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***UPDATE 6/30 6:42 PM: THE GOOGLE DRIVE NIGHTMARE IS OVER!!!!!  It's in low quality, but FINALLY processed.  Just click the link :)  Thanks again so much for your patience!!!  You guys are the BEST!!!  Hugs!!!  ~ MH***

Hey everyone!!!  Here it is - my reaction to vol 7 episodes 12 and 13 of RWBY!!!  Wow guys....I just....I just was not prepared!!!  That first ep was crazy enough - with super high stakes fighting, and even a great loss......!!!!!!  I am so, so SO worried about Qrow!!!  Not to mention an epic fight scene with JNR and Neo.  But that second ep....I feel like this is where Ironwood really drew the line for me.  Oscar was willing to confront him and try and reason with him, but I think in his current state he truly is beyond reasoning.  His actions showed that.  I was SOOOOO upset when I thought they'd done what I thought they did!!!  But, turns out that was just a big old activation for Oscar!!!  Oh yes, and let's not forget the crazy fights with the Ace Ops.  Or....last but not least....Penny's new role...!!!!  SQUEEEE!!!  I suppose you could describe her color scheme as Wintergreen <3333  The baddies have the lamp, and have escaped, everything is in shambles....what do we do now?  Can't wait to find out in Vol. 8!!!!  Great eps and great volume!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


RWBY 7x12 and 7x13 full - I hope this works.mp4



I remember the feeling to those 2 episodes the pain of having to wait a week for each episode which you will experience sometime with RWBY lol, its strange that all this happened a year ago. RWBY is crazy but thats what we love :) xxx


Hi Hime 😄 I started the download, but in the meantime, nice "Yang joke" in the summary 😉 And like I said on Sunday, the second part of volume 7 is a roller coaster of good times and bad, of laughter and tears, drama and badass. Volume 8 is in my opinion, all long like that and if you have been able to shed a few tears or have a heavy heart in volume 7, you are not yet ready for volume 8. Salem is here, and it shows. Volume 8 is my favorite so far, and yet it made me suffer, and the theme ... I kept singing it when I saw it and I would probably sing it when I saw it again with you in a few weeks 😊. I come back after the end of the downloading and after I watched you reaction.

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:13:22 Uggghhhh noooo I don't know how you did it!!! I'm so scared for when I have to go week to week!!!! &gt;.&lt; Lol it's a crazy ride for sure, wouldn't trade it for anything!!!!
2021-06-29 13:52:00 Uggghhhh noooo I don't know how you did it!!! I'm so scared for when I have to go week to week!!!! >.< Lol it's a crazy ride for sure, wouldn't trade it for anything!!!!

Uggghhhh noooo I don't know how you did it!!! I'm so scared for when I have to go week to week!!!! >.< Lol it's a crazy ride for sure, wouldn't trade it for anything!!!!


Hi Spadeas! :) Hahaha glad you liked my Yang joke!!! ^_^ Oh my gosh, I'm scared and excited for Vol. 8!!!!! I can't wait!!! Hope you love my reaction!!


I started watching RWBY when V3 started to come out, i used to watch them on Netflix so i was binging the first 3 volumes then when V4 came out i had to wait weekly lol so i understand the pain lol i think RTX is happening in July, its a shame you cant watch it because i am sure theres some spoilers for you and some V9 stuff but when your caught up you can watch all the little things, its always fun to watch peoples reactions on Youtube with rwby x

Sunset (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:13:20 By far the most divisive penultimate and finale episodes in the whole series for the FNDM. And I can sort of understand why. Let's start with ep 12. It's very interesting that Clover was willing to try and talk the situation out with Robyn as a way to deescalate the situation - (to be fair she has every right to be angry - being that she just vouched to Ironwood to the people he is VERY willing to abandon) - but the moment he sees Qrow's face in that wanted list his priorities instantly switch. Which harkins back to his militaristic loyalty to his superior, the moment his superior gives an order he follows through with THAT order before anything else. But while he's busy fighting Qrow and Robyn, no one takes into account the psycho murder scorpion. Penny and Winter's conversation really does showcase how similar they are but how different at the same time. While Penny has been known to take orders easily enough like the soldiers Ironwood trains at Atlas, she has also been influenced by her time spent with Ruby and co. Learning more about life and herself, and more importantly learning to make decisions for herself based on her own morals and feelings. Whereas Winter came from one restrictive lifestyle to another (being the military) where in both someone with more authority has been making decisions for her. Now Winter is in no way weak willed, but she does seem like the type of person to fall back on someone else's choices when she feels at a lost on what to do - as seen in the episode - and will do what those choices entail without many questions (especially when it comes from a man of whom she's seemingly trusted for a long time). That isn't to say she's an emotionless soldier, infact, she's anything but. But unlike Penny who allows her feelings influence her, Winter hides hers away. So the only question is; whose more robotic? The robot with a soul or the human soldier? THAT FIGHT!! By far my absolute fav fight. It's just ahhhh! And that line from Ruby! SO BADASS! And if you look at this fight from a strategic standpoint it's pretty amazingly planned out for a spur of the moment fight. The AceOps, while an amazing team, seemingly tend to rely on Clover's semblance to get them out of most jams or slipups in terms of fights. But with him not here it tips the odds to a more equal level. Strategy begins with Ruby actively using Harriet's competitive nature against her; "you were then you trained us" that would irritate the hell outta someone like her - which is perfect for getting her whole attention on Ruby as opposed to the rest of Team RWBY. Then you have Yang &amp; Blake vs Vine &amp; Elm, Elm &amp; Vine are a complimentary duo by design... if they're of the same mind. Yang actively picks at Elm's growing anger over the girl's "betrayal" and how she's not thinking for herself anymore - leaving Elm angry and reckless the whole rest of the fight even with Vine trying to sedate her anger. So with their teamwork out of the picture, it allows Blake &amp; Yang to showcase theirs's once again. And then you have Marrow vs Weiss! Now Marrow's semblance is most definitely OP, but Weiss is an extremely versatile fighter with the range of what her glyphs can do. The main winning factor for that one was simply that Marrow can only do so many "Stays!" one after another before it not only exhausts himself but his aura reserves - basically Weiss played the long game with that one. So many people hated this fight because they felt they nerfed the AceOps but everything I just said shows that they weren't nerfed. They just weren't working together, and that's why they lost. Edit: Can we also take a moment to appreciate, that unlike many other Atlesians and even Ironwood himself, Weiss considers Mantle to be her home too. And sadly with war comes loss... but when war breaks out amongst friends the loss is even worse. Now, I definitely don't like that Qrow worked alongside Tyrian... but even when Qrow went to solely strike at Tyrian, Clover interuppted in his pursuit of Qrow. And Qrow gave Clover multiple chances to work with him as opposed to fighting against him. Clover refused to take any of them, cuz his orders mattered more to him than whatever he felt was right in that moment in time (I like to think taking down the psycho murder scorpion is higher on the priority list than a recently sober birb man). Not to mention the entire time Tyrian was sort of manipulating the situation in his favor. Which I again bring up that his dynamic with Qrow is very Batman vs Joker. When I tell you I cried for an hour after the last scene with Qrow and Clover, I am in no way exaggerating. :) Cinder. Ugh. And Neo got rocked by a 15 yr old. Nuff said. The finale is such a whirlwind, so many things seem like they're happening at once and all at different times as well. Now, I don't know if you're already aware but in case you aren't, Ironwood's confirmed semblance is called 'Mettle'. It allows him to have an intense almost hyperfocus on whatever goal he wishes to achieve and like Qrow's semblance it's passive which means it's always active but fluctuates in intensity. Alot of his decisions have been influenced by his semblance but alot of them are also just his natural personality and nature. But I knew the moment Oscar even mentioned the word fear Ironwood would burst. "I'm not going to end up like Lionheart", Leonardo succumbed to his fear and actively decided to aid Salem in her goal, Ironwood is essentially doing the same thing but unintentionally - like Oscar said them fighting is just what she wants. .... But I'm sorry, the moment Ironwood decided that shooting a minor, whom he would know has a weak aura and utter lack of a chance surviving I lost respect and hope for him. YAY FOR PENNY WINTER MAIDEN! You will never underrstand how much of a toss up it was in the FNDM on who would actually get the power. But I'll say I'm glad it was Penny if Winter's behaviour is any indication of what she would've done with them. I think Winter will find her way tho. Oz is finally back! And Oscar has his magic! Now he and Oscar have to relearn how to work with each other. And with the return of the Wizard, the Witch makes her true entrance. How will Atlas survive her assault? Find out in 7 months lol, nah ngl I'm kind of jealous you get to jump right into Volume 8 but I'm also super happy for ya too. Anyways I am so sorry for how long this turned out to be, I didn't intend it to be this long but my thoughts sorta ran wild. But an amazing reaction like always and I look forward to seeing how you like Volume 8 (it's crazy man) and to seeing your thoughts on the V7 soundtrack! Until then have a great day, and sorry for all the reading you had to do.
2021-06-29 14:12:13 By far the most divisive penultimate and finale episodes in the whole series for the FNDM. And I can sort of understand why. Let's start with ep 12. It's very interesting that Clover was willing to try and talk the situation out with Robyn as a way to deescalate the situation - (to be fair she has every right to be angry - being that she just vouched to Ironwood to the people he is VERY willing to abandon) - but the moment he sees Qrow's face in that wanted list his priorities instantly switch. Which harkins back to his militaristic loyalty to his superior, the moment his superior gives an order he follows through with THAT order before anything else. But while he's busy fighting Qrow and Robyn, no one takes into account the psycho murder scorpion. Penny and Winter's conversation really does showcase how similar they are but how different at the same time. While Penny has been known to take orders easily enough like the soldiers Ironwood trains at Atlas, she has also been influenced by her time spent with Ruby and co. Learning more about life and herself, and more importantly learning to make decisions for herself based on her own morals and feelings. Whereas Winter came from one restrictive lifestyle to another (being the military) where in both someone with more authority has been making decisions for her. Now Winter is in no way weak willed, but she does seem like the type of person to fall back on someone else's choices when she feels at a lost on what to do - as seen in the episode - and will do what those choices entail without many questions (especially when it comes from a man of whom she's seemingly trusted for a long time). That isn't to say she's an emotionless soldier, infact, she's anything but. But unlike Penny who allows her feelings influence her, Winter hides hers away. So the only question is; whose more robotic? The robot with a soul or the human soldier? THAT FIGHT!! By far my absolute fav fight. It's just ahhhh! And that line from Ruby! SO BADASS! And if you look at this fight from a strategic standpoint it's pretty amazingly planned out for a spur of the moment fight. The AceOps, while an amazing team, seemingly tend to rely on Clover's semblance to get them out of most jams or slipups in terms of fights. But with him not here it tips the odds to a more equal level. Strategy begins with Ruby actively using Harriet's competitive nature against her; "you were then you trained us" that would irritate the hell outta someone like her - which is perfect for getting her whole attention on Ruby as opposed to the rest of Team RWBY. Then you have Yang & Blake vs Vine & Elm, Elm & Vine are a complimentary duo by design... if they're of the same mind. Yang actively picks at Elm's growing anger over the girl's "betrayal" and how she's not thinking for herself anymore - leaving Elm angry and reckless the whole rest of the fight even with Vine trying to sedate her anger. So with their teamwork out of the picture, it allows Blake & Yang to showcase theirs's once again. And then you have Marrow vs Weiss! Now Marrow's semblance is most definitely OP, but Weiss is an extremely versatile fighter with the range of what her glyphs can do. The main winning factor for that one was simply that Marrow can only do so many "Stays!" one after another before it not only exhausts himself but his aura reserves - basically Weiss played the long game with that one. So many people hated this fight because they felt they nerfed the AceOps but everything I just said shows that they weren't nerfed. They just weren't working together, and that's why they lost. Edit: Can we also take a moment to appreciate, that unlike many other Atlesians and even Ironwood himself, Weiss considers Mantle to be her home too. And sadly with war comes loss... but when war breaks out amongst friends the loss is even worse. Now, I definitely don't like that Qrow worked alongside Tyrian... but even when Qrow went to solely strike at Tyrian, Clover interuppted in his pursuit of Qrow. And Qrow gave Clover multiple chances to work with him as opposed to fighting against him. Clover refused to take any of them, cuz his orders mattered more to him than whatever he felt was right in that moment in time (I like to think taking down the psycho murder scorpion is higher on the priority list than a recently sober birb man). Not to mention the entire time Tyrian was sort of manipulating the situation in his favor. Which I again bring up that his dynamic with Qrow is very Batman vs Joker. When I tell you I cried for an hour after the last scene with Qrow and Clover, I am in no way exaggerating. :) Cinder. Ugh. And Neo got rocked by a 15 yr old. Nuff said. The finale is such a whirlwind, so many things seem like they're happening at once and all at different times as well. Now, I don't know if you're already aware but in case you aren't, Ironwood's confirmed semblance is called 'Mettle'. It allows him to have an intense almost hyperfocus on whatever goal he wishes to achieve and like Qrow's semblance it's passive which means it's always active but fluctuates in intensity. Alot of his decisions have been influenced by his semblance but alot of them are also just his natural personality and nature. But I knew the moment Oscar even mentioned the word fear Ironwood would burst. "I'm not going to end up like Lionheart", Leonardo succumbed to his fear and actively decided to aid Salem in her goal, Ironwood is essentially doing the same thing but unintentionally - like Oscar said them fighting is just what she wants. .... But I'm sorry, the moment Ironwood decided that shooting a minor, whom he would know has a weak aura and utter lack of a chance surviving I lost respect and hope for him. YAY FOR PENNY WINTER MAIDEN! You will never underrstand how much of a toss up it was in the FNDM on who would actually get the power. But I'll say I'm glad it was Penny if Winter's behaviour is any indication of what she would've done with them. I think Winter will find her way tho. Oz is finally back! And Oscar has his magic! Now he and Oscar have to relearn how to work with each other. And with the return of the Wizard, the Witch makes her true entrance. How will Atlas survive her assault? Find out in 7 months lol, nah ngl I'm kind of jealous you get to jump right into Volume 8 but I'm also super happy for ya too. Anyways I am so sorry for how long this turned out to be, I didn't intend it to be this long but my thoughts sorta ran wild. But an amazing reaction like always and I look forward to seeing how you like Volume 8 (it's crazy man) and to seeing your thoughts on the V7 soundtrack! Until then have a great day, and sorry for all the reading you had to do.

