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Hey everyone!!!!  Here it is - my reaction to the RWBY Vol. 6 soundtrack!!!!  OMG!!!!!!!!!!!  I can see why many of you claimed this as your favorite soundtrack!!!  Honestly, I knew there would be some feels, but I was NOT READY for the massive outpouring of feels that I got from this soundtrack!!!!!  One of the tracks really, really took me by surprise there (as you'll see in the reaction, I get confused at first about the subject matter lol, sorry).  Even the opening theme was just so meaningful, I absolutely love the lyrics that involve comparing the crew to nature.  It made it really hard to pick a favorite track!  Also, total props to this soundtrack for having an awesome blend of really profoundly sad/beautiful tracks, in addition to some real fast/heavy ones!!!  Oh yeah, and the acoustic track at the end has been stuck in my head for DAYS hahaha!!!!  What a great volume and soundtrack!  See you in Vol. 7, friends!!!!!!!!!!!  XD  Enjoy!  ~ MH


RWBY Vol 6 Soundtrack Reaction.mp4


Zen Reacts

Ive only ever been able to listen to Indomitable once, I heard it for the first time when I was alone at work and I just broke down so hard. Even just thinking about the song gets me super emotional. It's not something you'd often think about but the fact that one mans idea has changed the lives of so many people around the world, and he barely got to see it while he was still here

Zen Reacts

Also one of my favorite lines from this soundtrack is from Miracle. "We're praying for a miracle, but for now we'll stand and fight." Really encapsulates the groups resolve to fight on despite not having an answer


God!! I forgot how amazing this soundtrack was! Rising is such an imagery heavy song that I wouldn't be surprised if it was alluding to the main cast. Infact, everytime I listen to that song I envision a character with each appropriate line; "Lightning doesnt take advice from anyone" = Nora and her chaotic energy "the rain will help the flowers be" = Ren "the sparrows born to climb the mountains tower" = Qrow overcoming the many struggles he's had since birth "the willow doesnt need to learn to stand" = Jaune So on and so forth. It just wouldn't surprise me if that's what they're going for, also I'm glad you caught that Pyrrha reference. "Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release thy soul and by my shoulder, protect thee." Even lost she still fights beside them, in their hearts. Miracle is such an intense emotive song as well! It definitely highlights the casts thoughts over chp 1-6, and while I can see why you'd think that it was referencing the Pyrrha statue (because you're right when they needed it she appeared), with the reference to what Maria said about the Silver eye powers - and how they fight to preserve life which powers the light, I think the song is referencing Ruby. Ruby was the only one pushing the others to keep going and in the end, ended up being the reason they were on their way to Atlas. By "trusting in the light", by trusting in Ruby, they managed to keep going and she was the very miracle they needed to get through the later half of V6! But then again those are just my thoughts on that. And One Thing! Damn, I feel so bad for Neo because really if Roman had never gotten involved with Cinder (and by extension Salem) he'd probably still be around. And this song conveys so much of the rage we don't see Neo express! And all of it is directed at Cinder! Which makes it even more rage-inducing to me that Cinder was able to manipulate Neo into placing the whole blame on Ruby! Now, I believe I've listened to Lionized once, (and due to personal reasons, never again) but from what I remember the song was pretty good and highlighted Adam's shifting views on the White Fang and what he believes he deserves...so yeah. Big Metal Shoe was the most surprising song on the soundtrack for me! XD. And there's really not alot to say about it other than it was amazing and I will never know how Lamar raps that fast (let alone about nursery rhymes and fairytales). Nevermore...ahhh Nevermore...just...ahhhhh! There is so much to say about that song and how much I love it! But, yes, like you and the song itself said; Yang and Blake are NOT happy about having to do what they did...no matter how vicious Adam was, he was still a person and taking life is not something that should be celebrated. God this song is amazing, it tells their whole story in the span of like 4 minutes. And personally I always adore Yang smack talking Adam using the title of his own song! Indomitable just brings you into the thoughts and feelings of how hard losing Monty was for Casey, Jeff and the rest of CRWBY. And the message behind it is beautiful, no matter what - work towards your goals, keep moving forward and no matter what our spirits will never break because we are indomitable. And everything we do leaves a piece of us in the hearts of everyone we touch and in everything we do. Like Monty himself will live in their hearts and ours too. It is a very special and honestly beautiful tribute to Monty. From a story standpoint, most think it could also reference Ruby and her dynamic with Ozpin. But mainly this song is for Monty. My heart is not recovered from the last time I heard Forever Fall so I hope you forgive me for not listening along to that again this time. But its such a bittersweet song, it hurts your soul and kicks you even more when you're down. But it also really shows you how much Jaune meant to Pyrrha, even without her romantic feelings. She said it before, "people assume I'm too good for them, that I'm simply on a level they cannot attain" but Jaune didn't care about any of that and because of him not only did she find the love of her life... but also lifelong friends. And just for another pinch of salt in an already open wound... Pyrrha also said that to her destiny was working towards a final goal in the future. "Cause you're [Jaune] my final goal" And what a way to finish off the reaction. Honestly Yang strikes me as the type to enjoy the acoustic rendition of Armed and Ready as well as the original. As always amazing reaction, and I will see on the V7 Chp 1 reaction as well!


