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Hey everyone!!!  Here it is - my reaction to vol 7 episode 1 of RWBY!!!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YOU GUYS!!!!!!  I can't even believe it!!!!  How?!?!  How did you manage to keep this from me for so long?!?!  You guys ROCK when it comes to avoiding spoilers!!!!  In addition to the absolutely massive highlight of this ep, it was also fun to see more of Atlas and meet a very special dad too.  The animation got better somehow, we meet some new characters towards the end, we have an awesome moment of Weiss kicking butt, etc.!!!  What more could anyone ask for?!!?  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be celebrating this glorious return!!!!!  Oh, I think Vol. 7 is gonna be a good one for sure!!!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


RWBY 7x01 full reaction.mp4


Zen Reacts

I will tell you I watched this chapter 3 times immediately after it aired and I was an ugly crying mess the whole time


One of my favourite things about RWBY every time you think the visuals can't posable get any better they always manage to one up them selfs each volume also you pretty much hit the nail on the head with the Ace Ops inspirations you might be able to guess witch ones each are based on once they get a proper introduction

Zen Reacts

I had the same thought about Pietro's bow and immediately knew once he said he had a daughter.


You have no idea just how much I've been looking forward to you getting to this chapter! Ahhhhhh it's so good. A few small things first, you can really tell that crwby has kicked things up a notch when it comes to their environmental design, Mantle just looks stunning, with the moody lighting, hazy skies, and streets full of patrolling military robots and dejected citizens, it looks incredible and goes a long way to letting you know everything that's going on in this place. Second, the theme for this season, Trust Love, is easily my favourite from the whole series. There's so many good ones that I wouldn't blame anyone for having a different opinion, but it's just so boppy and positive, and with really cool visuals the whole way through, that I can't go past it. And then for the elephant in the room, Pennyyyyyyyyyyyy my girl! I'm sure you can imagine how crazy people were going back when this aired, close to 4 years since her death in volume 3 and now she's finally back! And oh, what a return, her and Ruby reuniting always just warms my heart, from Ruby's expression, so full of shock and joy, to the way Penny's eyes light up when she notices that Ruby is there. And of course, the biggest hug ever to round things out. Back when this came out I'd never been too big on the Penny and Ruby ship (Nuts and Dolts), but this scene alone really just opened my heart to it, not to mention everything between them still to come. In either case, whether you view it with an element of romance or just as an affectionate friendship, it's still just so incredibly precious, makes me emotional every time.


Justa bout to watch your reaction, I remember my reaction to this I was not expecting it lol I advise if you to buy The RWBY Companion book on their store it came out just after V6 so it doesnt have spoilers for future volumes, but its a 200 page book about CRWBY RWBY the world the Grimm photos of the staff etc its a marvellous read you will love it, I dont think its that expensive either :)


First things first, V7 still surprises me with how much they were able to upgrade the animation again in just a year. And yay! Military propaganda! As you can see, Mantle doesn't take too kindly to being told everything is going to be fine, and then being the only ones to deal with military robo soldiers patrolling the streets (these robo-soldiers that suck at fighting Grimm) and being under seemingly constant monitorization. I understand wanting to keep your citizens safe...but this seems like a bit much. And if Ironwood was trying to reduce panic and unrest...well this seems like it will only do the opposite. As seen in this episode, when the giant hole in Mantle's outer wall allows in Grimm who are all to eager to race in. But more on that later. I don't know if you remember but in the Huntsmen World of Remnant episode, it's stated that Ironwood conducts strictly military lifestyle with the students at Atlas academy and then indoctrinates them into the Atlas Military in the Special Ops unit (like Winter). Meaning the Atlas way of doing things is vastly different to the Beacon way of doing things. But yikes, we finally get to see the way the lower class and faunus truly live in and are treated in Atlas and that's worrying. Especially when Weiss, someone who hails from Atlas had no idea whether or not that way of life is normal or not. (Not like that's Weiss's fault tho). Big indicator there on how much Atlas knows. Yang kicking that drone into traffic and being bashful about it is so adorable. "Atlas is the greatest kingdom in the world!" Patriotism! Blind Patriotism! It's so fun! Yes, we love Pietro! Pietro is amazing! He's so humble and just good! He and Maria have such a cute dynamic! But that conversation about Ironwood kind of rings true for his entire run on the show; whether or not it was justified he has always been paranoid about the fight ahead. That's why he brought his army to Vale, that's why he under minded Oz with the council. He wanted to always be a prepared - and I can't fault that, especially since Oz was completely unprepared for the Fall of Beacon himself. What I don't like is how he believes his way is the best way to handle EVERYTHING. But yeah, his paranoia definitely wouldn't be any better with the fact that he thinks its someone from Atlas that hacked their robots, so let's see how that plays into things. ALSO THAT FIGHT WAS GREAT! I had just managed to get into the show before Volume 7 and saw this fight before it was animated like a few others at RTX, and god did it have me hyped for V7! But this fight really showcases how far everyone has come from their Beacon days, and they are awesome! Plus spot the epic Weiss moments and Bee moment! GOD YOU WILL NEVER KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO KEEP FROM SPOILING YOU ON THIS MOMENT! IT WAS SO HARD! This moment is one of the many iconic moments of the show, and of course the reveal is a silhouette against the moon. A staple for RWBY reveals (i.e. the trailers). And the slow morph of realization on your face was so similar to Ruby's that I couldn't help but chuckle. Such a wonderful moment, and a healing one too in Ruby's case. Also a pretty solid explanation on way she's back, but how did they account for her soul? Pretty sure you can't magic that up. Now, welcome to the best Atlas seems to offer, the Ace Operatives! Like mentioned earlier, very militaristic. It does irritate me that, despite their active effort to fight off Grimm that could have potential harmed people, the kids were arrested for "unauthorized use of weapons, by non licensed huntsmen". If the kids hadn't have jumped in, who knows what those Grimm would have done before Penny showed up. Priorities just seem whack to me that's all. And now we're off to higher up Atlas, the relic has been taken by what seems to be this Superman boyscout type of character and they are all in handcuffs (besides Maria who literally just walked away before she was associated with kids and therefore arrested! XD. Thx Maria.). It can only get better right? Also Trust Love is such a good song and this intro is so anime, which is always amazing! But yeah, amazing reactions to both this chapter and the soundtrack! I look forward to next weeks two, because I'm really interested to hear your thoughts on them! But either way, hope you have a great day and see ya next reaction!


