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***UPDATE 5/12 at 4:58 PM: FINALLY!!!!  We have one that's processed!  It's still in the small player, but streamable and I believe folks have been able to download it too.  Phew!  Sorry for the massive long wait!!!

Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction/review of episodes 12 and 13 of vol 6 of RWBY!  WHAT A FINALE YOU GUYS!!!!  The conclusion of Blake and Yang's battle with Adam was intense...!!!
And their moment afterwards - SQUEE!!!!  Was so proud of our crew for the cannon trick, except that we sorta needed that cannon a minute later lol!  But oh man, Ruby was a total BOSS in this fighting that Grimm!  My heart shattered into millions of pieces while she was mustering up the love in her heart to start powering the silver eyes!  And the little trick she used to buy time - so clever!!!!  Having those flashbacks in the new animation just blew my mind, the entire scene was amazing!!!  And Ruby is so inspiring that even Cordovin was won over in the end, whoa!!!  Finally, we get to Atlas....only to receive a very interesting welcome!  :/  And that post-credits scene....chilling!!!!!!!!!!!  What an amazing volume!!!  Can't wait for the soundtrack reaction!!!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


RWBY 6x12 and 6x13 RE-EXPORT.mp4


Zen Reacts

I had tears in my eyes when Summer Rose popped up at the end of the sequence with Ruby


OMG!!!!! I loved that moment! I couldn't believe my eyes....I knew it was Summer, even though I'm pretty sure we've never seen her in person before (I think maybe just in a photo). And even Ruby must have been reaching pretty deep with that one, since we know Summer died when she was very young and she most likely doesn't remember much about Summer.

James Alexander

Became a Patron last week and managed to catch up on your RWBY reactions just in time for the end of Volume 6! This is actually one of my favourite finales, I enjoy how it deviates from other finales and doesn't feature a massive battle involving multiple people that spans multiple episodes. Instead it focuses on Ruby and how far she's come, not just from the beginning of the show but also from the start of this Volume. Those flashbacks always make me tear up, and her using the lamp to buy herself more time is so clever. Also, Cordovin choosing to do the right thing at the end is great to see! Then there's the conclusion of the Bees vs. Adam, which is one of my favourite fights in the show. But, Adam's death isn't something to celebrate. You can see how much Yang and Blake didn't want it to come to that, and they gave him multiple chances throughout the fight to walk away and leave them alone. Blake even tried to save him by asking him to let go of the past and move on, but they knew that he would always come after them, and so they didn't really have much of a choice. You can see how distraught they are after killing him though, especially Blake, as even though he abused and manipulated her, she still wanted to save him. Now it's time for the Atlas arc, which I'm very interested to see your reactions to. But first, the soundtrack, which I'm also very excited for, as Volume 6 contains some of my favourite songs. Just some advice though: bring tissues!

Hayden Smith

I've said it a few times, but this is my favorite Volume, maybe tied with Volume 3. For one, it does so much great character stuff. The kids lose the help of the adults and are forced to gain more agency, Ruby and Jaune are forced to step up more as leaders, Qrow's alcoholism is dealt with, and Yang and Blake deal with fixing their relationship. Secondly, the writing and pacing is very tight, with not a single episode feeling like it was wasted or filler. They all greatly advance the plot and characters is some meaningful way. The Brunswick Farms arc is also one of the best arcs in the show with the Apathy being one of the scariest concepts for a Grimm. But also, the Yang and Blake vs. Adam fight is easily my favorite in the whole show and while people generally seem to like it and some even say they love it, I still think it’s never talked about enough. This is going to be a really long comment, but I have so much that I want to say about this fight. Firstly, the choreography throughout whole thing is phenomenal and actually features a couple very short pieces of animation left by Monty (which tells you how far back they were planning to have this fight). It was of course animation from the old engine that they were used for Volumes 1-3, so they recreated his work in the new animation engine they've been using since Volume 4. But even beyond the choreography itself, the pacing of the fight is perfect and the way the choreography actually plays off of the characters and their motivations great, in particular how it shows off all three character's developments. Blake is shown to be more willing to accept help and trust her friends, with her allowing Yang to hold off Adam last episode while she caught her breath, and now trusting Yang to hold him off again when she fell off the cliff. There's also a quick moment where Yang glances towards Blake climbing away and Yang trusts that Blake isn't running and will be there when she needs her. But my favorite is in how the fight highlights the parallel opposite development of Yang and Adam. The first time Yang and Adam "fought" back in Volume 3 (and it really wasn't much of a fight), Yang allowed her emotions to get the better of her, activated her semblance immediately, and charged right towards Adam. Adam stood their calmly, immediately assessed the situation, saw that Yang was unhinged and her attack was sloppy, and took advantage of that to strategically aim his own semblance at her arm, removing the arm and taking her down in one hit. Now, over the course of the last few volumes, Yang has been learning and practicing how to keep her emotions in check. Her dad points her problem out to her in Volume 4, telling her that she needs to learn how to think through a situation instead of just trying to charge straight into it. She then spends Volume 5 practicing how to actually do this. She nearly activates her semblance recklessly out of anger a few times in Volume 5, getting those red eyes, but the never the fiery glowing hair. She’s slowly able to control herself more and more. Adam, on the other hand, was always smart and calculated from the beginning, but he is also a manipulator. His confidence and self-worth is fueled by his control over others. The more control he has, the better he feels and the more dangerous he becomes. He continues to rise through the ranks of the White Fang, gaining more and more control over others until he finally kills the high leader and assumes control over the entire White Fang, just to have it all ripped away from him at the end of Volume 5. And as soon as this happens, he falls apart. He becomes obsessed with getting revenge of Blake and follows her all throughout Volume 6, all the while wallowing in his failure and his loss of all control, leading to him becoming more and more unhinged. Until finally we get to the rematch between Yang and Adam, but now the roles are reversed. Adam is furious and only becomes more so as the fight drags on. He becomes more careless with his attacks. One important moment is in the last episode when Blake yells to Yang "His semblance is like yours!" and explains how it works, to which Yang replies "He gets to dish out damage without having to feel it?" That should have immediately clued Adam in on how Yang's semblance worked and that he needs to try and use strategy to end the fight in as few attacks as possible or else he's only going to continue charging her power. But it completely slips past him and he continues to just barrel down with quick successions of attacks, hoping to, as he says, simply break through her aura eventually. Yang plays it smart, allows Adam to continue charging her power, until finally we get the complete reversal of Volume 3 as Adam angrily charges in and Yang simply stands there calmly and finally uses her semblance fully again for the first time since she lost her arm three volumes ago. The fight then concludes with that great soundtrack. Everything about this fight is incredible and I really think it deserves to be praised as one of the best fights in the whole show, possibly even the best one. Can’t wait for the soundtrack and for you to get into Volume 7. The Volume 6 soundtrack is also quite possibly my favorite RWBY soundtrack, so I’m super excited. One of the songs in particular on there is quite possibly my favorite song ever, not just in RWBY, but my favorite song in general and it is extremely important to me.

Zen Reacts

Unfortunately since my internet is out i cant actually watch the reaction since i cant download it on my phone. Gonna have to wait i guess


When you were talking about it being hard to listen to old songs about characters we've lost, it just reminded me of the song Time Adventure by Rebecca Sugar. "Time is an illusion that helps things make sense That's why we're always living in the present tense It seems so unforgiving when a good thing ends But you and I will always be back then" I think Volume 6 is really the emotional turning-point for Team RNJR (well, specifically the R and J) after the Fall of Beacon, because we can finally see them beginning to look at the past and remember both the happy times and the sad. So much of Ruby's character is about always moving forward, never looking back. But the grand irony of that is her silver eyes *depend* on her looking back and finding the good times. She and Jaune both seemed to struggle with looking back on Beacon and only finding sadness. While Jaune tried to drown himself in that sorrow (and has thankfully started pulling himself back out of it thanks to Nora and Ren), Ruby's method for processing it was to basically avoid it. There's some pretty solid evidence that Ruby struggles to look back on anything without being hurt (Red Like Roses pt. 2, "At this rate you'll be combat ready in no time," "I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt, that I didn't think about them every day since I lost them, that I didn't wish I had spent more time with them"). Yang had to learn to overcome her past and not cling to it, Blake had to learn to accept her past and not be regretful over it, and Weiss had to learn to look inward and defy her past. Now it's Ruby's time to learn to embrace her past and the love that was in it, instead of only finding sorrow in it. In terms of the episodes themselves: - Yes, that was 2000% Summer Rose that we saw. Between the silver eyes, the very close appearance to Ruby, and the white cloak (which we saw her wearing as a ghostly figure in the Volume 1 opening and in Qrow's Team STRQ picture), it is definitely her. - the Silver Eyes scene is so gosh dang powerful, between the memories and the song. The memories are hand-drawn stills, I believe, and the little moments they detail are just so incredible. Because they have the big emotional moments like Penny telling Ruby she's not a human girl, Jaune and Pyrrha's dance, and Oscar's heart-to-heart with Ruby from Volume 5. And then they have the small moments like Blake's cat-like responses to fish and noodles and Zwei, And then you have the moments we have only ever heard about in passing. Particularly Yang, Tai, and the red wagon, which Yang mentions to Blake when telling the story of how she almost got herself killed when she was obsessed with finding Raven. - The soundtrack for Volume 6 is absolutely incredible. Every single one is an absolute banger, but my favorite has to be the credits song. I won't say why, but I will say it is actually my favorite RWBY song out of all of them. - Also, I'll refrain from going into detail but I would suggest a lot of tissues for the soundtrack reaction. As a note for the soundtrack, there are two songs in particular on the soundtrack that tie very heavily into one another and I don't believe they are next to each other track-wise on the album. I don't know if you've already recorded the soundtrack reaction, but in the event you haven't and you want to listen to them back-to-back, let me know and I'll say which ones they are.


Hi Hime :) I had said that Maria was the best character of this volume and that it was a Ruby volume, I see that now I'm not the only one to think so ^^. About having trouble listening to certain song, I can totally understand, volume 8 may have been over for a while, I still haven't watched the lyrics video for the final song, because it might make me cry and I'm sure it will be the same for you when you get there. But before that, I already know that episode 1 of volume 7, will leave you with tears of joy and a smile from ear to ear. Regarding what Salem does, she makes an army of flying monkeys of course ^^. But for this volume 6, it is clear that it is the volume that makes Ruby shine and places her as a real leader for the sequel, which will have some repercussion but I say no more. She has grown up since the little girl who listened to music in the dust store. And speaking of that, I was reminiscing not long ago, that Ruby had tried to 1V1 a deathwalker (the scorpion species) in the first few episodes, and that she had struggled, I think now the scorpion wouldn't last long in front of her or anyone on the team. They have all come so far since that time and the journey is not over.


can't wait for your volume 7 reactions just as a heads up Qrow's has a different VA going forward back between the end of volume 6 and before volume 7 aired there were some allegations that came out about Qrow;s VA Vic Mignogna witch became a messy and complicated issue so Rooster Teeth made the hard dissuasion to replace him witch caused a lot of backlash considering he is so many peoples favourite character my self included but i respect there dissuasion and i think his his new VA Jason Liebrecht who is the voice of Dabi form My Hero and Zeke from AoT does fantastic job as Qrow and bring a lot more emotion to the character that while i do like Vic's Qrow i fell like he fell short when if came to some of Qrow's more emotion scene like when Qrow is freaking out that there plan to steal ship is going south his tone of voice dose not fell like it matches the panicked look on his face. So just thought i would let you know it might take a bit to get used to but he defiantly comes into and makes the character his own and i hope you enjoy his portrayal


The link doesn’t work for me ☹️


Okay! By any chance, are you logged into a Google account? That might have something to do with it....sometimes logging out and logging back in helps?


Hey everyone, will be jumping in tomorrow to answer comments but just wondering who can/can't see the video now that I've uploaded the new link? The other 3 copies have not processed as of now. I'm re-exporting the file and will try uploading it again. Kind of at a loss as to what to do here but I will keep trying everything that I can!!! Thanks for your patience!! ~MH


I cant see the video, I downloaded it etc but wouldnt do it for me, if you put the normal link up like you normally do I will try it again tomorrow, thats what I used to have to do before and it was ok xx


a recommendation for the volume 6 sound track reaction you should listen to the acoustic version of armed and ready they did for this soundtrack its like a country/blue grass version of the song that people have affectionately described it as Bee-Haw

John J Ronald

Drop Box link 404's / no go. Giving the download option a try but otherwise I'll just check back in later this week.