Hi Hime and before even starting to talk about the OST, big hug because you need it. I love Miracle for its melody, the piano intro just has the strength to put you in a situation already. And then the bridge, which has this progressive rock side that pleases my ears. Lionized, I hope Jeff just did one take for this song, because I don't know if his voice could handle a dozen takes ^^ '. Jeff is a vocal monster, Casey is indeed his father's daughter. Big metal shoe is so much fun that even if I don't get all the references, I love to listen to it. Plus, it's during the fight against Cordovin and I love this fight. Nevermore is a duo and fits our Bees and the scene so well. And as you say, the fact of having killed Adam is not a victory and will be a subject of discussion between our Bees in volume 7. What I love about Indomitable is that it's the music played when Ruby uses her silver eyes, as if Monty was the light shining on the darkness, protecting the lives of the characters he created, who are dear to him. Forever Fall is one of the rare RWBY songs that can make me cry, along with Indomitable, The path to isolation and volume 8's final song ... Just hearing the first few notes is enough to bring up the emotions. So you can see how trying it can be to watch the series again from the beginning and to hear these few notes from the first appearance of Pyrrah... I'm a little less a fan of volume 7 ost, even if it is the one that is the most varied in my opinion and which brings together the most people. The one in volume 8 has not yet been released, but I already know that I will love it (and suffer too).


ok I'm gonna make this quick because I want to get to your reaction to the start of Vol. 7. Casey and Jeff voices are insane so good this is one of my favorite soundtracks. The songs about Monty and Pyrrah are so good and listening to back to back how can you not tear up. So good you ended it on the acoustic version of armed and ready to help lift the spirit some. Ok on to Vol. 7


Oooh love this soundtrack, so much great stuff going on. One Thing always really stands out to me, simply because we get so little insight into who Neo really is on the inside, what she's been through, what she's thinking, that this song is really the most in depth look into her character that we've ever gotten. It's tragic in a lot of ways, even if Roman wasn't exactly a great person, he was still the only thing that really mattered in Neo's life, and now without him the only thing she has left is this quest for revenge, and then after that, nothing. Nevermore, meanwhile, is probably my favourite song from the entire series. Probably, there's just so many amazing tracks across all the volumes that it's really hard to choose, but if nothing else it's definitely right up there. The whole thing just feels so powerful, beautifully communicating all the complicated emotions running through Blake and Yangs heads, and Adrienne does a fantastic job dueting with Casey! The two compliment each other really well, and this isn't the last rwby song that Adrienne features on either, so something to look forward to in the future!


Not gonna lie, I was ready to reach through the screen and shake you at the beginning of Indomitable. Lol. I still think this soundtrack is my favorite overall, but I honestly can't listen to Forever Fall or Indomitable without breaking down and crying. Watching your reaction brought back many of the same feels I went through upon the first time I listened to them myself. I'm now going to go watch your Volume 7 Chapter 1 reaction for some much needed excitement and positive vibes! :)

Jason S

You wanted a picture of Casey as Neo. Here you go. https://twitter.com/caseylwilliams/status/1192139157231017984

Derek Gaschler

Just started and she holds up a single tissue as preparation. Oh honey...

Derpy Trev

My favorite soundtrack is V7’s, imo it has the best one and I cannot wait for you to experience the songs coming!


Here are a few more notes people have alluded to about Nevermore (which is somehow my favorite song on the album despite all of them being ABSOLUTE BANGERS) - Nevermore is a direct response to Lionize, Adam's song, including a line from Yang that plainly states "The goal of a savior is not to be lionized" - "I'm more like an army now" is both a fantastic line and also an arm pun - "There's no cause to celebrate another soul consumed by hate and spite" Blake describes Adam to Sun as a personification of - and finally, that piano interlude between the first two verses is a reference to Blake's piano theme, which plays in both From Shadows and This Time (From Shadows pt. 2). Don't quote me on this, but I believe it's a much faster version of the From Shadows piano line. Even if it isn't identical, it's defintiely a reference to that song. Also, there isn't actually a lyrical song that plays during Blake, Yang, and Adam's fight. However, a score version of the intro to Nevermore does play when Blake and Yang grab the pieces of Gambal Shroud and stab Adam.


About Armed and Ready. The first time we heard it at the end of volume 4 the" She " was referring to Ruby. That's whose side Yang was rushing to. This time the "She" was Blake.

Haughtbreaker Nic

The song was never about Ruby. It was always about Yang's confrontation with Adam to save Blake.

Haughtbreaker Nic

Volume 6 is still my favorite soundtrack. You're not the only person that Indominable confused at first so don't feel embarrassed about it. I'm not a pyrrha/jaune shipper but Forever Fall ruins me every darn time. Literally no one expected Big Metal Shoe to slap as much as it did. Nevermore is my favorite on the album and I do appreciate that it points out that killing Adam was never the intended goal. (There was a LOT of drama in the fandom after that episode that I'm glad is over with). The acoustic version of Armed and Ready is actually Casey singing with a duo called The Hit Points. It's actually oddly timed that this weird bluegrass version of the song came out after v6 considering that hiatus, there was a horrible tumblr meme going around about a centaur Yang wearing a cowboy hat called a Yorse saying Bee-Haw. Yay now you're on V7. I already watched ch1's reaction which was a bad idea cause now I'm sitting here super depressed at my desk trying to work lol.


Wow...I missed Yang going to save Blake in either volume 4 or 5....my bad

Haughtbreaker Nic

If this is you commenting about Armed and Ready, I think you missed the fact that the song is about her having nightmares because of her PTSD after losing her arm while yes, going to save Blake during the fall of Beacon, which we actually saw her having in V4 and how they weren't just dreams, they were memories that she can't escape. It's literally the song that plays when she finally confronts Adam for the first time in V6.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:18:49 The acoustic version Country & Western rendition of Armed & Ready is an expansion of the music heard during Yang's initial fight with Raven's bandits back in Early Volume 5 after she drops Shay D. Mann off in the forest clearing and he comes back with his posse. Indeed some of the lyrics directly mock Shay in humorous fashion. And yes to the Applejack/MLP vibes. I think Yang & Barb would approve.
2021-05-19 01:06:19 The acoustic version Country & Western rendition of Armed & Ready is an expansion of the music heard during Yang's initial fight with Raven's bandits back in Early Volume 5 after she drops Shay D. Mann off in the forest clearing and he comes back with his posse. Indeed some of the lyrics directly mock Shay in humorous fashion. And yes to the Applejack/MLP vibes. I think Yang & Barb would approve.

The acoustic version Country & Western rendition of Armed & Ready is an expansion of the music heard during Yang's initial fight with Raven's bandits back in Early Volume 5 after she drops Shay D. Mann off in the forest clearing and he comes back with his posse. Indeed some of the lyrics directly mock Shay in humorous fashion. And yes to the Applejack/MLP vibes. I think Yang & Barb would approve.