Also Jaune looking like a snack hubba hubba x


Hi Hime or rather Sa Lu Tationnnnnn :D It was hard to not console you after the death of Penny, knowing that she will be back. But but considering your reaction, it was worth it :D. And yes, the whole team will have a new look, as for volume 4 in short, You know what a new look means, we enter a new story arc, after Beacon, Haven, welcome to the Atlas arc. I just want to point something, I was already saying this in volume 6 when Team RWBY first meets Cordo, but I love this subtle demonstration of character development. Weiss heard what the drunkards said about the Faunus and immediately reacted, it shows the road she has traveled and it seems to me that in episode 3, you will have yet another demonstration of it (like "I 'm more than a name "in volume 5). Another little thing, when the head of the Ace Ops talks about an unauthorized landing ect, Maria discreetly goes back like "nop, that has nothing to do with me", ah Maria. Detail also about Pietro, his bow tie looks like the ribbon Penny has in her hair and when you see his office, you can see a miniature whale (Pinocchio's Monstro eh ...). Well without wanting to spoil it, I just want to warn you, for volume 7 and volume 8, keep the tissue box nearby, tear of joy, sadness or laughter, you will need it.


Lmao every single time you brought up Penny after PvP I have been so worried someone would mess up and reveal that she returns in Volume 7, I am *so* glad that it wasn't spoiled ahead of time


a nice detail about the grimm found in atlas is they have evolved to handle cold and have a more prehistoric look to them like the saber tooth tiger grimm we see them fight this episode also a nice nod to Penny's dad being Japeddo from Pinocchio is the whale statue on the shelf in the pharmacy referencing Monstro


I'll like to accept this reward on behalf of everyone for keeping the Penny secret form you. So glad you were not spoiled on that surprise and heartwarming to see you so happy to see Penny again and you were wearing her shirt which made it even better. We got to see her dad and he is so cool you are gonna love him. We also got some new characters the Ace Ops. Well they made to Atlas but now they're arrested whats gonna happen now. Also this volume theme is my favorite so far.

James Alexander

Here we go, it's time for my second favourite Volume! First off, the animation is the best it's ever been, every time you think it can't get any better, it does. The atmosphere in Mantle is just exceptional, achieved by the lighting and haunting score. Your reaction to Penny coming back was everything I hoped it would be, I absolutely adore her role in this Volume and I'm sure you will too. Also we meet Pietro, based off Geppetto, Pinocchio's father. And based on the intro, we have plenty of new characters to get to know and fall in love with. You were bang on with the Ace Ops being based on Aesops Fables, I was surprised by how fast you caught that! Your reaction to Jaune's new haircut was priceless, I'm always interested in seeing how people react to it. Qrow's new VA does a fantastic job, I didn't even notice it was different until after the Volume was over. Also this intro is so good, easily one of my favourites. Bring on the rest of the Volume, I cannot wait!

Kayleigh McRae

What's truely awesome this volume is we get to finally see Mantle. And you can see just from this episode alone. It's quite a bleak atmosphere. And no I'm not just saying that as a shading joke. ^^ Volume 7 opening is my fave opening. Overall at least. It's the perfect blend of a hype track with hype visuals. I also love that this opening doesn't spoil anything of the volume. Being a writer sometimes the openings help me theorize things before they happen. Didn't have that problem this volume. Penny is back. But they only give the basic explanation this time. Retrieving the core is all well and good. It probably housed Penny's memory bank and back ups. But the big question is... how did her soul return? Something to think about. Also who in Salem's crew do we know who works with technology? Might be that same Atlasian who hacked into beacon and Atlas tech during volume 3. (I love that people in Salem's circle and Salem herself, played parts in the show before their reveal in volume 4.) Anyways enjoy this volume Melissa! <3


I love that we can watch your reactions without worrying about you being spoiled. To quote the leader of the Ace Ops "Good work, team." Yes, Penny is back. YAY! Be prepared for so many great moments ahead. Can't wait for your reactions to upcoming episodes. This volume packs a punch, and next week is no exception. See you then!

Haughtbreaker Nic

Yaaas. I'm not gonna lie, when you started wearing that shirt I was afraid you got spoiled by the merch store because they had a Penny shirt with her in her new look. So glad you managed to stay unspoiled. I love this OP so much. It's definitely the most anime-ish of them all. I love that when the song says "shine" it's on Penny. When v7 released, even CRWBY warned everyone to watch the episode before the OP (as they release the OP to the public before ep 1). I'm so excited for you to watch this volume. I'm glad 2 and 3 will be next week. For the animation, you can really thank Gen:Lock for that. RT put a lot of research into city building for the show Gen:Lock and then applied that knowledge first to Argus, and then to Mantel/Atlas. I'm excited for you to see their new looks in detail. The show seems to be on a cycle of every 3 volumes they get new outfits at the beginning of major arcs.


The animation has gotten better every year since volume 1...at least it seems that way to me. When I first watched this episode I screamed so loud when I saw Penny my cats ran into my bedroom and hid under the bed for a few hours. I'm happy for you that you were not spoiled...many reactors at the time when this first aired thought it was a great idea to put her in their thumbnails and spoiled viewers and fellow reactors who were a week behind.


i remember seeing comments on your posts where ppl wld say the penny was dead dead and i was like o-o ur reaction to penny was everything shes so good

John J Ronald

Of course we didn't spoil it....we're your Patreons because we love your honest, heart felt reactions....why would we undermine that? I'm glad you picked up on Pietro's bowtie being a match for Penny's old bow. Other clues included the Whale model on Pietro's bookshelf. Pietro's inspiration is obviously Geppeto, Pinocchio's creator & father. Also, we did get a glimpse of Penny's father in profile back in Volume 3 during PVP...one of the scenes filmed him from behind, watching the broadcast feed all the way back in Atlas...we see his wild gray hair and arm. I didn't pick up on that my first time through but I did this time. For your own amusement, you might want to check out the Rooster Teeth "live action" version of the Volume 7 opening that they did for fun shortly after the volume released.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6ZroB-_pL0

John J Ronald

As troubled a production as Gen:Lock was behind the scenes, I'm very happy it made RWBY7 better. And Gen:Lock is definitely worth Melissa reacting to some day....much shorter series but great emotional punches, too.

John J Ronald

And yes, Melissa, the Ace Ops are a direct reference to Aesop's Fables....good catch!

John J Ronald

(and this is that "specific reason" I alluded to as to why CRWBY really couldn't host a Fathom Events screening for Vol.7 like they had done for Vol.6....no way to keep that twist under wraps had they done so!)


