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Hey everyone!!!  Here it is - my reaction to vol 7 episodes 2 and 3 of RWBY!!!  We get some interaction with Ironwood in this one, including him catching everyone up to speed on his plans....only....Ruby opts to not exactly catch him up to speed on everything they've learned...!!!  Not exactly sure how to feel about that!  We also get to learn more about the Ace Ops!!  And I gotta say, I am loving them so far!!!  The fight scene was pretty sweet, and I can already see some friendships blossoming!!!  I am so psyched for Vol. 7 - can't wait for more!!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


RWBY 7x02 and 7x03 full reaction.mp4


Zen Reacts

Waiting til I am fully awake and can give this the attention it deserves! :D

Kayleigh McRae

Hey Melissa just to explain why Ruby is keeping secrets from Ironwood. Just think back to Lionheart. She trusted him and he ended up betraying them all. And James, even with good intentions, can be extreme and prone to rash decisions. We saw first hand in volumes 2 and 3. So I understand Ruby's hesitation. True we don't want to be like Oz and distrust everyone. But when stakes are as high as they are. You need to see things with your own eyes before making that call. Blind faith isn't good. Also Qrow himself even stated in episode 1 that he didn't think they should even see Ironwood until they knew what was happening in the kingdom. Hope this helps.


Ohhhh I hadn't thought about that with Lionheart, actually! Good point. Also I did recall that particularly between Qrow and Ironwood, there were always....tensions. And from the beginning it's seemed like Ironwood's had a lot of differing ideas on how to handle things, which he seems quite determined about. So I do see the logic in it! I was just a little taken back at first! And couldn't help but appreciate the irony of Ruby keeping this from someone after it's been kept from them.....but I support my girl no matter what, she'll figure this all out! :D


Woke up early for once so I'm watching this much sooner than normal. Yay for new styles and upgrades! I especially adore Ruby's shorter punk hair style and Blake's cut hair as well. As for the weapon upgrades, Yang's timed bombs seem the most handy in combat but one thing I love about Blake's Gambol Shroud is the use of gold to reconnect both sides of her broken blade. This is not only a reference to real techniques that were used in historical times but also a nice nod in my opinion to her greater connection to Yang. It shows how when she was coming apart, especially with Adam, that Yang was there to help her find herself again. The Bumblebee shippers (myself included) really went haywire over the scene with Yang gushing over Blake's new hairstyle. When you see Blake blush in response, oh my heart. Lol. One thing in Episode 3 that you touched on briefly was the conversation between Blake, Weiss, and Marrow in the mine. Blake realized that the mining disaster was the same one that killed Ilia's parents which is what gave her pause. Weiss could tell that it was something that affected Blake thus her pointing out her regret in being complacent to something that caused her suffering. Imagine Vol 1 Weiss saying something like that and you realize how far she truly has come as a character. The Ace Ops are each interesting and diverse characters but I love Marrow. He is a good boy and no one can tell me different. Plus his "Stay" semblance is OP. Overall, I enjoy these episodes purely for the introduction to the new characters and of course all the new changes. See ya next week!


oooh interesting couple of episodes, with learning more about the plan our heroes are gonna be working toward this volume, getting to see a little of what our villains are up to, and meeting our new characters! An interesting thing to note about the mine they're going through in ep3, you may remember a while back in volume 5 Ilia talked about how her parents died when there was an explosion at the mine they worked in? Well, this is that mine, something you can see Blake figuring out as they enter. Also an interesting moment between Ren and Nora there, showing some tension that may be building between them, and contrasted by a cute lil moment with the bees. Oh, and speaking of cute, Ruby is super adorable in episode 3, especially that little bit where she's getting excited about Hare's semblance, all wide eyed and bouncy. Not to understate her serious side though, not telling Ironwood the whole truth was quite a big leadership decision, and it's gonna be interesting to see what happens as a result of that. Oh, and one more thing to note, we actually get to see Robyn Hill, the woman that the guy in the prison transport talked about, in episode one... sorta. During the group's walk through Mantle, you can see plenty of posters plastered over the buildings they go past, many of which feature a white-haired woman alongside slogans like "Hill is here" or "Protect Mantle." Super excited for next week's reaction, ep 5 is one of my faves this volume, gonna be a lot of fun!


Hi Hime :) I'm glad you love the new look of the team and I couldn't help but giggle when you saw Qrow ^^. The little flirtatious moment between Yang and Blake, Jaune being hot, Ruby enjoying her time and Weiss "Ice Queen" look are so good. Just a note, the mine Blake talk, this is the accident that take the life of Ilia parent. About Ren, being fooled so easily by the Ace Ops in Ep1, made him understand that he was far from level and therefore decides to be more mission-focused, it will have repercussions , but I can't say more at this time, just that this is part of his big character development. Oh and i forget, remember one of the first thing that the team did at Beacon, it is the exercise in the forest to form their pair, which begins with the takeoff and their landing strategy, now, everyone has a landing strategy. Yang even put on glasses for the occasion like in volume 1 ^^.