John J Ronald

It's poetic justice that Yang is able to catch Adam's blade BECAUSE of the metal arm he was responsible for her receiving from Atlas...traps him and deals that devastating body blow with her full semblance, breaking his aura.


dang cant download it


excited for the soundtrack reaction tho

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:19:51 The download worked, yay! So, after credits scene.....they really lean HARD into Salem's Wicked Witch of the West inspiration, now complete with a ARMY of Flying Monkeys! (apes, whatever). General Ironwood is expecting a direct attack from Salem, but since Ozpin told him not to talk about Salem lest it cause a panic, it does make him look very paranoid to everyone, since he can't fully explain himself to the Atlas Council or the citizenry. Cordovan's change of heart comes from listening to RWBY & ORNJ over the open comms as they battle the Leviathan to protect Argus. She detaches the broken arm and charges in....for the RWBY x GURREN LAGANN crossover nobody knew we needed! The rousing finale when Ruby finally unleashes the Silver Eye blast is so emotional, I tear up every time. It feels right up there with any Disney finale, calculated to stir your heart and make you cry tears of joy. The conclusion and aftermath of the Blake & Yang vs. Adam fight convinced me their romantic ship is canon. I know there are some who still don't believe it, but if you listen to the dialogue during the fight, Adam clearly did! "What does she even SEE in YOU!?"...that's some jilted ex-lover's jealousy & rage there, folks. He definitely looked at Yang as "taking" Blake away from him, as a rival. The way that Ruby hugs Blake on the airship but looks at her sister....Yang meets Ruby's gaze and blushes. Ruby returns this with a knowing look. Weiss picks up on this dynamic also. Small side note, more signs of Emerald realizing she's in way over her head and doesn't like ANY of this. In the Opening Sequence, unlike the other villains who are smiling and smirking, she looks forlorn and unhappy. Salem continues to scare her, right down to the after credits scene. Cinder was the only thing keeping her invested and now that Cinder's off atoning for past failure Emerald is really questioning her life choices up to this point....and doesn't appreciate the reality check from Mercury, that Cinder doesn't actually care about Emerald at all. Anyway, we're all set up for Vol.7, with everyone converging on Atlas....our heros, but also with Cinder & Neo on their tail, if a bit delayed....but also we know Dr. Watts & Tyrian are on their way to Atlas as well....buckle up for one heck of a ride!
2021-05-12 01:38:03 The download worked, yay! So, after credits scene.....they really lean HARD into Salem's Wicked Witch of the West inspiration, now complete with a ARMY of Flying Monkeys! (apes, whatever). General Ironwood is expecting a direct attack from Salem, but since Ozpin told him not to talk about Salem lest it cause a panic, it does make him look very paranoid to everyone, since he can't fully explain himself to the Atlas Council or the citizenry. Cordovan's change of heart comes from listening to RWBY & ORNJ over the open comms as they battle the Leviathan to protect Argus. She detaches the broken arm and charges in....for the RWBY x GURREN LAGANN crossover nobody knew we needed! The rousing finale when Ruby finally unleashes the Silver Eye blast is so emotional, I tear up every time. It feels right up there with any Disney finale, calculated to stir your heart and make you cry tears of joy. The conclusion and aftermath of the Blake & Yang vs. Adam fight convinced me their romantic ship is canon. I know there are some who still don't believe it, but if you listen to the dialogue during the fight, Adam clearly did! "What does she even SEE in YOU!?"...that's some jilted ex-lover's jealousy & rage there, folks. He definitely looked at Yang as "taking" Blake away from him, as a rival. The way that Ruby hugs Blake on the airship but looks at her sister....Yang meets Ruby's gaze and blushes. Ruby returns this with a knowing look. Weiss picks up on this dynamic also. Small side note, more signs of Emerald realizing she's in way over her head and doesn't like ANY of this. In the Opening Sequence, unlike the other villains who are smiling and smirking, she looks forlorn and unhappy. Salem continues to scare her, right down to the after credits scene. Cinder was the only thing keeping her invested and now that Cinder's off atoning for past failure Emerald is really questioning her life choices up to this point....and doesn't appreciate the reality check from Mercury, that Cinder doesn't actually care about Emerald at all. Anyway, we're all set up for Vol.7, with everyone converging on Atlas....our heros, but also with Cinder & Neo on their tail, if a bit delayed....but also we know Dr. Watts & Tyrian are on their way to Atlas as well....buckle up for one heck of a ride!

The download worked, yay! So, after credits scene.....they really lean HARD into Salem's Wicked Witch of the West inspiration, now complete with a ARMY of Flying Monkeys! (apes, whatever). General Ironwood is expecting a direct attack from Salem, but since Ozpin told him not to talk about Salem lest it cause a panic, it does make him look very paranoid to everyone, since he can't fully explain himself to the Atlas Council or the citizenry. Cordovan's change of heart comes from listening to RWBY & ORNJ over the open comms as they battle the Leviathan to protect Argus. She detaches the broken arm and charges in....for the RWBY x GURREN LAGANN crossover nobody knew we needed! The rousing finale when Ruby finally unleashes the Silver Eye blast is so emotional, I tear up every time. It feels right up there with any Disney finale, calculated to stir your heart and make you cry tears of joy. The conclusion and aftermath of the Blake & Yang vs. Adam fight convinced me their romantic ship is canon. I know there are some who still don't believe it, but if you listen to the dialogue during the fight, Adam clearly did! "What does she even SEE in YOU!?"...that's some jilted ex-lover's jealousy & rage there, folks. He definitely looked at Yang as "taking" Blake away from him, as a rival. The way that Ruby hugs Blake on the airship but looks at her sister....Yang meets Ruby's gaze and blushes. Ruby returns this with a knowing look. Weiss picks up on this dynamic also. Small side note, more signs of Emerald realizing she's in way over her head and doesn't like ANY of this. In the Opening Sequence, unlike the other villains who are smiling and smirking, she looks forlorn and unhappy. Salem continues to scare her, right down to the after credits scene. Cinder was the only thing keeping her invested and now that Cinder's off atoning for past failure Emerald is really questioning her life choices up to this point....and doesn't appreciate the reality check from Mercury, that Cinder doesn't actually care about Emerald at all. Anyway, we're all set up for Vol.7, with everyone converging on Atlas....our heros, but also with Cinder & Neo on their tail, if a bit delayed....but also we know Dr. Watts & Tyrian are on their way to Atlas as well....buckle up for one heck of a ride!


So yeah I still can't see it and what's worse I can't even download it now. But I'm still waiting for it to process so I'm still very appreciative of you trying as much as possible to help, when it does finally load up you can guarantee you'll here from me! Thank you again for all the effort.


I'm very excited to see your reaction to the volume 6 soundtrack as I believe it's one of, if not, the strongest ost to come out of this show to date, only rivaled by volume 4's ost in my opinion. Going forward for volume 7, it is also a 13 episode volume same as volume 6, however there is basically no other supplemental content to watch with it like a world of remnant or character short seeing as rt decided to stop doing the shorts during the production of this volume. So I find that the volume as a whole tends to flow better if you were to watch the first episode on its own, vs if you watched the last episode on its own. I say that because a trend in this volume is that in the beginning and most of the middle chapters, the even numbered episodes tend to set up for the odd numbered episodes, and thus it's a more satisfying watch experience to end each week with the payoff that the even numbered episodes set up for, so the schedule would look like (week one: 1 - week two: 2+3 - week 3: 4+5... etc.) if you were to do this, but again it's just a suggestion. I feel like you're really going to enjoy this upcoming volume!


Yay! Welcome aboard! So true that this finale really highlights Ruby. And the flashbacks were so heartbreaking/warming!!! The lamp trick was really clever! And Cordovin getting on board was not what I was expecting, but was so touching and awesome! So true about Adam's death, it was not a good thing for either Blake or Yang, and poor Blake really wanted him to find peace even after everything they'd been through. He was never gonna let them get away though. Can't wait for the soundtrack (stocking up on tissues now haha) and the next volume!!!! XD


So sorry!!! I'm working on getting a streamable version up now, on my fifth copy of the file (ugh, Google Drive!!)!! Were you ever able to download/see it??

Zen Reacts

No but i can wait patiently! Dont stress too much, your reactions are always worth the wait!


This was such a great one for sure!!! Wow, you have perfectly summed up the Yang/Blake vs. Adam fight here!! So well said - it shows off how far these characters have come and he role reversal is done so well. I didn't even really think about how Yang is now the calm, strategic one and Adam is unhinged, until you mentioned it. I can't wait for the soundtrack and the next volume! Oh and John - SO true!!! That's really ironic about the arm!!! Dang!!! So many great emotional layers to the fight!!!


Omg, those lyrics...!!! And yes, I agree that Jaune and Ruby have some pretty big developments here. Over the course of all the character stuff we've seen with just about every main character in the last few volumes, there's always been something there about Ruby that feels...unresolved. And it's addressed here. So ironic - I never thought about it that Ruby's all about moving forward, yet has to learn to embrace her past in order to use the silver eyes!!!! And so glad that Jaune was able to get closure here too. I'm so excited for the soundtrack!!! I haven't recorded the soundtrack reaction yet - I'm doing it today actually!!


Hi Spadeas! :) Hahaha Maria was amazing! Oh wow, glad you understand about the music thing...it's hard isn't it?! I can't wait for vol. 7!!! Hahaha oh yes they were flying monkeys weren't they! Ruby had such great growth in this one! Oh yeah, I totally forgot about the deathwalker! Dang, she has come a long way for sure haha. I can't wait for more!


Thanks for the heads up, I had heard about that! I'm sure the new VA does a great job! WHOA, sounds like he has quite the resume too haha. I'm looking forward to hearing him!


I'm so sorry! I just added a fifth copy that's uploaded to a different Google account (I made a separate post about it this morning) - that one might be more easily downloaded!!! Thank you for being so patient and kind, it truly means a lot! I'm hoping I can get something working really soon and I can't wait to hear your feedback!!! :D


Sorry about that, I'm uploading files one after another to Google Drive trying to get it to work and so far none of them are processing for streaming. :( I uploaded a fifth copy to a different Google Drive account and shared that link here this morning in a separate post. I'm hoping to get that one (or any one of them at this point lol) going really soon! Thanks for your patience!


Ah yes, Dropbox quickly deactivated the file due to bandwidth :( I have a fifth copy of the file that I posted in a different post this morning. I'm hoping that one processes soon but it at least might be more downloadable since it's on a different account! Sorry!


Ah yes!!!! The person who puts together my playlists for me included it! Excited to listen to it!


Thanks and sorry about that!!! I uploaded a fifth copy to a different Google Drive account this morning (the link is in a separate post). I'm hoping that one processes soon but it at least will be more downloadable since it's on a different account and the bandwidth hasn't been exceeded there. Hope you love it and my soundtrack reaction when it's up!


YAY!!! Hahaha those were totally flying monkeys weren't they?!?! Ah, I can see how that would be hard for Ironwood! Hahaha that sounds like an epic crossover!! Omg couldn't agree more about the flashbacks/silver eyes scene - it hits you right in the feels! Oh yeah, I think the ship is becoming more and more a thing! Awww I missed that during the hug, but it makes total sense. I kinda feel bad for Emerald because she is in WAY over her head!!! I wonder if she'll end up jumping ship??? Oh boy, sounds like Vol. 7 is gonna be intense! Can't wait!!!


I'm so excited to listen to it! Thanks for the info on vol. 7 - I was actually planning on watching ep 1 on its own and releasing it the same week (next week) as the soundtrack reaction so there's technically 2 RWBY things out there hehe. I'm glad it works out that way!


Just to give you an update: I just uploaded a fifth copy of the file this morning (in a separate post) that is hosted on another Google Drive account. It's also still processing, but you might have better luck downloading that one than the copies I uploaded yesterday! Thanks for your patience!

Zen Reacts

Best of luck hope it doesnt be too much of a pain in the ass


So I was gonna wait until I watched the episode to comment this, but it seems like google really has it out for you today, lol. I’m glad they ended Adam’s story here, I’ve honestly never really liked him. From the beginning he came off as someone who wanted to just fight humans more than he wanted to fight for the Faunus. I mean, the only reason I ever actually liked him was because he had a cool sword and I have a weakness for anime guys with red hair. Wow, we’re officially closing off V6. Can’t wait for volume 7, I have been really looking forward for the V7 premier reaction.