By far the most divisive penultimate and finale episodes in the whole series for the FNDM. And I can sort of understand why. Let's start with ep 12. It's very interesting that Clover was willing to try and talk the situation out with Robyn as a way to deescalate the situation - (to be fair she has every right to be angry - being that she just vouched to Ironwood to the people he is VERY willing to abandon) - but the moment he sees Qrow's face in that wanted list his priorities instantly switch. Which harkins back to his militaristic loyalty to his superior, the moment his superior gives an order he follows through with THAT order before anything else. But while he's busy fighting Qrow and Robyn, no one takes into account the psycho murder scorpion. Penny and Winter's conversation really does showcase how similar they are but how different at the same time. While Penny has been known to take orders easily enough like the soldiers Ironwood trains at Atlas, she has also been influenced by her time spent with Ruby and co. Learning more about life and herself, and more importantly learning to make decisions for herself based on her own morals and feelings. Whereas Winter came from one restrictive lifestyle to another (being the military) where in both someone with more authority has been making decisions for her. Now Winter is in no way weak willed, but she does seem like the type of person to fall back on someone else's choices when she feels at a lost on what to do - as seen in the episode - and will do what those choices entail without many questions (especially when it comes from a man of whom she's seemingly trusted for a long time). That isn't to say she's an emotionless soldier, infact, she's anything but. But unlike Penny who allows her feelings influence her, Winter hides hers away. So the only question is; whose more robotic? The robot with a soul or the human soldier? THAT FIGHT!! By far my absolute fav fight. It's just ahhhh! And that line from Ruby! SO BADASS! And if you look at this fight from a strategic standpoint it's pretty amazingly planned out for a spur of the moment fight. The AceOps, while an amazing team, seemingly tend to rely on Clover's semblance to get them out of most jams or slipups in terms of fights. But with him not here it tips the odds to a more equal level. Strategy begins with Ruby actively using Harriet's competitive nature against her; "you were then you trained us" that would irritate the hell outta someone like her - which is perfect for getting her whole attention on Ruby as opposed to the rest of Team RWBY. Then you have Yang & Blake vs Vine & Elm, Elm & Vine are a complimentary duo by design... if they're of the same mind. Yang actively picks at Elm's growing anger over the girl's "betrayal" and how she's not thinking for herself anymore - leaving Elm angry and reckless the whole rest of the fight even with Vine trying to sedate her anger. So with their teamwork out of the picture, it allows Blake & Yang to showcase theirs's once again. And then you have Marrow vs Weiss! Now Marrow's semblance is most definitely OP, but Weiss is an extremely versatile fighter with the range of what her glyphs can do. The main winning factor for that one was simply that Marrow can only do so many "Stays!" one after another before it not only exhausts himself but his aura reserves - basically Weiss played the long game with that one. So many people hated this fight because they felt they nerfed the AceOps but everything I just said shows that they weren't nerfed. They just weren't working together, and that's why they lost. Edit: Can we also take a moment to appreciate, that unlike many other Atlesians and even Ironwood himself, Weiss considers Mantle to be her home too. And sadly with war comes loss... but when war breaks out amongst friends the loss is even worse. Now, I definitely don't like that Qrow worked alongside Tyrian... but even when Qrow went to solely strike at Tyrian, Clover interuppted in his pursuit of Qrow. And Qrow gave Clover multiple chances to work with him as opposed to fighting against him. Clover refused to take any of them, cuz his orders mattered more to him than whatever he felt was right in that moment in time (I like to think taking down the psycho murder scorpion is higher on the priority list than a recently sober birb man). Not to mention the entire time Tyrian was sort of manipulating the situation in his favor. Which I again bring up that his dynamic with Qrow is very Batman vs Joker. When I tell you I cried for an hour after the last scene with Qrow and Clover, I am in no way exaggerating. :) Cinder. Ugh. And Neo got rocked by a 15 yr old. Nuff said. The finale is such a whirlwind, so many things seem like they're happening at once and all at different times as well. Now, I don't know if you're already aware but in case you aren't, Ironwood's confirmed semblance is called 'Mettle'. It allows him to have an intense almost hyperfocus on whatever goal he wishes to achieve and like Qrow's semblance it's passive which means it's always active but fluctuates in intensity. Alot of his decisions have been influenced by his semblance but alot of them are also just his natural personality and nature. But I knew the moment Oscar even mentioned the word fear Ironwood would burst. "I'm not going to end up like Lionheart", Leonardo succumbed to his fear and actively decided to aid Salem in her goal, Ironwood is essentially doing the same thing but unintentionally - like Oscar said them fighting is just what she wants. .... But I'm sorry, the moment Ironwood decided that shooting a minor, whom he would know has a weak aura and utter lack of a chance surviving I lost respect and hope for him. YAY FOR PENNY WINTER MAIDEN! You will never underrstand how much of a toss up it was in the FNDM on who would actually get the power. But I'll say I'm glad it was Penny if Winter's behaviour is any indication of what she would've done with them. I think Winter will find her way tho. Oz is finally back! And Oscar has his magic! Now he and Oscar have to relearn how to work with each other. And with the return of the Wizard, the Witch makes her true entrance. How will Atlas survive her assault? Find out in 7 months lol, nah ngl I'm kind of jealous you get to jump right into Volume 8 but I'm also super happy for ya too. Anyways I am so sorry for how long this turned out to be, I didn't intend it to be this long but my thoughts sorta ran wild. But an amazing reaction like always and I look forward to seeing how you like Volume 8 (it's crazy man) and to seeing your thoughts on the V7 soundtrack! Until then have a great day, and sorry for all the reading you had to do.


So now is the time to learn about Iroonwood's semblance since unfortunately we never get an in show explanation of it and without someone telling what it is you would never guess what it does but it should help you understand makes the dissuasions he does in the show. So his semblance is called Mettle and its a passive semblance like Qrows bad luck and what it does is it strengthens his resolve which allows his carry through with his decisions, helping him hyper-focus so whenever Ironwood has a set plan/goal that might require making difficult dissuasions Mettle helps by lessening the burden of the consequences of his actions on his psyche for better or worse the best example where you can see the Ironwood is leaning heavily on his semblance is when he shots Oscar right after he shoots him you can see the tell for his semblance they remove the white shine that everyone has in there eyes so he has that cold focused look also kinda symbolizing the light of his humanity is gone. Sorry for the essay but it can be hard to fully understand his semblance so i hope my explanation helps you to understand a little bit more


When Weiss saves Ruby there i keep thinking (Nice Weiss strikes again). Still find it crazy from the first few volumes to now, they have come so far and the crwby team, when i watch the first couple of episodes of rwby vol1 its crazy that this is their future lol gotta love them xxx


Finally finished watching, so what to say ... I said last week that seeing Ruby curl up made my heart ache, but this week she would heal him and it was with one of her most badass sentences that it was the case: You were, then you train us. God I love badass Ruby who throws punchlines like that (and there are some in Volume 8 too ;-) ) The RWBY and AceOps team fight is so good and you can see how much they have improved. Yang using her semblance just for one hit and not directing at her opponent, she's badass. Weiss saving Ruby right at the end, I ship them together even more. I don't know if you noticed at the end of episode 12, in the credits you can see an artwork of Cinder facing Penny, I have it in wallpaper on my PC, it's so cool ^ _ ^. Now the Qrow / Clover thing... It's been a while since we had a death in RWBY eh ... and even less that of an important character. We would have done without, but hats off to CRWBY in the execution. As you can imagine, Qrow is not going to let this go in volume 8. Let's still appreciate Tyrian's intelligence a little, manipulating Qrow by promising him to finish the score, to stab him in the back ( too soon?). It's clearly very Joker-like as a way of doing things. The Penny / Cinder / Winter fight, the first aircraft-less aerial fight (except Penny in a way). We must believe that the Raven / Cinder duel and the finale of volume 6 which had a lot of aerial scenes, gave ideas. I'm not going to complain, as a manga fan who grew up with Dragon Ball Z, fighting in the air, I know well ^^. Penny is therefore the winter maiden ... Funny thing, the old one is called Fria, which is not far from Fairy, like the blue Fairy giving Pinoccio life. I would like to applaud Jessica Nigiri, who does a superb job on Cinder in this finale. Whether it's when she talks to Winter (you make us hungrier and I refuse to starve), but also her "she's mine" which is very visceral. Little thought also for poor Ren, who will still have to put his weight on his shoulders after all he has been through lately... We could already see at the beginning of the volume that things were not going well, but this will not help. To finish on your reaction, about Salem who doesn't have much to do. That's exactly what she said, Tyrian and Watts weren't there to win, but to prep the ground . Now that the kingdom of Atlas is torn apart and exhausted, what a wonderful time for her to arrive ... Volume 8 may be a lot of fun for us, less for you. But I reassure you, there are times when we will suffer with you too. And if you thought the Apathy was scary, you're not ready for what CRWBY has prepared in volume 8 ^ _ ^. Ah and just in preparation, you will surely see it, but in this Volume 7, appears the first song written completely by Casey Lee, she has also formed her group of Rock Prog around this time, which she called "Ok Goodnight" in reference to another song in this volume.


Weiss must save her girlfriend once in a while (Yes I ship them together and the more I watch the series the more I ship them together, volume 8 does not help to sink my ship at all, White Rose Power).


Very cute but i am still hoping for a Jaune and Weiss moment xx

Christopher Pope

I've rewatched all your reactions, and what really stands out to me is your heart for and insight into people's suffering. However you came across that understanding, it's admirable, especially as you also seem to share Ruby's pure-hearted positivity. I guess what I'm getting at is, you're the kind of person this show encourages people to be. Enjoy the Vol. 7 soundtrack. Four of my personal top-ten RWBY songs are on there.


I just updated the description with two other links; they're not processed but won't be overloaded. Here they are! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h9Rdd46duWXmpOECo9OGXKJr2g_lis3C/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/12viqX2ZaF9zH4eHnG66q_E9wI4fwxzda/view?usp=sharing Sorry for the hassle :(


Ty...its no big deal though...just thought you might want to know


Same messages...I'll watch it tomorrow....it's probably on my end that I can't download ...its been that way on my phone for a few months now

Kayleigh McRae

So glad you enjoyed volume 7! My patreon will be off for a bit but next time I get paid I'll be back Mellssa. :D

Zen Reacts

Uh oh cant view it or download D: hopefully itll be fixed soon


Okay! I'm so sorry about that. It's possible the bandwidth is exceeded from all the downloads! Hopefully it will be better tomorrow!


Oh no! There are two other links in the description; are they all not working for download?? I will upload a fourth copy in hopes that one of them will stream eventually...!!! So crazy when this happens to Google Drive, I uploaded it way in advance too :( Sorry!

Zen Reacts

No worries i can wait! Thanks for the fast response, i know youre probably busy with other things


Thanks for waiting and again, so sorry about that! I really appreciate your patience and understanding! Typically I wait till I'm at a good spot to dive into comments to reply, but if it's a tech issue I try to answer asap!!!! I'll check again tonight and will upload a fourth copy if none of them are working!!!! >.<

Kayleigh McRae (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:13:15 I haven't seen your reaction yet. Links aren't working &gt;.&lt; but! Decided I wanted to explain why Clover is so focused on Qrow during the fight. You have to remember, Clover's semblance is good luck, but if Qrow is there and in play his good luck gets cancelled. I don't think it's that Clover found Qrow as a greater threat. But more that he wanted to get rid of a variable that would have made taking on Tyrian harder. And he was fighting both of them. I strongly believe that if Qrow was taken out of the fight before Clover. Clover would have been able to use his semblance to take Tyrian down, or at least get very close. Sadly in that moment Qrow was like a wild card to him. Someone Ironwood wanted arrested but also someone he was growing close to. I love that Clover in the start tries to reason with Qrow. But the moment Qrow attacks, he knows he can't rely on him. Who should he trust? The General? Someone who he has worked under for years and admires? Or someone he connects with but attacked him and is wanted for some sort of crime?
2021-06-29 22:39:41 I haven't seen your reaction yet. Links aren't working >.< but! Decided I wanted to explain why Clover is so focused on Qrow during the fight. You have to remember, Clover's semblance is good luck, but if Qrow is there and in play his good luck gets cancelled. I don't think it's that Clover found Qrow as a greater threat. But more that he wanted to get rid of a variable that would have made taking on Tyrian harder. And he was fighting both of them. I strongly believe that if Qrow was taken out of the fight before Clover. Clover would have been able to use his semblance to take Tyrian down, or at least get very close. Sadly in that moment Qrow was like a wild card to him. Someone Ironwood wanted arrested but also someone he was growing close to. I love that Clover in the start tries to reason with Qrow. But the moment Qrow attacks, he knows he can't rely on him. Who should he trust? The General? Someone who he has worked under for years and admires? Or someone he connects with but attacked him and is wanted for some sort of crime?

I haven't seen your reaction yet. Links aren't working >.< but! Decided I wanted to explain why Clover is so focused on Qrow during the fight. You have to remember, Clover's semblance is good luck, but if Qrow is there and in play his good luck gets cancelled. I don't think it's that Clover found Qrow as a greater threat. But more that he wanted to get rid of a variable that would have made taking on Tyrian harder. And he was fighting both of them. I strongly believe that if Qrow was taken out of the fight before Clover. Clover would have been able to use his semblance to take Tyrian down, or at least get very close. Sadly in that moment Qrow was like a wild card to him. Someone Ironwood wanted arrested but also someone he was growing close to. I love that Clover in the start tries to reason with Qrow. But the moment Qrow attacks, he knows he can't rely on him. Who should he trust? The General? Someone who he has worked under for years and admires? Or someone he connects with but attacked him and is wanted for some sort of crime?