This is the reaction I’ve been waiting for since V3. Lol. Unfortunately, I had Penny’s return spoiled for me before I saw the episode. But that still didn’t stop me from screaming. I’m so glad you weren’t spoiled on it. I know it’s harder for reactors to stay away from spoilers because sometimes there are inconsiderate people in YT comments. It’s so interesting to see the contrast between Mantle and Atlas. And how hard the Fall of Beacon has been on the other kingdoms. It seems to have affected Atlas/Mantle most due to how directly involved the Kingdom was in the incident. I honestly think that Ironwood might be suffering from unresolved trauma due to the fact that he was partially (although not willingly) responsible for the Fall. It was his own weapons that he brought that were used on the Kingdom after all. I love the new OP. It’s probably my favorite. And it’s so cool how they transition through all their old outfits.


The dad is so sweet and nice too! Aw ☺


Omg so true! And so glad I got that about the Ace Ops!! Hmm, watched the next few eps but might still need some help on guessing who is who from fairy tale lore!!!


Ahhhhh yay!! So true about the landscape designs. They paint a good picture of the situation (no pun intended lol) for sure! Loving the theme too! PENNYYYYYYYYYY!!! Oh I can imagine what a huge deal this was! I love the ship name hahaha!!! So true that however one views it, it is such a special bond!!! :D


Hope you loved my reaction! And thanks for the info, the book sounds really interesting!!! :D


Oh I know, I was not expecting another big upgrade! Ah yes, things are not great with the situation in Mantle. Good callback about the World of Remnant! Big difference from Beacon for sure. Also great point that Weiss wouldn't necessarily know if that was normal or not....but the treatment of the Faunus was really bad and jarring for sure! Ahhh yes, the fight was awesome! I have no idea how you guys managed not to say anything at all but WOW, you did an amazing job!!!! Hahaha I didn't even realize my face was similar to Ruby's in that moment lol! Hmmm, good point about the soul. I did wonder afterwards, since she was the first AI to have an aura! That's so true about the kids jumping in when they did - the arrest was so unfair!!! Hahahaha omg yes Maria, that's so true lol!! Ahh yes I can totally see how the intro is anime stlyed!!! Love it! I'm so happy you loved my reactions, yay!!!! Thank you so much and hope you love next week's as well!!! :D


SALLLLUUUUTATION Spadeas!!!! :) Awwww you guys did awesome not telling me though!!! Atlas arc....should be interesting! Ah yes, another example of Weiss' growth here for sure! Hahahahaha omg you are so right, I didn't even realize Maria just walked off hahaha! Aww yes the whale!!! Thanks for pointing that out! Yikes, I will keep those tissues handy for sure! Thank you!!


Ahhh you guys were so good about never ever letting on! I'm so lucky I didn't get spoiled!!!!


Hahaha you guys did amazing!! And I was so glad I was wearing the shirt, omg!!! I can't wait to see more of her dad! The theme is amazing and I can't wait to see more of the Ace Ops!!!


Oh yes, they have upped their game even more this time! Yayyyyyy!!!!! I'm so glad she's back, can't believe it but I am overjoyed!!! So excited to see her more in this volume! Ah yes, makes total sense the dad would be based on Pinnochio's dad! Yay, so glad I got the reference, woohoo!!! Sometimes my brain does well and it makes me happy :D Hahahaha I was so taken aback by the haircut! So true about Qrow's VA, I can't even tell the difference so far! YAYYYYY cannot wait to see more!


For sure!! Hahahahaha poor kitties, totally understandable reaction though!!! Ohhhh no I hate it when folks do that with the thumbnail!!! I don't even like doing that on things that are several years old. >.< I was lucky I didn't get spoiled! You guys are a huge part of that!


Hahaha I always thought it was weird, to be honest, but I'm glad everyone faked me out on it because it was so worth it lol! So glad you liked my reaction!!! Penny is the best!!!


Noooo I'm so sorry!!! It's really hard to stay away from spoilers, sadly this is the reason I no longer go through my own YouTube comments :( The contrast is interesting for sure! And it's interesting to see how the events of Vol. 3 affected this entire world. I think you're right about Ironwood! I can see how the guilt would be overwhelming. The new OP is amazing!!! And so is the outfit transition!!!!