Sunset (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:19:50 Finally! After almost two hours of downloading I got it!! And boy...these two episodes were as great as I remember! It can't be more true to say that Cordovin's downfall in their fight was her arrogance. She underestimated Ruby and the others at almost every turn and wasn't prepared for Ruby to be willing to put it all on the line like that. Speaking of Ruby, god, that moment with her and Qrow hurts on two levels. On one you wonder if he's heard those very words coming from Summer (...and well we all know what happened there) and on another level this is his niece, the young girl he trained and looked after from afar for so long... and here she is trying to throw herself at danger and asking him to let her do that. But he also knows, like Yang has mentioned in V5 with their conversation with Ozpin, if there's one thing they all know about Ruby "it's that she always knows the right thing to do". And while that may not be true in a lot of cases, Ruby is smart and has managed to survive this long with the choices she's made, so he takes the risk and trusts her to get it done. It's wonderfully bittersweet. And then you have Ruby, flowing red cloak and all, staring down this giant robot all by herself. Determined to do the right thing no matter what immovable force may come her way. And while it's true that they did need the canon in the end, it wasn't like Ruby didn't give Cordo a chance to back down, and if she hadn't have taken the canon out Cordo would've kept coming after them. Speaking of the canon this moment with Ruby jumping right into it will never not be absolutely EPIC! Weiss with save though, really living up to her role as the best partner Ruby will ever have! Fun fact, the Blake & Yang vs Adam fight is what got me into RWBY! It popped up on my youtube recommended one day as a super-cut, I ended up watching the whole thing with no context and decided I wanted to know more so I went to watch the rest of the show... and here we are! The one thing I did pick up from my original no context filled watch was that 'they didn't like the dude, but they didn't want to fight him either.' If we take ep 10, 11 and 12 into consideration both Blake and Yang gave Adam ample opportunities to walk away but he didn't. Because he wanted to induce suffering in Blake for what he believes she did to him. And if I'm being honest, I don't think the girls would've done what they did if he had just given up when they disarmed him... but he kept going, he went for Gambol in hopes of being able to take one of them with him if he was going to go down. But the girls were done with him hurting them both, so they worked together (semi-unintentionally?) to protect each other. And it hurts Blake so much... because no matter how much he had changed, no matter how much he had hurt her... taking a life, especially the life of someone you once thought you loved is never easy. And you can tell it effects her, because his words still ring around in her head, "she made a promise to me once", bringing on her words to Yang, "I'm not going to break my promise, I swear". She doesn't want Yang to think she'll run again, she's so afraid of what happened with Adam happening again because she couldn't keep a promise. But Yang's not like Adam, Blake has said that before and never rings more true then when Yang sees how much pain Blake is in, and instead of hurting her with words she just goes "I know you won't." reaffirming her reestablished trust in the woman she has now become the closest too. So many feelings. I love them so much. Ruby has been the best she has ever been at being a leader this volume and I really do adore it. She took stock of the situation they were in with the Leviathan, took a moment to formulate a plan she thought would work the best and immediately went into action. And when the Atlas forces refused to help, she took it in stride. Because there's no time to be frustrated with them, because there are lives on the line (which I seriously don't enjoy seeing the Atlas military deny help when they very clearly need it even in spite of Ruby's ship being marked hostile). Those flashbacks in the new animation style still both warm and hurt my heart. And like someone else has already said, its such an irony that Ruby's character is all about moving forward despite the many hardships she's endured but in order to use her silver powered powers to their full extent she needs to look back at all the moments of her loved ones, even the sad ones. And that moment where you do something so clever you impress the BEING OF KNOWLEDGE. Like damn Ruby. And of course Cordovin came around, have you heard Ruby's inspirational speeches? They are just as good as Naruto's Talk-no-Jutsu and Deku's heroic monologues! That moment with Qrow and Maria was very sweet, after everything Qrow has been through (not only in the few days that were the entirety of V6 but most likely his whole life) it must have been amazingly relieving to have someone finally tell him he was doing good. And of course that bees moment spoke so much without speaking much at all, ugh I love them so much. And the confirmation that Ozpin is still lurking around, is kinda bittersweet for me, because like it's great that he popped in to help Oscar when he needed (how much of that was self-preservation as opposed to true care I don't think too much about) but that also means he could've been helping them the whole time but still refused to deal with the aftermath of everything that happened. But despite all that, we've finally made it to Atlas! And we are greeted with an entire air fleet... yay? I do think it sucks that Ironwood recalled all of his forces from defending the rest of Remnant just so they could defend Atlas instead but on another level I understand the worry for your own people... but still, he's a world leader, a member of Ozpin's inner circle and a huntsmen his duty should be to all of Remnant not just his own nation. That coupled in with the fact he wasn't doing too hot last time we saw him, well let's just see how V7 goes I suppose. Also not sure if other's have mentioned it but volume 6 is two weeks after volume 5, and episode 1 of Volume 7 begins the moment volume 6 ends (if that makes sense) and then the timeline after that gets a little hazy for the rest of V7 (I assume a few weeks or at the most a month or two past). Anyways sorry for my long rant but after finally getting to watch your stellar reaction I had to get all my thoughts down! Excited for the V6 soundtrack reaction I'm sure you'll adore it and even more excited to begin V7 a volume that had the FNDM going crazy!
2021-05-12 15:12:12 Finally! After almost two hours of downloading I got it!! And boy...these two episodes were as great as I remember! It can't be more true to say that Cordovin's downfall in their fight was her arrogance. She underestimated Ruby and the others at almost every turn and wasn't prepared for Ruby to be willing to put it all on the line like that. Speaking of Ruby, god, that moment with her and Qrow hurts on two levels. On one you wonder if he's heard those very words coming from Summer (...and well we all know what happened there) and on another level this is his niece, the young girl he trained and looked after from afar for so long... and here she is trying to throw herself at danger and asking him to let her do that. But he also knows, like Yang has mentioned in V5 with their conversation with Ozpin, if there's one thing they all know about Ruby "it's that she always knows the right thing to do". And while that may not be true in a lot of cases, Ruby is smart and has managed to survive this long with the choices she's made, so he takes the risk and trusts her to get it done. It's wonderfully bittersweet. And then you have Ruby, flowing red cloak and all, staring down this giant robot all by herself. Determined to do the right thing no matter what immovable force may come her way. And while it's true that they did need the canon in the end, it wasn't like Ruby didn't give Cordo a chance to back down, and if she hadn't have taken the canon out Cordo would've kept coming after them. Speaking of the canon this moment with Ruby jumping right into it will never not be absolutely EPIC! Weiss with save though, really living up to her role as the best partner Ruby will ever have! Fun fact, the Blake & Yang vs Adam fight is what got me into RWBY! It popped up on my youtube recommended one day as a super-cut, I ended up watching the whole thing with no context and decided I wanted to know more so I went to watch the rest of the show... and here we are! The one thing I did pick up from my original no context filled watch was that 'they didn't like the dude, but they didn't want to fight him either.' If we take ep 10, 11 and 12 into consideration both Blake and Yang gave Adam ample opportunities to walk away but he didn't. Because he wanted to induce suffering in Blake for what he believes she did to him. And if I'm being honest, I don't think the girls would've done what they did if he had just given up when they disarmed him... but he kept going, he went for Gambol in hopes of being able to take one of them with him if he was going to go down. But the girls were done with him hurting them both, so they worked together (semi-unintentionally?) to protect each other. And it hurts Blake so much... because no matter how much he had changed, no matter how much he had hurt her... taking a life, especially the life of someone you once thought you loved is never easy. And you can tell it effects her, because his words still ring around in her head, "she made a promise to me once", bringing on her words to Yang, "I'm not going to break my promise, I swear". She doesn't want Yang to think she'll run again, she's so afraid of what happened with Adam happening again because she couldn't keep a promise. But Yang's not like Adam, Blake has said that before and never rings more true then when Yang sees how much pain Blake is in, and instead of hurting her with words she just goes "I know you won't." reaffirming her reestablished trust in the woman she has now become the closest too. So many feelings. I love them so much. Ruby has been the best she has ever been at being a leader this volume and I really do adore it. She took stock of the situation they were in with the Leviathan, took a moment to formulate a plan she thought would work the best and immediately went into action. And when the Atlas forces refused to help, she took it in stride. Because there's no time to be frustrated with them, because there are lives on the line (which I seriously don't enjoy seeing the Atlas military deny help when they very clearly need it even in spite of Ruby's ship being marked hostile). Those flashbacks in the new animation style still both warm and hurt my heart. And like someone else has already said, its such an irony that Ruby's character is all about moving forward despite the many hardships she's endured but in order to use her silver powered powers to their full extent she needs to look back at all the moments of her loved ones, even the sad ones. And that moment where you do something so clever you impress the BEING OF KNOWLEDGE. Like damn Ruby. And of course Cordovin came around, have you heard Ruby's inspirational speeches? They are just as good as Naruto's Talk-no-Jutsu and Deku's heroic monologues! That moment with Qrow and Maria was very sweet, after everything Qrow has been through (not only in the few days that were the entirety of V6 but most likely his whole life) it must have been amazingly relieving to have someone finally tell him he was doing good. And of course that bees moment spoke so much without speaking much at all, ugh I love them so much. And the confirmation that Ozpin is still lurking around, is kinda bittersweet for me, because like it's great that he popped in to help Oscar when he needed (how much of that was self-preservation as opposed to true care I don't think too much about) but that also means he could've been helping them the whole time but still refused to deal with the aftermath of everything that happened. But despite all that, we've finally made it to Atlas! And we are greeted with an entire air fleet... yay? I do think it sucks that Ironwood recalled all of his forces from defending the rest of Remnant just so they could defend Atlas instead but on another level I understand the worry for your own people... but still, he's a world leader, a member of Ozpin's inner circle and a huntsmen his duty should be to all of Remnant not just his own nation. That coupled in with the fact he wasn't doing too hot last time we saw him, well let's just see how V7 goes I suppose. Also not sure if other's have mentioned it but volume 6 is two weeks after volume 5, and episode 1 of Volume 7 begins the moment volume 6 ends (if that makes sense) and then the timeline after that gets a little hazy for the rest of V7 (I assume a few weeks or at the most a month or two past). Anyways sorry for my long rant but after finally getting to watch your stellar reaction I had to get all my thoughts down! Excited for the V6 soundtrack reaction I'm sure you'll adore it and even more excited to begin V7 a volume that had the FNDM going crazy!