Ahh okay first the schnee sisterhood is so amazing and I loved seeing Winter instantly melt when Weiss hugged her. Now as for Ruby's decision. As someone has already mentioned it has been no less than 2 weeks since the battle of Haven, therefore its been less than 2 weeks since Lionheart betrayed them. Lionheart, like Ironwood, was not in a good situation but was an adult figure in power that Ruby was told they could trust, so she did and then that backfired. Now that Ruby is essentially the one making the final call she needs to access and decide for herself whether or not Ironwood is okay to be trusted. And really, like they mentioned in the show is actions don't exactly paint him in the best light right now. And the man is mildly prone to overreaction, so all Ruby has as a picture of Ironwood right now is his paranoia. And well I don't think that would mix well with the truth bomb she would drop on him in that moment, when he so obviously needed to keep whatever hope has going. I mean look at how Team RWBY, JNR and Qrow reacted. In the moment I think it was the right decision, as for later on, who knows. And no shade to Oz but like, if he had stayed with the kids and worked everything out, they wouldn't need to hide the fact that he sealed himself away now would we? But ahhh the V7 outfit reveal scene is always so cool! Along with their new and improved landing strategies! Blake is really embracing herself now and that haircut is symbolic of that, as well as the gold she used to fix Gambol with! Speaking of gold... Buzz Buzz! The wee coy blush on Blake and the nervous rambling of Yang is so cute! A real good episode on dynamics here, although some more positive than others. We get to see how far Weiss and Blake have come since their arguments about faunus in V1 and we get to see an interesting dynamic setup between Qrow and Clover! And for whatever reason Ren seems to be more reserved around Nora... But yeah, one awesome fight later and we get Tyrian popping up again, his Joker-ness really matches well with Mantle's aesthetic - it always gave me Gotham vibes. RIP Forest. But yeah! Awesome reaction as always, look forward to seeing more of your reactions to this volume in particular... its a twisty road of emotions that's for sure.


It's time for Watts and Tyrian to shine. They are horrible people but darn good villains.


I watched chapter 2 earlier...just tried to watch chapter 3 and it won't stream. It won't download either


I will jump into all my other awesome comments later but just wanted to address this so we can get it working for you James! It's still working on my end, can you try signing out/back into your Google account, or a different device?? Sometimes that helps! If not, we can go from there and try to get it figured out! :D

Derpy Trev

One of my favorite songs today! “Brand New Day” it’s called. Volume 7 has the most bangin soundtrack in my opinion. Get ready for a season of bops!


Now that the Ace ops had there time to shine i will give a little character breakdown for each of them like witch fable they come from Clover is based on "A Fisherman's Good Luck" also the fishing pole weapon reminds me of Gon from Hunter x Hunter, Elm and Vine are based on "The Elm and The Vine" Elm's semblance lets her root herself to the ground and Vine can extend his aura out from his hands and feet to give him more reach, Harriet is based on "The Tortoise and the Hare" you see over competitive nature like telling Ruby how she is faster then her and finally the goodest boy Marrow based on "The Dog and its Reflection" his semblance freezes whatever he points at effect ends when he stops pointing also to go along with the whole dog aesthetic his weapon the boomerang, chainsaw, rifle is named fetch

Zen Reacts

To be fair about arresting the group, they did break numerous laws before they were caught. And to give a better understanding of Ironwoods reasoning for telling everyone, Oz hasnt really made any progress against Salem for apparently thousands of years.


great reaction to these two episodes also loved your salutations at the beginning. I can't wait for you to meet Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses. I love the crews new outfit and as you can tell my pfp is Jaune new look. Love how Blake weapon is fixed with gold very Kintsugi. I'm sure everything is fine between Ren and Nora also Qrow has someone he doesn't have to worry about affecting with his semblance.


We see Ruby is now having to learn and deal with the burden of knowledge and maybe now she can begin to understand Ozpin's Actions having to make the same choices he made and whenever he comes back she will hopefully be more understanding and be able to put her trust in him again

Nathan Grenawalt

So, the most important thing that happened in these episodes is that when Ruby admitted they stole an Atlas airship, Ironwood actually laughed. He tried to hide it, but it's there. Add to that his relaxing of his shoulders when Ruby agreed to help, and the awkward bro-hug he gives Qrow, and it really sold me on him. Ironwood has been shouldering an immense burden all alone all this time, and while he and Qrow might have been fighting all the time before, Ironwood desperately needs someone he can trust. Speaking of... I'm not going to discuss the choice to keep secrets from Ironwood yet. The show will unpack this a little more. But I totally agree with you that Ruby is being forced to face the same sorts of decisions that Ozpin did, and now that she is more mature and more experienced she is finding it less black and white than she thought.

Nathan Grenawalt

The mine they were in is the one where Illyia's parents died while she was attending an Atlas school in disguise. That is the accident Weiss and Blake were talking about. The Ace Ops are really cool, and they are each based off a different one of Aesop's Fables. Harriet being from the Tortoise and the Hare is the most famous one - the others are lesser known fables. A lot of people don't like Jaune's hair, and make fun of it as some sort of boyband style, but to me it looks like he is trying to look less casual and more like a soldier. His pants are also more like a military uniform now. There's other stuff I want to talk about, but I'll hold off for now. We are just getting started!


Qrow and Clover have such a good dynamic going that I am sure you are gonna enjoy more and more as the season goes on

John J Ronald

Mad props to Elizabeth Maxwell's voice performance there as Winter....you can hear the layers of emotion as she speaks....the anger is only surface level....you can also hear the worry & upset in her voice, imagining losing Weiss if they had gotten shot down, etc, which is why Weiss rushes forward to hug Winter and comfort her big sis. Also, did you notice at the end of the opening sequence the Staff of Creation (relic) flashing briefly behind "Created by Monty Oum"? ....another beautiful "easter egg" tribute to Monty. Ruby is "lying by omission" here.....nothing she says is technically false, it's just she's leaving out major details in ways that are misleading. But as others have mentioned, they're fresh from being betrayed by 1) Leonardo Lionheart and if you think about it, 2) Professor Ozpin himself....who lied about the number of questions the Lamp had remaining. And back in Volume 5, they had Ozpin's judgement to shine light on Leonardo's shady behavior early on. But now that Oz has locked himself deep inside Oscar's head, they don't have Ozpin's opinion to consult about how General Ironwood is handling matters. And Ironwood did severely undercut Ozpin with the Vale council back in Volume 2...."You brought this on yourself.", he mutters. You're correct in remembering that Qrow & Ironwood don't like each other but they both survived the Fall of Beacon together and I guess Ironwood genuinely felt good to see Qrow again...the Fall of Beacon was a bonding experience for him. I definitely love the Ace Ops music theme....it sounds like such a traditional comic book superhero theme, doesn't it? Clover Ebi's semblance you understood correctly....Good Fortune....he carries with him a lucky rabbit's foot, a lucky horseshoe, and his badge incorporates a Four Leaf clover, that he likes to flick for luck, too....so yes, Qrow may well have found the perfect work partner....

