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Special thanks to Leonie for editing this review!!! ❤️

Hey everyone! WOW you guys!!! We really get to see just how much potential this new, evolved D4C has in this. Dang!! And we came SO close to Valentine's bits and pieces just getting taken out! He's literally in God mode now - nothing can even touch him. But, it's just when the villain reaches that level that folks on our side start getting more clever, and that's just what Gyro came up with!!! Sadly, this batch didn't quite end how I thought it would :P Johnny is really coming out of this with the Joseph treatment?! I guess we'll find out! Can't wait for more! Enjoy! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ERPKim1-8__n7MyHz9uJq52wd1uia5EI/view?usp=sharing



Hi Melissa, I'm really proud of this video because I was really able to realize the vision I had in my head for some of the clips, just the way I like it. And I'm really happy to hear that you liked it just as much. I'm always constantly working on improving your videos because I also have so much fun trying my hand at Adobe Premiere, which offers endless possibilities for creative expression. Now I come to the content of the video itself. We really didn't have time to grieve for Diego for long, because we immediately continued with the fight against Valentine. And once again, we really got to see how vicious he can be. Of course, his stand has to be even stronger than it already is for the final fight. But Gyro and Johnny work brilliantly together as a team again and have a pretty good plan to defeat Valentine. But at the moment everything is going in Valentine's favor. And he's also very good at mentally manipulating Johnny by making him realize the consequences of his actions. I'm especially looking forward to next week's review, because I know it's not going to be easy for you to record the video. And look forward to the things I will prepare for the next video.


Hey Leonie! You should be proud! You did an amazing job on this! Your vision and hard work really shows in these videos :) I truly appreciate it! I know, I was sad about how quickly Diego got taken out! I love how Gyro and Johnny worked together here! It's so frustrating to see how powered up Valentine is right now though. The manipulation is so cold too! Omg, next week is gonna be rough:(((((((( Thanks for helping me through it lol!!


lol Leonie does such a great job with these. Discouraging is the word for this batch. All devastations that brought us up here 🫡 just to knock us down again. That final chapter is killing me. I can’t help be feel frustrated for Johnny. I need Gyro cuddles. It never stops looking like everything is going Valentine’s way. And that it should go that way seeing as how it looks like fate is on his side constantly. I’d have thrown in the towels by this point. Very well said about V’s power being the opposite of what Jesus did. This is one thing I wish for Johnny to hear so he can have something to keep him going. Swear after that big bite fetish batch I really do believe it was a missed opportunity for freak you to never be used for this parts ending.


Thank you so much for the praise Manny🥰. It makes me very happy to hear that☺️