John J Ronald

I think Indomintable has multiple layers of meaning but yes, it's ultimately a tribute song from CRWBY to Monty. I also was a bit slow on the uptake, recognizing the melody mainly as the music that plays during Ruby's final confrontation with the Leviathan....and she tries to make her eyes work with those happy memories....but her thoughts run dark as she remembers the loss of Pyrrha and the loss of Penny....and then needs to hit the "pause button" with Jinn. Ruby needed to re-focus on the positive, re-dedicating herself to "those we haven't lost yet...." --I think some of the lyrics also reflect the way that Summer Rose looked at Professor Ozpin, her Mentor (and now Ruby's mentor) ....and it was Ruby's childhood memory of Summer that finally clicked for her and let Ruby unleash her Silver Eye Blast enough to (partially) petrify the kaiju-sized Grimm.....


New treadmill running music that'll get me through the painful 40 mins🏃


Ohhhhhh I totally get breaking down over Indomitable!!!! It's so sad that Monty didn't get to see what RWBY became but I'll be forever grateful to him for creating this amazing world. That line definitely sums up where our crew is at right now, too!


Oh I just tear up every time I hear the nature references now!!! :'D Ahhh yes I really see what you mean about the reference in Miracle being about Ruby! So true that Roman would probably still be around had he not gotten mixed up in Salem's plans!!! And Big Metal Shoe was so surprising haha. Hahah Yang totally used Adam's own song title against him, so sweet!!! Nevermore is amazing for sure. Indomitable is beautiful, I love how much Jeff and CRWBY love and admire Monty and always pay tribute to him! And interesting that it could be from Ruby's perspective as well. Awww I don't blame you about Forever Fall! OHHHHH the final goal line....!!!!!! And I have a feeling you're right that Yang would enjoy the acoustic version lol. Yay!!!! So happy you enjoyed it!!!! Thanks!


Hi Spadeas!!!! Awww thank you for the hug! :) Miracle is awesome! OMG so cool that Jeff did that in one take! Big Metal Shoe is really fun! Interesting that we'll get more Bees discussion on what happened with Adam! OMG, it really is as if Monty was shining a light during that scene....ahhhh here I go tearing up again! Oh, I'm sure those notes hit extra hard when rewatching the first scenes of Pyrrah!!! :( Oh wow, can't wait for future volumes - so weird to think that I'm almost caught up and Vol 8 soundtrack isn't even out yet!!!

kamenriderhime (edited)

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2021-07-14 10:18:50 Ohhhh cool about this cover being an expansion of what we heard in Vol 5! Hehe glad you liked my Applejack comparison! I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who didn't quite put it together about Indomitable!!! >.< Ohhhhhhhh I never ever thought of the correlation with Summer!!! Such a great point! Thanks!
2021-05-20 14:19:17 Ohhhh cool about this cover being an expansion of what we heard in Vol 5! Hehe glad you liked my Applejack comparison! I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who didn't quite put it together about Indomitable!!! >.< Ohhhhhhhh I never ever thought of the correlation with Summer!!! Such a great point! Thanks!

Ohhhh cool about this cover being an expansion of what we heard in Vol 5! Hehe glad you liked my Applejack comparison! I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who didn't quite put it together about Indomitable!!! >.< Ohhhhhhhh I never ever thought of the correlation with Summer!!! Such a great point! Thanks!


Oh good, I'm so glad I'm not the only one lol. Forever Fall is sooo good yet unbearably emotional!! Big Metal Shoe was awesome! Ahhhh interesting about the fallout in the fandom over Adam's death....I was surprised too, I'll be interested to hear how they deal with it in the future! Oh very cool about Armed and Ready! Hahahahaha what?!?! I need to see that meme!!! Aww sorry, but hope you love the 7x01 reaction!!! :D Thanks!


Oh interesting! I always thought it was about Blake as well, but I suppose there can be different ways to interpret these things! :)


Nice, I had heard there was a correlation between the two songs!! OHHHHH the army line was a pun, I love it!!! I do remember the spite line now. Oh wow, did not catch the From Shadows piano line either!!! Very interesting! Thanks for all the info!

kamenriderhime (edited)

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2021-07-14 10:18:53 Ahhh I was so embarrassed for not getting it sooner &gt;.&lt; And yes, those songs are SO emotional! Hope you loved the 7x01 reaction!
2021-05-20 14:24:04 Ahhh I was so embarrassed for not getting it sooner >.< And yes, those songs are SO emotional! Hope you loved the 7x01 reaction!

Ahhh I was so embarrassed for not getting it sooner >.< And yes, those songs are SO emotional! Hope you loved the 7x01 reaction!


One Thing is such a great song! He really was her everything! Nevermore is amazing too! It really is hard to choose, I get it lol. Adrienne was great too! OHHHHH so happy she'll be back, yay!


Oh they are just killing it with this music! And I was so unprepared for how emotional those two songs would be (well, I knew it was coming with Forever Fall a bit more). Yes so glad I finished off with Armed and Ready, the wild west edition haha. Hope you loved my Vol. 7 reaction!!!

Kayleigh McRae

yeah before realizing it was Monty I thought it was Summer talking about Ozpin. And in a way you can say it fits. But I also can't take that away from what it means in the real world, outside of the show.


It does make some sense! Definitely a tribute at the heart of the song, like you said, but it's interesting that there can be other interpretations!