I love volume 7 and this premier is a great reason why. The music at the beginning is a more bombastic and dramatic version of Ironwood/Atlas’s leit motif or theme. The music and the way they show the Army very much is a good way to represent how menacing and unsettling it is. I really love that the episode starts exactly where volume 6 ends even with the same dialogue. I like that Weiss being more knowledgeable about Atlas realizes they can't be caught with a stolen ship if they want to see James. I think it’s sweet/heartwarming that Winter is the 1st 1 Weiss thinks to call. I really love that they have our group slowly go through the city as a way to show the economic/social disparities/differences between Mantle & Atlas since from what we have heard in the world of remnant, seen from Weiss and her family and saw in this episode Mantle has a high concentration of the poor and Faunus and Atlas looks down on them. sinceSeeing Ironwood for the 1st time since volume 4 was really cool and interesting because his design being more of the serious commander is really awesome but also unsettling considering someone who knows him well says he looks tired. I and others personally believe that Atlas is supposed to be inspired by the United States so his outfit being red, white and blue is on purpose in my opinion. Also people who want to have a really good beards were admiring his beard. Also him saying that he’s going to keep his kingdom safe after we see how bad things are in Mantle it seems like in the process of protecting he has made things worse at least for Mantle in the pursuit of safety. I find it interesting how they have our characters being very unsure of what to do since that was a major focus of volume 6 as well. It’s unfortunate that Weiss is believing so much in her sister and then there’s a recording of Winter saying what they’re doing would be considered criminal. I think the idea to figure out what's going on 1st was the smart decision considering everything they were seeing and see throughout the episode. Also Maria’s sass gives me life. I like the little background detail of soldiers finding the ship our group ditched. This is mostly a joke but… Yes this large and diverse group of characters is definitely inconspicuous LOL. Showing all the surveillance/military presence and having Weiss not know if this is normal is great because one it represents how Weiss used to be under her father's control before she went to beacon and started to learn/change and if you think about it there would’ve been no reason for her to know anything about Mantle besides what she was told because that wasn’t what her father wanted out of her and 2 how much worse things have gotten since the events of volume 3. Also I’m sorry but there’s just something morbidly/darkly hilarious about those kids throwing a rock at the surveillance drone. The comedic timing of Yang kicking the drone that took her picture and it getting run over is perfect and her reaction is just so humorous. Also I would have to check again but a small detail is Blake smiling/looking like she’s about to laugh at what Yang just did which is just so cute. I love the way Maria describes how Atlas was meant to represent progress and the future. During the walk there are a few background details that you will be able to see/understand as this volume goes on. I like that Nora having been homeless and probably poor was the one who brought up how hard a shining symbol of Atlas would make it for the people of Mantle. Also the truck full of not just Faunus but I think lower class humans as well was a nice touch. I think the drunk guys were great because of the realism even if it was uncomfortably close to how some people act in real life. Also much like Shay D. Mann this guy is actually called Drunk Mann in credits. I think this scene is a good representation of the racism Blake has had to face throughout her life because while Ruby is getting angry Blake is trying to de-escalate and appear smaller and sadly it’s probably something she’s had to do in the past. Also it shows her intelligence because they really don’t want to be drawing attention to themselves. Weiss defending her was so satisfying with the racist literally being thrown in the trash and while this is not how you should deal with those types of people in real life this is fiction so it doesn’t bother me like it did some people. Also the guys friend actually realizes who Weiss is because he’s actually about to say her name before he trips thanks to his drunkenness. A quick thing is that the girl walking out of Pietro’s place actually is happily admiring her new prosthetic arm. I cannot stress enough how much I love Pietro as a character. He’s such a kind, caring, sweet man with good humor. His dynamic with Maria is amazing. The leg chair is super cool and since I have a disability that I can’t walk it’s really nice to see someone with that kind of disability in a show I watch. Since other comments pointed out the Easter eggs and details of things showing his inspiration of Geppetto from Pinocchio and similarities to Penny’s design so all I’ll say is that I love them. However there is one background detail that I think you'll enjoy there is a poster like those days since last accident in workplaces but instead it’s days since last nonsense really showing his fun personality. I think you should be proud of yourself for starting to realize the design similarities to Penny as quickly as you did because I didn’t realize it until he said his daughter told him about them also him saying that the way he did actually hints at her being alive since he could have said she used to tell him about them instead in my opinion. I love the fight and how dynamic, fluid and well choreographed it is. I really love the design of this new type of Grimm because I’ve always loved sabertooth tigers. There are a few details I want to point out about the fight like the most hilarious thing in a fight in this show which is Qrow stabbing 1 of the Sabers and then punching it before finishing it off. Also we see Oscar kill 1 of them with one hit showing him still slowly becoming stronger. I love Blake defending Yang and Ruby’s big attack being awesome. Almost forgot but I like the detail that Blake goes to use her weapons sword form but realizes it’s still broken. The reason we were able to hide Penny being alive from you so well is because many of us believed she was dead for about 4 years because she had an aura and died. After being gone for so long many of us just accepted it no matter what theories people came up with. Some background information she was my favorite character so when she died I was extremely sad but then I got really angry until I eventually accepted it because of how amazing it was from a writing standpoint. I basically went through the stages of grief so when I say I started freaking out/screaming like you as soon as I saw the green lasers it’s probably an understatement especially because I’m a huge Ruby/Penny shipper. I love that shot of her silhouetted against the moon. Her new design is awesome with the long hair and outfit and I think it’s beautiful. Her reaction to Ruby is so adorable and heartwarming. That tackle hug is so cute but poor Ruby getting crushed by such a heavy high speed object. Also Ruby’s reaction to this is honestly heartbreaking and it’s unfortunate that she didn’t really get to deal with/process this before Penny had to leave. Some people really didn’t like her coming back because they thought it took away some of the stakes in the show set up by volume 3 however I don’t think this is true because Pyrrha is still gone for good and a lot of the consequences especially Ruby’s grief/trauma and it is not just all erased also the explanation of how she’s still alive. Also the comedy of her reaction to the alarm going off is perfect. I love how this cheers up the whole group so much. Also Qrow just had to say something. The effect we see I think is another example of Ren being able to sense things better than the others. Them being captured so easily shows how skilled the special operatives in Atlas are. Good job on realizing the Aesop’s fables thing and it’s also nice wordplay because it’s Ace-Ops. I don’t want to talk about the opening much right now but I will say I love how anime it is definitely the most anime of the openings so far. Also people either love, hate or are indifferent to the new haircut you noticed it’s really funny honestly. Also the group shot at the end is so amazing. Qrow’s new voice actor Jason Leibrect is great at sounding like the old voice while also doing his own thing as well. He also does a great job as Dabi in the MHA dub and it really shows the type of range he has. I don’t actually think the animation was improved that much it’s the improved lighting that really makes it look so much better. A fun fact is that at least up to the Penny reveal this was supposed to be the 14th episode of volume 6 but they decided episode 13 was a better endpoint for volume 6. One last thing that you should know time about this volume is that there are 2 new writers Eddy Rivas who has worked at RT and is the unofficial RWBY archivist and someone new to RT Kiersi Burkart and I think it led to a noticeable improvement in the writing that you might notice. I know it’s too late for you to about it in the next reaction but I would like to know what you think of there being new writers. Great reaction and I can’t wait to watch the next one as soon as I am done typing this. