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Hey everyone!  Welcome back - I am back today, with the RWBY VOL 7 SOUNDTRACK!!!!!  OMG guys, this might be one of my all-time faves!  Brand New Day is officially my new favorite RWBY song EVER!!!  And I also loved the upbeat tone of songs like Celebrate, Touch the Sky, and the opening theme Trust Love.  What a great balance though, to mix in more chaotic songs like Hero (Caleb's vocals are INSANE btw) and slow, philosophical songs like Fear.  Also, sorry for getting confused about War!  >.<  Overall I LOVE this soundtrack for both the classic RWBY vibes and experimental sounds as well.  It encompassed the zeitgeist of the volume perfectly!!!!  And now, on to VOLUME 8!!!!  See you there!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


RWBY Vol. 7 Soundtrack full reaction.mp4



Here's the full Twitter thread and message from Casey and Jeff talking about it https://twitter.com/caseylwilliams/status/1409986483809931267 https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sro8n4 . Please send them your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. :-) &lt;3 Also I'm going to post my full comment on the soundtrack later today.


To be honest....Ironwood has been the way he is since we first met him. He brought an army with a fleet of warships to another kingdom without permission. He basically invaded Vale but he thought it was the right thing to do....it still doesn't make it right. Both the Army he brought to Vale and what he has done here in volume 7.


Yay! Just wanted to let you know, I’ve been watching you for about a year and now whenever I start a video I say “hey everyone, welcome back, i am back today” out loud with you 😭😭😭🥺🤣

Derpy Trev

The best RWBY soundtrack has entered the chat


Something nice about 'Until The End' I like to believe is that its not just a song about the characters in the show but that it is also a message from Jeff, Casey and the CRWBY that they will be here until the end of the show until their story has been told and that they won't just abandon Monty's dream.


Hi Hime :) Touch the Sky really makes me think of a revival. As if the characters had finally overcome their trauma and were finally ready to move forward, take their destiny in hand. For Caleb, I first got to know him through his collaboration with Jonathan Young (who like him does songs on youtube and covers, notably the Mob Psycho 100 theme that you might like;)). He has a voice that is both operatic and rock, which works so well for RWBY. It wasn't said, but in Let's Get Real you have the line "Togerther together together ect ect", which of course is a reference to Nora always saying that she and Ren aren't ... together together. I love War, which represents the vibe so much at the moment, made of friendship, betrayal, anger and badass phrase. By the way the line: - Just a mindless weapon pointed at an enemy - A simple tool providing someone else with victory Represents both RWBY's take on AceOps, but is also a reference to Volume 2's theme, Time to say Goodbye, which says: - Are we heroes keeping peace? - Or are we weapons pointed at the enemy - So someone else can claim a victory? Until the end is so beautiful and emotional... keep this emotion in mind by the way, because you're going to feel it a lot, a lot, A LOT during volume 8. The first two episodes have some scene that are already going to shock you, so I can not wait to see your reaction, especially about the new theme, which is my favorite, all volumes combined and see if like many, you will have the same feeling for this one we got.


Ahhh I think my og comment was too long, cuz it isn't showing up :'( Hopefully it's just my computer messing up, cuz I can't remember everything that was said in it to redo it...


Either way I had alot of thoughts and feelings but alot of them were aligned with what you said. I mainly just ranted more than you did. And if my comment is really lost in the void I want you to know that I loved the reaction and look forward to seeing your reactions to V8, its one of the best in my opinion, but also pretty divisive for some people. And the main theme, if you were unaware, is distrust. But yeah if my comment doesn't come thru, that's fine, not too fussed about it really. But I hope you have a great rest of your day/night!


this soundtrack is amazing has some of my favorite songs. I can't believe you're about to start Vol. 8 are you gonna be ready for this volume who knows I just know that we will watch your journey through it together.


Even with all the upbeat music this volume, I still believe “Until the End” is my favorite track. It definitely encompasses everything about Ruby as a character including her strength and resolve. It also adds a great deal to my running theory that Ruby will sacrifice herself by the end of the show to save Remnant, which brings even greater meaning to the lyrics and the idea that she’ll be there “until the end” literally. That being said, I am truly amped up for you to experience Volume 8 and I am looking forward to next week and beyond!