John J Ronald

Well, guess I don't get to watch these today....try again tomorrow after work.


When you brought up how Ruby finally broke down in chapter 11 you couldn't be more right. She has been through so much but would keep it buried inside since the end of volume 3. Realizing that Salem got to her mom was the final straw but she got over it quickly to fight Ironwoods puppets . She is so strong where it counts. Now about Ironwood's other 2 puppets. Clover got what he deserved fo trying to arrest Qrow knowing that he did nothing to deserve it and then attacking Qrow while Qrow was fighting Tyrian. Lastly Winter who was on board with killing the Winter Maiden and leaving innocent civilians in Mantle to freeze to death or be killed by a Grimm invasion. On top of that being an all time bitch by first thinking and asking Weiss what she did to get an arrest warrant then telling Weiss she is giving her a headstart but calls for reinforcements 1 second after saying so with the only exit out would be the reinforcements only way in.(Maria showed up with the ship after Winter called for them)....She and the other Ace Ops including Clover ate all idiots and know are no better than the other villains as far as I can see.....except maybe Marrow. And Clover definitely died in that end scene in chapter 12. I hope Qrow gets his revenge but like you said. I don't think he gets over it....I hope he does .


Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop in to say that a fourth copy is now uploading to Drive...I'm so sorry if you haven't been able to see it yet! I am really hoping that at least one of these processes overnight, and that the bandwidth will at least reset so that they can be downloaded. I'll keep you posted! Again, I'm sorry and thanks for your patience! Will be stopping in tomorrow to answer all these awesome comments, yay!!!

Jason S

This is frustrating, but please don't feel obligated to apologise for circumstances that are outside your control.


I agree with Jason. It's out of your hands. No need for apologies.


Thank you so much you guys!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate how understanding you are!!!!! It's definitely frustrating (for all of us!) but I'm really grateful for your patience. There must be something wrong with Google Drive because the fourth copy just straight up told me "unable to process this video" this morning :( On to a fifth copy lol.


Oh man!!!! The struggle is real haha. Ahhh I'd love to watch it, will there be a replay for after I'm caught up?? Although if it has V9 spoilers, I'd probably stay away anyway. Yeah I can't wait to go check out some other reactions!!! It will be bittersweet for sure to be caught up but then we will all be on the same page which is nice!!!


Darren - I'm not sure even the strongest seatbelt can prepare me for the impact that will be caused by the next volume, from the sounds of it lol!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Spadeas - ohhhhh could not agree more about Ruby's awesome line! Yes, I noticed that Yang used her semblance but in a different way this time. The fight was epic! Yes, so sad to see another death but definitely well done story-wise. And Tyrian really does have some smarts to go with all the craziness lol, unfortunately. Hahaha too true about DBZ and aerial fighting!!! This one was well done for sure. Ohhhhh no kidding about the maiden's name, wow!! Yes, Cinder's VA rocked it for sure. Yes poor Ren!!!! Uggghhhh this was all just leading up to Salem's arrival...!!! OMG, Vol 8 sounds so intense!!! Ohhhhh I can't wait to hear the song written by Casey!!! That's awesome!! Thanks for all the info!


Ahhh okay, someone was actually trying to tell me about this recently, didn't realize it wasn't something they explained in the show! Wooooooowwww it literally clears his conscience in a way??? Like when he's making a tough decision??? That makes a lot of sense actually. Thanks for explaining!!!


Awww thank you!!! I really appreciate that! To be compared to Ruby is a great honor!!!!!!! Wow, thank you for your kind words!!!! I can't wait for the soundtrack, I can already tell it's going to be amazing!!! ^_^


I loved it!!! Thanks for letting me know!! Thank you so much for coming back after pay day!!! I appreciate it ^_^


I'm sorry!!! Google Drive has been the worst this week!!! I'm uploading a fifth copy now, and am really hoping that at least one of them will process soon. At the least, the new file should be download-able!!!


I'm sorry!!! I'm uploading a fifth copy now but so far none are processing. They can be downloaded but some folks were getting errors yesterday due to everyone downloading at once; hopefully it's not doing that today! Ohhhhh that does make sense about Clover's perspective! I loved that he tried to reason with him too. And such a tough spot for Clover to find himself in. Sighs!!!!! So sad.


Thanks! And yes, poor Ruby.....yet she wasn't down for too long, even then. There's definitely so many sadly adversarial things done by Clover, Winter and the Ace Ops here!! I think what makes it so much more frustrating is that both sides have their reasons, it's just a shame they were pitted against each other and so many on the Atlas side of things just couldn't see past it. Marrow was definitely the one who was the most on the fence though. Yeah I can't see Qrow getting over it any time soon!!!! :( I think Vol. 8 will be really intense!!!

Derpy Trev

Woohoo! I just checked every now and again patiently, can’t wait to watch! :)


yes was finally able to watch this and it was worth the wait. Man these two episodes hits your emotions like a sack a bricks I know was wasn't expecting some of the stuff that happens in it when I first watched it. So sad for Qrow even though it was a awesome fight Clover death hit pretty hard. It also makes it more sad the last thing Clover said to Qrow was good luck. Really like the brawl between team rwby and the ace ops. I don't think Ren is doing ok especially when Neo messed with him looking like Nora. Oscar getting shot shocked me too. Penny now the new winter maiden so there's a win but it was a little sad because at the end of that fight she wanted to cry but she can't. Now Cinder has the lamp and to top it all off Salem has arrived. Also this is the first volume with no end credit. I can't wait to see your reaction to Vol. 8 but first the soundtrack

Charlie Maletich

Cant wait for thr soundtrack reaction, I agree there are a lot of great songs, even in just these last few episodes. I mentioned before that this volume is one of my faves, can now say its cuz of the theme running through about fear. Ozpin's monologue is so great at capturing whats been present but hiding under the surface, not only in some overt characters like Robyn or Ironwood (which you pointed out had very similar relations with trust, but different outcomes). But also characters like Winter and the Ace Ops, how their fears lead them down those paths, or even Ruby who just had her world rocked by Salem last batch, yet still does the right thing. Loved your reaction, thank you for sharing it!

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:13:14 So just a few moments I like to single out in these final 2 episodes....I love that Ruby does not beg Penny to come and Winter does not order Penny to stay....the both let Penny make her own choice (she decides to leave with Team RWBY). Great voice acting from Elizabeth Maxwell in that final scene...you can hear the emotional anguish in her heart during her last conversation with Weiss. Clover's downfall was his HUBRIS. He genuinely thought he could win 1 v. 2 against both Qrow and Tyrian.....but the problem with a Good Luck semblance....is that everyone's luck runs out eventually. Ch.12 was really painful for a lot of fans, but especially our LGBT+ friends, who saw positive MLM rep in the Qrow &amp; Clover partnership. CRWBY felt obliged to apologize to LGBT+ fans for building them up as a potential ship on social media, knowing full well what was in store for Ch.12; Romantic or not, the loss will be devastating for Qrow....but at least Robyn is with him. Cinder overplaying her hand and underestimating Fria was so emotionally satisfying. Sidebar, Fria is voiced by veteran anime voice actress Luci Christian, who previously appeared in the RWBY cast as the voice of Little Miss Malachite back in Volume 6, mother of the Malachite Twins from the Yellow Trailer (Junior is her Ex-Husband). Cinder's entrance is pretty dramatic....someone on CRWBY definitely watched Rogue One (final epic fight scene with Darth Vader).... They didn't do a traditional "after credits" scene for Volume 7 because Rooster Teeth did not want to subject CRWBY to "crunch time" to fit one in, and also because the events of Vol.7 roll straight in to Volume 8 and there's no big mystery to tease. They could've created one with existing material by doing a hard cut after Oscar's last line, rolling the credits, then the remaining footage after, but either way works. First time I watched I definitely thought, like you, that Oscar was DEAD and it was shocking. Lastly, I love Ozpin's calm, professorial voice-over as a Coda for the final scenes. His commentary is very wise and measured, containing the lesson(s) James failed to learn....."Will you forgive them?" (for being dodgy about the Lamp's powers), "Will you understand why they felt the need to do the things they did?" (like leak the secret of the Amity project to Robyn Hill). "Loyalty always matters!", thunders Ironwood. But what James is demanding isn't loyalty, it's blind obedience. These minor infractions aren't grounds for blowing up the entire Atlas/Beacon Alliance...Allies aren't under your direct control and they have their own agendas....they can be annoying as hell....but you work with them to face the common enemy. General Montgomery &amp; General Eisenhower often butted heads, but they never wavered in the conviction that defeating Hitler was the primary mission of the Allied Forces, for example. But James does blow it up....Oscar tried to warn him multiple times but the General simply won't listen. RWBY are loyal to the people of Remnant; that is how they see their roles as huntresses. The Ace Ops are loyal to Ironwood *personally*. As a historical comparison, US Army Officers swear allegiance to the US Constitution....to our democratic ideals and form of government. Nazi Germany made its military officers swear a sacred oath to Hitler *personally*. The parallels are uncanny. Anyway, what follows is sublime Greek tragedy....Ironwood is the Classical Greek Tragic Hero, doomed to be undone by his own tragic character flaw(s).....can't wait to see your reaction(s) to Volume 8 after you finish the V.7 Soundtrack!
2021-07-01 00:47:09 So just a few moments I like to single out in these final 2 episodes....I love that Ruby does not beg Penny to come and Winter does not order Penny to stay....the both let Penny make her own choice (she decides to leave with Team RWBY). Great voice acting from Elizabeth Maxwell in that final scene...you can hear the emotional anguish in her heart during her last conversation with Weiss. Clover's downfall was his HUBRIS. He genuinely thought he could win 1 v. 2 against both Qrow and Tyrian.....but the problem with a Good Luck semblance....is that everyone's luck runs out eventually. Ch.12 was really painful for a lot of fans, but especially our LGBT+ friends, who saw positive MLM rep in the Qrow & Clover partnership. CRWBY felt obliged to apologize to LGBT+ fans for building them up as a potential ship on social media, knowing full well what was in store for Ch.12; Romantic or not, the loss will be devastating for Qrow....but at least Robyn is with him. Cinder overplaying her hand and underestimating Fria was so emotionally satisfying. Sidebar, Fria is voiced by veteran anime voice actress Luci Christian, who previously appeared in the RWBY cast as the voice of Little Miss Malachite back in Volume 6, mother of the Malachite Twins from the Yellow Trailer (Junior is her Ex-Husband). Cinder's entrance is pretty dramatic....someone on CRWBY definitely watched Rogue One (final epic fight scene with Darth Vader).... They didn't do a traditional "after credits" scene for Volume 7 because Rooster Teeth did not want to subject CRWBY to "crunch time" to fit one in, and also because the events of Vol.7 roll straight in to Volume 8 and there's no big mystery to tease. They could've created one with existing material by doing a hard cut after Oscar's last line, rolling the credits, then the remaining footage after, but either way works. First time I watched I definitely thought, like you, that Oscar was DEAD and it was shocking. Lastly, I love Ozpin's calm, professorial voice-over as a Coda for the final scenes. His commentary is very wise and measured, containing the lesson(s) James failed to learn....."Will you forgive them?" (for being dodgy about the Lamp's powers), "Will you understand why they felt the need to do the things they did?" (like leak the secret of the Amity project to Robyn Hill). "Loyalty always matters!", thunders Ironwood. But what James is demanding isn't loyalty, it's blind obedience. These minor infractions aren't grounds for blowing up the entire Atlas/Beacon Alliance...Allies aren't under your direct control and they have their own agendas....they can be annoying as hell....but you work with them to face the common enemy. General Montgomery & General Eisenhower often butted heads, but they never wavered in the conviction that defeating Hitler was the primary mission of the Allied Forces, for example. But James does blow it up....Oscar tried to warn him multiple times but the General simply won't listen. RWBY are loyal to the people of Remnant; that is how they see their roles as huntresses. The Ace Ops are loyal to Ironwood *personally*. As a historical comparison, US Army Officers swear allegiance to the US Constitution....to our democratic ideals and form of government. Nazi Germany made its military officers swear a sacred oath to Hitler *personally*. The parallels are uncanny. Anyway, what follows is sublime Greek tragedy....Ironwood is the Classical Greek Tragic Hero, doomed to be undone by his own tragic character flaw(s).....can't wait to see your reaction(s) to Volume 8 after you finish the V.7 Soundtrack!