John J Ronald

PS: I always look forward to our "RWBY Tuesday" (hat tip, Rolling Stones) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADtnUC_ctNk


I feel like Juane's new hairdo is a sign of a maturing man. Not that I associated his other hairdo as more youthful but I feel like he's transforming into a soldier-knight man. They're growing up too fast for me 😖😢 He looks great, they all do. The whole keeping secrets thing is tough. But for tough decision making matters it's appropriate. I never once blamed Oz for it. Come back to us sir.

Ian Moscrop

Thought you should know that Clover's VA plays Aizawa-sensei in My Hero Academia.


Yes, the new looks are so great! And Blake's weapon, omg, I didn't even realize - that's so perfect!! Hahaha I can totally see the love for that Bees scene!!!! <3 Ohhhhh I didn't even realize that was the same mine! Thank you for the info! Awww I'm starting to see what you mean about Marrow haha!! Hope you love next week's reaction!!!


Yes!!! And omg, can't believe I didn't realize that wasn't the same mine! Good call back! The bees moment was great! And Ruby's energy is always fun haha. Definitely some heavier stuff going on with her though, like you said. Ahhh thanks for pointing that out about Robyn! Hope you love my reactions next week!


Hi Spadeas! :) Hahaha I couldn't help but admire my man! Lol all the new looks and interactions were so good! Ohhh thank you, I never even realized that was the same mine! And that makes sense about Ren....just hope that's all we see of him getting a bit cooler with Nora! Ohhhhhhhh I had totally forgotten about the pairing up and landing strategies! And the glasses, omg!!! Thank you so much for all the info!


I could totally see it! Once I thought about it, it felt a bit to me like he was sort of letting go of the past as well. They're growing up way too fast! Yeah, well said about tough decisions. Awww Oz!!! Maybe he will one day!!!!


Ahhh yes the sister moment was wonderful! Such a great point about Lionheart, also - I honestly hadn't thought of that but it does help Ruby's decision to make even more sense. Guess we will see how it goes! Hmmm, I see your reasoning about Oz! :/ Oh man, the new looks are everything! Love, love love the Bees scene and also the little touch about Blake's weapon. So much development with everyone for sure - SO curious to see where things are going with Qrow and Clover, and really nervous about Ren and Nora but I'll try not to be...!! Ohhh yes so true that that was quite a Joker moment with Tyrian, especially considering the setting! I'm so happy you loved my reaction!!! Hope you love next week's as well!!!


Thank you so much for filling me in about each character! Sad to say that the only one I recognize is the Tortoise and the Hare, but it's interesting to know a bit of the background behind each person's inspiration! Love, LOVE the dog aesthetic haha!! Thanks!


That's a very good point! And also, very true that there's been slim progress to this point. I'm scared to see how it will go when everyone finds out....!!


Thank you so much, glad you liked my reaction and salutations!!! XD Ahhh I just watched the next two and have to say, I'm darn curious about Robyn Hill!! The new looks are awesome, and so is Blake's weapon! I hope so about Ren and Nora! And yes, so happy he finally has someone like that in his life!!


So true!! It's funny how life sometimes puts us in those kinds of positions! I'm sure this will give her some new insights on Oz for sure.


Well, that is a very good point about Ironwood!!! He did react with a bit of grace and even a sense of humor. Not to mention the bro hug! It is true that he's been carrying a big burden on his own! Hmm, curious to hear your thoughts later then! Ahhh yes, the mine, such a good callback and sorry for not catching it! Lol I had never thought of it as boyband but I can definitely see how it's more military looking. Ahhh can't wait for more! Thanks!


Oh for sure, she did great! Love the hug!!! Noooo I didn't catch that at the end of the opening, such a great placement/tribute!! Hmm, I see what you mean that she's lying by omission....great points about what they went through with Lionheart, as well as not having Oz around to help guide them. Makes sense that surviving the fall of Beacon would have brought Qrow and Ironwood closer. Ah yes, the theme is so superhero-ish!! Love that Qrow has someone like that in his life!


