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Google Drive Link posted below description!

Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to the second OVA in this long-awaited series!!! Again, I'm really impressed by this! The fight scene looked good and is just how I remember it going in the newer anime. Love the use of silence/long pauses to let scenes breathe and to build up tension. Come to think of it, this actually wasn't a really bad place to start if you're trying to capture a lot of different things in one go - provided your audience is actually familiar with the series first, which in this case they likely were. Iggy looks so cursed too hahaha!!!! I love it! All in all, really enjoying this series so far! Hope you do too! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PipXnEto32S8bas0_WS5k9DXrAJMnsrL/view?usp=sharing



Hi Hime :) The principle of OVAs is that they generally have more time and money than for a TV series episode, that's why this series seems so detailed. Being direct to video, it also spares itself the question of censorship, so the OVAs of the 80s/90s are known for their abundance of sex and gore (I've seen a lot of them so I can confirm this). If you want a comparison with a TV series, it's the period of Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon and Yu Yu Hakusho. In the same genre, there is an OAV of Baoh dating from 1989, another manga by Araki, it could be another thing to watch after, even if once again, there is a bit of gore. "little backside view" we're never going to complain about having a view of Joseph's back, especially the lower part lol Poor Kakyoin actor, hired for a few lines of dialogue in the first OVA and we won't hear from him again until the end of the series lol. The water in the glove to strangle Polnareff is an addition from the OVAs and clearly a reference to Angelo and Josuke which started in 1992. Just like how he uses the radiator water to attack Joseph and make them crash, in the manga and anime he attacks the tires by trying to make them sink into the sand, which will be repeated here with Joseph stuck in the car. Also, we don't have a passage with Polnareff stuck on a wooden box. All this is to both lengthen the story, but also give a little more personality to the characters knowing that we are not going to have ALL their adventures this time.


OMG amazing! I felt the rush in a whole new light during that chase. This one gave a lot of layers to the battle and it definitely gave a better understanding of respect between Jojo and N’doul. I’m really loving this so far. 11/10 in my book for what it is. I wouldn’t start here but a lot of work went into this and it’s not disappointing in the slightest. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Hi Spadeas! :) That makes a lot of sense! What an era too. Oooh no kidding, I've never seen anything related to Baoh! I'd like to check it out! Hehehe you'll never hear me complain about that view ;) Aw poor Kakyoin's VA, he didn't get much to do! Lol I thought the same thing about the glove right away! Ok cool, I knew those scenes were different, thanks for clarifying! I think it actually did help us get to know the characters a bit more in this one.


Yay!!! I'm so happy you liked it!! I agree, they did a really good job of capturing that. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I really can't wait to see which ones are next!!!