I was able to watch at 9am eastern time but had to stop after the first song....now it says reached maximum playbacks...and it won't let me download


Hi James, I'm sorry to hear that! It's still playing on my end - could you maybe try using a different Google account, and/or logging out/back into your current one? Also trying a different device might help? Let me know if you are/aren't able to get it playing and we can try to troubleshoot it more! Sorry!


Just got in....sorry ....ot seems I'm always having issues

Derek Gaschler

Just a point about Ren, since you talked about him and Nora during Let's get Real, Ren was super mission oriented, he complained that they should be training. He's even the only one of the trio to bring his weapons to the rally. And from his perspective when he finally let his guard down, his fears were realized as Tyrian goes on his spree. And then his feelings get used against him with NeoNora getting away. So he's conflicted to say the least. Also want to shout out and recommend Sirs and Madams channel, they did all the lyric videos you just watched, recieving the music and lyrics from Jeff directly a little early to go up when the album dropped. Would highly recommend watching their soundtrack reactions as their group has a bunch of professional musicians and they analyze the music on that level vs the lyrics, which even if I don't understand everything is really interesting.

Zen Reacts

While its no my favorite RWBY soundtrack I will say that it does have some pretty good songs. This was the first volume where I felt like the ost didnt overshadow alot of moments in the show


Definitely second Sirs and Madams if you're interested in getting a more detailed analysis of the music itself.


It's so nice to get a Ruby track, as well, since the last song we had that was really from specifically Ruby's perspective was probably Let's Just Live in Volume 4, and before that it was Red Like Roses Pt.2 from Volume 1


this sound track rlly knows hot to hit my feels haha tho alot of the music from rwby makes me cry just listening to it haha


In case no one has mentioned it yet, I think you were thinking of BMBLB for a Blake song with bird references ("All the butterflies / and the birds / know our secret / no, they won't say a word")


Great reaction to the volume soundtrack...its not really a spoiler what I will say because I would never spoiler a fellow rwby fan, but the whole timeline in Volume 8 is all set within 48 hours very shortly after Volume 7 ends. Very excited to see your reaction to V8 I do believe when you finish 8 the soundtrack will be out, thats another pain when your caught up, having to wait several months for the soundtrack lol you got it easy girl :P xxx


Woo! This is one of my fave soundtracks across the whole series, so I'm super stoked that you enjoyed it so much too! Had a bunch of thoughts as I watched through your reactions, but I ended up taking a walk in between finishing the video and writing this comment so I'll see what I can remember sdkfsj For track 2, 'Touch the Sky' it's very widely believed to be a Blake song, at least primarily, talking about the new lease on life she has now that she doesn't have the shadow of Adam hanging over her. I definitely see the argument that it can apply to the other girls as well, but speaking musically it makes very heavy use of her motifs, especially the piano runs that have characterised her previous songs. One especially big piece of evidence for this reading comes towards the end of the track, you might notice that at around 4:15 the song has a slight tone shift, before going back into it's earlier flow, that shift is actually the beginning of 'Lionise,' Adam's theme from v6, starting to play only to then be cut off &amp; overpowered by some of Blake's piano, which feels quite symbolic of her ending that part of her life connected to him, and having a new beginning. This also matches up very closely with the lyrical content all about that same kinda vibe, having a new start to your life, finding new happiness, etc. In 'War,' a small thing but I noticed at one point you wondered if it might relate to Neo. I think what may have been mixing you up there was the art, which depicts the 4 vocalists as different characters in the AceOps v RWBY fight, including Casey as Ruby. This is Casey back when she still had her hair dyed into the same pink/brown split as Neo, making it kinda look like the art is showing Neo at first glance. I only mention this cause it's quite an understandable mixup, and one that I've seen quite a few people make, which always amuses me sdfsd. Oh and one more thing I remember you talking about team names for Jaune &amp; co. I don't think there's really any one settled on option, certainly none mentioned in the show, but a few popular ones are JNOR for junior as it was in your song notes, ORNJ for orange, JNPR (Using Oscar's last name of Pine for the P) for juniper once again, or my personal fave that's also probably the least recognisable, ALPN (Arc, Lie, Pine, Nora) for alpine. Super excited to see you getting into v8 next week! It's a wild ride, might be my fave volume overall, with so much to discuss along the way!