Finally! After almost two hours of downloading I got it!! And boy...these two episodes were as great as I remember! It can't be more true to say that Cordovin's downfall in their fight was her arrogance. She underestimated Ruby and the others at almost every turn and wasn't prepared for Ruby to be willing to put it all on the line like that. Speaking of Ruby, god, that moment with her and Qrow hurts on two levels. On one you wonder if he's heard those very words coming from Summer (...and well we all know what happened there) and on another level this is his niece, the young girl he trained and looked after from afar for so long... and here she is trying to throw herself at danger and asking him to let her do that. But he also knows, like Yang has mentioned in V5 with their conversation with Ozpin, if there's one thing they all know about Ruby "it's that she always knows the right thing to do". And while that may not be true in a lot of cases, Ruby is smart and has managed to survive this long with the choices she's made, so he takes the risk and trusts her to get it done. It's wonderfully bittersweet. And then you have Ruby, flowing red cloak and all, staring down this giant robot all by herself. Determined to do the right thing no matter what immovable force may come her way. And while it's true that they did need the canon in the end, it wasn't like Ruby didn't give Cordo a chance to back down, and if she hadn't have taken the canon out Cordo would've kept coming after them. Speaking of the canon this moment with Ruby jumping right into it will never not be absolutely EPIC! Weiss with save though, really living up to her role as the best partner Ruby will ever have! Fun fact, the Blake & Yang vs Adam fight is what got me into RWBY! It popped up on my youtube recommended one day as a super-cut, I ended up watching the whole thing with no context and decided I wanted to know more so I went to watch the rest of the show... and here we are! The one thing I did pick up from my original no context filled watch was that 'they didn't like the dude, but they didn't want to fight him either.' If we take ep 10, 11 and 12 into consideration both Blake and Yang gave Adam ample opportunities to walk away but he didn't. Because he wanted to induce suffering in Blake for what he believes she did to him. And if I'm being honest, I don't think the girls would've done what they did if he had just given up when they disarmed him... but he kept going, he went for Gambol in hopes of being able to take one of them with him if he was going to go down. But the girls were done with him hurting them both, so they worked together (semi-unintentionally?) to protect each other. And it hurts Blake so much... because no matter how much he had changed, no matter how much he had hurt her... taking a life, especially the life of someone you once thought you loved is never easy. And you can tell it effects her, because his words still ring around in her head, "she made a promise to me once", bringing on her words to Yang, "I'm not going to break my promise, I swear". She doesn't want Yang to think she'll run again, she's so afraid of what happened with Adam happening again because she couldn't keep a promise. But Yang's not like Adam, Blake has said that before and never rings more true then when Yang sees how much pain Blake is in, and instead of hurting her with words she just goes "I know you won't." reaffirming her reestablished trust in the woman she has now become the closest too. So many feelings. I love them so much. Ruby has been the best she has ever been at being a leader this volume and I really do adore it. She took stock of the situation they were in with the Leviathan, took a moment to formulate a plan she thought would work the best and immediately went into action. And when the Atlas forces refused to help, she took it in stride. Because there's no time to be frustrated with them, because there are lives on the line (which I seriously don't enjoy seeing the Atlas military deny help when they very clearly need it even in spite of Ruby's ship being marked hostile). Those flashbacks in the new animation style still both warm and hurt my heart. And like someone else has already said, its such an irony that Ruby's character is all about moving forward despite the many hardships she's endured but in order to use her silver powered powers to their full extent she needs to look back at all the moments of her loved ones, even the sad ones. And that moment where you do something so clever you impress the BEING OF KNOWLEDGE. Like damn Ruby. And of course Cordovin came around, have you heard Ruby's inspirational speeches? They are just as good as Naruto's Talk-no-Jutsu and Deku's heroic monologues! That moment with Qrow and Maria was very sweet, after everything Qrow has been through (not only in the few days that were the entirety of V6 but most likely his whole life) it must have been amazingly relieving to have someone finally tell him he was doing good. And of course that bees moment spoke so much without speaking much at all, ugh I love them so much. And the confirmation that Ozpin is still lurking around, is kinda bittersweet for me, because like it's great that he popped in to help Oscar when he needed (how much of that was self-preservation as opposed to true care I don't think too much about) but that also means he could've been helping them the whole time but still refused to deal with the aftermath of everything that happened. But despite all that, we've finally made it to Atlas! And we are greeted with an entire air fleet... yay? I do think it sucks that Ironwood recalled all of his forces from defending the rest of Remnant just so they could defend Atlas instead but on another level I understand the worry for your own people... but still, he's a world leader, a member of Ozpin's inner circle and a huntsmen his duty should be to all of Remnant not just his own nation. That coupled in with the fact he wasn't doing too hot last time we saw him, well let's just see how V7 goes I suppose. Also not sure if other's have mentioned it but volume 6 is two weeks after volume 5, and episode 1 of Volume 7 begins the moment volume 6 ends (if that makes sense) and then the timeline after that gets a little hazy for the rest of V7 (I assume a few weeks or at the most a month or two past). Anyways sorry for my long rant but after finally getting to watch your stellar reaction I had to get all my thoughts down! Excited for the V6 soundtrack reaction I'm sure you'll adore it and even more excited to begin V7 a volume that had the FNDM going crazy!

Kayleigh McRae

In case they forget to mention the two tracks. I believe they mean the tracks, "Lionized" and "Nevermore". They are connected and are quite interesting to hear back to back. Starting with Lionized and ending with Nevermore.


finally able to download this and you know what it was worth the wait. I can't believe you are already done with volume 6. The Adam vs Yang and Blake fight was amazing along with the rest of the gang dealing with Cordovin. So cool when you called the Leviathan grimmzilla because thats what I said when I first saw it. I am loving Neo new outfit. You reacted the way I thought you would when Cinder mention what Pyrrha said to her. Now I can't wait for the soundtrack reaction then after that its on to volume 7 which i cannot believe


Alright this is more like it. I feel like a VIP granted access to an exclusive club! 😎 Great reaction. Cant wait for the soundtrack 🎶


Yay, glad to have the episode properly working at last, I'd imagine that must've been pretty frustrating trying to resolve on your end, technical issues are always the worst. In any case, ahhhh I love these episodes so much, the ending to the bees v Adam fight is so great and then just all the Ruby stuff in 13 is so amazing. Also, I'd be remiss not to mention Cinder and Neo's new outfits, both of them look great but I'd have to say this is probably my fave look for Cinder across the whole series, which is certainly saying something considering she's had more outfits than any other character. Honestly, I love Cinder a lot, so it's always funny to see people react to the destiny line sdsfd. Oh but the beeeeeees, while they aren't necessarily a couple, when you have Adam very clearly drawing comparison between his former relationship with Blake and what she has now with Yang in lines like "She made a promise to me once," and even going so far as to scream "What does she even see in you!?" at Yang it does kinda seem like our girls are heading in a particular direction together, excited for you to see more of the two of them going forward. And then Ruby, I think I might've mentioned in a previous comment that this volume really established her as one of my fave characters, and the finale was a biiiiiig part of that. It's everything we see from her really but especially the sequence with the flashbacks and silver eye burst, it tells you so much about her, she knows that life can be painful and that terrible things happen, but that doesn't stop her from holding on to the joy she's experienced and all the good times she's been able to spend with the people she loves.


Hahah yes it's been giving me lots of trouble this week, grr!!! I was honestly kind of surprised at first that Adam's story ended here, but I hear you that his character was not very likable (albeit very layered in its own way)!! I hope you love my future reactions!!


YESSS!!! So glad you were able to see it! Oh the moment with Ruby and Qrow is so wonderfully done - very true that he may have heard the same thing from Summer, and also that as much as it might be hard for him to let her go and do things her way, she has made great decisions thus far!! Oh the canon moment with Ruby was SUPERB, couldn't agree more! OMG Ruby totally talk-no-justu-ed Cordovin haha!! Oh the flashbacks were both beautiful and heartbreaking....and so true about the irony of her silver eyes. OMG great point that it takes a lot to impress a being of knowledge haha!! Couldn't agree more about the Qrow/Maria moments and the Bees moments! Ah I see what you mean about Ozpin - that could mean that he's sorta been around the whole time but didn't act. I hear you about Ironwood!!! It's great to protect the place you're in charge of, but I totally see the point about doing what's right for Remnant in general as well. Ohhhh I didn't know that about the timeline actually, thanks for the info!!! Awww no worries, I loved your thoughts and feedback and am so happy you enjoyed my reaction!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the soundtrack reaction to come out (just filmed it yesterday, taking a good long time to get it onto Drive so we hopefully don't have such issues with it haha) and I'm dying for Vol 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again!


YAY!!! I'm so happy you liked it and were able to see it! I know right?! Time flies!! The fight was so great, so was the Grimmzilla haha!!! I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that lol. Ohhh that line from Cinder....!!!! And Neo's outfit is great. I hope you love the soundtrack reaction! And OMG!!! Vol 7!!! Can't believe we've come this far, and I can't wait to see it!


Hahahah yes!!! XD I'm so happy you liked it! And hope you love the soundtrack reaction too!!!

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:19:51 YAY!!!!! Thank you for being so understanding, it was certainly frustrating on my end as well and I am so happy to have it resolved now!! I agree that it's all amazing! Hahaha oh yes I think you've mentioned before that you like Cinder!! The destiny line got me so "grrrr" haha. The outfits look great! Yes I agree that while they didn't outright say that Bees are a couple, having Adam draw that comparison certainly does solidify it in a lot of ways! Omg yes, the finale went a long way towards making Ruby even more awesome! Ugh, you worded it so perfectly that I started to tear up when I read it :'D Haha this show will never not make me emotional, Ruby in particular, with the relentless hope <3333 Thanks!
2021-05-13 14:04:02 YAY!!!!! Thank you for being so understanding, it was certainly frustrating on my end as well and I am so happy to have it resolved now!! I agree that it's all amazing! Hahaha oh yes I think you've mentioned before that you like Cinder!! The destiny line got me so "grrrr" haha. The outfits look great! Yes I agree that while they didn't outright say that Bees are a couple, having Adam draw that comparison certainly does solidify it in a lot of ways! Omg yes, the finale went a long way towards making Ruby even more awesome! Ugh, you worded it so perfectly that I started to tear up when I read it :'D Haha this show will never not make me emotional, Ruby in particular, with the relentless hope <3333 Thanks!

YAY!!!!! Thank you for being so understanding, it was certainly frustrating on my end as well and I am so happy to have it resolved now!! I agree that it's all amazing! Hahaha oh yes I think you've mentioned before that you like Cinder!! The destiny line got me so "grrrr" haha. The outfits look great! Yes I agree that while they didn't outright say that Bees are a couple, having Adam draw that comparison certainly does solidify it in a lot of ways! Omg yes, the finale went a long way towards making Ruby even more awesome! Ugh, you worded it so perfectly that I started to tear up when I read it :'D Haha this show will never not make me emotional, Ruby in particular, with the relentless hope <3333 Thanks!


Ahhh yes I actually just filmed the soundtrack reaction and I can totally see the connection!