So just a few moments I like to single out in these final 2 episodes....I love that Ruby does not beg Penny to come and Winter does not order Penny to stay....the both let Penny make her own choice (she decides to leave with Team RWBY). Great voice acting from Elizabeth Maxwell in that final scene...you can hear the emotional anguish in her heart during her last conversation with Weiss. Clover's downfall was his HUBRIS. He genuinely thought he could win 1 v. 2 against both Qrow and Tyrian.....but the problem with a Good Luck semblance....is that everyone's luck runs out eventually. Ch.12 was really painful for a lot of fans, but especially our LGBT+ friends, who saw positive MLM rep in the Qrow & Clover partnership. CRWBY felt obliged to apologize to LGBT+ fans for building them up as a potential ship on social media, knowing full well what was in store for Ch.12; Romantic or not, the loss will be devastating for Qrow....but at least Robyn is with him. Cinder overplaying her hand and underestimating Fria was so emotionally satisfying. Sidebar, Fria is voiced by veteran anime voice actress Luci Christian, who previously appeared in the RWBY cast as the voice of Little Miss Malachite back in Volume 6, mother of the Malachite Twins from the Yellow Trailer (Junior is her Ex-Husband). Cinder's entrance is pretty dramatic....someone on CRWBY definitely watched Rogue One (final epic fight scene with Darth Vader).... They didn't do a traditional "after credits" scene for Volume 7 because Rooster Teeth did not want to subject CRWBY to "crunch time" to fit one in, and also because the events of Vol.7 roll straight in to Volume 8 and there's no big mystery to tease. They could've created one with existing material by doing a hard cut after Oscar's last line, rolling the credits, then the remaining footage after, but either way works. First time I watched I definitely thought, like you, that Oscar was DEAD and it was shocking. Lastly, I love Ozpin's calm, professorial voice-over as a Coda for the final scenes. His commentary is very wise and measured, containing the lesson(s) James failed to learn....."Will you forgive them?" (for being dodgy about the Lamp's powers), "Will you understand why they felt the need to do the things they did?" (like leak the secret of the Amity project to Robyn Hill). "Loyalty always matters!", thunders Ironwood. But what James is demanding isn't loyalty, it's blind obedience. These minor infractions aren't grounds for blowing up the entire Atlas/Beacon Alliance...Allies aren't under your direct control and they have their own agendas....they can be annoying as hell....but you work with them to face the common enemy. General Montgomery & General Eisenhower often butted heads, but they never wavered in the conviction that defeating Hitler was the primary mission of the Allied Forces, for example. But James does blow it up....Oscar tried to warn him multiple times but the General simply won't listen. RWBY are loyal to the people of Remnant; that is how they see their roles as huntresses. The Ace Ops are loyal to Ironwood *personally*. As a historical comparison, US Army Officers swear allegiance to the US Constitution....to our democratic ideals and form of government. Nazi Germany made its military officers swear a sacred oath to Hitler *personally*. The parallels are uncanny. Anyway, what follows is sublime Greek tragedy....Ironwood is the Classical Greek Tragic Hero, doomed to be undone by his own tragic character flaw(s).....can't wait to see your reaction(s) to Volume 8 after you finish the V.7 Soundtrack!

John J Ronald

I think Clover was overzealous in trying to affect Qrow's arrest in midair.....jeeze, Clover....wait 'til you're docked back in Atlas, have thrown Tyrian in the clink, and THEN slap the cuffs on Qrow....but I get that's WAY less dramatic....


Ah, so happy to finally be able to watch the reaction! These episodes are so jam packed. In ep 12, I think it's pretty interesting to try and think through the thought processes of Clover and Qrow during their fight. This is all happening very shortly after the fight were Tyrian got taken down, and while he's obviously recovered a bit he's definitely not at 100%, so you can kinda see that Clover's thinking that he could probably beat Tyrian in a straight up fight, but he might not be able to take down Qrow. So, when Qrow goes and starts to focus on fighting Tyrian, Clover takes the opportunity to get some hits in from behind, hoping to wear him down enough to guarantee a win. Then from Qrow's perspective, he hates Tyrian and wants to take him down first, but can obviously tell that Clover's gonna keep attacking him and he'll inevitably lose. So, when Tyrian offers to team up on Clover, Qrow can see his two options are either to decline and have to fight Tyrian with Clover continuing to hit him in the back until he loses, or work with Tyrian to quickly take Clover down, and then switch over to a 1v1 against Tyrian. Obviously things don't quite work out, but you can definitely see that there's some logic at play to both of their choices, hard as it is to watch them turn on each other. And then, moving on to the finale, ahhhhhhh I love my girl Cinder in there so much. Jessica does a fantastic job with the voice work, if I remember right I think she went and got some vocal coaching in between v6 and 7, and it definitely shows in the emotion she brings to the table. Like ah, the angry, desperate shriek of "She's mine!" transitioning right into that pained screaming as her arm gets cut off and grows back. And on that note, the whole way that grows back seems pretty horrific, yeesh, it's easy to lose sight of but Salem has certainly done something pretty messed up to her there. Ooh, and that also reminds me of another great line, that whole little "I refuse to starve" speech she gives to Winter. As well as just being a cool bit of dialogue (and some more great VA work), it's another interesting little piece to the puzzle that is her past. And, it's worth paying attention to the fact that during Ozpin's speech, the camera cuts to her on the line "Will you understand why they felt the need to do the things they did?" I can tell you that over the hiatus between 7 and 8, these two pieces of information got me so excited about the possibility of delving more into her past, and had me making up plenty of theories in the meantime. She's such a fascinating character to me, I seem to remember on a previous reaction (In relation to Adam, I think?) you mentioned something about how people typically aren't born evil, things happen that drive them into being that way, and despite all the terrible things she's done I think that holds just as true for Cinder as anyone else. Anyway I think that's more than enough rambling about my fave murderous girlboss, so I'll just leave off on the note of saying that right after she escapes from the winter maiden room and she's so angry about failing that fire is spewing out of her mouth as she screams, it makes me feel very gay sdkjgskdj

Joe Mitchell

I'm gonna play a bit of devil's advocate here. Before you judge ironwood and his decision, keep in mind 1. Salem is immortal, she's more powerful than all 4 maidens combined and has an endless swarm of Grimm on her side. 2. Currently if Salem gets her hands on all 4 relics, the world ends. So if if ironwood succeeds in raising atlas out of salem's reach, he'll be saving not just the relics, not just atlas but humanity. Even if Salem wipes out the rest of the world (which at this point he feels is inevatoble), humanity will survive.


Very bleek. These two eps I have to step back and process as well. I really wanted to see more of Clover and Qrow together


YAY!!!! I'm so happy you can finally watch it and enjoyed it :D So true!!! Yeah I am really upset for Qrow! Poor Clover! Uggghhh so true about his last words. Yeah I noticed Ren was not alright particularly after Neo messed with him. OHHHH when Oscar got shot I was just like NOPE I know you're not doing this to me rn haha. Awwww yes that is sad about Penny!!! :( Omg stuff is really about to go down now. Can't wait to react to the soundtrack and then onto Vol 8!!!! XD


YAY!!! I can't wait either! So true about the monologue. Great point about the way fear shakes people but then others stand their ground. I'm so happy you loved it! Thank YOU!!!


Oh such a good point there about Penny!!!! And yes Elizabeth Maxwell killed it in that scene for sure. Oh that's true about Clover, I think he really did think he could win against both of them....so sad. Awww yes I can see how it would be a big loss considering they had been building up the ship!!! I'm glad Qrow isn't alone but still, I'm so worried for him. Ohhh I'd heard that Fria's VA was a renowned anime VA but I'm not sure if I realized that Junior was Malachite's ex!!!! That's awesome haha. OH MAN I know that scene in Rogue One you're referring to hahaha and I can totally see the similarities!!! OMG I was so upset thinking they had taken out Oscar!!! I really liked Ozpin's monologue too and that way it highlighted certain points like you said. And yes, I couldn't have said it better - there's a difference between loyalty and blind obedience!!! Loyalty is what we see Ruby inspire in her team...they're not the same thing. Very good real life example as well. The parallels really are uncanny too!!! Oh so true about Ironwood resembling a hero from a Greek tragedy!!! I'm so happy you're looking forward to my reactions!! Hope you enjoy them!!!!


Ah I see what you mean! I think it's a good thing to try and see thing from all perspectives, especially on a show as layered as this one. I feel like this is a "needs of the many" situation. If Salem does succeed, it's definitely curtains for everyone.....so I can almost see how Ironwood has become convinced that this is the lesser of the two evils. I think where Ruby and co. are coming from is, let's have *no* evils done please lol. There has to be a third option. Thanks for bringing up these points!!!!

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:13:11 For sure!!!! Ahhhh I know, I loved Qrow and Clover &lt;3 And I'm so scared for Qrow now on so many levels. :(
2021-07-01 14:35:57 For sure!!!! Ahhhh I know, I loved Qrow and Clover <3 And I'm so scared for Qrow now on so many levels. :(

For sure!!!! Ahhhh I know, I loved Qrow and Clover <3 And I'm so scared for Qrow now on so many levels. :(


Yeah, I hear you!!! Definitely not as much drama/conflict for the story. But probably the best idea!! :/


YAY!! So happy you were able to see it!!! Ohhhh that's a good point about the perspectives during the fight. That does kinda help to make sense as to why he'd prioritize Qrow over Tyrian. And so true that temporarily "teaming" with Tyrian at least means not having to fight him and Clover at the same time. Cinder really stood out in this one for sure!!! Her VA killed it here!!! Oooh I'll be so curious to see if they delve into her past more! Ah yes that does sound familiar about Adam! And so true, I'm sure Cinder has a very unpleasant past that explains her character and actions a lot more. I'd love to see more! Murderous girlboss, omg I love it!!! I'm pretty sure that needs to be on a mug or something!!! XD Hahaha that moment is awesome for sure right!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD


These eps were amazing!!! Such a good point about Clover. Such a shame that no one remembered to keep an eye on Tyrian there! I think it's so interesting that they've built up the similarities between Winter and Penny, but with the twist of who is really more "robotic" here in the end??? The fight was AMAZING and that line was everything! Good point about the Ace Ops, the lack of ability to work as a team would definitely make a difference. OMG YES such a good point about Weiss and Mantle!!! UGH the Qrow/Clover/Tyrian fight is just so much to take in at once and I think you make a great point about the priorities at work and all. But that last scene was just too much!!!!! I don't blame you for crying!!!!! Hahaha nuff said about Cinder and Neo! Thanks for explaining about Mettle! Oh yeah, him shooting Oscar was the official line cross for me. YAY PENNY!!!! I think Winter will definitely find her way but I'm thrilled that Penny is the Winter Maiden!!! YES OZ!!! So awesome that Oscar has his magic now! OMG I don't blame you for being jealous because even just waiting a week seems like forever to me to have to wait to find out what's gonna happen!!! But once I've seen Vol. 8, I'll be in the same boat!! No worries, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!!! I hope you love my future reactions too!!!!!!!!! Have a great one! ^_^

Zen Reacts

So i just wanna start off saying I firmly believe the entire airship crash was Robyn's fault. There wasnt going to be a fight but she 100% instigated it. As for the fight on the ground I always believed that Clover took it upon himself to direct both Qrow and Tyrian towards him since he wasn't out to try and fatally injure Qrow which Tyrian definitely wanted to. Knowing Tyrians semblance he probably thought it best to not risk Qrow becoming gravely injured. One thing that annoyed me about Qrow is his remark that his relationship with his friends always ends in a fight when this one clearly didnt have to. It also got me thinking more about Qrows semblance being maybe not what he and everyone else think but Ill save that for a moment in volume 8. Overall I think my favorite moment in the volume is Ozpin's monologue on fear, the enemy of trust


I can see how if Robyn hadn't taken the actions she did, things might have turned out differently! At least enough to prevent what eventually happened. Ah okay, thanks for explaining why Clover did that. It's true that this really didn't have to end in fighting, so sad! Hmmmm!!! Curious to know what you mean! The monologue was epic. Can't wait for what's next!!!

Derpy Trev

Of course! I always do. I felt so bad for you, having to watch everything unravel in the finale, it’s as epic as it is sad. RWBY looooves cliffhangers and just making you feel happy then turning and immediately breaking your heart 😂😭 but we love it anyway!


Yay!!! Thank you so much!! Awww yes it was quite excruciating!!! >.< It's that good kind of hurt right??? Lol!!!! Gotta love it for sure, no matter how much they put us through on this series it just keeps getting more and more fun to watch!!!!

Derpy Trev

I’m so excited for Tuesday as well, cause another thing that keeps us coming back is that soundtrack and this is probably my most anticipated one for you to hear. Your whole journey has led to this OST for me lol, music wise.


Awww yay!!! I'm so happy to hear that! Wow!! I hope you love my soundtrack reaction!!! ^_^