I love this episode it’s really great at filling the audience in and setting up the volume. I think the way they represent the downtrodden air at the start of the episode is well done with the lighting and music. Nora going feral trying to bite her way out of the cuffs is amazing and so her. Also you can see Yang tapping her foot anxiously and Blake looking at her worriedly this is probably bringing up unpleasant memories about the worst case scenario that could have happened after her match against Mercury as well as her feelings about the aftermath. It’s upsetting to see them like this after getting back to a good place in volume 6. Cool thing about the other prisoner Forest is that if you look very close you can see him in the back of the police ship in the shadows at the end of last episode. Also some people either really like him and think he’s funny or don't and think he’s annoying. I like him because of the animated exposition he gives and for showing more of how Ironwood is negatively affecting Mantle but that reacting with violence might not be the best thing either. Also mentioning Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses which might sound like something else which could help you figure out her inspiration. What I found interesting was that they went to Atlas Academy but decided to help Mantle instead. Weiss not thinking the ace operatives are a big deal makes sense considering where and how she grew up. I like that we also see how there is dissent against James. I love that when everyone else is in awe about the beauty of Atlas Weiss reacts with disdain and you can see Forest react with shock that a Schnee would say that. I love the design and scale of Atlas Academy and people have compared it to the design of Jedi temples from Star Wars particularly the one from the Knights of the old Republic video game. Also it’s very seamlessly done but the Academy and city are 2D backgrounds that are very well done. Even though it’s scary that the group is being escorted to the Academy by so many soldiers it does show how safe and secure Atlas is. I really like the foreboding atmosphere that’s portrayed in the elevator. I love that the team is trusting and following Ruby’s lead although it does put a lot of pressure on her. I think it’s really well done how you can see through the animation as soon as Ironwood sees them his posture and face are filled with palpable relief. Weiss and Winter’s reaction to each other after so long is really sweet. Also love Nora just interjecting herself into that LOL. It’s hilarious to see how much fear Winter can put into people although there are some people who are into that LOL. I’m glad that James is being very reasonable and it makes sense that they were being wary of a stolen airship especially him after V3. Ruby just admitting it and James laughing is so purely comedic. The showcase of the harsher but still loving relationship between the Schnee is so good and the hug just melts the heart. Also nice reminder about the previous animosity between Qrow and Winter. I’m glad that James is able to admit the issues he’s causing towards Mantle when told about the hate. However his explanations for why at least are reasonable when his plan is so large scale and needs to be done quickly. Also the plan to create a permanent extremely safe/secure replacement for the CCT is absolutely amazing and will be so good for the world. Some people were confused about this because a WOR said that dust doesn’t work outside the atmosphere however they were just a little confused at the wording that it will be in the upper atmosphere which means that the dust will still work. Even though it’s great I’m glad that they questioned why the needs for all the military might considering it’s causing unrest/fear/nervousness for his people and the other kingdoms but it makes sense when he wants to tell everyone about Salem. I think this is the most divisive part of his plan because his reasoning that it would unite the world makes sense but we saw how our group reacted to the truth and James doesn’t know she can’t die. Almost forgot but I really love the holographic table. I’m glad they talk about the issues and problems with the negative emotions and Grimm this will cause as well as countermeasures for the problems. Although I do have to say that a foreign military coming in to help might not be the most welcome thing in the world for the other kingdoms even with the best of intentions and reminds me a little too much of the USA. It seems to be weighing heavily on him that Oz isn’t there to help especially with his visceral joyful response to learning about Oscar being the new host. Also Oscar being awkward around James is really cute. Now onto the most divisive thing in the show so far Ruby lying. I am more in the middle like you but leaning more towards being on Ruby’s side. I understand people thinking it’s hypocritical since like you said it’s what they were angry at Oz for doing and thinking it’s better just to tell him now. However because of what they went through the last 2 volumes and not wanting to cause despair for James as well as what they saw in Mantle it makes complete sense to not tell the complete truth. Also something so cool is seeing the rest of our group subtly reacting to this but going along with it particularly Yang and Blake in sync looking at each other. I think the trust James is showing is great and really humanizes him and talk about guilt for Ruby. It was so exciting to think about possible upgrades for the teams weapons and Blake being embarrassed about her weapon is adorable. I love the ace operatives personalities and how diverse they are especially all the different body types when we don’t have many different body types in the show before this. However I think my favorite is Marrow. I really appreciate how Clover acknowledges their hardships and experience after everything they have gone through and not underestimate them. I know others have told you by now but Harriet’s inspiration is easy to guess. Also some people are really into her design because of her legs I think you can guess why LOL. I think Penny giving them a tour as the exhaustion slowly catches up to them is so cute and the animation being choppy I think is meant to exaggerate her personality and being a robot. Also I would not want to say it will be just like Beacon after volume 3 Penny just saying. I think the scene catching us up with the villains is great with it being menacing and foreboding as well as actually showing what Watts is like as a villain. Also his new outfit is honestly fantastic. His hacking is honestly terrifying with the applications it can have already beginning to be shown here. I actually like technological type villains a lot so this was cool and terrifying for me. Also the balls and nonchalance he displays when really shows what type of person he is. When you think about it Watts and Tyrian is a brilliant team having brains and brawn and Watts being able to rein in Tyrian. We knew he was an Atlas scientist but hearing that he helped create the security codes implies that he was relatively high up. The end of the episode with Tyrian happily walking away from a murder with the pool of blood rapidly growing larger is so horrifying. Episode 3 comment coming soon.