Supermonaman (edited)

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2021-07-14 10:18:49 I love this soundtrack so damn much. It’s 1 of my favorite and potentially 1 of if not the best soundtracks. Although it’s hard to say either of those things with absolute certainty because of how amazing all the soundtracks are. Ahh, Rising definitely up there as 1 of my favorite openings. I love how it starts out like most of the openings being fast-paced rock but then subverts expectations and slows down for a little while. Represents the represents like you I love the nature references in the lyrics but especially the river knows to reach the sea because to me it represents the journey the characters go on in this volume of having to fight for what they know is right and find the way even with the obstacles in their way. I also love the lines that represent their determination to fight against the darkness no matter what like stand firm, outlast. I love seeing Casey getting to do a faster singing part than she usually does talking about how strong the characters are. Also once again there's the great moment towards the end of the song where the music cuts out and you just hear Casey and Jeff harmonizing. Great bittersweet references to things Pyrrha said. Also great drums and guitar in the song. The thing I love most about the artwork in the lyric video is how fierce/determined they look and how their semblances into the art itself. Now onto the amazing Miracle which is such a dark but ultimately hopeful song. I love how it starts out talking about all of the hardships they have gone through and how they are getting tired, slowly losing hope and succumbing to despair. Of particular interest the lyric our triumphs haven’t mattered is a reference to volume 5’s opening being called Triumph and that it was mostly about them building themselves up and becoming stronger again. The line where’s our happy ending is really hard hitting in this show in my opinion. I like the use of the word strayed because it’s a word connected to Blake. I love that the miracle in the song is actually the silver eyes because it mentions how it’s powered by life. Even though it’s extremely dark I love all the darkness of the end of the song with the hopelessness, pointlessness and negativity and mentions of monsters that represents despair because it’s the entire theme of volume 6. The instrumental of this song is great but my favorite part of it is how the instrumental reflects the lyrics so damn well more than other songs in my opinion particularly the darkest parts of the song. Someone said it was like Salem hijacked the song. I do like that it ends on a hopeful note. I love how the artwork for the lyric video makes everyone look fierce and awesome but my favorites are how Jaune and Nora look. Now onto a song I love a lot One Thing. The reason I love it so much is because it gives us much needed insight into Neo even if the songs are never completely canon but my favorite thing is that it gives us so much insight even though the song is basically just about her wanting to murder Cinder. It being such a sad song about Neo’s feelings, loss and grief regarding Roman. Nice catch about the Roman candle reference. The idea that Neo either never had a name and was an orphan or didn’t want to remember her original name because of trauma is so upsetting and sad. However Roman potentially giving her a name and caring for her is so heartwarming. The song is so good at representing her love and anger. The best part about this song is when the music cuts out and it’s just singing harmony as Neo talks about how happy in an almost sexual way she will be when she kills Cinder sexual because of the words sweet release without trying to be gross. The artwork of vengeful Neo is so awesome but the rain being there representing her grief is so sad. Now onto a great song about the crazy, well-written and pitiable Adam Lionized. The title means getting public attention and/or praise which connects a lot to his character and how in the character short they have people praising his violent actions. I love how it starts off soft because to me it represents him as a child or when he was actually trying to do good for his people. Also it starting off with a piano works really well because of his connection to Blake. Also this song is as close as you can be to a metal song without being one. I love how the song is just the story of his life from his thoughts about leaders being weak and him being the answer/hero and his descent into madness, obsession and violence. It’s so amazing that the vocals reflect Adam’s anger, spite and violent personality. Also I think this is Jeff Williams best performance so far with how high-pitched and raspy I guess he’s able to go at least in my opinion and other male musicians have talked about this being very impressive. This song is a perfect encapsulation of this character and the last line about turning the tables is such a good endpoint because that’s where the character was at the end in addition to his delusions of being the hero. Also once again this song has a lot of things that you can’t blame him for feeling only for his actions because of those feelings. The artwork is 1 of my favorite pieces of Adam artwork with the glass breaking and glowing sword. Now on to the most unexpected song of the soundtrack Big Metal Shoe. I like that it starts with a music box pop goes the weasel to be different and throw so many of us off. This song has no right to be as much of a banger as it is considering it’s just a song based entirely on fairytales/rhymes references. Also I’m pretty sure Jeff came up with the idea of the song simply because of Cordovin being based on the old lady who lived in a shoe. My favorite part of the song is that it’s just our group talking about how they’re going to kick this old woman’s ass. My favorite references in the song are to Penny, Ruby and Weiss’s references. Also someone counted all the references to fairytales/rhymes and there’s 22 of them which is crazy. Finally I will never know how Lamar raps so quickly. Now onto my favorite and 3rd longest song Nevermore. I love that the title is based on the giant bird Grimm which in turn is based on Edgar Allan Poe’s poem. I think it’s incredible that the song is the story of Yang and Blake before and since volume 3 and how it's all about the connections between these 3 characters and the effect they have had on each other. I love that it’s a duet between the new singer Adrienne Cowan as Yang and Casey as Blake and them harmonizing is 1 of my favorite parts of the song because it is so beautiful. It being from Yang and Blake perspective talking about the past and future as well as talking about/towards Adam is just perfect. I like that starts off with Yang talking about not being afraid and Blake talking about not running away. Also it’s so heartwarming that after all the hardship and trauma they are starting to put it behind them and slowly starting to accept what happened and find freedom moving forward. I think it was brilliant to have the Yang portion of the lyrics having a direct call out towards Adam using the title of his own song and both of them being directly against his ideology. I love all the references/direct lines to stuff said in the fight as well as the trauma/abuse Adam inflicted on them and how they have changed since volume 3. I’m so glad they had the part of the song talking about how tragic his death is and how they didn’t want to do it but he just wouldn’t stop making reference to how upset Blake was because even though he did so many terrible things to her and Yang and just in general he still was someone she at one point loved. The lyric “he’ll see the light of day nevermore” is so tough directly talking about his death. The best lyrics are probably “You may have taken the lead but I’ll even the score You won the battle you won’t win the war Not now and Nevermore” in my opinion. The artwork for this lyric video is so beautiful in its simplicity. Now onto 1 of the most beautiful songs created by Jeff and Casey in the show so far in my opinion Indomitable. Don’t be embarrassed about not getting that it was a Monty song right away at least you figured it out during the song I didn’t figure it out until I saw people talking about it. Although to be fair to myself this was when it 1st came out and there was no lyric video or artwork to help figure it out. Now to start off I want to talk about how beautiful the piano and drum instrumental and choir like singing is and I have a hard time saying this for sure but I think this is the most powerful and emotional Casey has ever sounded in part because of her skill and in part because of Jeff’s songwriting skill. I love how so many of the lyrics are either references to Monty and his philosophies/ideologies and things he’s actually said or how people felt about him. I think it’s beautiful how the song represents how his friends or even people who only knew of him felt about him and his death. The idea that someone’s creations/art can transcend the creators death and how death isn’t necessarily the end. It reminds me of a quote from One Piece