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:18:41 Reposting the original comment just in case you can't see it. I love volume 7 and this premier is a great reason why. The music at the beginning is a more bombastic and dramatic version of Ironwood/Atlas’s leit motif or theme. The music and the way they show the Army very much is a good way to represent how menacing and unsettling it is. I really love that the episode starts exactly where volume 6 ends even with the same dialogue. I like that Weiss being more knowledgeable about Atlas realizes they can't be caught with a stolen ship if they want to see James. I think it’s sweet/heartwarming that Winter is the 1st 1 Weiss thinks to call. I really love that they have our group slowly go through the city as a way to show the economic/social disparities/differences between Mantle & Atlas since from what we have heard in the world of remnant, seen from Weiss and her family and saw in this episode Mantle has a high concentration of the poor and Faunus and Atlas looks down on them. sinceSeeing Ironwood for the 1st time since volume 4 was really cool and interesting because his design being more of the serious commander is really awesome but also unsettling considering someone who knows him well says he looks tired. I and others personally believe that Atlas is supposed to be inspired by the United States so his outfit being red, white and blue is on purpose in my opinion. Also people who want to have a really good beards were admiring his beard. Also him saying that he’s going to keep his kingdom safe after we see how bad things are in Mantle it seems like in the process of protecting he has made things worse at least for Mantle in the pursuit of safety. I find it interesting how they have our characters being very unsure of what to do since that was a major focus of volume 6 as well. It’s unfortunate that Weiss is believing so much in her sister and then there’s a recording of Winter saying what they’re doing would be considered criminal. I think the idea to figure out what's going on 1st was the smart decision considering everything they were seeing and see throughout the episode. Also Maria’s sass gives me life. I like the little background detail of soldiers finding the ship our group ditched. This is mostly a joke but… Yes this large and diverse group of characters is definitely inconspicuous LOL. Showing all the surveillance/military presence and having Weiss not know if this is normal is great because one it represents how Weiss used to be under her father's control before she went to beacon and started to learn/change and if you think about it there would’ve been no reason for her to know anything about Mantle besides what she was told because that wasn’t what her father wanted out of her and 2 how much worse things have gotten since the events of volume 3. Also I’m sorry but there’s just something morbidly/darkly hilarious about those kids throwing a rock at the surveillance drone. The comedic timing of Yang kicking the drone that took her picture and it getting run over is perfect and her reaction is just so humorous. Also I would have to check again but a small detail is Blake smiling/looking like she’s about to laugh at what Yang just did which is just so cute. I love the way Maria describes how Atlas was meant to represent progress and the future. During the walk there are a few background details that you will be able to see/understand as this volume goes on. I like that Nora having been homeless and probably poor was the one who brought up how hard a shining symbol of Atlas would make it for the people of Mantle. Also the truck full of not just Faunus but I think lower class humans as well was a nice touch. I think the drunk guys were great because of the realism even if it was uncomfortably close to how some people act in real life. Also much like Shay D. Mann this guy is actually called Drunk Mann in credits. I think this scene is a good representation of the racism Blake has had to face throughout her life because while Ruby is getting angry Blake is trying to de-escalate and appear smaller and sadly it’s probably something she’s had to do in the past. Also it shows her intelligence because they really don’t want to be drawing attention to themselves. Weiss defending her was so satisfying with the racist literally being thrown in the trash and while this is not how you should deal with those types of people in real life this is fiction so it doesn’t bother me like it did some people. Also the guys friend actually realizes who Weiss is because he’s actually about to say her name before he trips thanks to his drunkenness. A quick thing is that the girl walking out of Pietro’s place actually is happily admiring her new prosthetic arm. I cannot stress enough how much I love Pietro as a character. He’s such a kind, caring, sweet man with good humor. His dynamic with Maria is amazing. The leg chair is super cool and since I have a disability that I can’t walk it’s really nice to see someone with that kind of disability in a show I watch. Since other comments pointed out the Easter eggs and details of things showing his inspiration of Geppetto from Pinocchio and similarities to Penny’s design so all I’ll say is that I love them. However there is one background detail that I think you'll enjoy there is a poster like those days since last accident in workplaces but instead it’s days since last nonsense really showing his fun personality. I think you should be proud of yourself for starting to realize the design similarities to Penny as quickly as you did because I didn’t realize it until he said his daughter told him about them also him saying that the way he did actually hints at her being alive since he could have said she used to tell him about them instead in my opinion. I love the fight and how dynamic, fluid and well choreographed it is. I really love the design of this new type of Grimm because I’ve always loved sabertooth tigers. There are a few details I want to point out about the fight like the most hilarious thing in a fight in this show which is Qrow stabbing 1 of the Sabers and then punching it before finishing it off. Also we see Oscar kill 1 of them with one hit showing him still slowly becoming stronger. I love Blake defending Yang and Ruby’s big attack being awesome. Almost forgot but I like the detail that Blake goes to use her weapons sword form but realizes it’s still broken. The reason we were able to hide Penny being alive from you so well is because many of us believed she was dead for about 4 years because she had an aura and died. After being gone for so long many of us just accepted it no matter what theories people came up with. Some background information she was my favorite character so when she died I was extremely sad but then I got really angry until I eventually accepted it because of how amazing it was from a writing standpoint. I basically went through the stages of grief so when I say I started freaking out/screaming like you as soon as I saw the green lasers it’s probably an understatement especially because I’m a huge Ruby/Penny shipper. I love that shot of her silhouetted against the moon. Her new design is awesome with the long hair and outfit and I think it’s beautiful. Her reaction to Ruby is so adorable and heartwarming. That tackle hug is so cute but poor Ruby getting crushed by such a heavy high speed object. Also Ruby’s reaction to this is honestly heartbreaking and it’s unfortunate that she didn’t really get to deal with/process this before Penny had to leave. Some people really didn’t like her coming back because they thought it took away some of the stakes in the show set up by volume 3 however I don’t think this is true because Pyrrha is still gone for good and a lot of the consequences especially Ruby’s grief/trauma and it is not just all erased also the explanation of how she’s still alive. Also the comedy of her reaction to the alarm going off is perfect. I love how this cheers up the whole group so much. Also Qrow just had to say something. The effect we see I think is another example of Ren being able to sense things better than the others. Them being captured so easily shows how skilled the special operatives in Atlas are. Good job on realizing the Aesop’s fables thing and it’s also nice wordplay because it’s Ace-Ops. I don’t want to talk about the opening much right now but I will say I love how anime it is definitely the most anime of the openings so far. Also people either love, hate or are indifferent to the new haircut you noticed it’s really funny honestly. Also the group shot at the end is so amazing. Qrow’s new voice actor Jason Leibrect is great at sounding like the old voice while also doing his own thing as well. He also does a great job as Dabi in the MHA dub and it really shows the type of range he has. I don’t actually think the animation was improved that much it’s the improved lighting that really makes it look so much better. A fun fact is that at least up to the Penny reveal this was supposed to be the 14th episode of volume 6 but they decided episode 13 was a better endpoint for volume 6. One last thing that you should know time about this volume is that there are 2 new writers Eddy Rivas who has worked at RT and is the unofficial RWBY archivist and someone new to RT Kiersi Burkart and I think it led to a noticeable improvement in the writing that you might notice. I know it’s too late for you to about it in the next reaction but I would like to know what you think of there being new writers. Great reaction and I can’t wait to watch the next one as soon as I am done typing this. Keep up the great work. :-) <3