I love this episode it’s really great at filling the audience in and setting up the volume. I think the way they represent the downtrodden air at the start of the episode is well done with the lighting and music. Nora going feral trying to bite her way out of the cuffs is amazing and so her. Also you can see Yang tapping her foot anxiously and Blake looking at her worriedly this is probably bringing up unpleasant memories about the worst case scenario that could have happened after her match against Mercury as well as her feelings about the aftermath. It’s upsetting to see them like this after getting back to a good place in volume 6. Cool thing about the other prisoner Forest is that if you look very close you can see him in the back of the police ship in the shadows at the end of last episode. Also some people either really like him and think he’s funny or don't and think he’s annoying. I like him because of the animated exposition he gives and for showing more of how Ironwood is negatively affecting Mantle but that reacting with violence might not be the best thing either. Also mentioning Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses which might sound like something else which could help you figure out her inspiration. What I found interesting was that they went to Atlas Academy but decided to help Mantle instead. Weiss not thinking the ace operatives are a big deal makes sense considering where and how she grew up. I like that we also see how there is dissent against James. I love that when everyone else is in awe about the beauty of Atlas Weiss reacts with disdain and you can see Forest react with shock that a Schnee would say that. I love the design and scale of Atlas Academy and people have compared it to the design of Jedi temples from Star Wars particularly the one from the Knights of the old Republic video game. Also it’s very seamlessly done but the Academy and city are 2D backgrounds that are very well done. Even though it’s scary that the group is being escorted to the Academy by so many soldiers it does show how safe and secure Atlas is. I really like the foreboding atmosphere that’s portrayed in the elevator. I love that the team is trusting and following Ruby’s lead although it does put a lot of pressure on her. I think it’s really well done how you can see through the animation as soon as Ironwood sees them his posture and face are filled with palpable relief. Weiss and Winter’s reaction to each other after so long is really sweet. Also love Nora just interjecting herself into that LOL. It’s hilarious to see how much fear Winter can put into people although there are some people who are into that LOL. I’m glad that James is being very reasonable and it makes sense that they were being wary of a stolen airship especially him after V3. Ruby just admitting it and James laughing is so purely comedic. The showcase of the harsher but still loving relationship between the Schnee is so good and the hug just melts the heart. Also nice reminder about the previous animosity between Qrow and Winter. I’m glad that James is able to admit the issues he’s causing towards Mantle when told about the hate. However his explanations for why at least are reasonable when his plan is so large scale and needs to be done quickly. Also the plan to create a permanent extremely safe/secure replacement for the CCT is absolutely amazing and will be so good for the world. Some people were confused about this because a WOR said that dust doesn’t work outside the atmosphere however they were just a little confused at the wording that it will be in the upper atmosphere which means that the dust will still work. Even though it’s great I’m glad that they questioned why the needs for all the military might considering it’s causing unrest/fear/nervousness for his people and the other kingdoms but it makes sense when he wants to tell everyone about Salem. I think this is the most divisive part of his plan because his reasoning that it would unite the world makes sense but we saw how our group reacted to the truth and James doesn’t know she can’t die. Almost forgot but I really love the holographic table. I’m glad they talk about the issues and problems with the negative emotions and Grimm this will cause as well as countermeasures for the problems. Although I do have to say that a foreign military coming in to help might not be the most welcome thing in the world for the other kingdoms even with the best of intentions and reminds me a little too much of the USA. It seems to be weighing heavily on him that Oz isn’t there to help especially with his visceral joyful response to learning about Oscar being the new host. Also Oscar being awkward around James is really cute. Now onto the most divisive thing in the show so far Ruby lying. I am more in the middle like you but leaning more towards being on Ruby’s side. I understand people thinking it’s hypocritical since like you said it’s what they were angry at Oz for doing and thinking it’s better just to tell him now. However because of what they went through the last 2 volumes and not wanting to cause despair for James as well as what they saw in Mantle it makes complete sense to not tell the complete truth. Also something so cool is seeing the rest of our group subtly reacting to this but going along with it particularly Yang and Blake in sync looking at each other. I think the trust James is showing is great and really humanizes him and talk about guilt for Ruby. It was so exciting to think about possible upgrades for the teams weapons and Blake being embarrassed about her weapon is adorable. I love the ace operatives personalities and how diverse they are especially all the different body types when we don’t have many different body types in the show before this. However I think my favorite is Marrow. I really appreciate how Clover acknowledges their hardships and experience after everything they have gone through and not underestimate them. I know others have told you by now but Harriet’s inspiration is easy to guess. Also some people are really into her design because of her legs I think you can guess why LOL. I think Penny giving them a tour as the exhaustion slowly catches up to them is so cute and the animation being choppy I think is meant to exaggerate her personality and being a robot. Also I would not want to say it will be just like Beacon after volume 3 Penny just saying. I think the scene catching us up with the villains is great with it being menacing and foreboding as well as actually showing what Watts is like as a villain. Also his new outfit is honestly fantastic. His hacking is honestly terrifying with the applications it can have already beginning to be shown here. I actually like technological type villains a lot so this was cool and terrifying for me. Also the balls and nonchalance he displays when really shows what type of person he is. When you think about it Watts and Tyrian is a brilliant team having brains and brawn and Watts being able to rein in Tyrian. We knew he was an Atlas scientist but hearing that he helped create the security codes implies that he was relatively high up. The end of the episode with Tyrian happily walking away from a murder with the pool of blood rapidly growing larger is so horrifying. Episode 3 comment coming soon.