saying that a man only dies when he is forgotten. I think Monty is a truly inspiring person and he inspires me as well in my life. The frame by frame line is a reference to the animation process which involves using animation frames in some way I’m just not very knowledgeable about animation. I love but also it hurts that the song near the end talks about how unexpected his death was and the grief it caused but the hopeful/inspiring note it ends on is great. It doesn’t make me cry every time now but when I 1st learned it was a Monty song it definitely did. You can’t imagine the amount of support and tributes or things inspired by him like videos, artwork and writing there were after his death. One story which I don’t remember the complete details of was that someone anonymously left a large amount of flowers and bouquets at the entrance to RT’s main building which is so heartwarming and sweet. The idea that someone’s spirit or who you are is much stronger than the body is so beautiful and powerful. Finally this artwork of the main 4 girls all around Monty is perfectly beautiful even though it’s simplistic. Now onto the sad/bittersweet song Forever Fall. I love that it’s an entire song about Jaune and Pyrrha’s feelings for each other. I don’t think I need to talk about the song too much but I love how it discusses the idea of love and life and how temporary it can be. I love the idea of them being so connected that even death can’t stop it. It's so beautifully sad but uplifting at the same time. I love how it’s a slow piano instrumental and slow singing as well as it sounding like a lullaby. I love how the interpretation that it’s Jaune talking to her spirit and that it’s Pyrrha’s spirit talking to him are both correct even though it’s clearly slanted a little bit more towards being from Pyrrha’s perspective. I’m glad the person who put your playlist together chose this lyric video instead of Flynt’s because even though the artwork he chose of Jaune approaching the statue still fits this artwork of this ethereal/spiritual design of Pyrrha in the forest of Forever Fall fits so much more in my opinion. Also of course they have the 2 saddest songs back to back. 1 reaction channel used a spin wheel to choose the order of songs to react to got these 2 back to back and decided not to do that because they had a feeling they would get tour emotional and they were right. Now onto the best acoustic version of the song so far Armed and Ready (Acoustic). I agree with many others that I love that it’s a bluegrass/country version of the song. Also you can definitely hear Casey and the other singers having/affecting/putting on an American southern accent and that’s amazing. You can totally imagine Yang as an old time cowboy going west searching for or trying to run from something. I’m not as into or as much of a fan anymore but I am still a fan of the present day MLP so I loved your comparison between this artwork of Yang and Applejack it works so well. This was a fantastic reaction and I can't wait to see what you think of volume 7’s soundtrack. Keep up the great work. :-) &lt;3
2021-05-30 21:53:18 I love this soundtrack so damn much. It’s 1 of my favorite and potentially 1 of if not the best soundtracks. Although it’s hard to say either of those things with absolute certainty because of how amazing all the soundtracks are. Ahh, Rising definitely up there as 1 of my favorite openings. I love how it starts out like most of the openings being fast-paced rock but then subverts expectations and slows down for a little while. Represents the represents like you I love the nature references in the lyrics but especially the river knows to reach the sea because to me it represents the journey the characters go on in this volume of having to fight for what they know is right and find the way even with the obstacles in their way. I also love the lines that represent their determination to fight against the darkness no matter what like stand firm, outlast. I love seeing Casey getting to do a faster singing part than she usually does talking about how strong the characters are. Also once again there's the great moment towards the end of the song where the music cuts out and you just hear Casey and Jeff harmonizing. Great bittersweet references to things Pyrrha said. Also great drums and guitar in the song. The thing I love most about the artwork in the lyric video is how fierce/determined they look and how their semblances into the art itself. Now onto the amazing Miracle which is such a dark but ultimately hopeful song. I love how it starts out talking about all of the hardships they have gone through and how they are getting tired, slowly losing hope and succumbing to despair. Of particular interest the lyric our triumphs haven’t mattered is a reference to volume 5’s opening being called Triumph and that it was mostly about them building themselves up and becoming stronger again. The line where’s our happy ending is really hard hitting in this show in my opinion. I like the use of the word strayed because it’s a word connected to Blake. I love that the miracle in the song is actually the silver eyes because it mentions how it’s powered by life. Even though it’s extremely dark I love all the darkness of the end of the song with the hopelessness, pointlessness and negativity and mentions of monsters that represents despair because it’s the entire theme of volume 6. The instrumental of this song is great but my favorite part of it is how the instrumental reflects the lyrics so damn well more than other songs in my opinion particularly the darkest parts of the song. Someone said it was like Salem hijacked the song. I do like that it ends on a hopeful note. I love how the artwork for the lyric video makes everyone look fierce and awesome but my favorites are how Jaune and Nora look. Now onto a song I love a lot One Thing. The reason I love it so much is because it gives us much needed insight into Neo even if the songs are never completely canon but my favorite thing is that it gives us so much insight even though the song is basically just about her wanting to murder Cinder. It being such a sad song about Neo’s feelings, loss and grief regarding Roman. Nice catch about the Roman candle reference. The idea that Neo either never had a name and was an orphan or didn’t want to remember her original name because of trauma is so upsetting and sad. However Roman potentially giving her a name and caring for her is so heartwarming. The song is so good at representing her love and anger. The best part about this song is when the music cuts out and it’s just singing harmony as Neo talks about how happy in an almost sexual way she will be when she kills Cinder sexual because of the words sweet release without trying to be gross. The artwork of vengeful Neo is so awesome but the rain being there representing her grief is so sad. Now onto a great song about the crazy, well-written and pitiable Adam Lionized. The title means getting public attention and/or praise which connects a lot to his character and how in the character short they have people praising his violent actions. I love how it starts off soft because to me it represents him as a child or when he was actually trying to do good for his people. Also it starting off with a piano works really well because of his connection to Blake. Also this song is as close as you can be to a metal song without being one. I love how the song is just the story of his life from his thoughts about leaders being weak and him being the answer/hero and his descent into madness, obsession and violence. It’s so amazing that the vocals reflect Adam’s anger, spite and violent personality. Also I think this is Jeff Williams best performance so far with how high-pitched and raspy I guess he’s able to go at least in my opinion and other male musicians have talked about this being very impressive. This song is a perfect encapsulation of this character and the last line about turning the tables is such a good endpoint because that’s where the character was at the end in addition to his delusions of being the hero. Also once again this song has a lot of things that you can’t blame him for feeling only for his actions because of those feelings. The artwork is 1 of my favorite pieces of Adam artwork with the glass breaking and glowing sword. Now on to the most unexpected song of the soundtrack Big Metal Shoe. I like that it starts with a music box pop goes the weasel to be different and throw so many of us off. This song has no right to be as much of a banger as it is considering it’s just a song based entirely on fairytales/rhymes references. Also I’m pretty sure Jeff came up with the idea of the song simply because of Cordovin being based on the old lady who lived in a shoe. My favorite part of the song is that it’s just our group talking about how they’re going to kick this old woman’s ass. My favorite references in the song are to Penny, Ruby and Weiss’s references. Also someone counted all the references to fairytales/rhymes and there’s 22 of them which is crazy. Finally I will never know how Lamar raps so quickly. Now onto my favorite and 3rd longest song