This is a great soundtrack. I still put volumes 2, 4, and 6 a bit higher though. My favorite song in this volume is actually one you didn't check out. Casey doing an acoustic version of I May Fall. You should definitely give it a listen if you haven't done so yet


Brand new day is my new favorite too! I like the doo woppy parts. We got a song with some "bap bap bada bada" and a song with some "boop", all we need now is a song with a little "bibbidi" and we'll have a full "Bibbidi-bap bap bada-boop" *cue Fairy God mother* 👸


Oh thank you so much!!! I'll definitely be sending thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes their way &lt;3


I mean, that's a good point actually! It's not like this came out of nowhere. This way of thinking on the "offensive" has always been there.


AWWW YAY!!!!! I'm so happy to hear that! Thanks for watching along with me for one year and I love that you say the famous line along with me hehehehe!!!


Awwwww that's awesome, I hadn't thought about it that way, but I can totally see how it works that way!!!!


It's a great soundtrack right!!! Omg I know, we've come so far and here I am at the gates of Vol. 8..!!!! Thanks for watching along with me!


YES!!!! Thank you!!! Hahahaha birds will always have a new meaning to me now that I've heard that song &lt;3333 lol


Yay, thank you! Ooohhh I think I had heard this already so def not a spoiler! Wow! I can't wait for Vol. 8! OMG I've been so spoiled right?!?! Pretty soon I'll have to wait though :( :( :( lol!!!


Ah yes those were great ones as well! Awww I'm sorry, it wasn't on the playlist! I'll have to go listen to it! I love Casey's acoustic tracks!!


OMG YES!!! LOL all this bipping, bopping and booping will summon the Fairy Godmother for sure hahaha!!


Hi Spadeas! :) I totally see what you mean about Touch the Sky! We've finally healed and are ready for the next chapter!! Oh, that's interesting about Caleb! I really need to go look him up! Ahhh thanks for explaining that "together together" line. War is amazing, and oh wow I did not realize the reference that was contained in that line! Love how they bring things back around with the lyrics. Oh wow, sounds like Vol 8 will be very emotional! Ooooh I'm excited and scared about the shock that's coming in Vol. 8, yikes!!!! Thank you!


Yay!!! Aw hope you enjoyed your walk! I can definitely see Touch the Sky as a Blake song. WHOA I did not notice the beginning of Lionise!!! Wow! Yes, I was definitely mixing up the art on War.....I think the art really threw me off as to what the song was about haha and I was pretty embarrassed once I realized because the song clearly has tones from the Ace Ops fight! I love that Casey had Neo hair though, that is so cool! Thanks for clearing it up! Ohhhhh thanks for the info on the names too!!! ALPN is really clever actually!!! I think in my head I think of them as JNR+ lol or ORNJ. Yay, can't wait for Vol. 8!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for watching with me!!!!!!!!!