2021-05-27 13:22:42 Reposting the original comment just in case you can't see it. I love volume 7 and this premier is a great reason why. The music at the beginning is a more bombastic and dramatic version of Ironwood/Atlas’s leit motif or theme. The music and the way they show the Army very much is a good way to represent how menacing and unsettling it is. I really love that the episode starts exactly where volume 6 ends even with the same dialogue. I like that Weiss being more knowledgeable about Atlas realizes they can't be caught with a stolen ship if they want to see James. I think it’s sweet/heartwarming that Winter is the 1st 1 Weiss thinks to call. I really love that they have our group slowly go through the city as a way to show the economic/social disparities/differences between Mantle & Atlas since from what we have heard in the world of remnant, seen from Weiss and her family and saw in this episode Mantle has a high concentration of the poor and Faunus and Atlas looks down on them. sinceSeeing Ironwood for the 1st time since volume 4 was really cool and interesting because his design being more of the serious commander is really awesome but also unsettling considering someone who knows him well says he looks tired. I and others personally believe that Atlas is supposed to be inspired by the United States so his outfit being red, white and blue is on purpose in my opinion. Also people who want to have a really good beards were admiring his beard. Also him saying that he’s going to keep his kingdom safe after we see how bad things are in Mantle it seems like in the process of protecting he has made things worse at least for Mantle in the pursuit of safety. I find it interesting how they have our characters being very unsure of what to do since that was a major focus of volume 6 as well. It’s unfortunate that Weiss is believing so much in her sister and then there’s a recording of Winter saying what they’re doing would be considered criminal. I think the idea to figure out what's going on 1st was the smart decision considering everything they were seeing and see throughout the episode. Also Maria’s sass gives me life. I like the little background detail of soldiers finding the ship our group ditched. This is mostly a joke but… Yes this large and diverse group of characters is definitely inconspicuous LOL. Showing all the surveillance/military presence and having Weiss not know if this is normal is great because one it represents how Weiss used to be under her father's control before she went to beacon and started to learn/change and if you think about it there would’ve been no reason for her to know anything about Mantle besides what she was told because that wasn’t what her father wanted out of her and 2 how much worse things have gotten since the events of volume 3. Also I’m sorry but there’s just something morbidly/darkly hilarious about those kids throwing a rock at the surveillance drone. The comedic timing of Yang kicking the drone that took her picture and it getting run over is perfect and her reaction is just so humorous. Also I would have to check again but a small detail is Blake smiling/looking like she’s about to laugh at what Yang just did which is just so cute. I love the way Maria describes how Atlas was meant to represent progress and the future. During the walk there are a few background details that you will be able to see/understand as this volume goes on. I like that Nora having been homeless and probably poor was the one who brought up how hard a shining symbol of Atlas would make it for the people of Mantle. Also the truck full of not just Faunus but I think lower class humans as well was a nice touch. I think the drunk guys were great because of the realism even if it was uncomfortably close to how some people act in real life. Also much like Shay D. Mann this guy is actually called Drunk Mann in credits. I think this scene is a good representation of the racism Blake has had to face throughout her life because while Ruby is getting angry Blake is trying to de-escalate and appear smaller and sadly it’s probably something she’s had to do in the past. Also it shows her intelligence because they really don’t want to be drawing attention to themselves. Weiss defending her was so satisfying with the racist literally being thrown in the trash and while this is not how you should deal with those types of people in real life this is fiction so it doesn’t bother me like it did some people. Also the guys friend actually realizes who Weiss is because he’s actually about to say her name before he trips thanks to his drunkenness. A quick thing is that the girl walking out of Pietro’s place actually is happily admiring her new prosthetic arm. I cannot stress enough how much I love Pietro as a character. He’s such a kind, caring, sweet man with good humor. His dynamic with Maria is amazing. The leg chair is super cool and since I have a disability that I can’t walk it’s really nice to see someone with that kind of disability in a show I watch. Since other comments pointed out the Easter eggs and details of things showing his inspiration of Geppetto from Pinocchio and similarities to Penny’s design so all I’ll say is that I love them. However there is one background detail that I think you'll enjoy there is a poster like those days since last accident in workplaces but instead it’s days since last nonsense really showing his fun personality. I think you should be proud of yourself for starting to realize the design similarities to Penny as quickly as you did because I didn’t realize it until he said his daughter told him about them also him saying that the way he did actually hints at her being alive since he could have said she used to tell him about them instead in my opinion. I love the fight and how dynamic, fluid and well choreographed it is. I really love the design of this new type of Grimm because I’ve always loved sabertooth tigers. There are a few details I want to point out about the fight like the most hilarious thing in a fight in this show which is Qrow stabbing 1 of the Sabers and then punching it before finishing it off. Also we see Oscar kill 1 of them with one hit showing him still slowly becoming stronger. I love Blake defending Yang and Ruby’s big attack being awesome. Almost forgot but I like the detail that Blake goes to use her weapons sword form but realizes it’s still broken. The reason we were able to hide Penny being alive from you so well is because many of us believed she was dead for about 4 years because she had an aura and died. After being gone for so long many of us just accepted it no matter what theories people came up with. Some background information she was my favorite character so when she died I was extremely sad but then I got really angry until I eventually accepted it because of how amazing it was from a writing standpoint. I basically went through the stages of grief so when I say I started freaking out/screaming like you as soon as I saw the green lasers it’s probably an understatement especially because I’m a huge Ruby/Penny shipper. I love that shot of her silhouetted against the moon. Her new design is awesome with the long hair and outfit and I think it’s beautiful. Her reaction to Ruby is so adorable and heartwarming. That tackle hug is so cute but poor Ruby getting crushed by such a heavy high speed object. Also Ruby’s reaction to this is honestly heartbreaking and it’s unfortunate that she didn’t really get to deal with/process this before Penny had to leave. Some people really didn’t like her coming back because they thought it took away some of the stakes in the show set up by volume 3 however I don’t think this is true because Pyrrha is still gone for good and a lot of the consequences especially Ruby’s grief/trauma and it is not just all erased also the explanation of how she’s still alive. Also the comedy of her reaction to the alarm going off is perfect. I love how this cheers up the whole group so much. Also Qrow just had to say something. The effect we see I think is another example of Ren being able to sense things better than the others. Them being captured so easily shows how skilled the special operatives in Atlas are. Good job on realizing the Aesop’s fables thing and it’s also nice wordplay because it’s Ace-Ops. I don’t want to talk about the opening much right now but I will say I love how anime it is definitely the most anime of the openings so far. Also people either love, hate or are indifferent to the new haircut you noticed it’s really funny honestly. Also the group shot at the end is so amazing. Qrow’s new voice actor Jason Leibrect is great at sounding like the old voice while also doing his own thing as well. He also does a great job as Dabi in the MHA dub and it really shows the type of range he has. I don’t actually think the animation was improved that much it’s the improved lighting that really makes it look so much better. A fun fact is that at least up to the Penny reveal this was supposed to be the 14th episode of volume 6 but they decided episode 13 was a better endpoint for volume 6. One last thing that you should know time about this volume is that there are 2 new writers Eddy Rivas who has worked at RT and is the unofficial RWBY archivist and someone new to RT Kiersi Burkart and I think it led to a noticeable improvement in the writing that you might notice. I know it’s too late for you to about it in the next reaction but I would like to know what you think of there being new writers. Great reaction and I can’t wait to watch the next one as soon as I am done typing this. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