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:19:50 I love this episode I think it’s fucking fantastic. The title “Seeing Red” besides generally meaning being angry beyond reason which really describes Caroline and Adam it’s also a reference to Adam being a Bull Faunus even if it’s hard to see his horns a lot of the time and most people know how bulls react to the color red. It’s hilarious to see Caroline’s soldiers cheering her on but unfortunately it was also distracting them from the large target appearing on their radar which shows up at the end of the episode. I think we all knew at least to some degree that Ruby would be fine after last episodes cliffhanger. I love seeing Maria doing some crazy flying while Oscar explains the weakness of/plan to take out the robot. It’s so great to see Ren rush to Nora and Jaune as soon as he sees them and the voice acting perfectly captures how relieved he is to see that they are okay. Oscar’s plan to me shows his development and that he has a strategic mind and I think he came up with it thanks to Ruby talking about it earlier. I love how Ruby has no hesitation to starting the plan by getting in the airship. Also there’s something so sad about Qrow reaching out his hand and letting it slowly drop as Ruby flies away. It looks like Caroline was about to be contacted about the Leviathan but unfortunately Maria distracts her. I think it’s impressive that Ruby almost makes the shot but also that Caroline notices and reacts in time. I love the reflection of the lightning in Ruby’s eyes. It’s upsetting to see Maria temporarily lose her sight especially because it seems to me at least to be somewhat painful. Also poor Oscar freaking out like he does. Poor Qrow probably flashing back to losing Summer as he tries to stop Ruby. Although I think it’s beautiful and awesome to see the absolute certainty and determination in her body language and voice acting as she says to trust her. And the fact that he does says a lot about his and her development. Her speech towards Cordovin is so amazing especially with a lot of the themes of the show like working together and fighting for what’s right. Ruby’s final move is absolutely insane but ingenious and such a badass thing to do and the music really adds to it. It’s so heartwarming to see both Weiss and Qrow make the save after she loses her aura. It's so cool to see all the different dust in the explosion of the cannon. Now on to the best part of the episode and 1 of my favorite fights Blake &amp; Yang vs Adam. Everything about it from the emotions to the character development to the animation/action/choreography to the music and the voice acting is and makes it perfect in my eyes. Their teamwork and how in sync they are is amazing and when Yang throws Blake it's just a reverse of the bumblebee team attack. Also I'm glad they showed how much raw strength by having him send her flying like 50 feet. Having it be Yang vs Adam for a while is great if only for the dialogue especially the jealous ex “what does she even see in you?” Line. I love how dynamic and back-and-forth the fight felt as well as all the characters feeling very in character/well-written and intelligence/strategic they were in the face of B &amp; Y’s trauma &amp; A’s anger it’s just that his anger clouded his judgment enough to allow them to win. I absolutely love that Yang waited to the last-second to use her semblance to get the upper hand and take out Adam’s aura and get rid of his sword. Also it’s so amazing to finally see her full semblance after so long and it looks beautiful/awesome and while it also reflects her character development the reason why we haven’t seen it is because they couldn’t figure out how to animate the flaming hair in this new animation engine at least I believe that was the case. Even thoughappens in the end isn’t really a good thing the uppercut from Blake is so satisfying. All of them losing their aura is such a perfect set up for the race to the pieces of Gambol Shroud. Adam’s death here is so brutal getting stabbed twice probably hitting internal organs and causing internal bleeding and then falling and breaking his back against the rocks and even if he had somehow survived all that he would have drowned. His reaction of oh works really well because he 100% believed they were going to die and never believed he would die. Also the look on his face of emptiness and looking far away is definitely because he’s going into shock but also very much represents his character in my opinion. Blake collapsing into tears and Yang is so beautiful and 1 of my favorite moments of theirs. Especially all the soft touches and how vulnerable they both are. When I 1st watched this I definitely thought it solidified the bumblebee ship as canon but that they need time before it gets to the romance stage after everything they have gone through. And for the people who don’t like it or don’t understand why it makes sense and is not “forced” here’s a video by the RWBY reaction channel Xiao Long about the topic that I think would be awesome for you to react to at some point found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dWpkduYS8Q . The cliffhanger is great and really scary with the Leviathan showing up. And in hindsight Jaune talking about bigger Grimm in the previous episode was foreshadowing for this. Episode 13 comment coming soon.
2021-05-18 21:07:36 I love this episode I think it’s fucking fantastic. The title “Seeing Red” besides generally meaning being angry beyond reason which really describes Caroline and Adam it’s also a reference to Adam being a Bull Faunus even if it’s hard to see his horns a lot of the time and most people know how bulls react to the color red. It’s hilarious to see Caroline’s soldiers cheering her on but unfortunately it was also distracting them from the large target appearing on their radar which shows up at the end of the episode. I think we all knew at least to some degree that Ruby would be fine after last episodes cliffhanger. I love seeing Maria doing some crazy flying while Oscar explains the weakness of/plan to take out the robot. It’s so great to see Ren rush to Nora and Jaune as soon as he sees them and the voice acting perfectly captures how relieved he is to see that they are okay. Oscar’s plan to me shows his development and that he has a strategic mind and I think he came up with it thanks to Ruby talking about it earlier. I love how Ruby has no hesitation to starting the plan by getting in the airship. Also there’s something so sad about Qrow reaching out his hand and letting it slowly drop as Ruby flies away. It looks like Caroline was about to be contacted about the Leviathan but unfortunately Maria distracts her. I think it’s impressive that Ruby almost makes the shot but also that Caroline notices and reacts in time. I love the reflection of the lightning in Ruby’s eyes. It’s upsetting to see Maria temporarily lose her sight especially because it seems to me at least to be somewhat painful. Also poor Oscar freaking out like he does. Poor Qrow probably flashing back to losing Summer as he tries to stop Ruby. Although I think it’s beautiful and awesome to see the absolute certainty and determination in her body language and voice acting as she says to trust her. And the fact that he does says a lot about his and her development. Her speech towards Cordovin is so amazing especially with a lot of the themes of the show like working together and fighting for what’s right. Ruby’s final move is absolutely insane but ingenious and such a badass thing to do and the music really adds to it. It’s so heartwarming to see both Weiss and Qrow make the save after she loses her aura. It's so cool to see all the different dust in the explosion of the cannon. Now on to the best part of the episode and 1 of my favorite fights Blake & Yang vs Adam. Everything about it from the emotions to the character development to the animation/action/choreography to the music and the voice acting is and makes it perfect in my eyes. Their teamwork and how in sync they are is amazing and when Yang throws Blake it's just a reverse of the bumblebee team attack. Also I'm glad they showed how much raw strength by having him send her flying like 50 feet. Having it be Yang vs Adam for a while is great if only for the dialogue especially the jealous ex “what does she even see in you?” Line. I love how dynamic and back-and-forth the fight felt as well as all the characters feeling very in character/well-written and intelligence/strategic they were in the face of B & Y’s trauma & A’s anger it’s just that his anger clouded his judgment enough to allow them to win. I absolutely love that Yang waited to the last-second to use her semblance to get the upper hand and take out Adam’s aura and get rid of his sword. Also it’s so amazing to finally see her full semblance after so long and it looks beautiful/awesome and while it also reflects her character development the reason why we haven’t seen it is because they couldn’t figure out how to animate the flaming hair in this new animation engine at least I believe that was the case. Even thoughappens in the end isn’t really a good thing the uppercut from Blake is so satisfying. All of them losing their aura is such a perfect set up for the race to the pieces of Gambol Shroud. Adam’s death here is so brutal getting stabbed twice probably hitting internal organs and causing internal bleeding and then falling and breaking his back against the rocks and even if he had somehow survived all that he would have drowned. His reaction of oh works really well because he 100% believed they were going to die and never believed he would die. Also the look on his face of emptiness and looking far away is definitely because he’s going into shock but also very much represents his character in my opinion. Blake collapsing into tears and Yang is so beautiful and 1 of my favorite moments of theirs. Especially all the soft touches and how vulnerable they both are. When I 1st watched this I definitely thought it solidified the bumblebee ship as canon but that they need time before it gets to the romance stage after everything they have gone through. And for the people who don’t like it or don’t understand why it makes sense and is not “forced” here’s a video by the RWBY reaction channel Xiao Long about the topic that I think would be awesome for you to react to at some point found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dWpkduYS8Q . The cliffhanger is great and really scary with the Leviathan showing up. And in hindsight Jaune talking about bigger Grimm in the previous episode was foreshadowing for this. Episode 13 comment coming soon.

I love this episode I think it’s fucking fantastic. The title “Seeing Red” besides generally meaning being angry beyond reason which really describes Caroline and Adam it’s also a reference to Adam being a Bull Faunus even if it’s hard to see his horns a lot of the time and most people know how bulls react to the color red. It’s hilarious to see Caroline’s soldiers cheering her on but unfortunately it was also distracting them from the large target appearing on their radar which shows up at the end of the episode. I think we all knew at least to some degree that Ruby would be fine after last episodes cliffhanger. I love seeing Maria doing some crazy flying while Oscar explains the weakness of/plan to take out the robot. It’s so great to see Ren rush to Nora and Jaune as soon as he sees them and the voice acting perfectly captures how relieved he is to see that they are okay. Oscar’s plan to me shows his development and that he has a strategic mind and I think he came up with it thanks to Ruby talking about it earlier. I love how Ruby has no hesitation to starting the plan by getting in the airship. Also there’s something so sad about Qrow reaching out his hand and letting it slowly drop as Ruby flies away. It looks like Caroline was about to be contacted about the Leviathan but unfortunately Maria distracts her. I think it’s impressive that Ruby almost makes the shot but also that Caroline notices and reacts in time. I love the reflection of the lightning in Ruby’s eyes. It’s upsetting to see Maria temporarily lose her sight especially because it seems to me at least to be somewhat painful. Also poor Oscar freaking out like he does. Poor Qrow probably flashing back to losing Summer as he tries to stop Ruby. Although I think it’s beautiful and awesome to see the absolute certainty and determination in her body language and voice acting as she says to trust her. And the fact that he does says a lot about his and her development. Her speech towards Cordovin is so amazing especially with a lot of the themes of the show like working together and fighting for what’s right. Ruby’s final move is absolutely insane but ingenious and such a badass thing to do and the music really adds to it. It’s so heartwarming to see both Weiss and Qrow make the save after she loses her aura. It's so cool to see all the different dust in the explosion of the cannon. Now on to the best part of the episode and 1 of my favorite fights Blake & Yang vs Adam. Everything about it from the emotions to the character development to the animation/action/choreography to the music and the voice acting is and makes it perfect in my eyes. Their teamwork and how in sync they are is amazing and when Yang throws Blake it's just a reverse of the bumblebee team attack. Also I'm glad they showed how much raw strength by having him send her flying like 50 feet. Having it be Yang vs Adam for a while is great if only for the dialogue especially the jealous ex “what does she even see in you?” Line. I love how dynamic and back-and-forth the fight felt as well as all the characters feeling very in character/well-written and intelligence/strategic they were in the face of B & Y’s trauma & A’s anger it’s just that his anger clouded his judgment enough to allow them to win. I absolutely love that Yang waited to the last-second to use her semblance to get the upper hand and take out Adam’s aura and get rid of his sword. Also it’s so amazing to finally see her full semblance after so long and it looks beautiful/awesome and while it also reflects her character development the reason why we haven’t seen it is because they couldn’t figure out how to animate the flaming hair in this new animation engine at least I believe that was the case. Even thoughappens in the end isn’t really a good thing the uppercut from Blake is so satisfying. All of them losing their aura is such a perfect set up for the race to the pieces of Gambol Shroud. Adam’s death here is so brutal getting stabbed twice probably hitting internal organs and causing internal bleeding and then falling and breaking his back against the rocks and even if he had somehow survived all that he would have drowned. His reaction of oh works really well because he 100% believed they were going to die and never believed he would die. Also the look on his face of emptiness and looking far away is definitely because he’s going into shock but also very much represents his character in my opinion. Blake collapsing into tears and Yang is so beautiful and 1 of my favorite moments of theirs. Especially all the soft touches and how vulnerable they both are. When I 1st watched this I definitely thought it solidified the bumblebee ship as canon but that they need time before it gets to the romance stage after everything they have gone through. And for the people who don’t like it or don’t understand why it makes sense and is not “forced” here’s a video by the RWBY reaction channel Xiao Long about the topic that I think would be awesome for you to react to at some point found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dWpkduYS8Q . The cliffhanger is great and really scary with the Leviathan showing up. And in hindsight Jaune talking about bigger Grimm in the previous episode was foreshadowing for this. Episode 13 comment coming soon.