There’s so much about this episode that I love and that makes me sad. The way it starts out is so good because of it happening right where last episode left off. Also the fact that a lot of what happens in the last 2 episodes is happening simulateaneously is crazy and must have been difficult and complicated for the writers to pull off in as good of a way as they did. It’s sad to see this division between Clover and Qrow especially after seeing their bond grow throughout the volume. You can really tell that both of them don’t really want to do this from the way they are speaking but are doing what they believe is right. It makes complete sense why Robyn would react the way she did having been always doing what’s best for Mantle so for it to be abandoned must be painful to hear and much like Qrow broken trust is a big theme here having put trust in James only for him to betray them. It's unfortunate that she did this while they were in the air and near Tyrian since it ended badly but with her personality it makes sense and also probably in her mind she believed that once they got to Atlas there would be no opportunity to try to stop this so she had to act quickly. It shows his character development that Qrow tries to defuse the situation unfortunately Tyrian is there and no matter how much I like him as a character not a person want to make that very clear I can understand just wanting him to shut up. I want to say don’t listen to the psychopathic serial killer but this was a very intense situation and emotions were running high and Tyrian is amazing at adding fuel to the fire and I’ll be bringing this up later. It’s terrible that a combination of Clover’s good luck and Qrow’s bad luck allowed Tyrian to escape. Also yeah even though the situation is terrible no one is able to help but be horrified and amused at Tyrian wearing the pilots hat. This moment also definitely shows his obsessive, fanatical devotion to Salem. Now on to the 1st Winter and Penny scene which develops their fantastic relationship even more by adding the complexity of this situation into the mix. Also fun fact when they 1st started writing this volume the relationship between those 2 was a surprise and just evolved as things went on and I’m so glad it did because I ended up loving it so much. It’s so great to see Penny standing up for the people and asking some really important questions about how bad this is. Also it makes perfect sense that Winter in the general’s plan and has the for the good of the many over the few since she’s his right hand and has been in the military so long and from a certain point of view you could argue she’s right although it’s very satisfying from a characterization standpoint that Penny challenges her on putting her emotions aside. I think Penny speaks for a lot of the audience when she says this entire situation isn’t good. I love the entire team RWBY versus the ace operatives fight but it has a really strong start. Some people were thinking they might be able to escape out the windows but that was proven wrong with the reinforced steel barriers. Also there were theories that Marrow would help them with his semblance. That didn’t happen but can’t help but feel bad for him being so hesitant but unfortunately he’s still trained as a soldier so it makes sense that he would do his job. I do like that at 1st they try to talk sense into the aces because they don’t really want to fight either. The line of Ruby responding to Harriet saying they are the best with then you trained us as 1 of the most savage and awesome things she has ever said. The action here is really well done and I think it’s really cool/interesting that the matchups have comparisons, parallels or opposites about them based on which characters are fighting. Great to see Weiss standing up for her home even if it’s not the best place because she believes Atlas can and should be better. It’s disappointing to see Clover being manipulative using the unconscious Robyn to get Qrow to give up. Qrow saying that his friendships always end like this implying his friends either die, betray him or end up hating him is extremely depressing and relates back to why he became an alcoholic in the 1st place. The saddest part about this conflict is that they are great friends and don’t want to fight at all it’s just that they are on different sides and believing in different things. Also of course Tyrian wakes up at the worst time and the way he escapes is disgusting and shows more of his craziness and RT was teasing this on Twitter saying something was going to make people throw up. And sure it’s disgusting but the worse part is how he kind of enjoys it. I could hear the frustration in your voice and I think this whole three-way fight definitely is frustrating especially because a lot of it is Tyrian manipulating things to go in his favor/try to create an opening. Also if you notice Tyrian is constantly just pushing Qrow towards Clover and if he wasn’t evil and crazy they would make a good team surprisingly enough. People complained about this fight being bad writing because the characters actions doesn’t make sense but I’m glad someone explained to you the logic behind their actions but what I wanted to say is that just because it makes sense doesn’t mean their actions weren’t bad or emotionally compromise. However not in every story but sometimes from a storytelling standpoint characters need to make mistakes and if those mistakes have consequences they have to deal with that because it can add interesting stuff to characters. I love the choreography in the aces versus team RWBY fight so much especially Yang and Blake against Elm and Vine. The fluid teamwork between Yang and Blake is a treat and spectacle to behold and the way they take out Vine is awesome and 1 of the most sound defeats in the series so far. Also this is when the tides turned and the music kicks in. I love how Yang and Blake use their semblances rarely at the best time to create advantages. Also there is a big thing about their designs that isn’t always obvious but it’s blatant here Yang represents the sun and Blake represents the moon and the way they’re bodies are moving when they land the final blow on Elm is intentionally there to show how they also represent Yin and Yang and the most awesome thing is that their character designs reflect that. The way Harriet and Ruby are so evenly matched is great and their fight is dynamic in a way I love so much. Also the great thing here is some even after she’s restrained Harriet still fights really well thanks to her crazy strong semblance. Also people were making certain comments about her wrapping her legs around Ruby’s head… I think you can imagine what types of comments those were and it was kind hilarious LOL. Once the aces teamwork started to break down they had already lost. Also I think Vine was the best fighter and least emotionally unstable of them so once he was taken out team RWBY’s victory was all but assured. Also strangely enough this is the 1st time Weiss has won a one-on-one fight this time against Marrow and people were excited about that. One thing I want to tell you about the Neo versus team ORNJ (orange) is there was a miscommunication to the animation team because Oscar was supposed to come around the corner and immediately punch Neo instead he telegraphs his attack and Neo doesn’t defend herself and I like to imagine the original intention was what really happened because of how it works better but I think the effect is the same. The moment of Cinder in the hallway is such a horror movie moment. The final conversations between Qrow and Clover are so heartbreaking. Also I trust James with my life is a really painful and poor choice of words considering what happens 2 seconds later. I both hate and love how the scene of Clover getting stabbed intentionally reflects and looks like the scene of Yang losing her arm. It’s so disturbing and messed up how dismissive he is of Clover’s death and how he says things to cause more pain in Qrow to make him emotionally unstable and unable to fight against Tyrian so he could escape. But you have to admit the way he masterfully frames Qrow is brilliant. Before I get to the sad part I want to say that I think Tyrian is 1 of the best written characters in the show. He’s crazy and sadistic but intelligent and manipulative and uses all this to his advantage and is very much following the teachings of his goddess very well which is dividing people which is actually great for the villains. The final scene of this episode is so depressing to me but the writing and voice acting is perfect in my opinion. Also the sunrise is so beautiful and Clover saying good luck is very poignant. Finally Qrow’s scream of anguish, pain, despair and sadness will always live with me it’s so rough to listen to. Episode 13 comment coming soon.


I think it will be on their website, or on their youtube channel if you wanna catch up, you should watch some rtx videos when your caught up, like when the new outfits were released and a scene from v7 etc lol its always cool to see people scream in excitement lol