Nevermore. I love that the title is based on the giant bird Grimm which in turn is based on Edgar Allan Poe’s poem. I think it’s incredible that the song is the story of Yang and Blake before and since volume 3 and how it's all about the connections between these 3 characters and the effect they have had on each other. I love that it’s a duet between the new singer Adrienne Cowan as Yang and Casey as Blake and them harmonizing is 1 of my favorite parts of the song because it is so beautiful. It being from Yang and Blake perspective talking about the past and future as well as talking about/towards Adam is just perfect. I like that starts off with Yang talking about not being afraid and Blake talking about not running away. Also it’s so heartwarming that after all the hardship and trauma they are starting to put it behind them and slowly starting to accept what happened and find freedom moving forward. I think it was brilliant to have the Yang portion of the lyrics having a direct call out towards Adam using the title of his own song and both of them being directly against his ideology. I love all the references/direct lines to stuff said in the fight as well as the trauma/abuse Adam inflicted on them and how they have changed since volume 3. I’m so glad they had the part of the song talking about how tragic his death is and how they didn’t want to do it but he just wouldn’t stop making reference to how upset Blake was because even though he did so many terrible things to her and Yang and just in general he still was someone she at one point loved. The lyric “he’ll see the light of day nevermore” is so tough directly talking about his death. The best lyrics are probably “You may have taken the lead but I’ll even the score You won the battle you won’t win the war Not now and Nevermore” in my opinion. The artwork for this lyric video is so beautiful in its simplicity. Now onto 1 of the most beautiful songs created by Jeff and Casey in the show so far in my opinion Indomitable. Don’t be embarrassed about not getting that it was a Monty song right away at least you figured it out during the song I didn’t figure it out until I saw people talking about it. Although to be fair to myself this was when it 1st came out and there was no lyric video or artwork to help figure it out. Now to start off I want to talk about how beautiful the piano and drum instrumental and choir like singing is and I have a hard time saying this for sure but I think this is the most powerful and emotional Casey has ever sounded in part because of her skill and in part because of Jeff’s songwriting skill. I love how so many of the lyrics are either references to Monty and his philosophies/ideologies and things he’s actually said or how people felt about him. I think it’s beautiful how the song represents how his friends or even people who only knew of him felt about him and his death. The idea that someone’s creations/art can transcend the creators death and how death isn’t necessarily the end. It reminds me of a quote from One Piece saying that a man only dies when he is forgotten. I think Monty is a truly inspiring person and he inspires me as well in my life. The frame by frame line is a reference to the animation process which involves using animation frames in some way I’m just not very knowledgeable about animation. I love but also it hurts that the song near the end talks about how unexpected his death was and the grief it caused but the hopeful/inspiring note it ends on is great. It doesn’t make me cry every time now but when I 1st learned it was a Monty song it definitely did. You can’t imagine the amount of support and tributes or things inspired by him like videos, artwork and writing there were after his death. One story which I don’t remember the complete details of was that someone anonymously left a large amount of flowers and bouquets at the entrance to RT’s main building which is so heartwarming and sweet. The idea that someone’s spirit or who you are is much stronger than the body is so beautiful and powerful. Finally this artwork of the main 4 girls all around Monty is perfectly beautiful even though it’s simplistic. Now onto the sad/bittersweet song Forever Fall. I love that it’s an entire song about Jaune and Pyrrha’s feelings for each other. I don’t think I need to talk about the song too much but I love how it discusses the idea of love and life and how temporary it can be. I love the idea of them being so connected that even death can’t stop it. It's so beautifully sad but uplifting at the same time. I love how it’s a slow piano instrumental and slow singing as well as it sounding like a lullaby. I love how the interpretation that it’s Jaune talking to her spirit and that it’s Pyrrha’s spirit talking to him are both correct even though it’s clearly slanted a little bit more towards being from Pyrrha’s perspective. I’m glad the person who put your playlist together chose this lyric video instead of Flynt’s because even though the artwork he chose of Jaune approaching the statue still fits this artwork of this ethereal/spiritual design of Pyrrha in the forest of Forever Fall fits so much more in my opinion. Also of course they have the 2 saddest songs back to back. 1 reaction channel used a spin wheel to choose the order of songs to react to got these 2 back to back and decided not to do that because they had a feeling they would get tour emotional and they were right. Now onto the best acoustic version of the song so far Armed and Ready (Acoustic). I agree with many others that I love that it’s a bluegrass/country version of the song. Also you can definitely hear Casey and the other singers having/affecting/putting on an American southern accent and that’s amazing. You can totally imagine Yang as an old time cowboy going west searching for or trying to run from something. I’m not as into or as much of a fan anymore but I am still a fan of the present day MLP so I loved your comparison between this artwork of Yang and Applejack it works so well. This was a fantastic reaction and I can't wait to see what you think of volume 7’s soundtrack. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this soundtrack so damn much. It’s 1 of my favorite and potentially 1 of if not the best soundtracks. Although it’s hard to say either of those things with absolute certainty because of how amazing all the soundtracks are. Ahh, Rising definitely up there as 1 of my favorite openings. I love how it starts out like most of the openings being fast-paced rock but then subverts expectations and slows down for a little while. Represents the represents like you I love the nature references in the lyrics but especially the river knows to reach the sea because to me it represents the journey the characters go on in this volume of having to fight for what they know is right and find the way even with the obstacles in their way. I also love the lines that represent their determination to fight against the darkness no matter what like stand firm, outlast. I love seeing Casey getting to do a faster singing part than she usually does talking about how strong the characters are. Also once again there's the great moment towards the end of the song where the music cuts out and you just hear Casey and Jeff harmonizing. Great bittersweet references to things Pyrrha said. Also great drums and guitar in the song. The thing I love most about the artwork in the lyric video is how fierce/determined they look and how their semblances into the art itself. Now onto the amazing Miracle which is such a dark but ultimately hopeful song. I love how it starts out talking about all of the hardships they have gone through and how they are getting tired, slowly losing hope and succumbing to despair. Of particular interest the lyric our triumphs haven’t mattered is a reference to volume 5’s opening being called Triumph and that it was mostly about them building themselves up and becoming stronger again. The line where’s our happy ending is really hard hitting in this show in my opinion. I like the use of the word strayed because it’s a word connected to Blake. I love that the miracle in the song is actually the silver eyes because it mentions how it’s powered by life. Even though it’s extremely dark I love all the darkness of the end of the song with the hopelessness, pointlessness and negativity and mentions of monsters that represents despair because it’s the entire theme of volume 6. The instrumental of this song is great but my favorite part of it is how the instrumental reflects the lyrics so damn well more than other songs in my opinion particularly the darkest parts of the song. Someone said it was like Salem hijacked the song. I do like that it ends on a hopeful note. I love how the artwork for the lyric video makes everyone look fierce and awesome but my favorites are how Jaune and Nora look. Now onto a song I love a lot One Thing. The reason I love it so much is because it gives us much needed insight into Neo even if the songs are never completely canon but my favorite thing is that it gives us so much insight even though the song is basically just about her wanting to murder Cinder. It being such a sad song