out in the Atlas prison with 4 very different characters in different places because even though it has dark undertones the way it’s written and shown is just very entertaining/enjoyable/interesting. Also most people were tricked into thinking Robyn was talking about and blaming Qrow for this situation but of course she wasn’t which was definitely the writers intentions. It’s sad that throughout most of this scene Qrow is not saying anything just looking at Clover’s lucky charm. It’s interesting to see Jacques so scared because it shows that without his money and power/influence he’s just a normal, weak and cowardly man. Also saying he’s a victim is a callback to Weiss in volume 1 and shows where that version of Weiss got that perspective. Also the question you have to ask about what Qrow says that the end of the scene is he talking about Ironwood or Tyrian. Johanna taking the reporters microphone is really funny and feels like an extreme version of the people who try to get in the background of news reports. Also her message to the people is really powerful. The thing of Yang’s group riding the hover bikes for the 1st time was the 1st bit of promotional material for volume 8 and also all promotional material made sure to take out the Hound so it would be a surprise. I feel like it’s good that the writers decided to show more of the racism against Faunus with this older woman and her family. Also I’m pretty sure the mom with the snow shovel was 1 of the thirsty moms from volume 7. I really love seeing Jaune taking charge and trying to keep the positive emotions of the civilians up to avoid attracting more Grimm and shows how good he is with regular civilians since he used to be more like them until volume 1/3 at least in my opinion. Also his new portable shield generator is cool. The grandma continuously complaining and the discussion about cooperation and working together is really reminiscent of politics in America but also it feels like just a general discussion of the unfortunate parts of human nature. Oscar talking more about what he wants and how he feels about having the burden of what the merge might do is such a great moment for his character and gives us as the audience a better/deeper understanding of his character/development. Also the image of a stuffed animal having been stomped on is a very poignant reminder of how bad things are as well as and this might be reaching a loss of innocence for Oscar. I like Oz talking to him more equally now showing that he is changing as well and it really shows the burden this reincarnation is on the both of them. I love how there is more casual use of dust and semblances in this episode with Fiona and the heaters. Fiona is still adorable and the use of the phrase flexing on is funny I think only to me. The mention of their teammates making them upset is representing how tense things are and Ren storming off shows that while he does really want to help people he’s not in the best place mentally. It’s cool that Fiona’s uncle is and I looked up his animal trait the badger Faunus from the 1st episode and something really cool is he’s voiced by the cofounder of RT Gus Sorola who has been in a number of their shows but surprisingly enough not RWBY which made a lot of rooster teeth fans happy. I really enjoy the scenes at the shipping company because of the great character interactions and dialogue. Also it’s impressive from a scale standpoint that RT’s animation team was able to show so many different models of people going into the crater even though some of them might have the same model but most look unique but it also shows how many lives are at stake in this situation including children which makes it worse because any life being lost is bad but children are often considered the future of the world. I’m glad people mentioned the story of the human family and the Faunus family and it’s even more heartwarming because the children seem to make a connection 1st and shows how children don't really have prejudices especially that young. Also something interesting people were talking about was when teammates were mentioned Nora turns away and looks left while Ren stormed off toward the right so while not literally thematically they are looking towards each other. I love how both groups of our characters are trying to keep their spirits up when they can in this impossible situation because I think they need to be in good mental places to be able to help as many people as possible. Also yes that scene between Ruby and Penny is simultaneously heartbreaking, heartwarming and adorable and very much felt great for us shippers. It’s always so interesting to hear Penny’s perspective on all the division that’s going on. In regards to James lying just to hurt while his intention was to hurt it’s not really lying and I think the blame was directed towards Ruby more he is basically blaming all of them. And no matter what anyone thinks it’s ridiculous to put all the blame on them because I think there’s blame that can be placed on a lot of people but no one person is at fault for this entire situation. I also really love May as a character especially her mannerisms so I’m glad you like her as well. The Weiss in the tube scene might be 1 of the funniest things CRWBY has ever come up with. I think what really sells it is how excited Nora seems to be for her turn and everyone in the background being in shock or looking at Nora like she’s crazy. Also thankfully she’s flexible and has aura because the way she contorts looks painful at best. I absolutely love the teamwork