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:19:50 Reposting in case you can't see the original comment. I love this episode I think it’s fucking fantastic. The title “Seeing Red” besides generally meaning being angry beyond reason which really describes Caroline and Adam it’s also a reference to Adam being a Bull Faunus even if it’s hard to see his horns a lot of the time and most people know how bulls react to the color red. It’s hilarious to see Caroline’s soldiers cheering her on but unfortunately it was also distracting them from the large target appearing on their radar which shows up at the end of the episode. I think we all knew at least to some degree that Ruby would be fine after last episodes cliffhanger. I love seeing Maria doing some crazy flying while Oscar explains the weakness of/plan to take out the robot. It’s so great to see Ren rush to Nora and Jaune as soon as he sees them and the voice acting perfectly captures how relieved he is to see that they are okay. Oscar’s plan to me shows his development and that he has a strategic mind and I think he came up with it thanks to Ruby talking about it earlier. I love how Ruby has no hesitation to starting the plan by getting in the airship. Also there’s something so sad about Qrow reaching out his hand and letting it slowly drop as Ruby flies away. It looks like Caroline was about to be contacted about the Leviathan but unfortunately Maria distracts her. I think it’s impressive that Ruby almost makes the shot but also that Caroline notices and reacts in time. I love the reflection of the lightning in Ruby’s eyes. It’s upsetting to see Maria temporarily lose her sight especially because it seems to me at least to be somewhat painful. Also poor Oscar freaking out like he does. Poor Qrow probably flashing back to losing Summer as he tries to stop Ruby. Although I think it’s beautiful and awesome to see the absolute certainty and determination in her body language and voice acting as she says to trust her. And the fact that he does says a lot about his and her development. Her speech towards Cordovin is so amazing especially with a lot of the themes of the show like working together and fighting for what’s right. Ruby’s final move is absolutely insane but ingenious and such a badass thing to do and the music really adds to it. It’s so heartwarming to see both Weiss and Qrow make the save after she loses her aura. It's so cool to see all the different dust in the explosion of the cannon. Now on to the best part of the episode and 1 of my favorite fights Blake &amp; Yang vs Adam. Everything about it from the emotions to the character development to the animation/action/choreography to the music and the voice acting is and makes it perfect in my eyes. Their teamwork and how in sync they are is amazing and when Yang throws Blake it's just a reverse of the bumblebee team attack. Also I'm glad they showed how much raw strength by having him send her flying like 50 feet. Having it be Yang vs Adam for a while is great if only for the dialogue especially the jealous ex “what does she even see in you?” Line. I love how dynamic and back-and-forth the fight felt as well as all the characters feeling very in character/well-written and intelligence/strategic they were in the face of B &amp; Y’s trauma &amp; A’s anger it’s just that his anger clouded his judgment enough to allow them to win. I absolutely love that Yang waited to the last-second to use her semblance to get the upper hand and take out Adam’s aura and get rid of his sword. Also it’s so amazing to finally see her full semblance after so long and it looks beautiful/awesome and while it also reflects her character development the reason why we haven’t seen it is because they couldn’t figure out how to animate the flaming hair in this new animation engine at least I believe that was the case. Even thoughappens in the end isn’t really a good thing the uppercut from Blake is so satisfying. All of them losing their aura is such a perfect set up for the race to the pieces of Gambol Shroud. Adam’s death here is so brutal getting stabbed twice probably hitting internal organs and causing internal bleeding and then falling and breaking his back against the rocks and even if he had somehow survived all that he would have drowned. His reaction of oh works really well because he 100% believed they were going to die and never believed he would die. Also the look on his face of emptiness and looking far away is definitely because he’s going into shock but also very much represents his character in my opinion. Blake collapsing into tears and Yang is so beautiful and 1 of my favorite moments of theirs. Especially all the soft touches and how vulnerable they both are. When I 1st watched this I definitely thought it solidified the bumblebee ship as canon but that they need time before it gets to the romance stage after everything they have gone through. And for the people who don’t like it or don’t understand why it makes sense and is not “forced” here’s a video by the RWBY reaction channel Xiao Long about the topic that I think would be awesome for you to react to at some point found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dWpkduYS8Q . The cliffhanger is great and really scary with the Leviathan showing up. And in hindsight Jaune talking about bigger Grimm in the previous episode was foreshadowing for this. Episode 13 comment coming soon.
2021-05-20 05:39:25 Reposting in case you can't see the original comment. I love this episode I think it’s fucking fantastic. The title “Seeing Red” besides generally meaning being angry beyond reason which really describes Caroline and Adam it’s also a reference to Adam being a Bull Faunus even if it’s hard to see his horns a lot of the time and most people know how bulls react to the color red. It’s hilarious to see Caroline’s soldiers cheering her on but unfortunately it was also distracting them from the large target appearing on their radar which shows up at the end of the episode. I think we all knew at least to some degree that Ruby would be fine after last episodes cliffhanger. I love seeing Maria doing some crazy flying while Oscar explains the weakness of/plan to take out the robot. It’s so great to see Ren rush to Nora and Jaune as soon as he sees them and the voice acting perfectly captures how relieved he is to see that they are okay. Oscar’s plan to me shows his development and that he has a strategic mind and I think he came up with it thanks to Ruby talking about it earlier. I love how Ruby has no hesitation to starting the plan by getting in the airship. Also there’s something so sad about Qrow reaching out his hand and letting it slowly drop as Ruby flies away. It looks like Caroline was about to be contacted about the Leviathan but unfortunately Maria distracts her. I think it’s impressive that Ruby almost makes the shot but also that Caroline notices and reacts in time. I love the reflection of the lightning in Ruby’s eyes. It’s upsetting to see Maria temporarily lose her sight especially because it seems to me at least to be somewhat painful. Also poor Oscar freaking out like he does. Poor Qrow probably flashing back to losing Summer as he tries to stop Ruby. Although I think it’s beautiful and awesome to see the absolute certainty and determination in her body language and voice acting as she says to trust her. And the fact that he does says a lot about his and her development. Her speech towards Cordovin is so amazing especially with a lot of the themes of the show like working together and fighting for what’s right. Ruby’s final move is absolutely insane but ingenious and such a badass thing to do and the music really adds to it. It’s so heartwarming to see both Weiss and Qrow make the save after she loses her aura. It's so cool to see all the different dust in the explosion of the cannon. Now on to the best part of the episode and 1 of my favorite fights Blake & Yang vs Adam. Everything about it from the emotions to the character development to the animation/action/choreography to the music and the voice acting is and makes it perfect in my eyes. Their teamwork and how in sync they are is amazing and when Yang throws Blake it's just a reverse of the bumblebee team attack. Also I'm glad they showed how much raw strength by having him send her flying like 50 feet. Having it be Yang vs Adam for a while is great if only for the dialogue especially the jealous ex “what does she even see in you?” Line. I love how dynamic and back-and-forth the fight felt as well as all the characters feeling very in character/well-written and intelligence/strategic they were in the face of B & Y’s trauma & A’s anger it’s just that his anger clouded his judgment enough to allow them to win. I absolutely love that Yang waited to the last-second to use her semblance to get the upper hand and take out Adam’s aura and get rid of his sword. Also it’s so amazing to finally see her full semblance after so long and it looks beautiful/awesome and while it also reflects her character development the reason why we haven’t seen it is because they couldn’t figure out how to animate the flaming hair in this new animation engine at least I believe that was the case. Even thoughappens in the end isn’t really a good thing the uppercut from Blake is so satisfying. All of them losing their aura is such a perfect set up for the race to the pieces of Gambol Shroud. Adam’s death here is so brutal getting stabbed twice probably hitting internal organs and causing internal bleeding and then falling and breaking his back against the rocks and even if he had somehow survived all that he would have drowned. His reaction of oh works really well because he 100% believed they were going to die and never believed he would die. Also the look on his face of emptiness and looking far away is definitely because he’s going into shock but also very much represents his character in my opinion. Blake collapsing into tears and Yang is so beautiful and 1 of my favorite moments of theirs. Especially all the soft touches and how vulnerable they both are. When I 1st watched this I definitely thought it solidified the bumblebee ship as canon but that they need time before it gets to the romance stage after everything they have gone through. And for the people who don’t like it or don’t understand why it makes sense and is not “forced” here’s a video by the RWBY reaction channel Xiao Long about the topic that I think would be awesome for you to react to at some point found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dWpkduYS8Q . The cliffhanger is great and really scary with the Leviathan showing up. And in hindsight Jaune talking about bigger Grimm in the previous episode was foreshadowing for this. Episode 13 comment coming soon.

Reposting in case you can't see the original comment. I love this episode I think it’s fucking fantastic. The title “Seeing Red” besides generally meaning being angry beyond reason which really describes Caroline and Adam it’s also a reference to Adam being a Bull Faunus even if it’s hard to see his horns a lot of the time and most people know how bulls react to the color red. It’s hilarious to see Caroline’s soldiers cheering her on but unfortunately it was also distracting them from the large target appearing on their radar which shows up at the end of the episode. I think we all knew at least to some degree that Ruby would be fine after last episodes cliffhanger. I love seeing Maria doing some crazy flying while Oscar explains the weakness of/plan to take out the robot. It’s so great to see Ren rush to Nora and Jaune as soon as he sees them and the voice acting perfectly captures how relieved he is to see that they are okay. Oscar’s plan to me shows his development and that he has a strategic mind and I think he came up with it thanks to Ruby talking about it earlier. I love how Ruby has no hesitation to starting the plan by getting in the airship. Also there’s something so sad about Qrow reaching out his hand and letting it slowly drop as Ruby flies away. It looks like Caroline was about to be contacted about the Leviathan but unfortunately Maria distracts her. I think it’s impressive that Ruby almost makes the shot but also that Caroline notices and reacts in time. I love the reflection of the lightning in Ruby’s eyes. It’s upsetting to see Maria temporarily lose her sight especially because it seems to me at least to be somewhat painful. Also poor Oscar freaking out like he does. Poor Qrow probably flashing back to losing Summer as he tries to stop Ruby. Although I think it’s beautiful and awesome to see the absolute certainty and determination in her body language and voice acting as she says to trust her. And the fact that he does says a lot about his and her development. Her speech towards Cordovin is so amazing especially with a lot of the themes of the show like working together and fighting for what’s right. Ruby’s final move is absolutely insane but ingenious and such a badass thing to do and the music really adds to it. It’s so heartwarming to see both Weiss and Qrow make the save after she loses her aura. It's so cool to see all the different dust in the explosion of the cannon. Now on to the best part of the episode and 1 of my favorite fights Blake & Yang vs Adam. Everything about it from the emotions to the character development to the animation/action/choreography to the music and the voice acting is and makes it perfect in my eyes. Their teamwork and how in sync they are is amazing and when Yang throws Blake it's just a reverse of the bumblebee team attack. Also I'm glad they showed how much raw strength by having him send her flying like 50 feet. Having it be Yang vs Adam for a while is great if only for the dialogue especially the jealous ex “what does she even see in you?” Line. I love how dynamic and back-and-forth the fight felt as well as all the characters feeling very in character/well-written and intelligence/strategic they were in the face of B & Y’s trauma & A’s anger it’s just that his anger clouded his judgment enough to allow them to win. I absolutely love that Yang waited to the last-second to use her semblance to get the upper hand and take out Adam’s aura and get rid of his sword. Also it’s so amazing to finally see her full semblance after so long and it looks beautiful/awesome and while it also reflects her character development the reason why we haven’t seen it is because they couldn’t figure out how to animate the flaming hair in this new animation engine at least I believe that was the case. Even thoughappens in the end isn’t really a good thing the uppercut from Blake is so satisfying. All of them losing their aura is such a perfect set up for the race to the pieces of Gambol Shroud. Adam’s death here is so brutal getting stabbed twice probably hitting internal organs and causing internal bleeding and then falling and breaking his back against the rocks and even if he had somehow survived all that he would have drowned. His reaction of oh works really well because he 100% believed they were going to die and never believed he would die. Also the look on his face of emptiness and looking far away is definitely because he’s going into shock but also very much represents his character in my opinion. Blake collapsing into tears and Yang is so beautiful and 1 of my favorite moments of theirs. Especially all the soft touches and how vulnerable they both are. When I 1st watched this I definitely thought it solidified the bumblebee ship as canon but that they need time before it gets to the romance stage after everything they have gone through. And for the people who don’t like it or don’t understand why it makes sense and is not “forced” here’s a video by the RWBY reaction channel Xiao Long about the topic that I think would be awesome for you to react to at some point found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dWpkduYS8Q . The cliffhanger is great and really scary with the Leviathan showing up. And in hindsight Jaune talking about bigger Grimm in the previous episode was foreshadowing for this. Episode 13 comment coming soon.

