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Hey everyone!!!  Here it is - my reaction to Jujutsu Kaisen episode 13!!  WOW guys!!!  So.....never thought I'd root for Sukuna, but DANG what a boss moment that was when he showed up to WRECK Mahito's Domain Expansion!!!!!  I mean, I know he wasn't helping our crew....just "serving his whim" as they put it on the show.  But still :D  Also, I feel like Yuji grew a lot in this arc.  He's had to deal with some harsh reality, including even taking a life, and has had to process how that will affect his mission to ensure "proper deaths".  And while I think he's definitely seeing that it's not as cut and dry as he originally planned, I'm glad that he's not giving up on it.  Also, starting to really move past the denial phase about Yoshino.
:(  Feels like we're moving on to a new arc next!  Great ep - enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Jujutsu Kaisen 1x13 full reaction.mp4



Hi Hime and one big hug for you for the loss of Yoshino. I'm not going to compare my experience to that of Yoshino, I was not martirized to this point, but I had my share of mockery and the like in college (12 to 15 year old in France), and most of the time, it was precisely from the people who played the saints facing professors. When those who make fun of you are class president, you tell yourself that inevitably it does not matter what you say, your words are worth nothing in opposition. And this is the case here, his worst bully is the beloved and rich guy, probably who has a high position on the student committee or something like that, the kind of guy you think will go far in life because he leaves with plenty of advantages, but who precisely uses them to demean others. We have already seen this theme in Mob Psycho 100 elsewhere (the flutes affair with Mob's brother). And it touches me personally because I always find it realistic (and because of my own story as said above). So yes, really sad for Yoshino, but if this story has any benefit, it's because it will have moved things on the side of the teacher and some students who will stop putting the other AHole on a pedestal. Nanami's flashback to something cute, I remember imagining that somewhere Nanami had come back to the bakery now that he was a Jujutsu sorcerer again, and the baker had started flirting with him. I am an eternal shipwoman ^^'. Yuji has learned a hard lesson now, which rather than changing it, reinforces the voice he undertakes. It is with this new resolution that he enters a new arc that I personally adored, but I let you discover the beginnings for yourself. Just that I know that we will both be satisfied, I will have more Nobara and you will have more Panda ^ _ ^. Edit : Oh I forgot, I confirm, meatballs are very easy to make and quite good. Just mix what you want and you can easily vary the tastes, add some spices, vegetables or even change the meat, be it beef or chicken.It is also very practical for making several meals with few resources. They're not really meatballs, but one time, with just one minced beef, plus a red onion and a big carrot, I made myself three steaks, added some noodles, mash or veg, and it makes a good, inexpensive meal.


yea.. as someone said last episode.. Sukuna didnt need to made any pact with Yuji (at Yoshino transformation) cause he already did made one pact.. (not sure if they can make more) also he probably couldnt even save him after transformation :/ but.. Mahito could save them right ?? so if Sukuna put him on the bring of death and say.. hey.. save the guy or you are dead.. :D that could work ?? :D but how sukuna is that is simply out of the question lol.. nice to see Nanami recognise Yuji as jujustu sorcerer.. in that talk in the morge :o (he didnt when they meet) and about the teacher.. i really hate the guy.. putting a blind eye is one thing (which i.. could understand) BUT.. that talk with Yoshino ? at his house ?? that was straight bullcrap.. and if Yuji didnt come.. i would kill him too lol :DD for what he said.. with a smile on his face omg.. (overall this one was one of my best episodes :D) great reaction :))

Nathan Grenawalt

Sorry I didn't comment earlier, I was having some trouble with Google Drive. I really appreciate what they did with the bullying survey and the teacher. It would have been so easy to just paint the teacher as a bad person because he turned his face away from the bullying, but the real world is complicated in both good and bad ways. People can change, reflect on their mistakes and try to fix them. Maybe with some accountability, that bully will change too.

Nathan Grenawalt

I really thought Nanami was going to die when he had that flashback and then took off his glasses and said he had no regrets! That was cruel of the show - but not as cruel as the fake picnic scene in the opening credits with Yoshino. In case you were wondering why there were so many bodies in the morgue when Yuuji and Nanami were talking at the end, those were the bodies of the 'monsters' that Nanami and the other sorceror he was working with - Ino, who we know very little about at this point - were killing in Mahito's sewer lair. Mahito's Domain was soooo creepy! Hands can be very unnerving somehow. It reminded me of Shigaraki from My Hero Academia!