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:17:53 I really love this episode as a way to show how our characters have developed as people and with their skills as well as showing off the personalities of the ace opposition and their skill/abilities. I really enjoy how it starts off with a briefing showing how professional Atlas is. Also giving us an idea of the threat of this Geist with it being intelligent and already having killed some other huntsman. I really love how it’s interspersed with the conversation with Pietro and getting new outfits and weapon upgrades as well as the emotional moment for Jaune. Nora’s excitement is always so welcome. Also Pietro mentions having more ideas for other upgrades but that what he has now will do implying more upgrades in the future. I definitely agree with other people that Jaune changed his hair to be more professional and it shows how he has matured also caressing the sash is so heart-wrenching. Now onto the new outfits I love them all but I think my favorite is Weiss’s. I like that the changes to Ruby’s design are more subtle her outfit being more red and having a new cloak which surprised some people because there’s been a head canon that her original cloak was a gift from her mother. Also I love that Ruby now has what I like to call the Shounen anime protagonist spiky hair she’s always been destined to have. Weiss’s new design has been compared to anime and video game characters and I think her outfit being regal but combat oriented really fits her character especially since she’s best girl. I think Blake having a skintight catsuit no pun intended really fits her fighting style. I think it makes sense for Yang to have a more aviator type of outfit however I kind of think it’s not as good as her other outfits. The best part of the opening is seeing team RWBY go from their original outfits to their V4 through V6 outfits and then finally these outfits. I love all of the landing strategies and Jaune finally having one is amazing. Also his shield is the 1st upgrade we see and I love the addition of hard light and gravity dust to it. I find Elm accidentally giving him a backhanded compliment to be charming. I like the other new outfits especially Nora’s and something cool/heartwarming is that her last outfit featured a broken heart and this 1 has a complete heart possibly representing dealing more with the grief and being in a better place. Qrow’s new outfit is absolutely incredible and definitely represents him being in a better place because he looks more put together and even his posture seems to be better. I love the design and character too but I couldn’t help but laugh a little at your reaction to him. I really love the quiet moments before the fight. Yang’s reaction to Blake is so adorable and funny and fills my shipper heart with joy. Also 1 of attempts to play it cool someone pointed out somewhere Yang does is look at her nails on her robot hands which I find hilarious LOL. I’m glad they brought up Ruby lying and the explanations make sense but I do love that Yang and Oscar are the most apprehensive about this since besides Qrow they were the ones most affected by Oz keeping the truth from them although I do like that Ruby shows her trust in Oscar. I think it’s so narratively well done that we and the characters get reminded of family names, the accident that put Ilia on her path and possibly Blake being reminded of Adam with Yang keeping a close eye on her. I understand being worried about Nora and Ren but they have been through a lot lately and even though he’s very aware of her feelings I personally have the head canon that he’s often oblivious to her flirting/compliments. Also poor Jaune trying to cheer her up LOL. Also nice reminder that not all Faunus can see in the dark since they ask Blake to check out the cave instead of Marrow. That jump scare is really effective. Harriet’s weapon being a robotic suit is really cool. The 1st fights are really well done and I like getting to see all the upgrades especially Yang’s really useful timed explosives and also Ren now having grappling hooks. Also Nora actually does have a subtle upgrade which is the spike on the back of her hammer. I’m pretty sure Weiss’s weapon doesn’t have an upgrade because it was already perfect. Marrow’s chainsaw boomerang is 1 of my favorite RWBY weapons and is called Fetch. Also his “Stay” semblance to slow/freeze the things he points at in place is 1 of the most broken/OP powers in the show and it’s awesome. It’s strange how his weapon is called Fetch and his semblance is called Stay when he’s a dog Faunus. These disgusting acid spewing bugs are called Centinels and are probably based on prehistoric bugs being gigantic. I love the scenes between Qrow and Clover especially because they are parallels and opposites both professional and skilled huntsman, having similar but opposite semblances and one being all about teamwork and the other wanting to be a loner. It’s also great that he doesn’t hold ill will towards Qrow’s semblance possibly causing problems. Clover having a good luck power was really surprising but makes sense with them being set up as similar but different. It’s hard to say if their powers counteract each other creating neutral luck or if both the good and bad luck are happening at the same time. The look on Qrow’s face seems like it’s mostly shock and one other emotion that may be anger, sadness or happiness maybe thinking it’s someone he can be around. Also people were definitely shipping them after this episode but I think you can also interpret it as a bromance. I do want to point out that Clover saying “lucky you, huh?” With a wink is very similar to the scene between Qrow and the bar waitress back in volume 4. It was cool to see what a Geist is like in a different environment. Also there being so much dust in the mine that there’s an actual environmental reaction of extreme heat and slightly wonky gravity. The Grimm combining dust into its body to make it harder to hit it is another example of the intelligence it has. I think the ace operatives against the Geist is great with the choreography and I love how quick and efficient it is and is also there to show how far the kids have to go even after doing so many amazing things. I love how Harriet’s semblance basically makes her the Flash even having the signature lightning across the body and in her eyes. Also fun thing Elm’s semblance roots her in place like a tree and Vine’s semblance allows her to create things that act like vines. I think Clover’s cocky attitude is actually pretty charismatic since it is not really arrogance at least in my opinion. Also you would think a fishing pole would not make a very good weapon but combined with his good luck and skill works very well. I like that Clover doesn’t see everything as coming down to luck which is something Qrow can learn from. I love the little celebrations in the background especially Elm lifting Ruby up on her shoulders. Finally the last scene is like a horror movie and is really well done with Tyrian being like the Joker but poor, unlucky and unfortunate Forest. Also this was upsetting to the people who were really attached to Forest in the short time he was in the show and thanks to the biggest RWBY reactor murder of birds and his voice actor Eric Baudour helped create the #FRWBY movement as a joke and ran with it eventually culminating in a 20 second fake conspiracy video featuring Blake’s voice after Arryn Zech LOL. Here’s the video https://twitter.com/ericbaudour/status/1355207761366278147 I made sure it doesn’t contain spoilers. I loved the reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3
2021-06-09 00:25:24 I really love this episode as a way to show how our characters have developed as people and with their skills as well as showing off the personalities of the ace opposition and their skill/abilities. I really enjoy how it starts off with a briefing showing how professional Atlas is. Also giving us an idea of the threat of this Geist with it being intelligent and already having killed some other huntsman. I really love how it’s interspersed with the conversation with Pietro and getting new outfits and weapon upgrades as well as the emotional moment for Jaune. Nora’s excitement is always so welcome. Also Pietro mentions having more ideas for other upgrades but that what he has now will do implying more upgrades in the future. I definitely agree with other people that Jaune changed his hair to be more professional and it shows how he has matured also caressing the sash is so heart-wrenching. Now onto the new outfits I love them all but I think my favorite is Weiss’s. I like that the changes to Ruby’s design are more subtle her outfit being more red and having a new cloak which surprised some people because there’s been a head canon that her original cloak was a gift from her mother. Also I love that Ruby now has what I like to call the Shounen anime protagonist spiky hair she’s always been destined to have. Weiss’s new design has been compared to anime and video game characters and I think her outfit being regal but combat oriented really fits her character especially since she’s best girl. I think Blake having a skintight catsuit no pun intended really fits her fighting style. I think it makes sense for Yang to have a more aviator type of outfit however I kind of think it’s not as good as her other outfits. The best part of the opening is seeing team RWBY go from their original outfits to their V4 through V6 outfits and then finally these outfits. I love all of the landing strategies and Jaune finally having one is amazing. Also his shield is the 1st upgrade we see and I love the addition of hard light and gravity dust to it. I find Elm accidentally giving him a backhanded compliment to be charming. I like the other new outfits especially Nora’s and something cool/heartwarming is that her last outfit featured a broken heart and this 1 has a complete heart possibly representing dealing more with the grief and being in a better place. Qrow’s new outfit is absolutely incredible and definitely represents him being in a better place because he looks more put together and even his posture seems to be better. I love the design and character too but I couldn’t help but laugh a little at your reaction to him. I really love the quiet moments before the fight. Yang’s reaction to Blake is so adorable and funny and fills my shipper heart with joy. Also 1 of attempts to play it cool someone pointed out somewhere Yang does is look at her nails on her robot hands which I find hilarious LOL. I’m glad they brought up Ruby lying and the explanations make sense but I do love that Yang and Oscar are the most apprehensive about this since besides Qrow they were the ones most affected by Oz keeping the truth from them although I do like that Ruby shows her trust in Oscar. I think it’s so narratively well done that we and the characters get reminded of family names, the accident that put Ilia on her path and possibly Blake being reminded of Adam with Yang keeping a close eye on her. I understand being worried about Nora and Ren but they have been through a lot lately and even though he’s very aware of her feelings I personally have the head canon that he’s often oblivious to her flirting/compliments. Also poor Jaune trying to cheer her up LOL. Also nice reminder that not all Faunus can see in the dark since they ask Blake to check out the cave instead of Marrow. That jump scare is really effective. Harriet’s weapon being a robotic suit is really cool. The 1st fights are really well done and I like getting to see all the upgrades especially Yang’s really useful timed explosives and also Ren now having grappling hooks. Also Nora actually does have a subtle upgrade which is the spike on the back of her hammer. I’m pretty sure Weiss’s weapon doesn’t have an upgrade because it was already perfect. Marrow’s chainsaw boomerang is 1 of my favorite RWBY weapons and is called Fetch. Also his “Stay” semblance to slow/freeze the things he points at in place is 1 of the most broken/OP powers in the show and it’s awesome. It’s strange how his weapon is called Fetch and his semblance is called Stay when he’s a dog Faunus. These disgusting acid spewing bugs are called Centinels and are probably based on prehistoric bugs being gigantic. I love the scenes between Qrow and Clover especially because they are parallels and opposites both professional and skilled huntsman, having similar but opposite semblances and one being all about teamwork and the other wanting to be a loner. It’s also great that he doesn’t hold ill will towards Qrow’s semblance possibly causing problems. Clover having a good luck power was really surprising but makes sense with them being set up as similar but different. It’s hard to say if their powers counteract each other creating neutral luck or if both the good and bad luck are happening at the same time. The look on Qrow’s face seems like it’s mostly shock and one other emotion that may be anger, sadness or happiness maybe thinking it’s someone he can be around. Also people were definitely shipping them after this episode but I think you can also interpret it as a bromance. I do want to point out that Clover saying “lucky you, huh?” With a wink is very similar to the scene between Qrow and the bar waitress back in volume 4. It was cool to see what a Geist is like in a different environment. Also there being so much dust in the mine that there’s an actual environmental reaction of extreme heat and slightly wonky gravity. The Grimm combining dust into its body to make it harder to hit it is another example of the intelligence it has. I think the ace operatives against the Geist is great with the choreography and I love how quick and efficient it is and is also there to show how far the kids have to go even after doing so many amazing things. I love how Harriet’s semblance basically makes her the Flash even having the signature lightning across the body and in her eyes. Also fun thing Elm’s semblance roots her in place like a tree and Vine’s semblance allows her to create things that act like vines. I think Clover’s cocky attitude is actually pretty charismatic since it is not really arrogance at least in my opinion. Also you would think a fishing pole would not make a very good weapon but combined with his good luck and skill works very well. I like that Clover doesn’t see everything as coming down to luck which is something Qrow can learn from. I love the little celebrations in the background especially Elm lifting Ruby up on her shoulders. Finally the last scene is like a horror movie and is really well done with Tyrian being like the Joker but poor, unlucky and unfortunate Forest. Also this was upsetting to the people who were really attached to Forest in the short time he was in the show and thanks to the biggest RWBY reactor murder of birds and his voice actor Eric Baudour helped create the #FRWBY movement as a joke and ran with it eventually culminating in a 20 second fake conspiracy video featuring Blake’s voice after Arryn Zech LOL. Here’s the video https://twitter.com/ericbaudour/status/1355207761366278147 I made sure it doesn’t contain spoilers. I loved the reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