between Yang’s group against the flying Grimm but then the exhaustion starts to become more apparent while the monsters are never-ending. Also we all knew something was wrong when the Grimm run from something. And introducing the Hound and what an introduction it was. It’s bad for the heroes but it’s honestly impressive how the Hound quickly and efficiently knocks out Oscar and its intelligence in the fight that follows is terrifying in addition to how it waited for what it believed was it’s best chance to get Oscar that’s just creepy. While some Grimm are more emotionally horrifying this 1 is more physically and psychologically horrifying. The way it morphs and changes is body horror at its finest but also makes it a better more versatile fighter. It also shows that it understands people by using Oscar as a shield. The thing that’s interesting to me is it shows that unlike other Grimm it doesn’t need negative emotions to find people it has a sense of smell and hearing. This thing speaking has to be 1 of the most shocking things in the show especially how it forms the local cords to do it. Also some people were asking why they weren’t doing anything to help Oscar but they were exhausted, in shock from something they had never seen before and could have easily hurt Oscar by mistake since he has no aura. The noises it makes is just… Unnerving, unsettling and nope especially the sounds of its body restructuring itself and how it sounds like it’s in pain. Something cool is that I’m sure others theorized about this but murder of birds has talked about wanting a Grimm like this as early as the end of volume 4 because of the gears of war video game series that has a similar monstrous main villain as a threat that eventually gets intelligent lieutenants from the monsters it creates. I don’t think you can understand his excitement at this happening. Also it makes them more threatening instead of just unending unintelligent monsters. Finally what a cliffhanger am I right? This was such a great reaction. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


Since you answered my other comments but not this 1 I'm going to repost it here. I really enjoy this episode. I think the thing I love most about this episode is besides the action scene at the end it’s mostly a set up for the volume showing character motivations and where character’s are at but still has a lot of small details that are really great. I love that it starts out in the Atlas prison with 4 very different characters in different places because even though it has dark undertones the way it’s written and shown is just very entertaining/enjoyable/interesting. Also most people were tricked into thinking Robyn was talking about and blaming Qrow for this situation but of course she wasn’t which was definitely the writers intentions. It’s sad that throughout most of this scene Qrow is not saying anything just looking at Clover’s lucky charm. It’s interesting to see Jacques so scared because it shows that without his money and power/influence he’s just a normal, weak and cowardly man. Also saying he’s a victim is a callback to Weiss in volume 1 and shows where that version of Weiss got that perspective. Also the question you have to ask about what Qrow says that the end of the scene is he talking about Ironwood or Tyrian. Johanna taking the reporters microphone is really funny and feels like an extreme version of the people who try to get in the background of news reports. Also her message to the people is really powerful. The thing of Yang’s group riding the hover bikes for the 1st time was the 1st bit of promotional material for volume 8 and also all promotional material made sure to take out the Hound so it would be a surprise. I feel like it’s good that the writers decided to show more of the racism against Faunus with this older woman and her family. Also I’m pretty sure the mom with the snow shovel was 1 of the thirsty moms from volume 7. I really love seeing Jaune taking charge and trying to keep the positive emotions of the civilians up to avoid attracting more Grimm and shows how good he is with regular civilians since he used to be more like them until volume 1/3 at least in my opinion. Also his new portable shield generator is cool. The grandma continuously complaining and the discussion about cooperation and working together is really reminiscent of politics in America but also it feels like just a general discussion of the unfortunate parts of human nature. Oscar talking more about what he wants and how he feels about having the burden of what the merge might do is such a great moment for his character and gives us as the audience a better/deeper understanding of his character/development. Also the image of a stuffed animal having been stomped on is a very poignant reminder of how bad things are as well as and this might be reaching a loss of innocence for Oscar. I like Oz talking to him more equally now showing that he is changing as well and it really shows the burden this reincarnation is on the both of them. I love how there is more casual use of dust and semblances in this episode with Fiona and the heaters. Fiona is still adorable and the use of the phrase flexing on is funny I think only to me. The mention of their teammates making them upset is representing how tense things are and Ren storming off shows that while he does really want to help people he’s not in the best place mentally. It’s cool that Fiona’s uncle is and I looked up his animal trait the badger Faunus from the 1st episode and something really cool is he’s