Only 13 eps for season 1. Season 2 also 13. I felt what Nanami was talking about during his salary man days was true. He's making money over and over again. But feels empty in a way only thinking about it. She makes less than him but unlike him at that other profession people would miss her if that business were gone. This reminds me of this pandemic how the essential workers had to keep working. And those are your cashiers, and people that work at grocery stores and smaller businesses. Those were essential. That keep life going. Even small business that hand out simple pleasures, like a bakery were big help during the hard times. Those are the ones that don't pay nearly as much as "other jobs" that when they're not working its no big deal. 😑 That's facts.


Hi Spadeas!!! :) And thank you!!! It's really starting to sink in now. :( Oh my goodness!!! I am so sorry to hear about what you went through in college. That must have been awful!!! It's so sad but true that often bullies are the ones who are in the positions of the most power, and most revered/respected by peers and those in charge alike. I can totally see how that would really have a personal effect for you!!! :( Hugs. But yes, if there's one good thing that can come out of this scenario on the show, it's the end of that kind of idolatry of someone who is clearly an a-hole. >.< Oh I totally will ship Nanami and the baker now!!! I am 100% with you there haha. So true about Yuji! I can't wait for the next arc!!!! YES PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Hehe! Oooooh that is good to know about the dish they were making!! It sounds yummy, easy and affordable!!! I want to try it! :D Thanks!!!


Right!!! I wasn't totally clear on that but I am now. Yeah, that's not a bad point though, it seems like there must have been some way. Yes, the recognition was nice! OMG I hear you about the teacher, he was so full of it!!!! I hope he will at least start to try and make things better now. I'm so happy you liked my reaction!!! Thank you!!!


Oh no worries, sorry about the Google Drive issues! Yeah me too. It definitely adds layers that the teacher had some remorse and recognition of what he did. I really hope they both change!!!! It's definitely a more layered look at how people think, act, feel, can change, etc.


Me too!!!!!!!!! OMG nothing is more cruel than the fake picnic scenes, what the heck lol. Ohhhhh no Ino died too??? I was wondering about that. Thanks for explaining whose bodies they were. Ugh the domain was super creepy!!!! I can totally see the comparison to Shigaraki too btw!!!!!!!!


Ohhh really!!! So season 2 out already?? I just watched another ep this week, I thought it was 1x14, perhaps it was something else??? Oh I agree about Nanami. So true about essential workers!!! The ones who keep society moving, so often are the ones who don't get paid as much (or get as much respect for that matter). :( Total facts!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh my bad i could be wrong. Maybe im rememberring it as season 2. Maybe its S1 but they gave us the second half of the season at a later date. It's been awhile my badness.


Oh that's okay!! They definitely change everything up, the last ep I watched had a new theme and everything, so it really feels like a new season!!!!!!!! :D


There we go, a new theme too, that's what confused me also. Lol I hope you enjoyed it :)


Totally understandable!!! New theme, new arc, etc.!!! Thank you so much!!! I did and I'm excited to share my reaction here next week, yay!!!!!!!

Nathan Grenawalt

Sorry if I gave the impression that Ino died - as far as I know, he didn't. Just the monsters he was fighting. I think he comes back later in the story, but I haven't actually read much of the manga so I don't know for sure. But one of my friends who has read it likes him, so he probably has a bigger role to play later in the story.


Oh im totally painting the teacher as a bad guy.. as a bullied person myself (not as yoshino ofc thx god) and seeing teachers not doing anything is just the worst.. :D buut as i said i would understand that.. what i dont understand him coming to his house and laught at his face for being bullied :DD no no no.. he is dead to me lol sorry..


Oh oops, sorry! I must have misread your comment! Ohhhh gotcha, the monsters. I'd be excited to see Ino again so I'm glad he's not dead!!!!


I hear you! I'm sorry to hear that you were bullied :( There's no excuse whatsoever for how the teacher neglected to do anything about the bullying, for sure. And the scene where he's at the house is just too much!!!! I guess I like to be optimistic and think that maybe he can change and this won't happen again, at the very least. But I certainly don't blame you for being done with him!


You know.. he could came to his house.. apologise.. and tell him he will try to do something about it and ask him to come back to school.. nope.. :D lets be a jerk.. thats way too easier :/


Yeah it's too bad he didn't go and apologize. I got the impression that maybe Junpei "moving away" was what sparked him to try and change so maybe that's why?? But yeah, he was absolutely an unnecessary jerk about it prior to that, for sure.