I really love this episode as a way to show how our characters have developed as people and with their skills as well as showing off the personalities of the ace opposition and their skill/abilities. I really enjoy how it starts off with a briefing showing how professional Atlas is. Also giving us an idea of the threat of this Geist with it being intelligent and already having killed some other huntsman. I really love how it’s interspersed with the conversation with Pietro and getting new outfits and weapon upgrades as well as the emotional moment for Jaune. Nora’s excitement is always so welcome. Also Pietro mentions having more ideas for other upgrades but that what he has now will do implying more upgrades in the future. I definitely agree with other people that Jaune changed his hair to be more professional and it shows how he has matured also caressing the sash is so heart-wrenching. Now onto the new outfits I love them all but I think my favorite is Weiss’s. I like that the changes to Ruby’s design are more subtle her outfit being more red and having a new cloak which surprised some people because there’s been a head canon that her original cloak was a gift from her mother. Also I love that Ruby now has what I like to call the Shounen anime protagonist spiky hair she’s always been destined to have. Weiss’s new design has been compared to anime and video game characters and I think her outfit being regal but combat oriented really fits her character especially since she’s best girl. I think Blake having a skintight catsuit no pun intended really fits her fighting style. I think it makes sense for Yang to have a more aviator type of outfit however I kind of think it’s not as good as her other outfits. The best part of the opening is seeing team RWBY go from their original outfits to their V4 through V6 outfits and then finally these outfits. I love all of the landing strategies and Jaune finally having one is amazing. Also his shield is the 1st upgrade we see and I love the addition of hard light and gravity dust to it. I find Elm accidentally giving him a backhanded compliment to be charming. I like the other new outfits especially Nora’s and something cool/heartwarming is that her last outfit featured a broken heart and this 1 has a complete heart possibly representing dealing more with the grief and being in a better place. Qrow’s new outfit is absolutely incredible and definitely represents him being in a better place because he looks more put together and even his posture seems to be better. I love the design and character too but I couldn’t help but laugh a little at your reaction to him. I really love the quiet moments before the fight. Yang’s reaction to Blake is so adorable and funny and fills my shipper heart with joy. Also 1 of attempts to play it cool someone pointed out somewhere Yang does is look at her nails on her robot hands which I find hilarious LOL. I’m glad they brought up Ruby lying and the explanations make sense but I do love that Yang and Oscar are the most apprehensive about this since besides Qrow they were the ones most affected by Oz keeping the truth from them although I do like that Ruby shows her trust in Oscar. I think it’s so narratively well done that we and the characters get reminded of family names, the accident that put Ilia on her path and possibly Blake being reminded of Adam with Yang keeping a close eye on her. I understand being worried about Nora and Ren but they have been through a lot lately and even though he’s very aware of her feelings I personally have the head canon that he’s often oblivious to her flirting/compliments. Also poor Jaune trying to cheer her up LOL. Also nice reminder that not all Faunus can see in the dark since they ask Blake to check out the cave instead of Marrow. That jump scare is really effective. Harriet’s weapon being a robotic suit is really cool. The 1st fights are really well done and I like getting to see all the upgrades especially Yang’s really useful timed explosives and also Ren now having grappling hooks. Also Nora actually does have a subtle upgrade which is the spike on the back of her hammer. I’m pretty sure Weiss’s weapon doesn’t have an upgrade because it was already perfect. Marrow’s chainsaw boomerang is 1 of my favorite RWBY weapons and is called Fetch. Also his “Stay” semblance to slow/freeze the things he points at in place is 1 of the most broken/OP powers in the show and it’s awesome. It’s strange how his weapon is called Fetch and his semblance is called Stay when he’s a dog Faunus. These disgusting acid spewing bugs are called Centinels and are probably based on prehistoric bugs being gigantic. I love the scenes between Qrow and Clover especially because they are parallels and opposites both professional and skilled huntsman, having similar but opposite semblances and one being all about teamwork and the other wanting to be a loner. It’s also great that he doesn’t hold ill will towards Qrow’s semblance possibly causing problems. Clover having a good luck power was really surprising but makes sense with them being set up as similar but different. It’s hard to say if their powers counteract each other creating neutral luck or if both the good and bad luck are happening at the same time. The look on Qrow’s face seems like it’s mostly shock and one other emotion that may be anger, sadness or happiness maybe thinking it’s someone he can be around. Also people were definitely shipping them after this episode but I think you can also interpret it as a bromance. I do want to point out that Clover saying “lucky you, huh?” With a wink is very similar to the scene between Qrow and the bar waitress back in volume 4. It was cool to see what a Geist is like in a different environment. Also there being so much dust in the mine that there’s an actual environmental reaction of extreme heat and slightly wonky gravity. The Grimm combining dust into its body to make it harder to hit it is another example of the intelligence it has. I think the ace operatives against the Geist is great with the choreography and I love how quick and efficient it is and is also there to show how far the kids have to go even after doing so many amazing things. I love how Harriet’s semblance basically makes her the Flash even having the signature lightning across the body and in her eyes. Also fun thing Elm’s semblance roots her in place like a tree and Vine’s semblance allows her to create things that act like vines. I think Clover’s cocky attitude is actually pretty charismatic since it is not really arrogance at least in my opinion. Also you would think a fishing pole would not make a very good weapon but combined with his good luck and skill works very well. I like that Clover doesn’t see everything as coming down to luck which is something Qrow can learn from. I love the little celebrations in the background especially Elm lifting Ruby up on her shoulders. Finally the last scene is like a horror movie and is really well done with Tyrian being like the Joker but poor, unlucky and unfortunate Forest. Also this was upsetting to the people who were really attached to Forest in the short time he was in the show and thanks to the biggest RWBY reactor murder of birds and his voice actor Eric Baudour helped create the #FRWBY movement as a joke and ran with it eventually culminating in a 20 second fake conspiracy video featuring Blake’s voice after Arryn Zech LOL. Here’s the video https://twitter.com/ericbaudour/status/1355207761366278147 I made sure it doesn’t contain spoilers. I loved the reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