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:19:50 I love this finale so much. The title “Our Way” is a reference to something Ruby said in her speech at the end of episode 9. I think it was an interesting decision to check back in with Cinder &amp; Neo at the start of the episode. I love the new looks but especially Neo’s because she looks like a pirate from fantasy or steam punk fiction. Also even though they are still a week behind now that they have an airship they can easily catch up and infiltrate Atlas thanks to Neo’s semblance. The destiny line is so messed up and brutal but I’ll be damned if it isn’t really well written. It’s so upsetting to see Caroline blaming them especially because she was the one causing negative emotions in the city which probably is what attracted all these Grimm. Although as she hears her soldiers the way she says her last your fault seems like it’s directed at herself from the tone of her voice in my opinion at least. I love the design of the Leviathan basically being a more aquatic Godzilla complete with fire breath especially because it’s kind of cute and dopey and having small similarities to dolphins. Also the fandom nickname that was come up with for the Leviathan I believe was Lenny LOL. I think the scene where Weiss &amp; Ruby worrying about Blake and Yang is so heartwarming and the handholding just makes me smile. Also while I do have a bias because I ship them there definitely seems to be a knowing look from Ruby towards her sister. I think it’s interesting that Maria is the one to suggest the pragmatic approach and ignore what’s happening here. I love and think it’s so satisfying to see how quickly they all refused to do this because it’s really a reflection of everything they have gone through this volume and the resolve they regained. Also since I forgot when this happened seeing the people of Argus including the Cotta-Arc family is a really good way of showing just what’s at stake if they fail. It was nice to see more applications of hard light dust with the shields. Also I love how you narrated some of what you thought the Leviathan’s inner thoughts were. It’s so awesome to see how determined they all are even when they are told they will not receive help showing their resolve and character development in this volume. I really like the 1st plan of Jaune and Ren using their semblances to hide the airship and get close enough for Ruby to use her silver eyes. It was really smart unfortunately the Leviathan was just faster than them. I actually think it was good to have them be running out of options because I think the desperation helped them come up with the next plan. Having them all distract the Leviathan while Weiss flies Ruby in front of it to use her eyes was a really good plan even though it was dangerous but it was the best plan considering the circumstances. I really love getting to see how Ruby was getting in the right frame of mind to use her eyes. The really well done 2D images were so heartwarming until they weren’t. I really love that they had her fail the 1st time thanks to the bad memories overwhelming the good ones because otherwise to me it would’ve felt too easy and it’s another example of her internalizing, compartmentalizing and ignoring her grief/trauma. I like the little detail of the Leviathan ignoring the distractions because Ruby had the lamp which attracts Grimm. Using the lamp to freeze time was great quick thinking and I loved the interaction with Jinn especially how voice actor did the this was clever line. And something new to think about if they use the lamp they have to ask a question. The rest of the 2D images along with the instrumental was so heartwarming and uplifting as well as being a little bittersweet. Also it was so incredible to see Summer with an actual 3D model for the 1st time and the transition from her eyes to Ruby’s was so beautiful. The song combined with the explosion of light was perfect. Also it not killing the Leviathan is a good way to show the limits of silver eyes and show that it’s not a perfect solution to everything. I love that Caroline comes to the rescue after being inspired by our group thanks to hearing everything. The robot with a giant drill as well as slowing down the animation is a reference to an anime I don’t think you have seen called Gurren Laggan which was 1 of the inspirations Monty had when making this show. I love all the aftermath after they are let go traveling to Atlas especially the Qrow and Ruby moment taking the 1st step to dealing with his alcoholism and his moment with Maria that I believe gave him some positive reinforcement. It was so awesome to see at least some of what Atlas looked like and it was really surprising that it’s a floating city but also cool. Also the city below is Mantle the original capital. As said in a world of remnant Mantle was in Atlas’s shadow but we didn’t know that it was literal instead of metaphorical. Seeing the entire army and Weiss and Qrow’s reactions was a very foreboding cliffhanger ending. Before I get to the after credits I want to tell you about each 2D image and where from the show it was from. The 1st image is Ruby’s childhood, then it’s the 1st time we meet Zwei in volume 2, then it’s team RWBY during the food fight in volume 2, then them enjoying noodles in volume 3, then team JNPR during the noodle scene in volume 3, Ruby &amp; Penny’s conversation in volume 3, then the 1st time we see Jaune in volume 1, then Pyrrha after her fight with Cardin’s team in volume 2, then Jaune training with Pyrrha’s recording, then Ruby seeing Yang without her arm and unconscious while Blake just apologizes over and over in volume 3, then Ruby &amp; Yang’s heartbreaking conversation in their home at the end of volume 3, then Pyrrha and Penny’s deaths, then the team deciding to make bunkbeds, then Weiss bringing coffee to Ruby, then Blake cheering on Weiss from volume 1, then Yang and Ruby training in volume 5 character short, then the team relaxing in the aftermath of volume 2, then the dance with P &amp; J, then team JNPR about to fight in the tournament, then the 1st interaction we see in the show between Ruby &amp; Qrow, then her heartfelt conversation with Oscar in volume 5, then Maria teaching her, and finally the 2nd to last memory before Summer which is Penny telling her about being a robot and Ruby being such a good friend and not caring and making Penny so happy which I love. My favorites were the family ones, the final Penny image and the image of Pyrrha and Jaune at the dance. I think this was a taste/possibility of what volumes 1 to 3 would have looked like with a bigger budget and more people working on it maybe even using the new animation engine in my opinion at least. The after credits scene is really great. I like getting more of Emerald’s character with her coming to apologize to Mercury. Both of them being even more terrified of Salem makes sense when she’s creating new monsters. It’s terrifying, horrifying, menacing and sinister to see her creating flying monkeys even though they are technically apes. The idea of her taking a more active role in this war is just chilling and so scary. Also that final shot has some really cool animation for what I believe is her magic. I have one big criticism for this volume and that’s that I think they should’ve had episode 11 be the entire mech fight and episode 12 be the whole Blake &amp; Yang vs Adam fight with the same Leviathan cliffhanger because I think it would’ve been better for the pacing in my opinion. Finally I have a nitpick that maybe things could have been harder against the Leviathan and maybe have the stakes be higher with some actual civilians dying but because of a lot of the things they did in this episode it’s not a big problem. I loved your reactions to these 2 episodes you had a lot of really good reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) &lt;3
2021-05-20 05:41:09 I love this finale so much. The title “Our Way” is a reference to something Ruby said in her speech at the end of episode 9. I think it was an interesting decision to check back in with Cinder & Neo at the start of the episode. I love the new looks but especially Neo’s because she looks like a pirate from fantasy or steam punk fiction. Also even though they are still a week behind now that they have an airship they can easily catch up and infiltrate Atlas thanks to Neo’s semblance. The destiny line is so messed up and brutal but I’ll be damned if it isn’t really well written. It’s so upsetting to see Caroline blaming them especially because she was the one causing negative emotions in the city which probably is what attracted all these Grimm. Although as she hears her soldiers the way she says her last your fault seems like it’s directed at herself from the tone of her voice in my opinion at least. I love the design of the Leviathan basically being a more aquatic Godzilla complete with fire breath especially because it’s kind of cute and dopey and having small similarities to dolphins. Also the fandom nickname that was come up with for the Leviathan I believe was Lenny LOL. I think the scene where Weiss & Ruby worrying about Blake and Yang is so heartwarming and the handholding just makes me smile. Also while I do have a bias because I ship them there definitely seems to be a knowing look from Ruby towards her sister. I think it’s interesting that Maria is the one to suggest the pragmatic approach and ignore what’s happening here. I love and think it’s so satisfying to see how quickly they all refused to do this because it’s really a reflection of everything they have gone through this volume and the resolve they regained. Also since I forgot when this happened seeing the people of Argus including the Cotta-Arc family is a really good way of showing just what’s at stake if they fail. It was nice to see more applications of hard light dust with the shields. Also I love how you narrated some of what you thought the Leviathan’s inner thoughts were. It’s so awesome to see how determined they all are even when they are told they will not receive help showing their resolve and character development in this volume. I really like the 1st plan of Jaune and Ren using their semblances to hide the airship and get close enough for Ruby to use her silver eyes. It was really smart unfortunately the Leviathan was just faster than them. I actually think it was good to have them be running out of options because I think the desperation helped them come up with the next plan. Having them all distract the Leviathan while Weiss flies Ruby in front of it to use her eyes was a really good plan even though it was dangerous but it was the best plan considering the circumstances. I really love getting to see how Ruby was getting in the right frame of mind to use her eyes. The really well done 2D images were so heartwarming until they weren’t. I really love that they had her fail the 1st time thanks to the bad memories overwhelming the good ones because otherwise to me it would’ve felt too easy and it’s another example of her internalizing, compartmentalizing and ignoring her grief/trauma. I like the little detail of the Leviathan ignoring the distractions because Ruby had the lamp which attracts Grimm. Using the lamp to freeze time was great quick thinking and I loved the interaction with Jinn especially how voice actor did the this was clever line. And something new to think about if they use the lamp they have to ask a question. The rest of the 2D images along with the instrumental was so heartwarming and uplifting as well as being a little bittersweet. Also it was so incredible to see Summer with an actual 3D model for the 1st time and the transition from her eyes to Ruby’s was so beautiful. The song combined with the explosion of light was perfect. Also it not killing the Leviathan is a good way to show the limits of silver eyes and show that it’s not a perfect solution to everything. I love that Caroline comes to the rescue after being inspired by our group thanks to hearing everything. The robot with a giant drill as well as slowing down the animation is a reference to an anime I don’t think you have seen called Gurren Laggan which was 1 of the inspirations Monty had when making this show. I love all the aftermath after they are let go traveling to Atlas especially the Qrow and Ruby moment taking the 1st step to dealing with his alcoholism and his moment with Maria that I believe gave him some positive reinforcement. It was so awesome to see at least some of what Atlas looked like and it was really surprising that it’s a floating city but also cool. Also the city below is Mantle the original capital. As said in a world of remnant Mantle was in Atlas’s shadow but we didn’t know that it was literal instead of metaphorical. Seeing the entire army and Weiss and Qrow’s reactions was a very foreboding cliffhanger ending. Before I get to the after credits I want to tell you about each 2D image and where from the show it was from. The 1st image is Ruby’s childhood, then it’s the 1st time we meet Zwei in volume 2, then it’s team RWBY during the food fight in volume 2, then them enjoying noodles in volume 3, then team JNPR during the noodle scene in volume 3, Ruby & Penny’s conversation in volume 3, then the 1st time we see Jaune in volume 1, then Pyrrha after her fight with Cardin’s team in volume 2, then Jaune training with Pyrrha’s recording, then Ruby seeing Yang without her arm and unconscious while Blake just apologizes over and over in volume 3, then Ruby & Yang’s heartbreaking conversation in their home at the end of volume 3, then Pyrrha and Penny’s deaths, then the team deciding to make bunkbeds, then Weiss bringing coffee to Ruby, then Blake cheering on Weiss from volume 1, then Yang and Ruby training in volume 5 character short, then the team relaxing in the aftermath of volume 2, then the dance with P & J, then team JNPR about to fight in the tournament, then the 1st interaction we see in the show between Ruby & Qrow, then her heartfelt conversation with Oscar in volume 5, then Maria teaching her, and finally the 2nd to last memory before Summer which is Penny telling her about being a robot and Ruby being such a good friend and not caring and making Penny so happy which I love. My favorites were the family ones, the final Penny image and the image of Pyrrha and Jaune at the dance. I think this was a taste/possibility of what volumes 1 to 3 would have looked like with a bigger budget and more people working on it maybe even using the new animation engine in my opinion at least. The after credits scene is really great. I like getting more of Emerald’s character with her coming to apologize to Mercury. Both of them being even more terrified of Salem makes sense when she’s creating new monsters. It’s terrifying, horrifying, menacing and sinister to see her creating flying monkeys even though they are technically apes. The idea of her taking a more active role in this war is just chilling and so scary. Also that final shot has some really cool animation for what I believe is her magic. I have one big criticism for this volume and that’s that I think they should’ve had episode 11 be the entire mech fight and episode 12 be the whole Blake & Yang vs Adam fight with the same Leviathan cliffhanger because I think it would’ve been better for the pacing in my opinion. Finally I have a nitpick that maybe things could have been harder against the Leviathan and maybe have the stakes be higher with some actual civilians dying but because of a lot of the things they did in this episode it’s not a big problem. I loved your reactions to these 2 episodes you had a lot of really good reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this finale so much. The title “Our Way” is a reference to something Ruby said in her speech at the end of episode 9. I think it was an interesting decision to check back in with Cinder & Neo at the start of the episode. I love the new looks but especially Neo’s because she looks like a pirate from fantasy or steam punk fiction. Also even though they are still a week behind now that they have an airship they can easily catch up and infiltrate Atlas thanks to Neo’s semblance. The destiny line is so messed up and brutal but I’ll be damned if it isn’t really well written. It’s so upsetting to see Caroline blaming them especially because she was the one causing negative emotions in the city which probably is what attracted all these Grimm. Although as she hears her soldiers the way she says her last your fault seems like it’s directed at herself from the tone of her voice in my opinion at least. I love the design of the Leviathan basically being a more aquatic Godzilla complete with fire breath especially because it’s kind of cute and dopey and having small similarities to dolphins. Also the fandom nickname that was come up with for the Leviathan I believe was Lenny LOL. I think the scene where Weiss & Ruby worrying about Blake and Yang is so heartwarming and the handholding just makes me smile. Also while I do have a bias because I ship them there definitely seems to be a knowing look from Ruby towards her sister. I think it’s interesting that Maria is the one to suggest the pragmatic approach and ignore what’s happening here. I love and think it’s so satisfying to see how quickly they all refused to do this because it’s really a reflection of everything they have gone through this volume and the resolve they regained. Also since I forgot when this happened seeing the people of Argus including the Cotta-Arc family is a really good way of showing just what’s at stake if they fail. It was nice to see more applications of hard light dust with the shields. Also I love how you narrated some of what you thought the Leviathan’s inner thoughts were. It’s so awesome to see how determined they all are even when they are told they will not receive help showing their resolve and character development in this volume. I really like the 1st plan of Jaune and Ren using their semblances to hide the airship and get close enough for Ruby to use her silver eyes. It was really smart unfortunately the Leviathan was just faster than them. I actually think it was good to have them be running out of options because I think the desperation helped them come up with the next plan. Having them all distract the Leviathan while Weiss flies Ruby in front of it to use her eyes was a really good plan even though it was dangerous but it was the best plan considering the circumstances. I really love getting to see how Ruby was getting in the right frame of mind to use her eyes. The really well done 2D images were so heartwarming until they weren’t. I really love that they had her fail the 1st time thanks to the bad memories overwhelming the good ones because otherwise to me it would’ve felt too easy and it’s another example of her internalizing, compartmentalizing and ignoring her grief/trauma. I like the little detail of the Leviathan ignoring the distractions because Ruby had the lamp which attracts Grimm. Using the lamp to freeze time was great quick thinking and I loved the interaction with Jinn especially how voice actor did the this was clever line. And something new to think about if they use the lamp they have to ask a question. The rest of the 2D images along with the instrumental was so heartwarming and uplifting as well as being a little bittersweet. Also it was so incredible to see Summer with an actual 3D model for the 1st time and the transition from her eyes to Ruby’s was so beautiful. The song combined with the explosion of light was perfect. Also it not killing the Leviathan is a good way to show the limits of silver eyes and show that it’s not a perfect solution to everything. I love that Caroline comes to the rescue after being inspired by our group thanks to hearing everything. The robot with a giant drill as well as slowing down the animation is a reference to an anime I don’t think you have seen called Gurren Laggan which was 1 of the inspirations Monty had when making this show. I love all the aftermath after they are let go traveling to Atlas especially the Qrow and Ruby moment taking the 1st step to dealing with his alcoholism and his moment with Maria that I believe gave him some positive reinforcement. It was so awesome to see at least some of what Atlas looked like and it was really surprising that it’s a floating city but also cool. Also the city below is Mantle the original capital. As said in a world of remnant Mantle was in Atlas’s shadow but we didn’t know that it was literal instead of metaphorical. Seeing the entire army and Weiss and Qrow’s reactions was a very foreboding cliffhanger ending. Before I get to the after credits I want to tell you about each 2D image and where from the show it was from. The 1st image is Ruby’s childhood, then it’s the 1st time we meet Zwei in volume 2, then it’s team RWBY during the food fight in volume 2, then them enjoying noodles in volume 3, then team JNPR during the noodle scene in volume 3, Ruby & Penny’s conversation in volume 3, then the 1st time we see Jaune in volume 1, then Pyrrha after her fight with Cardin’s team in volume 2, then Jaune training with Pyrrha’s recording, then Ruby seeing Yang without her arm and unconscious while Blake just apologizes over and over in volume 3, then Ruby & Yang’s heartbreaking conversation in their home at the end of volume 3, then Pyrrha and Penny’s deaths, then the team deciding to make bunkbeds, then Weiss bringing coffee to Ruby, then Blake cheering on Weiss from volume 1, then Yang and Ruby training in volume 5 character short, then the team relaxing in the aftermath of volume 2, then the dance with P & J, then team JNPR about to fight in the tournament, then the 1st interaction we see in the show between Ruby & Qrow, then her heartfelt conversation with Oscar in volume 5, then Maria teaching her, and finally the 2nd to last memory before Summer which is Penny telling her about being a robot and Ruby being such a good friend and not caring and making Penny so happy which I love. My favorites were the family ones, the final Penny image and the image of Pyrrha and Jaune at the dance. I think this was a taste/possibility of what volumes 1 to 3 would have looked like with a bigger budget and more people working on it maybe even using the new animation engine in my opinion at least. The after credits scene is really great. I like getting more of Emerald’s character with her coming to apologize to Mercury. Both of them being even more terrified of Salem makes sense when she’s creating new monsters. It’s terrifying, horrifying, menacing and sinister to see her creating flying monkeys even though they are technically apes. The idea of her taking a more active role in this war is just chilling and so scary. Also that final shot has some really cool animation for what I believe is her magic. I have one big criticism for this volume and that’s that I think they should’ve had episode 11 be the entire mech fight and episode 12 be the whole Blake & Yang vs Adam fight with the same Leviathan cliffhanger because I think it would’ve been better for the pacing in my opinion. Finally I have a nitpick that maybe things could have been harder against the Leviathan and maybe have the stakes be higher with some actual civilians dying but because of a lot of the things they did in this episode it’s not a big problem. I loved your reactions to these 2 episodes you had a lot of really good reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