voiced by the cofounder of RT Gus Sorola who has been in a number of their shows but surprisingly enough not RWBY which made a lot of rooster teeth fans happy. I really enjoy the scenes at the shipping company because of the great character interactions and dialogue. Also it’s impressive from a scale standpoint that RT’s animation team was able to show so many different models of people going into the crater even though some of them might have the same model but most look unique but it also shows how many lives are at stake in this situation including children which makes it worse because any life being lost is bad but children are often considered the future of the world. I’m glad people mentioned the story of the human family and the Faunus family and it’s even more heartwarming because the children seem to make a connection 1st and shows how children don't really have prejudices especially that young. Also something interesting people were talking about was when teammates were mentioned Nora turns away and looks left while Ren stormed off toward the right so while not literally thematically they are looking towards each other. I love how both groups of our characters are trying to keep their spirits up when they can in this impossible situation because I think they need to be in good mental places to be able to help as many people as possible. Also yes that scene between Ruby and Penny is simultaneously heartbreaking, heartwarming and adorable and very much felt great for us shippers. It’s always so interesting to hear Penny’s perspective on all the division that’s going on. In regards to James lying just to hurt while his intention was to hurt it’s not really lying and I think the blame was directed towards Ruby more he is basically blaming all of them. And no matter what anyone thinks it’s ridiculous to put all the blame on them because I think there’s blame that can be placed on a lot of people but no one person is at fault for this entire situation. I also really love May as a character especially her mannerisms so I’m glad you like her as well. The Weiss in the tube scene might be 1 of the funniest things CRWBY has ever come up with. I think what really sells it is how excited Nora seems to be for her turn and everyone in the background being in shock or looking at Nora like she’s crazy. Also thankfully she’s flexible and has aura because the way she contorts looks painful at best. I absolutely love the teamwork between Yang’s group against the flying Grimm but then the exhaustion starts to become more apparent while the monsters are never-ending. Also we all knew something was wrong when the Grimm run from something. And introducing the Hound and what an introduction it was. It’s bad for the heroes but it’s honestly impressive how the Hound quickly and efficiently knocks out Oscar and its intelligence in the fight that follows is terrifying in addition to how it waited for what it believed was it’s best chance to get Oscar that’s just creepy. While some Grimm are more emotionally horrifying this 1 is more physically and psychologically horrifying. The way it morphs and changes is body horror at its finest but also makes it a better more versatile fighter. It also shows that it understands people by using Oscar as a shield. The thing that’s interesting to me is it shows that unlike other Grimm it doesn’t need negative emotions to find people it has a sense of smell and hearing. This thing speaking has to be 1 of the most shocking things in the show especially how it forms the local cords to do it. Also some people were asking why they weren’t doing anything to help Oscar but they were exhausted, in shock from something they had never seen before and could have easily hurt Oscar by mistake since he has no aura. The noises it makes is just… Unnerving, unsettling and nope especially the sounds of its body restructuring itself and how it sounds like it’s in pain. Something cool is that I’m sure others theorized about this but murder of birds has talked about wanting a Grimm like this as early as the end of volume 4 because of the gears of war video game series that has a similar monstrous main villain as a threat that eventually gets intelligent lieutenants from the monsters it creates. I don’t think you can understand his excitement at this happening. Also it makes them more threatening instead of just unending unintelligent monsters. Finally what a cliffhanger am I right? This was such a great reaction. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


Sorry, I must have missed this one!!! Oh I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Robyn was talking to Qrow for a second. I was like girl back off!!!!! But then as soon as I saw she was just giving crap to Jacques I was like oh no right on right on hahaha. So sad about Qrow and so true about Jacques just being a cowardly man when you take way all the money and power. Jaune is doing great and OMG that woman was driving me crazy cause it really was just a little too close to home. Great Oscar stuff here as well and Fiona is always great! So cool about her uncle's VA, wow! So true about children's perception and how so much is taught, not instinctive. Great observation about Ren and Nora looking away, too! May is amazing! The Weiss tube scene was really something haha! Yes the Hound is a cut above when it comes to scariness. Ohhh that's interesting about the villain from Gears of War! Such a cliffhanger, omg! Thank you so much, I'm so happy you liked my reaction and thanks for all the continued kindness and support!!!!!!!!!!!!