I think this is the most solid, experimental and consistent of the soundtracks so far although other soundtracks have had more character focused songs and this soundtrack is more general in my opinion. I love the full version of the opening. Another name for this song was open up your eyes and with that as an actual lyric it might reference silver eyes. A really cool thing about this opening is that a lot of the lyrics are references to lyrics from the volume 1 opening. I really love how this opening is so hopeful and upbeat. I think it’s meant to represent what the heroes wanted to happen but didn’t and how things were going at 1st with them doing good and working together. My favorite line is if you could write yourself into a fairytale because it shows that even though many of the characters are based on fairytales the show itself is more realistic. Also I have to mention that when the song says the trust love Penny is shown in the visuals. I think some of the lyrics might also be subtle foreshadowing for everything falling apart. Finally the image Flynt used was really cool art of Team RWBY with a storm forming behind them and Sirs and madams used the final shot of the opening with everyone looking happy/determined and together. Now onto touch the sky which is just a general team RWBY song. I love how it’s about them feeling more like themselves than they have in a long time especially with them being happy and built up after what happened in volume 6. Many of the lyrics may be references to all of them but some of them can be attributed to specific members of the team or connect to JNR and Oscar. My favorite lyric in the song which most likely references Weiss is about how even if you fail you grow which is a great outlook to have. Finally a lot of the song can be seen as referencing Blake considering what she went through last volume. Now onto hero my favorite or 2nd favorite song on the soundtrack. In fact it might be 1 of the best songs of the show not just because I think Ironwood is the best written character in the show and 1 of my male characters but simply because Jeff’s writing and Caleb’s singing coming together to create a masterpiece. It’s so awesome that someone who mostly does song covers from anime, Disney movies and RWBY was popular and skilled enough to get the attention of rooster teeth as well as having worked with Casey and got hired for this song. Also if you just want to watch his song covers on your own time I would totally understand however if you ever decided to react to those covers on the other I would be very happy and excited and I could recommend other people on YouTube who do song covers you could also react to just saying. I love the way it starts so differently and unexpectedly to what you would think of an Ironwood song but the operatic sound really fits his character and Caleb’s voice/singing and I think his favorite genre of music is musicals or rock ballads I can’t remember which. Also 100% his vocal range is insane to go from this musical/opera type genre to a rock ballad. This song to me is very much about James trying to present his strength in the face of fear and how heroic he is. I also believe this song represents all the good parts of him and what he wanted to do to protect the world but much like you said he has due to his fear and Messiah complex which is what it’s called he has lost sight of what’s right and can’t see how this is playing into Salem’s hands. Sacrifice is a big theme of the show and in James it has manifested as willingly giving up humanity and sacrificing so many and there have been signs of this since volume 2 and stopping Salem and being the hero is an obsession at this point and this song reflects that. All the references are great especially the one to his inspiration the tin man which hits really hard after the end of the volume and that seems really apparent from your reaction. The due process reference to his weapon is cool but it might also be ironic since it means fair treatment under the law and that’s very much the opposite of what James is doing although under martial law that kind of stuff does unfortunately go out the window. My favorite part of the song is actually when Caleb is just vocalizing fantastically showing a lot of emotion without words. Finally for this 1 I really love that you brought up how interesting and nuanced Ironwood is because it’s just true and I don’t think it’s something everyone can understand. That image of an injured James eyes forward with blood on his clothing is very striking. Also I thought I should let you know that the other big lyric video for this song has a really cute image of a chibi Caleb and James back to back by the artist on Twitter called AG_nonsuch who does a lot of cool artwork. Now onto brand new day which is an example of why I call this an experimental soundtrack. There’s not much to add here but I love how this relates to Blake and Qrow. I think it’s interesting that Jeff decided to write about these 2 characters but after everything they went through in volume 6 I think it actually makes sense he would get inspired by them. Also there are some comparisons you can make between these characters and I’m not sure if I thought about that before this song. The drunk loser Hall of Fame line is sad but it’s also really funny. This song is a good example of something that’s harsher in hindsight because of what happens in the rest of the volume. In your reaction to this song I had a smile on my face the whole time because I loved how much you loved and were into the song. I’m not familiar with 50s style music but it’s cool that you like those types of songs. Now onto let’s get real which is such a great Renora song. Unfortunately it’s only from Nora’s perspective but considering she and by extension we don’t know what’s going on in Ren’s head that makes sense but I do wonder what the song would have been like if it also had a part from his perspective. I definitely enjoy the funky instrumental and I really like that it has a lot of synth piano I believe although I think it’s a specific instrument but I can’t remember what it’s called. This also makes a great love song in general. Another thing I love are the colloquialisms or normal phrases in the lyrics. Finally the hearts with the picture of the kiss was a nice touch by Sirs and madams entertainment. Now onto war which is such a great action heavy song with big themes of betrayal. 