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:13:09 I love this finale so damn much. It’s probably 1 of the best finales of the series you have seen so far and it’s my 2nd or 3rd favorite. I liked how it starts out with the fight against Neo considering how dark and intense it gets as the episode goes on. Once again Neo is the best and is 1 of the most fluid and beautiful fighters in the show and an all-around badass. My favorite moment here is Neo doing a split and mimicking a yawn as she sends Ren flying. It’s interesting how the teamwork of the heroes here isn’t good at 1st but then comes together toward the end before Neo escapes. I really like how intense they make the following chase and the heroes aren’t helped at all by the soldiers now after them and Oscar being hurt and exhausted. It must’ve been scary for him to be alone. Neo is really smart here cornering Oscar and getting the lamp. Also yeah I definitely agree it’s super unsettling to see Nora with Neo’s eyes. It's definitely a low blow for Neo to manipulate Ren’s emotions like she did but it could’ve been worse because people were theorizing she might turn into Pyrrha since she does know of her connection to them. The fight between Winter/Penny &amp; Cinder is really good with the strategy and powers of these characters used to the fullest. Also seems like there might be some hints of back story for Cinder based on what she says wonder what that’s about… Hmmm. I love Winter and Penny’s teamwork here so much although Cinder anger certainly seems to help her. The aerial flight here is so creative and awesome to watch while also being terrifying simply because of the characters movements. Obviously Winter would have her own summons but it's really cool to see her flying with one. Cinder may not be able to beat their teamwork but she is a good/smart enough fighter and understands heroes enough to set up a situation that gives her the opportunity to get to the maiden. I really love how Penny is a direct opposite/counterpoint to Winter’s perspective showing how much she cares about her friends and doesn’t see them as expendable. It’s really upsetting that Ren starts to yell at Nora because it’s in anger and I'm glad Jaune put a stop to it. I think Ren is not dealing with everything that’s happening well and to be fair all of this is very stressful and they did just fail. I like that Jaune’s new shield can now help him protect his friends even more. Also I think almost everyone’s 1st reaction to Oscar going off on his own is concern and trying to figure out what he’s doing. Fria absolutely putting Cinder in her place with the power of ice is so surprising, satisfying and awesome. I think the voice acting really sells her strength. Also she’s controlling her power but also from her movements it looks like she’s just releasing all her power at once and can only focus on protecting herself instead of regulating her magic. It might be surprising at the beginning but it only makes sense that a maiden who has had magic her entire life would be that strong and it puts into perspective how comparatively weak Amber, Cinder and even to a degree Raven are. The sheer scale of that power is awe-inspiring and scary and the concept art for the snow and ice vortex is so cool. I like the attention to detail that Winter doesn’t have her aura in the rest of the episode which has major consequences. It shows how durable Penny’s robotic body is that she can withstand the cold relatively easily. The conversation between her and Fria is 1 of my favorite emotional moments of this volume especially because the maiden might very well represent the blue fairy. It really hits hard once you realize Fria has some sort of degenerative mental illness like dementia or Alzheimer’s or maybe just because of old age and can’t remember everything very well. Also the instrumental here is no pun intended quite magical. I hate having to see it but Penny’s hesitation/doubt is shown really well here. Also her gentleness with the kind old woman is so sweet. Although I can’t imagine the pressure she’s under having to take the power to protect everyone because even if it’s not her fault a death will weigh heavily on Penny. I really love Oscar’s speech to James trying to talk him out of his fear and to work together especially after having to face so much fear since he left his home. I think the cane comforting Oscar is interesting. Some of the things James says here actually do make sense in some ways so most people can understand why he is thinking this way while also disagreeing with his actions because of how morally wrong they are. However the thing is most people will never be in a situation as terrible as this and don’t know how they would actually act in a situation like this which makes it all the more complex and morally grey. There’s some great symbolism/metaphor in Oscar being in the dark and then stepping into the light and James being in the light and stepping into the darkness. The worst part is we know this is exactly what Salem wants but unfortunately James has been proven right and his character flaws are preventing him from seeing the truth at this point. James shooting Oscar might be the biggest shock of the volume especially because they were building their relationship and James fully intending to kill him and his severe and militaristic voice acting really helps sell his fading humanity. Funny thing people started making fuck them kids memes based on this which are both terrible and hilarious it’s so bad LOL. I think it’s so cool from a animation standpoint that the light actually leaves James’s eyes and I don’t think it matters whether or not it's because of his semblance what actually matters is losing his humanity and becoming more of a machine. I absolutely love how fast-paced things become right after this. I have always liked and enjoyed Jessica Nigri’s voice acting becomes phenomenal here especially the scream and pained breathing. Her arm growing back and how she attacks Winter is so brutal. Also something people only started to talk about after they had calmed down from this episode was that Winter looks really good with her hair down and some people actually removed the bruises and cuts to make it look even better. I think so many of us were worried Oscar was going to die and it looks like he almost gives up until Oz comes back. Also apparently a big reason for him coming back is Oscar’s words may not have reached James but it did reach Oz giving him the bravery to return. The music here especially when Penny’s eyes glow with green fire which we now learn reflects the maiden’s aura color is so hype and intense. Penny being able to inherit the powers truly shows how human she really is. I really love how the bubble shield here is the same magic Oz used at the end of volume 3. Also you don’t know how much we were all freaking out when we thought this might be the end of the episode but thankfully it wasn’t. The sky as Oscar is falling and Ozpin’s speech as well as the somber music are so beautiful and poignant. The things I love most about the speech is how it connects to the theme of this volume which has been said to be trust, how fear is thoughtfully described and how different parts of the speech and kinds of fear connect to different characters in the show. Also a theme of this volume can be fear since there are a lot of connections between fear and trust and both of these themes are present throughout this volume. The thing I found the most interesting in the speech is how it talks about trying to understand why people make the decisions and do the things they do. My favorite parts of the montage before the end of the episode are Ruby and Winter letting Penny make her own decision when going with Ruby’s group, Ruby and Weiss comforting Penny with Pietro looking happy seeing her with friends which made people ship those 3 and even though it’s sad the Winter and Weiss stuff because of how well written, well acted and emotional it was. Also I’m glad you brought up the Roman stuff when Cinder doesn’t even thank Neo for getting the lamp. Ironwood’s anger is really scary. I’m happy that Oz gives credit where it’s due to Oscar saving them. Even though Oscar must have the most problems and complicated feelings towards Oz I’m glad he’s able to put that aside to save everyone. The final scene is so intense and terrifying with Salem finally arriving accompanied by a storm with red lightning and a fantastic new outfit as well as a giant Grimm whale which a reaction channel followed by the rest of the fans nicknamed Richard. It’s design is super disturbing and we all know the original story of Pinocchio so you might want to think about that. Also because of her new outfit a good amount of people were confusedly thirsty for her as well as making jokes that she was just here to show her ex how much better off without him LOL. Some fun facts Oz’s speech was really hard to write and the writers decided to have the volume end in a similar way to its start with the heroes in an airship with Atlas in the distance. I always think your reactions and discussions are great and insightful but I thought they were particularly insightful in these reactions I really loved them. Great job and keep up the great work. :-) &lt;3
2021-07-06 03:40:01 I love this finale so damn much. It’s probably 1 of the best finales of the series you have seen so far and it’s my 2nd or 3rd favorite. I liked how it starts out with the fight against Neo considering how dark and intense it gets as the episode goes on. Once again Neo is the best and is 1 of the most fluid and beautiful fighters in the show and an all-around badass. My favorite moment here is Neo doing a split and mimicking a yawn as she sends Ren flying. It’s interesting how the teamwork of the heroes here isn’t good at 1st but then comes together toward the end before Neo escapes. I really like how intense they make the following chase and the heroes aren’t helped at all by the soldiers now after them and Oscar being hurt and exhausted. It must’ve been scary for him to be alone. Neo is really smart here cornering Oscar and getting the lamp. Also yeah I definitely agree it’s super unsettling to see Nora with Neo’s eyes. It's definitely a low blow for Neo to manipulate Ren’s emotions like she did but it could’ve been worse because people were theorizing she might turn into Pyrrha since she does know of her connection to them. The fight between Winter/Penny & Cinder is really good with the strategy and powers of these characters used to the fullest. Also seems like there might be some hints of back story for Cinder based on what she says wonder what that’s about… Hmmm. I love Winter and Penny’s teamwork here so much although Cinder anger certainly seems to help her. The aerial flight here is so creative and awesome to watch while also being terrifying simply because of the characters movements. Obviously Winter would have her own summons but it's really cool to see her flying with one. Cinder may not be able to beat their teamwork but she is a good/smart enough fighter and understands heroes enough to set up a situation that gives her the opportunity to get to the maiden. I really love how Penny is a direct opposite/counterpoint to Winter’s perspective showing how much she cares about her friends and doesn’t see them as expendable. It’s really upsetting that Ren starts to yell at Nora because it’s in anger and I'm glad Jaune put a stop to it. I think Ren is not dealing with everything that’s happening well and to be fair all of this is very stressful and they did just fail. I like that Jaune’s new shield can now help him protect his friends even more. Also I think almost everyone’s 1st reaction to Oscar going off on his own is concern and trying to figure out what he’s doing. Fria absolutely putting Cinder in her place with the power of ice is so surprising, satisfying and awesome. I think the voice acting really sells her strength. Also she’s controlling her power but also from her movements it looks like she’s just releasing all her power at once and can only focus on protecting herself instead of regulating her magic. It might be surprising at the beginning but it only makes sense that a maiden who has had magic her entire life would be that strong and it puts into perspective how comparatively weak Amber, Cinder and even to a degree Raven are. The sheer scale of that power is awe-inspiring and scary and the concept art for the snow and ice vortex is so cool. I like the attention to detail that Winter doesn’t have her aura in the rest of the episode which has major consequences. It shows how durable Penny’s robotic body is that she can withstand the cold relatively easily. The conversation between her and Fria is 1 of my favorite emotional moments of this volume especially because the maiden might very well represent the blue fairy. It really hits hard once you realize Fria has some sort of degenerative mental illness like dementia or Alzheimer’s or maybe just because of old age and can’t remember everything very well. Also the instrumental here is no pun intended quite magical. I hate having to see it but Penny’s hesitation/doubt is shown really well here. Also her gentleness with the kind old woman is so sweet. Although I can’t imagine the pressure she’s under having to take the power to protect everyone because even if it’s not her fault a death will weigh heavily on Penny. I really love Oscar’s speech to James trying to talk him out of his fear and to work together especially after having to face so much fear since he left his home. I think the cane comforting Oscar is interesting. Some of the things James says here actually do make sense in some ways so most people can understand why he is thinking this way while also disagreeing with his actions because of how morally wrong they are. However the thing is most people will never be in a situation as terrible as this and don’t know how they would actually act in a situation like this which makes it all the more complex and morally grey. There’s some great symbolism/metaphor in Oscar being in the dark and then stepping into the light and James being in the light and stepping into the darkness. The worst part is we know this is exactly what Salem wants but unfortunately James has been proven right and his character flaws are preventing him from seeing the truth at this point. James shooting Oscar might be the biggest shock of the volume especially because they were building their relationship and James fully intending to kill him and his severe and militaristic voice acting really helps sell his fading humanity. Funny thing people started making fuck them kids memes based on this which are both terrible and hilarious it’s so bad LOL. I think it’s so cool from a animation standpoint that the light actually leaves James’s eyes and I don’t think it matters whether or not it's because of his semblance what actually matters is losing his humanity and becoming more of a machine. I absolutely love how fast-paced things become right after this. I have always liked and enjoyed Jessica Nigri’s voice acting becomes phenomenal here especially the scream and pained breathing. Her arm growing back and how she attacks Winter is so brutal. Also something people only started to talk about after they had calmed down from this episode was that Winter looks really good with her hair down and some people actually removed the bruises and cuts to make it look even better. I think so many of us were worried Oscar was going to die and it looks like he almost gives up until Oz comes back. Also apparently a big reason for him coming back is Oscar’s words may not have reached James but it did reach Oz giving him the bravery to return. The music here especially when Penny’s eyes glow with green fire which we now learn reflects the maiden’s aura color is so hype and intense. Penny being able to inherit the powers truly shows how human she really is. I really love how the bubble shield here is the same magic Oz used at the end of volume 3. Also you don’t know how much we were all freaking out when we thought this might be the end of the episode but thankfully it wasn’t. The sky as Oscar is falling and Ozpin’s speech as well as the somber music are so beautiful and poignant. The things I love most about the speech is how it connects to the theme of this volume which has been said to be trust, how fear is thoughtfully described and how different parts of the speech and kinds of fear connect to different characters in the show. Also a theme of this volume can be fear since there are a lot of connections between fear and trust and both of these themes are present throughout this volume. The thing I found the most interesting in the speech is how it talks about trying to understand why people make the decisions and do the things they do. My favorite parts of the montage before the end of the episode are Ruby and Winter letting Penny make her own decision when going with Ruby’s group, Ruby and Weiss comforting Penny with Pietro looking happy seeing her with friends which made people ship those 3 and even though it’s sad the Winter and Weiss stuff because of how well written, well acted and emotional it was. Also I’m glad you brought up the Roman stuff when Cinder doesn’t even thank Neo for getting the lamp. Ironwood’s anger is really scary. I’m happy that Oz gives credit where it’s due to Oscar saving them. Even though Oscar must have the most problems and complicated feelings towards Oz I’m glad he’s able to put that aside to save everyone. The final scene is so intense and terrifying with Salem finally arriving accompanied by a storm with red lightning and a fantastic new outfit as well as a giant Grimm whale which a reaction channel followed by the rest of the fans nicknamed Richard. It’s design is super disturbing and we all know the original story of Pinocchio so you might want to think about that. Also because of her new outfit a good amount of people were confusedly thirsty for her as well as making jokes that she was just here to show her ex how much better off without him LOL. Some fun facts Oz’s speech was really hard to write and the writers decided to have the volume end in a similar way to its start with the heroes in an airship with Atlas in the distance. I always think your reactions and discussions are great and insightful but I thought they were particularly insightful in these reactions I really loved them. Great job and keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this finale so damn much. It’s probably 1 of the best finales of the series you have seen so far and it’s my 2nd or 3rd favorite. I liked how it starts out with the fight against Neo considering how dark and intense it gets as the episode goes on. Once again Neo is the best and is 1 of the most fluid and beautiful fighters in the show and an all-around badass. My favorite moment here is Neo doing a split and mimicking a yawn as she sends Ren flying. It’s interesting how the teamwork of the heroes here isn’t good at 1st but then comes together toward the end before Neo escapes. I really like how intense they make the following chase and the heroes aren’t helped at all by the soldiers now after them and Oscar being hurt and exhausted. It must’ve been scary for him to be alone. Neo is really smart here cornering Oscar and getting the lamp. Also yeah I definitely agree it’s super unsettling to see Nora with Neo’s eyes. It's definitely a low blow for Neo to manipulate Ren’s emotions like she did but it could’ve been worse because people were theorizing she might turn into Pyrrha since she does know of her connection to them. The fight between Winter/Penny & Cinder is really good with the strategy and powers of these characters used to the fullest. Also seems like there might be some hints of back story for Cinder based on what she says wonder what that’s about… Hmmm. I love Winter and Penny’s teamwork here so much although Cinder anger certainly seems to help her. The aerial flight here is so creative and awesome to watch while also being terrifying simply because of the characters movements. Obviously Winter would have her own summons but it's really cool to see her flying with one. Cinder may not be able to beat their teamwork but she is a good/smart enough fighter and understands heroes enough to set up a situation that gives her the opportunity to get to the maiden. I really love how Penny is a direct opposite/counterpoint to Winter’s perspective showing how much she cares about her friends and doesn’t see them as expendable. It’s really upsetting that Ren starts to yell at Nora because it’s in anger and I'm glad Jaune put a stop to it. I think Ren is not dealing with everything that’s happening well and to be fair all of this is very stressful and they did just fail. I like that Jaune’s new shield can now help him protect his friends even more. Also I think almost everyone’s 1st reaction to Oscar going off on his own is concern and trying to figure out what he’s doing. Fria absolutely putting Cinder in her place with the power of ice is so surprising, satisfying and awesome. I think the voice acting really sells her strength. Also she’s controlling her power but also from her movements it looks like she’s just releasing all her power at once and can only focus on protecting herself instead of regulating her magic. It might be surprising at the beginning but it only makes sense that a maiden who has had magic her entire life would be that strong and it puts into perspective how comparatively weak Amber, Cinder and even to a degree Raven are. The sheer scale of that power is awe-inspiring and scary and the concept art for the snow and ice vortex is so cool. I like the attention to detail that Winter doesn’t have her aura in the rest of the episode which has major consequences. It shows how durable Penny’s robotic body is that she can withstand the cold relatively easily. The conversation between her and Fria is 1 of my favorite emotional moments of this volume especially because the maiden might very well represent the blue fairy. It really hits hard once you realize Fria has some sort of degenerative mental illness like dementia or Alzheimer’s or maybe just because of old age and can’t remember everything very well. Also the instrumental here is no pun intended quite magical. I hate having to see it but Penny’s hesitation/doubt is shown really well here. Also her gentleness with the kind old woman is so sweet. Although I can’t imagine the pressure she’s under having to take the power to protect everyone because even if it’s not her fault a death will weigh heavily on Penny. I really love Oscar’s speech to James trying to talk him out of his fear and to work together especially after having to face so much fear since he left his home. I think the cane comforting Oscar is interesting. Some of the things James says here actually do make sense in some ways so most people can understand why he is thinking this way while also disagreeing with his actions because of how morally wrong they are. However the thing is most people will never be in a situation as terrible as this and don’t know how they would actually act in a situation like this which makes it all the more complex and morally grey. There’s some great symbolism/metaphor in Oscar being in the dark and then stepping into the light and James being in the light and stepping into the darkness. The worst part is we know this is exactly what Salem wants but unfortunately James has been proven right and his character flaws are preventing him from seeing the truth at this point. James shooting Oscar might be the biggest shock of the volume especially because they were building their relationship and James fully intending to kill him and his severe and militaristic voice acting really helps sell his fading humanity. Funny thing people started making fuck them kids memes based on this which are both terrible and hilarious it’s so bad LOL. I think it’s so cool from a animation standpoint that the light actually leaves James’s eyes and I don’t think it matters whether or not it's because of his semblance what actually matters is losing his humanity and becoming more of a machine. I absolutely love how fast-paced things become right after this. I have always liked and enjoyed Jessica Nigri’s voice acting becomes phenomenal here especially the scream and pained breathing. Her arm growing back and how she attacks Winter is so brutal. Also something people only started to talk about after they had calmed down from this episode was that Winter looks really good with her hair down and some people actually removed the bruises and cuts to make it look even better. I think so many of us were worried Oscar was going to die and it looks like he almost gives up until Oz comes back. Also apparently a big reason for him coming back is Oscar’s words may not have reached James but it did reach Oz giving him the bravery to return. The music here especially when Penny’s eyes glow with green fire which we now learn reflects the maiden’s aura color is so hype and intense. Penny being able to inherit the powers truly shows how human she really is. I really love how the bubble shield here is the same magic Oz used at the end of volume 3. Also you don’t know how much we were all freaking out when we thought this might be the end of the episode but thankfully it wasn’t. The sky as Oscar is falling and Ozpin’s speech as well as the somber music are so beautiful and poignant. The things I love most about the speech is how it connects to the theme of this volume which has been said to be trust, how fear is thoughtfully described and how different parts of the speech and kinds of fear connect to different characters in the show. Also a theme of this volume can be fear since there are a lot of connections between fear and trust and both of these themes are present throughout this volume. The thing I found the most interesting in the speech is how it talks about trying to understand why people make the decisions and do the things they do. My favorite parts of the montage before the end of the episode are Ruby and Winter letting Penny make her own decision when going with Ruby’s group, Ruby and Weiss comforting Penny with Pietro looking happy seeing her with friends which made people ship those 3 and even though it’s sad the Winter and Weiss stuff because of how well written, well acted and emotional it was. Also I’m glad you brought up the Roman stuff when Cinder doesn’t even thank Neo for getting the lamp. Ironwood’s anger is really scary. I’m happy that Oz gives credit where it’s due to Oscar saving them. Even though Oscar must have the most problems and complicated feelings towards Oz I’m glad he’s able to put that aside to save everyone. The final scene is so intense and terrifying with Salem finally arriving accompanied by a storm with red lightning and a fantastic new outfit as well as a giant Grimm whale which a reaction channel followed by the rest of the fans nicknamed Richard. It’s design is super disturbing and we all know the original story of Pinocchio so you might want to think about that. Also because of her new outfit a good amount of people were confusedly thirsty for her as well as making jokes that she was just here to show her ex how much better off without him LOL. Some fun facts Oz’s speech was really hard to write and the writers decided to have the volume end in a similar way to its start with the heroes in an airship with Atlas in the distance. I always think your reactions and discussions are great and insightful but I thought they were particularly insightful in these reactions I really loved them. Great job and keep up the great work. :-) <3

Lemonkatze (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:13:09 these episodes always make me cry they rlly said "hurt your feelings? how abt..... more &gt;:)"
2021-07-06 04:17:32 these episodes always make me cry they rlly said "hurt your feelings? how abt..... more >:)"

these episodes always make me cry they rlly said "hurt your feelings? how abt..... more >:)"

Dillon Hansel

The entire scene sequence of Ozpin's speech on fear is probably one of the top three narrative scenes in app of RWBY to date. It just hit so incredibly hard and was delivered so amazingly. My favorite but is the interaction between Winter and the Weiss. You can hear in Winter's voice such a wide range of emotions depending on which pine she's giving. When she suggests they surrender, she sounds like she has zero belief they'll actually do that. The next line, when she says they should run, she sounds resigned. My favorite line is her telling them she's giving them a head start. With how it breaks at "head start" it sounds like she desperately wishes she didn't have to stand on opposing sides with her sister but is still stuck in the war of "duty" versus "morality" and I love it. Coupled with the fear speech, it's even better. It becomes one big notion of choices. Choosing whether or not you let fear rule your actions. Choosing how much you let your personal morals dictate your decisions. Choosing who to let get close to you and who you keep at arms distance. It's just so damn good. And I'm excited for you to see the next season. I have a few issues with it, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless bc I still did.


It was amazing! And so true about Winter's voice. It really does all come down to choices!! I can't wait to see what's coming next!