about Neo’s feelings, loss and grief regarding Roman. Nice catch about the Roman candle reference. The idea that Neo either never had a name and was an orphan or didn’t want to remember her original name because of trauma is so upsetting and sad. However Roman potentially giving her a name and caring for her is so heartwarming. The song is so good at representing her love and anger. The best part about this song is when the music cuts out and it’s just singing harmony as Neo talks about how happy in an almost sexual way she will be when she kills Cinder sexual because of the words sweet release without trying to be gross. The artwork of vengeful Neo is so awesome but the rain being there representing her grief is so sad. Now onto a great song about the crazy, well-written and pitiable Adam Lionized. The title means getting public attention and/or praise which connects a lot to his character and how in the character short they have people praising his violent actions. I love how it starts off soft because to me it represents him as a child or when he was actually trying to do good for his people. Also it starting off with a piano works really well because of his connection to Blake. Also this song is as close as you can be to a metal song without being one. I love how the song is just the story of his life from his thoughts about leaders being weak and him being the answer/hero and his descent into madness, obsession and violence. It’s so amazing that the vocals reflect Adam’s anger, spite and violent personality. Also I think this is Jeff Williams best performance so far with how high-pitched and raspy I guess he’s able to go at least in my opinion and other male musicians have talked about this being very impressive. This song is a perfect encapsulation of this character and the last line about turning the tables is such a good endpoint because that’s where the character was at the end in addition to his delusions of being the hero. Also once again this song has a lot of things that you can’t blame him for feeling only for his actions because of those feelings. The artwork is 1 of my favorite pieces of Adam artwork with the glass breaking and glowing sword. Now on to the most unexpected song of the soundtrack Big Metal Shoe. I like that it starts with a music box pop goes the weasel to be different and throw so many of us off. This song has no right to be as much of a banger as it is considering it’s just a song based entirely on fairytales/rhymes references. Also I’m pretty sure Jeff came up with the idea of the song simply because of Cordovin being based on the old lady who lived in a shoe. My favorite part of the song is that it’s just our group talking about how they’re going to kick this old woman’s ass. My favorite references in the song are to Penny, Ruby and Weiss’s references. Also someone counted all the references to fairytales/rhymes and there’s 22 of them which is crazy. Finally I will never know how Lamar raps so quickly. Now onto my favorite and 3rd longest song Nevermore. I love that the title is based on the giant bird Grimm which in turn is based on Edgar Allan Poe’s poem. I think it’s incredible that the song is the story of Yang and Blake before and since volume 3 and how it's all about the connections between these 3 characters and the effect they have had on each other. I love that it’s a duet between the new singer Adrienne Cowan as Yang and Casey as Blake and them harmonizing is 1 of my favorite parts of the song because it is so beautiful. It being from Yang and Blake perspective talking about the past and future as well as talking about/towards Adam is just perfect. I like that starts off with Yang talking about not being afraid and Blake talking about not running away. Also it’s so heartwarming that after all the hardship and trauma they are starting to put it behind them and slowly starting to accept what happened and find freedom moving forward. I think it was brilliant to have the Yang portion of the lyrics having a direct call out towards Adam using the title of his own song and both of them being directly against his ideology. I love all the references/direct lines to stuff said in the fight as well as the trauma/abuse Adam inflicted on them and how they have changed since volume 3. I’m so glad they had the part of the song talking about how tragic his death is and how they didn’t want to do it but he just wouldn’t stop making reference to how upset Blake was because even though he did so many terrible things to her and Yang and just in general he still was someone she at one point loved. The lyric “he’ll see the light of day nevermore” is so tough directly talking about his death. The best lyrics are probably “You may have taken the lead but I’ll even the score You won the battle you won’t win the war Not now and Nevermore” in my opinion. The artwork for this lyric video is so beautiful in its simplicity. Now onto 1 of the most beautiful songs created by Jeff and Casey in the show so far in my opinion Indomitable. Don’t be embarrassed about not getting that it was a Monty song right away at least you figured it out during the song I didn’t figure it out until I saw people talking about it. Although to be fair to myself this was when it 1st came out and there was no lyric video or artwork to help figure it out. Now to start off I want to talk about how beautiful the piano and drum instrumental and choir like singing is and I have a hard time saying this for sure but I think this is the most powerful and emotional Casey has ever sounded in part because of her skill and in part because of Jeff’s songwriting skill. I love how so many of the lyrics are either references to Monty and his philosophies/ideologies and things he’s actually said or how people felt about him. I think it’s beautiful how the song represents how his friends or even people who only knew of him felt about him and his death. The idea that someone’s creations/art can transcend the creators death and how death isn’t necessarily the end. It reminds me of a quote from One Piece saying that a man only dies when he is forgotten. I think Monty is a truly inspiring person and he inspires me as well in my life. The frame by frame line is a reference to the animation process which involves using animation frames in some way I’m just not very knowledgeable about animation. I love but also it hurts that the song near the end talks about how unexpected his death was and the grief it caused but the hopeful/inspiring note it ends on is great. It doesn’t make me cry every time now but when I 1st learned it was a Monty song it definitely did. You can’t imagine the amount of support and tributes or things inspired by him like videos, artwork and writing there were after his death. One story which I don’t remember the complete details of was that someone anonymously left a large amount of flowers and bouquets at the entrance to RT’s main building which is so heartwarming and sweet. The idea that someone’s spirit or who you are is much stronger than the body is so beautiful and powerful. Finally this artwork of the main 4 girls all around Monty is perfectly beautiful even though it’s simplistic. Now onto the sad/bittersweet song Forever Fall. I love that it’s an entire song about Jaune and Pyrrha’s feelings for each other. I don’t think I need to talk about the song too much but I love how it discusses the idea of love and life and how temporary it can be. I love the idea of them being so connected that even death can’t stop it. It's so beautifully sad but uplifting at the same time. I love how it’s a slow piano instrumental and slow singing as well as it sounding like a lullaby. I love how the interpretation that it’s Jaune talking to her spirit and that it’s Pyrrha’s spirit talking to him are both correct even though it’s clearly slanted a little bit more towards being from Pyrrha’s perspective. I’m glad the person who put your playlist together chose this lyric video instead of Flynt’s because even though the artwork he chose of Jaune approaching the statue still fits this artwork of this ethereal/spiritual design of Pyrrha in the forest of Forever Fall fits so much more in my opinion. Also of course they have the 2 saddest songs back to back. 1 reaction channel used a spin wheel to choose the order of songs to react to got these 2 back to back and decided not to do that because they had a feeling they would get tour emotional and they were right. Now onto the best acoustic version of the song so far Armed and Ready (Acoustic). I agree with many others that I love that it’s a bluegrass/country version of the song. Also you can definitely hear Casey and the other singers having/affecting/putting on an American southern accent and that’s amazing. You can totally imagine Yang as an old time cowboy going west searching for or trying to run from something. I’m not as into or as much of a fan anymore but I am still a fan of the present day MLP so I loved your comparison between this artwork of Yang and Applejack it works so well. This was a fantastic reaction and I can't wait to see what you think of volume 7’s soundtrack. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