1st thing I want to say is how much I love the chibi artwork of these characters and it’s also drawn by AG_nonsuch. I love that 4 different singers represent 4 characters and so does the artwork it’s very different as a RWBY song. So many of the lyrics are savage and it’s great that the instrumental reflects this. Although none of the lyrics are more savage and dark than the Judas line which is kind of the craziest lines in a RWBY song. Also I know this song has been said to represent Ruby and Yang against Harriet and Elm but to me almost all of the lines seem to be from Ruby and Yang based on the content so that’s the perspective this is from in my opinion. Also really nice to hear a classic Jeff Williams guitar solo. Now onto celebrate just a general feel good dancing type of song that doesn’t really connect to anyone but is still amazing. I really love how along with the instrumental the song is just something you want to dance to. Also nice moves Melissa LOL that was fun. I really love how smoothly the vocals harmonize and work with each other. Also I think it’s amazing when they use real-world stuff as lyrics because obviously it doesn’t exist in universe it’s just Jeff and Lamar doing their thing. Finally if we had been going to get a scene of Yang and Blake at the club with team FNKI this song would have been perfect to use for it. Now on to the other song that’s my favorite or 2nd favorite on this soundtrack until the end I always have trouble picking between this 1 and hero as my favorite. 1st I want to talk about how much I love the instrumental I think it’s because of how somber and sad it is while still having some hope to it and I think the slowness of the song adds to the experience of the listener. This might be my favorite simply because it’s the 1st solo Ruby song since red like roses since sure a lot of songs seem to feature her perspective but never alone. The line that hits me the most is we’re losing all our strength how can we give more because that’s feels like a big theme of the show in general. The greatest thing even though it’s sad is how this song shows the cracks in who Ruby is as a person. Who she is not fake but some of it is definitely a brave face she puts on in the face of grief and darkness of the world and part of it is her being brave and hopeful and seeing good in people no matter what. I like that the song has hopeful parts which still have dark answers since it talks about falling to darkness but still fighting. Finally that mention of her mother is so sad but so heartwarming at the same time and the message of this song is really powerful. It’s so impressive that Casey has her own band and wrote this whole song really showing her growth like you said. Now onto the final song you listened to fear which is such a great song from Oscar’s perspective and after all his character development this volume it feels very necessary. I also think it can be connected to Oz’s perspective as well though it’s mostly from Oscar’s. I don’t think I have much more to add to this after all you said but all the stuff about how it connects to everything in the volume as well as the big Oz speech. Finally I love how it’s such an honest dialogue/discussion about fear. I already know others have done this but I also want to sincerely recommend listening to the acoustic of I may fall. I don’t want to say too much so you can go in mostly blind but it’s definitely my favorite version of the song and I would love to hear what you thought of it once you have listened to it. Finally the RWBY roller Derby idea is amazing. I really love how emotionally honest you are in your reactions and once again it’s crazy how insightful you can be. I loved the reactions and I can’t wait for more. Keep up the great work. :-) &lt;3


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!!!! I'm so happy you liked my reaction, my insights, and my dance moves lol!!! I really want the RWBY roller derby to be a thing!!!! I really need to check out Caleb and also the Twitter artist you mentioned!!! I also really enjoyed how experimental this soundtrack was, yet still capturing the key moments of the volume so perfectly in lyrical and musical form. Thank you again for being so awesome and supportive!!!!!! ^_^

Christopher Pope

Today I got to meet Caleb Hyles, the vocalist who sang "Hero." He's an awesome, down-to-earth guy. (I'm at a convention with members of the cast, but I didn't know he would be here.)


WHOA!!!!! That is amazing!!!!!!! You're so lucky!!! What convention are you at??? Is it RTX?? :O I'm so jealous haha!!!!!


Bit of a ;ate comment but i really want Chritina Vee who voices Robyn to sing a sing sometime in the show xxx


Oooh yes!!! That would be great! Especially now that they're starting to get some vocal "cameos" on the soundtrack!!!