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Update 3:35 PM: As of now, there are 3 separate copies available (the one you click on in the video post, as well as two others in the description), and sadly none of them have processed!  >.<  I'm hoping that at least one of them will process today and I will keep checking.  I know lots of you have been having issues downloading them, and/or are simply not on a device that can handle downloads at the moment.  At this point I think I'd be doing more damage to try and upload a fourth copy, as doing so might slow down whatever processing is taking place on the other files.  I will try to see if I have any other accounts I could use if it goes on much longer - please stay tuned!  And thanks for your patience!  ~ MH

Hey everyone!!!  I included this in the description on the reaction as well but just in case some folks click before they read it - the file is still processing in Google Drive which means it's not available to stream, only to download >.<  I'm hoping it will process soon, and included another link in the description on the vid that's also still processing.  Whichever one processes first, I'll go ahead and replace the link on the video with that one.  I also have a third copy uploading in Google Drive right now lol.  Sorry!!!!  Sometimes Drive doesn't wanna cooperate!!  >.<  Thanks for your patience!  ~ MH



Hoping it processes soon as downloading anything on my computer is beyond time consuming, but understand there's nothing you can do. Looking forward to when I can finally see the reaction tho! Thank you for trying to remedy the issue with the multiple links I understand this kinda stuff is a struggle so I appreciate it! :)


Me too!!! &gt;.&lt; Thanks for being understanding, I totally get how downloading it is more of a hassle! It means a lot that you're so patient about it!!! I'll keep working on it as much as I can (although a of it is out of my hands, sadly!!) throughout the day!!!! Thanks so much :D

Christopher Pope

Aw. "Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."


It used to do this ages ago. looking forward to seeings It when I can xx


Hey Melissa, looking forward to being able to watch the reaction. Not sure if this has already been considered but for future issues like this perhaps you could upload the reaction to Youtube as Unlisted and then provide the link to patrons here? 🤗 Hope you are well!


Sorry!!! Dropbox swiftly deactivated my file for exceeding bandwidth. :( I just uploaded a fifth copy of the file this morning (in a separate post) that is hosted on another Google Drive account. It's also still processing, but you might have better luck downloading that one than the copies I uploaded yesterday! Thanks for your patience!


Thanks so much for your patience! I know, I haven't had issues like this with Drive in a while. &gt;.&lt; I just uploaded a fifth copy of the file this morning (in a separate post) that is hosted on another Google Drive account. It's also still processing, but you might have better luck downloading that one than the copies I uploaded yesterday! Thanks for your patience!


Sorry!!! I think I saw in another one of your posts that you were able to download it eventually? I hope so!


Hi KJ! Thanks so much! That's a really good idea! The only issue is that my RWBY reactions are all getting blocked on YouTube (even unlisted) and so I have to wait for them to get unblocked by RT. It could work, I'd just have to time it right! Thanks for the suggestion!!! In the mean time, I just uploaded a fifth copy of the file this morning (in a separate post) that is hosted on another Google Drive account. It's also still processing, but you might have better luck downloading that one than the copies I uploaded yesterday! Thanks for your patience!