Reposting the original comment just in case you can't see it. I love volume 7 and this premier is a great reason why. The music at the beginning is a more bombastic and dramatic version of Ironwood/Atlas’s leit motif or theme. The music and the way they show the Army very much is a good way to represent how menacing and unsettling it is. I really love that the episode starts exactly where volume 6 ends even with the same dialogue. I like that Weiss being more knowledgeable about Atlas realizes they can't be caught with a stolen ship if they want to see James. I think it’s sweet/heartwarming that Winter is the 1st 1 Weiss thinks to call. I really love that they have our group slowly go through the city as a way to show the economic/social disparities/differences between Mantle & Atlas since from what we have heard in the world of remnant, seen from Weiss and her family and saw in this episode Mantle has a high concentration of the poor and Faunus and Atlas looks down on them. sinceSeeing Ironwood for the 1st time since volume 4 was really cool and interesting because his design being more of the serious commander is really awesome but also unsettling considering someone who knows him well says he looks tired. I and others personally believe that Atlas is supposed to be inspired by the United States so his outfit being red, white and blue is on purpose in my opinion. Also people who want to have a really good beards were admiring his beard. Also him saying that he’s going to keep his kingdom safe after we see how bad things are in Mantle it seems like in the process of protecting he has made things worse at least for Mantle in the pursuit of safety. I find it interesting how they have our characters being very unsure of what to do since that was a major focus of volume 6 as well. It’s unfortunate that Weiss is believing so much in her sister and then there’s a recording of Winter saying what they’re doing would be considered criminal. I think the idea to figure out what's going on 1st was the smart decision considering everything they were seeing and see throughout the episode. Also Maria’s sass gives me life. I like the little background detail of soldiers finding the ship our group ditched. This is mostly a joke but… Yes this large and diverse group of characters is definitely inconspicuous LOL. Showing all the surveillance/military presence and having Weiss not know if this is normal is great because one it represents how Weiss used to be under her father's control before she went to beacon and started to learn/change and if you think about it there would’ve been no reason for her to know anything about Mantle besides what she was told because that wasn’t what her father wanted out of her and 2 how much worse things have gotten since the events of volume 3. Also I’m sorry but there’s just something morbidly/darkly hilarious about those kids throwing a rock at the surveillance drone. The comedic timing of Yang kicking the drone that took her picture and it getting run over is perfect and her reaction is just so humorous. Also I would have to check again but a small detail is Blake smiling/looking like she’s about to laugh at what Yang just did which is just so cute. I love the way Maria describes how Atlas was meant to represent progress and the future. During the walk there are a few background details that you will be able to see/understand as this volume goes on. I like that Nora having been homeless and probably poor was the one who brought up how hard a shining symbol of Atlas would make it for the people of Mantle. Also the truck full of not just Faunus but I think lower class humans as well was a nice touch. I think the drunk guys were great because of the realism even if it was uncomfortably close to how some people act in real life. Also much like Shay D. Mann this guy is actually called Drunk Mann in credits. I think this scene is a good representation of the racism Blake has had to face throughout her life because while Ruby is getting angry Blake is trying to de-escalate and appear smaller and sadly it’s probably something she’s had to do in the past. Also it shows her intelligence because they really don’t want to be drawing attention to themselves. Weiss defending her was so satisfying with the racist literally being thrown in the trash and while this is not how you should deal with those types of people in real life this is fiction so it doesn’t bother me like it did some people. Also the guys friend actually realizes who Weiss is because he’s actually about to say her name before he trips thanks to his drunkenness. A quick thing is that the girl walking out of Pietro’s place actually is happily admiring her new prosthetic arm. I cannot stress enough how much I love Pietro as a character. He’s such a kind, caring, sweet man with good humor. His dynamic with Maria is amazing. The leg chair is super cool and since I have a disability that I can’t walk it’s really nice to see someone with that kind of disability in a show I watch. Since other comments pointed out the Easter eggs and details of things showing his inspiration of Geppetto from Pinocchio and similarities to Penny’s design so all I’ll say is that I love them. However there is one background detail that I think you'll enjoy there is a poster like those days since last accident in workplaces but instead it’s days since last nonsense really showing his fun personality. I think you should be proud of yourself for starting to realize the design similarities to Penny as quickly as you did because I didn’t realize it until he said his daughter told him about them also him saying that the way he did actually hints at her being alive since he could have said she used to tell him about them instead in my opinion. I love the fight and how dynamic, fluid and well choreographed it is. I really love the design of this new type of Grimm because I’ve always loved sabertooth tigers. There are a few details I want to point out about the fight like the most hilarious thing in a fight in this show which is Qrow stabbing 1 of the Sabers and then punching it before finishing it off. Also we see Oscar kill 1 of them with one hit showing him still slowly becoming stronger. I love Blake defending Yang and Ruby’s big attack being awesome. Almost forgot but I like the detail that Blake goes to use her weapons sword form but realizes it’s still broken. The reason we were able to hide Penny being alive from you so well is because many of us believed she was dead for about 4 years because she had an aura and died. After being gone for so long many of us just accepted it no matter what theories people came up with. Some background information she was my favorite character so when she died I was extremely sad but then I got really angry until I eventually accepted it because of how amazing it was from a writing standpoint. I basically went through the stages of grief so when I say I started freaking out/screaming like you as soon as I saw the green lasers it’s probably an understatement especially because I’m a huge Ruby/Penny shipper. I love that shot of her silhouetted against the moon. Her new design is awesome with the long hair and outfit and I think it’s beautiful. Her reaction to Ruby is so adorable and heartwarming. That tackle hug is so cute but poor Ruby getting crushed by such a heavy high speed object. Also Ruby’s reaction to this is honestly heartbreaking and it’s unfortunate that she didn’t really get to deal with/process this before Penny had to leave. Some people really didn’t like her coming back because they thought it took away some of the stakes in the show set up by volume 3 however I don’t think this is true because Pyrrha is still gone for good and a lot of the consequences especially Ruby’s grief/trauma and it is not just all erased also the explanation of how she’s still alive. Also the comedy of her reaction to the alarm going off is perfect. I love how this cheers up the whole group so much. Also Qrow just had to say something. The effect we see I think is another example of Ren being able to sense things better than the others. Them being captured so easily shows how skilled the special operatives in Atlas are. Good job on realizing the Aesop’s fables thing and it’s also nice wordplay because it’s Ace-Ops. I don’t want to talk about the opening much right now but I will say I love how anime it is definitely the most anime of the openings so far. Also people either love, hate or are indifferent to the new haircut you noticed it’s really funny honestly. Also the group shot at the end is so amazing. Qrow’s new voice actor Jason Leibrect is great at sounding like the old voice while also doing his own thing as well. He also does a great job as Dabi in the MHA dub and it really shows the type of range he has. I don’t actually think the animation was improved that much it’s the improved lighting that really makes it look so much better. A fun fact is that at least up to the Penny reveal this was supposed to be the 14th episode of volume 6 but they decided episode 13 was a better endpoint for volume 6. One last thing that you should know time about this volume is that there are 2 new writers Eddy Rivas who has worked at RT and is the unofficial RWBY archivist and someone new to RT Kiersi Burkart and I think it led to a noticeable improvement in the writing that you might notice. I know it’s too late for you to about it in the next reaction but I would like to know what you think of there being new writers. Great reaction and I can’t wait to watch the next one as soon as I am done typing this. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:18:42 Hey, sorry! I got behind in my comments again! &gt;.&lt; Ah yes, the music, sister stuff, and all the focus on the problems between Mantle and Atlas are great! Good to see Ironwood and he's done well with the beard for sure haha. Good point about him inadvertently making the Mantle situation worse in the pursuit of making things better. Hahahah Drunk Mann!!!! I love it! Pietro is awesome!!!! And it's so great to have some representation for people with disabilities in a character on the show, too! Thanks about noticing the details about Penny, it's funny, I was just saying in the reaction that comes after this one that had I had time to think about it before she appeared, I would have realized that he used more of a present tense and also didn't sound sad when he said it. Awww I loved reading about your reaction to Penny's first re-appearance!!! So true that after 4 years, along with the note about her having an aura, it seemed set in stone. So sorry you had to go through all that grief but I'm sure that just made her coming back even more rewarding!!! So true that Ruby never got to fully process her loss, but seeing them reunited is everything! And the comedy, that's how you know that Penny is really back haha. The new Grimm are pretty sweet design-wise! Yay, so happy I realized the connection with the Ace Ops and Aesop's Fables! So cool that Qrow's new VA is also Dabi in the MHA dub! Ah good note about the lighting. That's interesting that the reveal was supposed to be ep 14 of the previous volume! That's really cool about the new writers, I didn't realize!!! So far, I'm really loving Vol. 7, so I think they're doing a great job! Hope you love my next reactions!!! And thank you so much for all the support and encouragement!!! ^_^
2021-05-27 14:09:09 Hey, sorry! I got behind in my comments again! >.< Ah yes, the music, sister stuff, and all the focus on the problems between Mantle and Atlas are great! Good to see Ironwood and he's done well with the beard for sure haha. Good point about him inadvertently making the Mantle situation worse in the pursuit of making things better. Hahahah Drunk Mann!!!! I love it! Pietro is awesome!!!! And it's so great to have some representation for people with disabilities in a character on the show, too! Thanks about noticing the details about Penny, it's funny, I was just saying in the reaction that comes after this one that had I had time to think about it before she appeared, I would have realized that he used more of a present tense and also didn't sound sad when he said it. Awww I loved reading about your reaction to Penny's first re-appearance!!! So true that after 4 years, along with the note about her having an aura, it seemed set in stone. So sorry you had to go through all that grief but I'm sure that just made her coming back even more rewarding!!! So true that Ruby never got to fully process her loss, but seeing them reunited is everything! And the comedy, that's how you know that Penny is really back haha. The new Grimm are pretty sweet design-wise! Yay, so happy I realized the connection with the Ace Ops and Aesop's Fables! So cool that Qrow's new VA is also Dabi in the MHA dub! Ah good note about the lighting. That's interesting that the reveal was supposed to be ep 14 of the previous volume! That's really cool about the new writers, I didn't realize!!! So far, I'm really loving Vol. 7, so I think they're doing a great job! Hope you love my next reactions!!! And thank you so much for all the support and encouragement!!! ^_^