Ah yes, sorry for the huge delay! I got your comments and can't wait to read through and respond to them! Running a little behind but I will be replying more throughout the day!!! Thanks so much!!! :D


Ah yes, good point about the phrase "seeing red"! Ah yes, so tense for sure when Maria's eyes are failing, Oscar is panicking, and undoubtedly Qrow is thinking back to Summer! The fight is amazing and I love that Adam's line solidifies the romantic relationship between Yang and Blake a bit more! Oh I know, it was a brutal death! And his reaction really does show that he never expected things to go this way. Thanks for the video, I need to check it out! Great cliffhanger for sure!!


Such a great finale! Ahhh yes the destiny line is so wrong but written/delivered so well! I love the name Lenny lol! I'm so happy you liked my narrations!! Oh I know, it was unexpected but really well done that the bad memories overtake her at first. Seeing Summer was amazing! I haven't seen Gurren Laggan but I love that there was such an homage to it! So great that Qrow made his first good decision about drinking for sure! Thanks for listing all the memory flashes, they were so beautiful! The flying monkeys were so scary!! I see what you mean with your suggestions on how the eps could have been better! I'm so happy you liked my reactions - thank you so much for your continued support and the feedback!!! :D

Aundry Vue

I can't tell you how many comments and reviews in the internet I have heard and read, saying how disappointed they are of Adam's death. They kept on saying that he still has a lot for the story and how he has more potential if he lives on and redeems himself, they said that it was stupid for how Cinder to have survived while Adam perishes. But I personally don't think he has much to offer at this point, besides Cinder is apart of the main villains along with Salem in the grand scheme of things, Adam was just an accessory for Salem and at this point he's just too stubborn and blind to change his ways for the better. I have heard from some documentaries saying that the reason some abusers abuse other people is because they were once abused themselves, they did it in order to compensate the feeling of powerless and vulnerability, same thing with school bullies, they usually bully others in order for them to feel strong and would not make them feel too weak in front of the people who bullies them in the past. While there is no denying that Adam was the cruel and abusive type, but we can't entirely blame everything on him since the S.D.C also have apart in turning Adam into who he is now. It is also incredible to finally see the full view Summer Rose's face and now we all know where Ruby gets her beautiful and gorgeous looks from, but we have seen a bit of Summer's face in Qrow's Team STRQ picture back in Volume 3 though. And no, the Atlas Air Fleet wasn't there for Weiss's return, they were there to be prepare for Salem's assault in case if she does decide to attack Atlas, and as you can see in the after credits that Salem creates multiple Flying Beringel (Gorilla) Grimms as an army to attack Atlas, but wasn't it obvious for you to see and realize that? I mean Salem is giving the Grimm wings to help them fly up to Atlas? 'Friendship is Magic' is that a My Little Pony reference? On a complete different side note though, Godzilla does not breath fire. While it looks like fire, it is actually a high concentration of radiation and nuclear energy and it is MUCH MORE destructive, lethal and devastating than any regular fire. But I think the Leviathan Grimm breathes regular fire though, it is just a reference to Godzilla, not actually Godzilla himself. Bonus: The shields that was used to block the Leviathan Grimm from entering Argus is also Hard-Light Dust if you recall me mentioning them in the messages, before it blasts them into pieces. And while Casey was the one singing the credit song, she also has another singer to sing along side with, her name is Adrienne Cowan who sings in a duet with Casey.


Hmmm, interesting point about Adam. I honestly respect where they chose to take his character, and I think it demonstrates just what a destructive path Adam had forged for himself. Also, great point about the result of Adam's earlier abuse from SDC - it makes sense that someone doesn't become like this for no reason, sadly. Yes, Summer!! I hadn't made the connection about the flying Grimm and the Air Fleet, no. I'm watching for the first time and tend to miss things or not get connections right away, so, that's just something to get used to in my videos. :P Yes, it was a MLP reference. Ah, interesting distinction about Godzilla. I do remember you mentioning that in your messages! So cool that the song is a duet!!!!

Aundry Vue

And honestly I find more potential in Cinders and Raven's character than Adam anyways, not that Adam lacks any character and that the SDC are still racist against Faunus, especially in the earlier days of Jacque Schnee. I also heard of how some people saying that Adam's potential character development was been wasted just to make the Bumblebee Ship, because some people feel that the moment is kind of forced. I'm mutual about these kinds of argument (unless if it involves with a ship I like). I also heard some bizarre theories around the internet about Summer's appearance like from how Ruby is actually a clone of Summer or Ruby is in fact Summer reincarnated because Ruby looks way too similar to her mother and yet having little to no trait from Taiyang, if you look at Yang's appearance, you can see a mix of both Taiyang and Raven and yet Ruby is much more leaning towards Summer, sure Ruby is her 'daughter', but some people said that Summer is too much of a carbon copy of Ruby. And those theories are too much of a stretch if you ask me, especially with the Brother God's strict rule of reviving the dead except for Ozpin's case. Besides, it is also possible that Summer's genes are more dominant and expressive in Ruby than Tai's (why does that sound weird?) I guess it can't be helped then, I just thought it was an obvious red flag since the flying Grimms and Salem taking things to her own hands to go to Atlas was a clear indication enough for the Atlas Air Fleet to be up in the sky and expected for Salem to attack them. But I guess that is what we are here for, to help further explain, clarify and clearing things up for you. And you do eventually come to that realization now do you (before watching Volume 8) ? And I don't consider myself a hardcore Godzilla fan, but I know well verse with the lore and background enough to be considered as a fan. And future RWBY songs will have more duets and more people singing alongside Casey, along with new singers.


I can see what you mean about Cinder and Raven's potential. Those are some really interesting theories, hmm!! Wow lol. I agree that it's reaching a bit. I get what you mean about dominant genes though, I think it's common for someone to look more like one parent than the other, at least at first glance. Yeah, to me the fun of having a community like this is that we can all share info and I get some help when there's things I miss :) I know some folks get really upset by it but there's really nothing I can do about it haha. I'm pretty sure I realized it soon after, even if I didn't mention it, because of where the story heads next. Cool that you are familiar with Godzilla lore! I'm looking forward to more duets!!!!!

Aundry Vue

Like I said those are just wacky crack theories some people come up because some of them didn't like how Summer Rose is nearly a carbon-copy of Ruby Rose, like duh she is Ruby's mother what do you expect? Besides there are hints for a long time now of Ruby resembling Summer. But then again, they could change Summer up a little like make her hair a bit longer, her outfit a bit more combat oriented and all that. Another weird theory people used to think is that Qrow is Ruby's actual father rather than Taiyang, because both Ruby and Qrow are kind of rash and playful and wields scythes and because of Qrow's Bad Luck Semblance he couldn't come too close to Ruby due to risk of hurting her so Tai agrees to make a lie about him being the father instead, this also lead to some people shipping Summer and Qrow a bit and possible weird relationship/affair in Team STRQ. But Miles, Kerry and all of CRWBY confirms that Qrow is NOT Ruby's father, Taiyang is still her actual dad and she just admires Qrow a lot, that is all. Just saying. Speaking of Summer, if you recall my previous message. I mentioned how Ruby pictures her mother here may not exactly be the same as when we do finally get a proper introduction of her in the show. But since you have passed Volume 7, Summer's fate is up to many interpretations now. And it's not just duets, there are new singers who will sing their own solo songs and even trios and quartets. But since you already listen to the Volume 7 Soundtrack in the 10$ Tier list, I think you already knew that by now.


Yeah I hear you! I've heard the one about Qrow, actually. I'll admit, there's some cleverness to it, but it sounds like it's not official anyway. I'm good with them just being a too-cute uncle/niece myself!!! Ah yes, I know what you mean about Summer!!!! Yes, I have heard the Vol. 7 soundtrack now, I thought maybe you were referring to songs in Vol. 8 which I'm still reacting to, but I don't think Vol. 8's soundtrack is officially out yet!!! I'm hoping it is once I'm caught up on Vol. 8!!

Aundry Vue

I didn't hear a lot of duets or new singers in Volume 8, but I could be wrong since Casey learns how to change the pitch of her voice now, so it's kind of hard to tell whether if she's singing alone or if someone else is singing alongside with her unless the actual song comes out with who is credited for the singing. Yeah the Volume 8 soundtrack will have a bit of a set back because well...let's just say Casey and her dad are dealing with important family issues right now so expect the wait to be a bit longer. Also once you have finally catch up and finished with Volume 8, you should definitely reach out and connect with other RWBY reaction channels on Youtube/Patreon. While there are a lot of toxicity in the RWBY fandom, but there are also many lovable people on Youtube/Patreon like Xiao Long, ThatKaitoDan, Calaxyin and my favorite guy MurderofBirds and many more. They are an absolutely fantastic RWBY Youtube content creators and they do a thing called the Ozcars annually after a Volume has ended. Go check them out once you finished with Volume 8.


Very true, she has such a range! Yes I heard that there have been personal issues for them and I hope they take all the time they need to sort it out! Oh that's a great idea, I'd love to connect with other reactors!!!! I've heard about the Ozcars, I really wanna check them out!!!!