Yay!!! Thank you so much for your comments! I can't wait to dive in and hear your thoughts about these eps!!! And also check out that link!!! :O I'm running a bit behind on my comments and messages at the moment so if I don't answer right away, just know that you'll still hear from me soon!!!!! So sorry about that!!! Thanks! ^_^

Aundry Vue

The Geist Grimm that they fought in the mines is the same type of Grimm that Ruby, Jaune, Nora and Ren fought right at the first chapter of Volume 4, it has the ability to possess inanimate objects, it is also the same type of Grimm that Weiss Summons her Knight with. Please don't be confuse between Beacon Academy and the Amity Colosseum, at one point you said that they are gonna rebuild Beacon which is not entirely wrong since that is what happening back at Vale, but we are in Atlas right now and they are turning Amity Colosseum (where the Vytal Festival is held) into a new communication tower. Also Marrow the dog/wolf Faunus is the Rookie of the Ace-Ops, meaning that he's the youngest and least experience out of all of the five of them. And I think many people have already said this to you and that is this could be the same mine where Ilia's parents have died and it's where Jacque snaps a fuel. Plus since you've reached to Volume 8 in your $10 Tier List, you probably know that Ruby's Semblance is more than just super speed. As Penny stated, Ruby can actually break her entire body down into a molecular level which makes her a lot lighter and makes her faster too and she could also broke down other people into a molecular level and resembles their molecules back to normal. This shows that Ruby's Semblance has been evolving, from the beginning Ruby is just moving fast, now she could manipulate her entire body into rose petal like molecules that enhances her abilities and speed. P.S: Blake looks a lot more like her mother Kali now with that shorter hair.


Ahhhh okay, thanks for clearing that up. Oh yeah!! I knew they were at a place that wasn't Beacon! Thanks for making sure! Oh I don't know if I realized Marrow was a rookie at first. Right, I had heard that about the mine!!! Yes, that's crazy about Ruby's semblance!!! I love that semblances change and grow over time just like people. OMG I totally see a lot of Kali in Blake now :D