There’s so much about this episode that I love and that makes me sad. The way it starts out is so good because of it happening right where last episode left off. Also the fact that a lot of what happens in the last 2 episodes is happening simulateaneously is crazy and must have been difficult and complicated for the writers to pull off in as good of a way as they did. It’s sad to see this division between Clover and Qrow especially after seeing their bond grow throughout the volume. You can really tell that both of them don’t really want to do this from the way they are speaking but are doing what they believe is right. It makes complete sense why Robyn would react the way she did having been always doing what’s best for Mantle so for it to be abandoned must be painful to hear and much like Qrow broken trust is a big theme here having put trust in James only for him to betray them. It's unfortunate that she did this while they were in the air and near Tyrian since it ended badly but with her personality it makes sense and also probably in her mind she believed that once they got to Atlas there would be no opportunity to try to stop this so she had to act quickly. It shows his character development that Qrow tries to defuse the situation unfortunately Tyrian is there and no matter how much I like him as a character not a person want to make that very clear I can understand just wanting him to shut up. I want to say don’t listen to the psychopathic serial killer but this was a very intense situation and emotions were running high and Tyrian is amazing at adding fuel to the fire and I’ll be bringing this up later. It’s terrible that a combination of Clover’s good luck and Qrow’s bad luck allowed Tyrian to escape. Also yeah even though the situation is terrible no one is able to help but be horrified and amused at Tyrian wearing the pilots hat. This moment also definitely shows his obsessive, fanatical devotion to Salem. Now on to the 1st Winter and Penny scene which develops their fantastic relationship even more by adding the complexity of this situation into the mix. Also fun fact when they 1st started writing this volume the relationship between those 2 was a surprise and just evolved as things went on and I’m so glad it did because I ended up loving it so much. It’s so great to see Penny standing up for the people and asking some really important questions about how bad this is. Also it makes perfect sense that Winter in the general’s plan and has the for the good of the many over the few since she’s his right hand and has been in the military so long and from a certain point of view you could argue she’s right although it’s very satisfying from a characterization standpoint that Penny challenges her on putting her emotions aside. I think Penny speaks for a lot of the audience when she says this entire situation isn’t good. I love the entire team RWBY versus the ace operatives fight but it has a really strong start. Some people were thinking they might be able to escape out the windows but that was proven wrong with the reinforced steel barriers. Also there were theories that Marrow would help them with his semblance. That didn’t happen but can’t help but feel bad for him being so hesitant but unfortunately he’s still trained as a soldier so it makes sense that he would do his job. I do like that at 1st they try to talk sense into the aces because they don’t really want to fight either. The line of Ruby responding to Harriet saying they are the best with then you trained us as 1 of the most savage and awesome things she has ever said. The action here is really well done and I think it’s really cool/interesting that the matchups have comparisons, parallels or opposites about them based on which characters are fighting. Great to see Weiss standing up for her home even if it’s not the best place because she believes Atlas can and should be better. It’s disappointing to see Clover being manipulative using the unconscious Robyn to get Qrow to give up. Qrow saying that his friendships always end like this implying his friends either die, betray him or end up hating him is extremely depressing and relates back to why he became an alcoholic in the 1st place. The saddest part about this conflict is that they are great friends and don’t want to fight at all it’s just that they are on different sides and believing in different things. Also of course Tyrian wakes up at the worst time and the way he escapes is disgusting and shows more of his craziness and RT was teasing this on Twitter saying something was going to make people throw up. And sure it’s disgusting but the worse part is how he kind of enjoys it. I could hear the frustration in your voice and I think this whole three-way fight definitely is frustrating especially because a lot of it is Tyrian manipulating things to go in his favor/try to create an opening. Also if you notice Tyrian is constantly just pushing Qrow towards Clover and if he wasn’t evil and crazy they would make a good team surprisingly enough. People complained about this fight being bad writing because the characters actions doesn’t make sense but I’m glad someone explained to you the logic behind their actions but what I wanted to say is that just because it makes sense doesn’t mean their actions weren’t bad or emotionally compromise. However not in every story but sometimes from a storytelling standpoint characters need to make mistakes and if those mistakes have consequences they have to deal with that because it can add interesting stuff to characters. I love the choreography in the aces versus team RWBY fight so much especially Yang and Blake against Elm and Vine. The fluid teamwork between Yang and Blake is a treat and spectacle to behold and the way they take out Vine is awesome and 1 of the most sound defeats in the series so far. Also this is when the tides turned and the music kicks in. I love how Yang and Blake use their semblances rarely at the best time to create advantages. Also there is a big thing about their designs that isn’t always obvious but it’s blatant here Yang represents the sun and Blake represents the moon and the way they’re bodies are moving when they land the final blow on Elm is intentionally there to show how they also represent Yin and Yang and the most awesome thing is that their character designs reflect that. The way Harriet and Ruby are so evenly matched is great and their fight is dynamic in a way I love so much. Also the great thing here is some even after she’s restrained Harriet still fights really well thanks to her crazy strong semblance. Also people were making certain comments about her wrapping her legs around Ruby’s head… I think you can imagine what types of comments those were and it was kind hilarious LOL. Once the aces teamwork started to break down they had already lost. Also I think Vine was the best fighter and least emotionally unstable of them so once he was taken out team RWBY’s victory was all but assured. Also strangely enough this is the 1st time Weiss has won a one-on-one fight this time against Marrow and people were excited about that. One thing I want to tell you about the Neo versus team ORNJ (orange) is there was a miscommunication to the animation team because Oscar was supposed to come around the corner and immediately punch Neo instead he telegraphs his attack and Neo doesn’t defend herself and I like to imagine the original intention was what really happened because of how it works better but I think the effect is the same. The moment of Cinder in the hallway is such a horror movie moment. The final conversations between Qrow and Clover are so heartbreaking. Also I trust James with my life is a really painful and poor choice of words considering what happens 2 seconds later. I both hate and love how the scene of Clover getting stabbed intentionally reflects and looks like the scene of Yang losing her arm. It’s so disturbing and messed up how dismissive he is of Clover’s death and how he says things to cause more pain in Qrow to make him emotionally unstable and unable to fight against Tyrian so he could escape. But you have to admit the way he masterfully frames Qrow is brilliant. Before I get to the sad part I want to say that I think Tyrian is 1 of the best written characters in the show. He’s crazy and sadistic but intelligent and manipulative and uses all this to his advantage and is very much following the teachings of his goddess very well which is dividing people which is actually great for the villains. The final scene of this episode is so depressing to me but the writing and voice acting is perfect in my opinion. Also the sunrise is so beautiful and Clover saying good luck is very poignant. Finally Qrow’s scream of anguish, pain, despair and sadness will always live with me it’s so rough to listen to. Episode 13 comment coming soon.

