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Hey everyone! Here it is - the schedule for this week! We've got a lot going on - the FINALE of Gotchard, the end of the 1993 Jojo OVAs, and more! Things are really heating up on all my shows this week so I hope you'll join me and enjoy watching along with me! Have a great week! ~ MH



ABHB Ya-iba

Stand Name: Chemy Story Stand User: Ichinose Hotarou Stand Ability: GOTCHA!!! Geryon: W A T ?


HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can just see his Stand yelling "Gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha" like it's Ora :P


I will keep it simple : Jojo OAV : An epic final MHA : The spotlight will be on two good boys who haven't had time to really shine yet. Gotchard : A good final, even if not all question are answered (maybe for the movie ?) Apothecary Diaries : Two new investigation for Detective Maomao, with some not unknow face coming back (the dude who was training with Shinji a while back). It's not a really big spoiler, just a head up so you might remember him faster like this ^^.


For MHA I'll just say that you are going to be very surprised and probably quite moved :D I enjoyed the episode a lot, even tho it ended at an earlier point than I would have expected, but I think they added a few scenes that weren't in the manga, so that's probably why ^^


I agree about the OVA and I can't wait to see the rest!!!! I had a feeling we'd leave some things hanging in Gotchard, but I'm still excited to see how they wrap it up!!!