Almost forgot but the banjo instrumental is fantastic and the artwork in the lyric video for the acoustic song is amazing. Also I'm glad someone else told you about the cursed memes because um… Yikes I would rather not think about them LOL.


Such a great soundtrack that encompasses so many ranges of emotions!!! The Pyrrha references, the helplessness that ultimately ends with a dash of hope, Neo's trauma, Adam's transformation represented by Jeff's crazy good vocals, the surprisingly good and clever Big Metal Shoe, the wonderfully layered Nevermore, the heartbreakingly amazing tribute to Monty, the beautiful and sad Forever Fall, Casey's awesome southern accent and reimagining Yang as a cowgirl - it all works soooo well!!! I love the story about the flowers someone left for Monty, and it's so true that the idea that what we do/who we are outlives our bodies is for sure powerful. Thanks for being understanding that I didn't get it right away! LOVE that quote from One Piece, btw! And hahaha so happy you liked my MLP reference!!! ^_^ OMG I think I need to see this meme...or maybe it's better if I never see it?? Lol thanks for sharing your thoughts and for all your support and encouragement!!!

Aundry Vue

And yet despite with songs like Indomitable and Forever Fall, I still keep on hearing people saying that Rooster Teeth and the people in CRWBY has tarnished everything Monty has made and how the RWBY is dying and Rooster Teeth is destined to go bankrupt and fail. I still can't believe people like that exist and it can't be helped I'm afraid, there is and will always be toxicity in every fandom and I don't know when it will stop or if it will ever be stopped. Sorry about all of that, I just need to let that out. Indomitable It is my favorite song in Volume 6 and I was like, how can you say that Rooster Teeth has tarnished Monty's legacy when they literally made a song that dedicates everything that Monty himself have made and done!? Like HOW!? Ugh it frustrates me a lot! In fact it almost made me think that the Satellite Ark (from Kamen Rider Zero-One) has a valid point on humanity as a whole!


Ah that is a terrible shame!!! I suppose you're right that it's there in every fandom, sadly. But I'm happy that all the folks watching with me are positive and productive in their fandom!! ^_^ No worries at all, I hear you!!! The sad fact of the world is, there's tons of negativity and bad stuff everywhere you look - even in something awesome like a fandom. What I like about RWBY is it stresses that it's not about try to avoid or eliminate all the badness, but enjoying, appreciating and defending all of the great stuff and people that still exist in the world :D Because there is a LOT of it even if it doesn't always seem like it!!!