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:13:08 I love this finale so damn much. It’s probably 1 of the best finales of the series you have seen so far and it’s my 2nd or 3rd favorite. I liked how it starts out with the fight against Neo considering how dark and intense it gets as the episode goes on. Once again Neo is the best and is 1 of the most fluid and beautiful fighters in the show and an all-around badass. My favorite moment here is Neo doing a split and mimicking a yawn as she sends Ren flying. It’s interesting how the teamwork of the heroes here isn’t good at 1st but then comes together toward the end before Neo escapes. I really like how intense they make the following chase and the heroes aren’t helped at all by the soldiers now after them and Oscar being hurt and exhausted. It must’ve been scary for him to be alone. Neo is really smart here cornering Oscar and getting the lamp. Also yeah I definitely agree it’s super unsettling to see Nora with Neo’s eyes. It's definitely a low blow for Neo to manipulate Ren’s emotions like she did but it could’ve been worse because people were theorizing she might turn into Pyrrha since she does know of her connection to them. The fight between Winter/Penny &amp; Cinder is really good with the strategy and powers of these characters used to the fullest. Also seems like there might be some hints of back story for Cinder based on what she says wonder what that’s about… Hmmm. I love Winter and Penny’s teamwork here so much although Cinder anger certainly seems to help her. The aerial flight here is so creative and awesome to watch while also being terrifying simply because of the characters movements. Obviously Winter would have her own summons but it's really cool to see her flying with one. Cinder may not be able to beat their teamwork but she is a good/smart enough fighter and understands heroes enough to set up a situation that gives her the opportunity to get to the maiden. I really love how Penny is a direct opposite/counterpoint to Winter’s perspective showing how much she cares about her friends and doesn’t see them as expendable. It’s really upsetting that Ren starts to yell at Nora because it’s in anger and I'm glad Jaune put a stop to it. I think Ren is not dealing with everything that’s happening well and to be fair all of this is very stressful and they did just fail. I like that Jaune’s new shield can now help him protect his friends even more. Also I think almost everyone’s 1st reaction to Oscar going off on his own is concern and trying to figure out what he’s doing. Fria absolutely putting Cinder in her place with the power of ice is so surprising, satisfying and awesome. I think the voice acting really sells her strength. Also she’s controlling her power but also from her movements it looks like she’s just releasing all her power at once and can only focus on protecting herself instead of regulating her magic. It might be surprising at the beginning but it only makes sense that a maiden who has had magic her entire life would be that strong and it puts into perspective how comparatively weak Amber, Cinder and even to a degree Raven are. The sheer scale of that power is awe-inspiring and scary and the concept art for the snow and ice vortex is so cool. I like the attention to detail that Winter doesn’t have her aura in the rest of the episode which has major consequences. It shows how durable Penny’s robotic body is that she can withstand the cold relatively easily. The conversation between her and Fria is 1 of my favorite emotional moments of this volume especially because the maiden might very well represent the blue fairy. It really hits hard once you realize Fria has some sort of degenerative mental illness like dementia or Alzheimer’s or maybe just because of old age and can’t remember everything very well. Also the instrumental here is no pun intended quite magical. I hate having to see it but Penny’s hesitation/doubt is shown really well here. Also her gentleness with the kind old woman is so sweet. Although I can’t imagine the pressure she’s under having to take the power to protect everyone because even if it’s not her fault a death will weigh heavily on Penny. I really love Oscar’s speech to James trying to talk him out of his fear and to work together especially after having to face so much fear since he left his home. I think the cane comforting Oscar is interesting. Some of the things James says here actually do make sense in some ways so most people can understand why he is thinking this way while also disagreeing with his actions because of how morally wrong they are. However the thing is most people will never be in a situation as terrible as this and don’t know how they would actually act in a situation like this which makes it all the more complex and morally grey. There’s some great symbolism/metaphor in Oscar being in the dark and then stepping into the light and James being in the light and stepping into the darkness. The worst part is we know this is exactly what Salem wants but unfortunately James has been proven right and his character flaws are preventing him from seeing the truth at this point. James shooting Oscar might be the biggest shock of the volume especially because they were building their relationship and James fully intending to kill him and his severe and militaristic voice acting really helps sell his fading humanity. Funny thing people started making fuck them kids memes based on this which are both terrible and hilarious it’s so bad LOL. I think it’s so cool from a animation standpoint that the light actually leaves James’s eyes and I don’t think it matters whether or not it's because of his semblance what actually matters is losing his humanity and becoming more of a machine. I absolutely love how fast-paced things become right after this. I have always liked and enjoyed Jessica Nigri’s voice acting becomes phenomenal here especially the scream and pained breathing. Her arm growing back and how she attacks Winter is so brutal. Also something people only started to talk about after they had calmed down from this episode was that Winter looks really good with her hair down and some people actually removed the bruises and cuts to make it look even better. I think so many of us were worried Oscar was going to die and it looks like he almost gives up until Oz comes back. Also apparently a big reason for him coming back is Oscar’s words may not have reached James but it did reach Oz giving him the bravery to return. The music here especially when Penny’s eyes glow with green fire which we now learn reflects the maiden’s aura color is so hype and intense. Penny being able to inherit the powers truly shows how human she really is. I really love how the bubble shield here is the same magic Oz used at the end of volume 3. Also you don’t know how much we were all freaking out when we thought this might be the end of the episode but thankfully it wasn’t. The sky as Oscar is falling and Ozpin’s speech as well as the somber music are so beautiful and poignant. The things I love most about the speech is how it connects to the theme of this volume which has been said to be trust, how fear is thoughtfully described and how different parts of the speech and kinds of fear connect to different characters in the show. Also a theme of this volume can be fear since there are a lot of connections between fear and trust and both of these themes are present throughout this volume. The thing I found the most interesting in the speech is how it talks about trying to understand why people make the decisions and do the things they do. My favorite parts of the montage before the end of the episode are Ruby and Winter letting Penny make her own decision when going with Ruby’s group, Ruby and Weiss comforting Penny with Pietro looking happy seeing her with friends which made people ship those 3 and even though it’s sad the Winter and Weiss stuff because of how well written, well acted and emotional it was. Also I’m glad you brought up the Roman stuff when Cinder doesn’t even thank Neo for getting the lamp. Ironwood’s anger is really scary. I’m happy that Oz gives credit where it’s due to Oscar saving them. Even though Oscar must have the most problems and complicated feelings towards Oz I’m glad he’s able to put that aside to save everyone. The final scene is so intense and terrifying with Salem finally arriving accompanied by a storm with red lightning and a fantastic new outfit as well as a giant Grimm whale which a reaction channel followed by the rest of the fans nicknamed Richard. It’s design is super disturbing and we all know the original story of Pinocchio so you might want to think about that. Also because of her new outfit a good amount of people were confusedly thirsty for her as well as making jokes that she was just here to show her ex how much better off without him LOL. Some fun facts Oz’s speech was really hard to write and the writers decided to have the volume end in a similar way to its start with the heroes in an airship with Atlas in the distance. I always think your reactions and discussions are great and insightful but I thought they were particularly insightful in these reactions I really loved them. Great job and keep up the great work. :-) &lt;3
2021-07-07 02:30:18 I love this finale so damn much. It’s probably 1 of the best finales of the series you have seen so far and it’s my 2nd or 3rd favorite. I liked how it starts out with the fight against Neo considering how dark and intense it gets as the episode goes on. Once again Neo is the best and is 1 of the most fluid and beautiful fighters in the show and an all-around badass. My favorite moment here is Neo doing a split and mimicking a yawn as she sends Ren flying. It’s interesting how the teamwork of the heroes here isn’t good at 1st but then comes together toward the end before Neo escapes. I really like how intense they make the following chase and the heroes aren’t helped at all by the soldiers now after them and Oscar being hurt and exhausted. It must’ve been scary for him to be alone. Neo is really smart here cornering Oscar and getting the lamp. Also yeah I definitely agree it’s super unsettling to see Nora with Neo’s eyes. It's definitely a low blow for Neo to manipulate Ren’s emotions like she did but it could’ve been worse because people were theorizing she might turn into Pyrrha since she does know of her connection to them. The fight between Winter/Penny & Cinder is really good with the strategy and powers of these characters used to the fullest. Also seems like there might be some hints of back story for Cinder based on what she says wonder what that’s about… Hmmm. I love Winter and Penny’s teamwork here so much although Cinder anger certainly seems to help her. The aerial flight here is so creative and awesome to watch while also being terrifying simply because of the characters movements. Obviously Winter would have her own summons but it's really cool to see her flying with one. Cinder may not be able to beat their teamwork but she is a good/smart enough fighter and understands heroes enough to set up a situation that gives her the opportunity to get to the maiden. I really love how Penny is a direct opposite/counterpoint to Winter’s perspective showing how much she cares about her friends and doesn’t see them as expendable. It’s really upsetting that Ren starts to yell at Nora because it’s in anger and I'm glad Jaune put a stop to it. I think Ren is not dealing with everything that’s happening well and to be fair all of this is very stressful and they did just fail. I like that Jaune’s new shield can now help him protect his friends even more. Also I think almost everyone’s 1st reaction to Oscar going off on his own is concern and trying to figure out what he’s doing. Fria absolutely putting Cinder in her place with the power of ice is so surprising, satisfying and awesome. I think the voice acting really sells her strength. Also she’s controlling her power but also from her movements it looks like she’s just releasing all her power at once and can only focus on protecting herself instead of regulating her magic. It might be surprising at the beginning but it only makes sense that a maiden who has had magic her entire life would be that strong and it puts into perspective how comparatively weak Amber, Cinder and even to a degree Raven are. The sheer scale of that power is awe-inspiring and scary and the concept art for the snow and ice vortex is so cool. I like the attention to detail that Winter doesn’t have her aura in the rest of the episode which has major consequences. It shows how durable Penny’s robotic body is that she can withstand the cold relatively easily. The conversation between her and Fria is 1 of my favorite emotional moments of this volume especially because the maiden might very well represent the blue fairy. It really hits hard once you realize Fria has some sort of degenerative mental illness like dementia or Alzheimer’s or maybe just because of old age and can’t remember everything very well. Also the instrumental here is no pun intended quite magical. I hate having to see it but Penny’s hesitation/doubt is shown really well here. Also her gentleness with the kind old woman is so sweet. Although I can’t imagine the pressure she’s under having to take the power to protect everyone because even if it’s not her fault a death will weigh heavily on Penny. I really love Oscar’s speech to James trying to talk him out of his fear and to work together especially after having to face so much fear since he left his home. I think the cane comforting Oscar is interesting. Some of the things James says here actually do make sense in some ways so most people can understand why he is thinking this way while also disagreeing with his actions because of how morally wrong they are. However the thing is most people will never be in a situation as terrible as this and don’t know how they would actually act in a situation like this which makes it all the more complex and morally grey. There’s some great symbolism/metaphor in Oscar being in the dark and then stepping into the light and James being in the light and stepping into the darkness. The worst part is we know this is exactly what Salem wants but unfortunately James has been proven right and his character flaws are preventing him from seeing the truth at this point. James shooting Oscar might be the biggest shock of the volume especially because they were building their relationship and James fully intending to kill him and his severe and militaristic voice acting really helps sell his fading humanity. Funny thing people started making fuck them kids memes based on this which are both terrible and hilarious it’s so bad LOL. I think it’s so cool from a animation standpoint that the light actually leaves James’s eyes and I don’t think it matters whether or not it's because of his semblance what actually matters is losing his humanity and becoming more of a machine. I absolutely love how fast-paced things become right after this. I have always liked and enjoyed Jessica Nigri’s voice acting becomes phenomenal here especially the scream and pained breathing. Her arm growing back and how she attacks Winter is so brutal. Also something people only started to talk about after they had calmed down from this episode was that Winter looks really good with her hair down and some people actually removed the bruises and cuts to make it look even better. I think so many of us were worried Oscar was going to die and it looks like he almost gives up until Oz comes back. Also apparently a big reason for him coming back is Oscar’s words may not have reached James but it did reach Oz giving him the bravery to return. The music here especially when Penny’s eyes glow with green fire which we now learn reflects the maiden’s aura color is so hype and intense. Penny being able to inherit the powers truly shows how human she really is. I really love how the bubble shield here is the same magic Oz used at the end of volume 3. Also you don’t know how much we were all freaking out when we thought this might be the end of the episode but thankfully it wasn’t. The sky as Oscar is falling and Ozpin’s speech as well as the somber music are so beautiful and poignant. The things I love most about the speech is how it connects to the theme of this volume which has been said to be trust, how fear is thoughtfully described and how different parts of the speech and kinds of fear connect to different characters in the show. Also a theme of this volume can be fear since there are a lot of connections between fear and trust and both of these themes are present throughout this volume. The thing I found the most interesting in the speech is how it talks about trying to understand why people make the decisions and do the things they do. My favorite parts of the montage before the end of the episode are Ruby and Winter letting Penny make her own decision when going with Ruby’s group, Ruby and Weiss comforting Penny with Pietro looking happy seeing her with friends which made people ship those 3 and even though it’s sad the Winter and Weiss stuff because of how well written, well acted and emotional it was. Also I’m glad you brought up the Roman stuff when Cinder doesn’t even thank Neo for getting the lamp. Ironwood’s anger is really scary. I’m happy that Oz gives credit where it’s due to Oscar saving them. Even though Oscar must have the most problems and complicated feelings towards Oz I’m glad he’s able to put that aside to save everyone. The final scene is so intense and terrifying with Salem finally arriving accompanied by a storm with red lightning and a fantastic new outfit as well as a giant Grimm whale which a reaction channel followed by the rest of the fans nicknamed Richard. It’s design is super disturbing and we all know the original story of Pinocchio so you might want to think about that. Also because of her new outfit a good amount of people were confusedly thirsty for her as well as making jokes that she was just here to show her ex how much better off without him LOL. Some fun facts Oz’s speech was really hard to write and the writers decided to have the volume end in a similar way to its start with the heroes in an airship with Atlas in the distance. I always think your reactions and discussions are great and insightful but I thought they were particularly insightful in these reactions I really loved them. Great job and keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this finale so damn much. It’s probably 1 of the best finales of the series you have seen so far and it’s my 2nd or 3rd favorite. I liked how it starts out with the fight against Neo considering how dark and intense it gets as the episode goes on. Once again Neo is the best and is 1 of the most fluid and beautiful fighters in the show and an all-around badass. My favorite moment here is Neo doing a split and mimicking a yawn as she sends Ren flying. It’s interesting how the teamwork of the heroes here isn’t good at 1st but then comes together toward the end before Neo escapes. I really like how intense they make the following chase and the heroes aren’t helped at all by the soldiers now after them and Oscar being hurt and exhausted. It must’ve been scary for him to be alone. Neo is really smart here cornering Oscar and getting the lamp. Also yeah I definitely agree it’s super unsettling to see Nora with Neo’s eyes. It's definitely a low blow for Neo to manipulate Ren’s emotions like she did but it could’ve been worse because people were theorizing she might turn into Pyrrha since she does know of her connection to them. The fight between Winter/Penny & Cinder is really good with the strategy and powers of these characters used to the fullest. Also seems like there might be some hints of back story for Cinder based on what she says wonder what that’s about… Hmmm. I love Winter and Penny’s teamwork here so much although Cinder anger certainly seems to help her. The aerial flight here is so creative and awesome to watch while also being terrifying simply because of the characters movements. Obviously Winter would have her own summons but it's really cool to see her flying with one. Cinder may not be able to beat their teamwork but she is a good/smart enough fighter and understands heroes enough to set up a situation that gives her the opportunity to get to the maiden. I really love how Penny is a direct opposite/counterpoint to Winter’s perspective showing how much she cares about her friends and doesn’t see them as expendable. It’s really upsetting that Ren starts to yell at Nora because it’s in anger and I'm glad Jaune put a stop to it. I think Ren is not dealing with everything that’s happening well and to be fair all of this is very stressful and they did just fail. I like that Jaune’s new shield can now help him protect his friends even more. Also I think almost everyone’s 1st reaction to Oscar going off on his own is concern and trying to figure out what he’s doing. Fria absolutely putting Cinder in her place with the power of ice is so surprising, satisfying and awesome. I think the voice acting really sells her strength. Also she’s controlling her power but also from her movements it looks like she’s just releasing all her power at once and can only focus on protecting herself instead of regulating her magic. It might be surprising at the beginning but it only makes sense that a maiden who has had magic her entire life would be that strong and it puts into perspective how comparatively weak Amber, Cinder and even to a degree Raven are. The sheer scale of that power is awe-inspiring and scary and the concept art for the snow and ice vortex is so cool. I like the attention to detail that Winter doesn’t have her aura in the rest of the episode which has major consequences. It shows how durable Penny’s robotic body is that she can withstand the cold relatively easily. The conversation between her and Fria is 1 of my favorite emotional moments of this volume especially because the maiden might very well represent the blue fairy. It really hits hard once you realize Fria has some sort of degenerative mental illness like dementia or Alzheimer’s or maybe just because of old age and can’t remember everything very well. Also the instrumental here is no pun intended quite magical. I hate having to see it but Penny’s hesitation/doubt is shown really well here. Also her gentleness with the kind old woman is so sweet. Although I can’t imagine the pressure she’s under having to take the power to protect everyone because even if it’s not her fault a death will weigh heavily on Penny. I really love Oscar’s speech to James trying to talk him out of his fear and to work together especially after having to face so much fear since he left his home. I think the cane comforting Oscar is interesting. Some of the things James says here actually do make sense in some ways so most people can understand why he is thinking this way while also disagreeing with his actions because of how morally wrong they are. However the thing is most people will never be in a situation as terrible as this and don’t know how they would actually act in a situation like this which makes it all the more complex and morally grey. There’s some great symbolism/metaphor in Oscar being in the dark and then stepping into the light and James being in the light and stepping into the darkness. The worst part is we know this is exactly what Salem wants but unfortunately James has been proven right and his character flaws are preventing him from seeing the truth at this point. James shooting Oscar might be the biggest shock of the volume especially because they were building their relationship and James fully intending to kill him and his severe and militaristic voice acting really helps sell his fading humanity. Funny thing people started making fuck them kids memes based on this which are both terrible and hilarious it’s so bad LOL. I think it’s so cool from a animation standpoint that the light actually leaves James’s eyes and I don’t think it matters whether or not it's because of his semblance what actually matters is losing his humanity and becoming more of a machine. I absolutely love how fast-paced things become right after this. I have always liked and enjoyed Jessica Nigri’s voice acting becomes phenomenal here especially the scream and pained breathing. Her arm growing back and how she attacks Winter is so brutal. Also something people only started to talk about after they had calmed down from this episode was that Winter looks really good with her hair down and some people actually removed the bruises and cuts to make it look even better. I think so many of us were worried Oscar was going to die and it looks like he almost gives up until Oz comes back. Also apparently a big reason for him coming back is Oscar’s words may not have reached James but it did reach Oz giving him the bravery to return. The music here especially when Penny’s eyes glow with green fire which we now learn reflects the maiden’s aura color is so hype and intense. Penny being able to inherit the powers truly shows how human she really is. I really love how the bubble shield here is the same magic Oz used at the end of volume 3. Also you don’t know how much we were all freaking out when we thought this might be the end of the episode but thankfully it wasn’t. The sky as Oscar is falling and Ozpin’s speech as well as the somber music are so beautiful and poignant. The things I love most about the speech is how it connects to the theme of this volume which has been said to be trust, how fear is thoughtfully described and how different parts of the speech and kinds of fear connect to different characters in the show. Also a theme of this volume can be fear since there are a lot of connections between fear and trust and both of these themes are present throughout this volume. The thing I found the most interesting in the speech is how it talks about trying to understand why people make the decisions and do the things they do. My favorite parts of the montage before the end of the episode are Ruby and Winter letting Penny make her own decision when going with Ruby’s group, Ruby and Weiss comforting Penny with Pietro looking happy seeing her with friends which made people ship those 3 and even though it’s sad the Winter and Weiss stuff because of how well written, well acted and emotional it was. Also I’m glad you brought up the Roman stuff when Cinder doesn’t even thank Neo for getting the lamp. Ironwood’s anger is really scary. I’m happy that Oz gives credit where it’s due to Oscar saving them. Even though Oscar must have the most problems and complicated feelings towards Oz I’m glad he’s able to put that aside to save everyone. The final scene is so intense and terrifying with Salem finally arriving accompanied by a storm with red lightning and a fantastic new outfit as well as a giant Grimm whale which a reaction channel followed by the rest of the fans nicknamed Richard. It’s design is super disturbing and we all know the original story of Pinocchio so you might want to think about that. Also because of her new outfit a good amount of people were confusedly thirsty for her as well as making jokes that she was just here to show her ex how much better off without him LOL. Some fun facts Oz’s speech was really hard to write and the writers decided to have the volume end in a similar way to its start with the heroes in an airship with Atlas in the distance. I always think your reactions and discussions are great and insightful but I thought they were particularly insightful in these reactions I really loved them. Great job and keep up the great work. :-) <3


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!!! I haven't forgotten about your comments, I plan on answering them really soon!!! Just wanna do it at a time when I can devote enough time to really thoroughly reading and responding!!! ^_^


So much awesome stuff about this ep, thanks for sharing your thoughts on it! The moments with Qrow/Clover, Winter/Penny, the horror movie moment with Cinder, and all the craziness that comes with Tyrian - it's all so well done! I agree that Tyrian is an amazing character!!!! Ugh that scream from Qrow..... :( Thanks again for your comments!!!!


This finale was so on point!!!! The moments with Penny and Fria, Neo being amazing and scary with the "Nora" eyes, Ironwood's intensity, and that speech from Oz...!!! It's interesting that the speech was hard to write, I can see how. Love the nickname Richard lol. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and I'm so happy you enjoyed my reaction and insights!!!!! Thanks so much for all your continued support and kindness!!!! ^_^