Hey, sorry! I got behind in my comments again! >.< Ah yes, the music, sister stuff, and all the focus on the problems between Mantle and Atlas are great! Good to see Ironwood and he's done well with the beard for sure haha. Good point about him inadvertently making the Mantle situation worse in the pursuit of making things better. Hahahah Drunk Mann!!!! I love it! Pietro is awesome!!!! And it's so great to have some representation for people with disabilities in a character on the show, too! Thanks about noticing the details about Penny, it's funny, I was just saying in the reaction that comes after this one that had I had time to think about it before she appeared, I would have realized that he used more of a present tense and also didn't sound sad when he said it. Awww I loved reading about your reaction to Penny's first re-appearance!!! So true that after 4 years, along with the note about her having an aura, it seemed set in stone. So sorry you had to go through all that grief but I'm sure that just made her coming back even more rewarding!!! So true that Ruby never got to fully process her loss, but seeing them reunited is everything! And the comedy, that's how you know that Penny is really back haha. The new Grimm are pretty sweet design-wise! Yay, so happy I realized the connection with the Ace Ops and Aesop's Fables! So cool that Qrow's new VA is also Dabi in the MHA dub! Ah good note about the lighting. That's interesting that the reveal was supposed to be ep 14 of the previous volume! That's really cool about the new writers, I didn't realize!!! So far, I'm really loving Vol. 7, so I think they're doing a great job! Hope you love my next reactions!!! And thank you so much for all the support and encouragement!!! ^_^

Aundry Vue

Yeah Mantle is quite bleak compared to Atlas, like you could literally see the condition of the Faunus Mine Workers in that truck right before those two drunk dudes being prideful of Atlas and make insulting remarks on Blake. The other drunk dude who saw his buddy got tossed into the trash bin recognizes Weiss's Glyph Semblance and was beginning to realized that they have a Schnee with them.