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Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to episode 9 of The Apothecary Diaries! Oh dang guys, we get yet another thread of mystery in this one! Maomao is left to her detective work again, only to find that things are probably even more complicated than they seem. And why is it starting to look like this is all connected somehow?! I love the deeper emotional scene with Maomao as well....she really has seen some stuff! Can't wait for what's next! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11an4O7GxG91o-MnW_IiIZaSWxSUcJsqX/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

I guess you had to do a lot of filming today, considering you probably had to turn around and do Oshi No Ko for tomorrow as well! #ReactorLife? Anyway, the situation with Kounen feels more like a prank gone wrong than an attempted murder - remember, he lost his taste of salt - so it could’ve been drenched in the booze and he wouldn’t notice. Put another way - if someone put chocolate chips on your pepperoni pizza do you think you would get the taste? Now imagine what would happen if you didn’t taste chocolate. It’d be just regular pizza to you. Now punch that up to an extreme level. Apparently he got a lot of that issue from stress - I’ve had enough of that for the past couple of weeks, let me tell ya. Gyokuyou is having way too much fun and just as much as Maomao is Jinshi’s favorite “toy” to play with, Jinshi is Gyokuyou’s source of amusement. Actually, after he found out the truth, I think he was relieved and then he started to sulk aka Fern-style. Hey, they both have purple hair! Perhaps the bill to put the drinking age up to twenty was a veiled way to get revenge on her after the emotional damage? It seems that the servant who drowned had a connection to the happenings at the garden party, but more we realize that if it wasn’t for Maomao, pretty much nothing would get solved around here. The doctor’s supposed to be in charge of autopsies and is afraid of corpses so guess who has to step up. But apparently her dad wanted to make very clear to her about some lines she shouldn’t cross. All this, seems to have her thinking about her own mortality. Like I said before, she wouldn’t want you to spend time feeling sorry for her, but she also understands just how precarious a ledge she’s on - in a twisted way, this might be another way a woman is trying to somewhat control her fate. She knows there’s only so much she can do and it only takes one screw up to end it all. So she’d at least like to dictate terms. I think everyone has had morbid thoughts like she has at some point, the vast majority of us shake them off and say, I’d never do that to myself or the people around me. But there’s also the curiosity factor, which I imagine is more so in someone as inquisitive as her - maybe that’s why she’s so interested in poison. It’s just one theory I came up with while thinking about this. Her work is never five, though, as it seems one of her previous conspiracies is leading up the food chain. By the way, Ah-Duo is pronounced very strangely, I believe from what I previously heard it’s Ah-Dwa, it’s definitely not the English “duo.” Asian names and their phonetic translations can be difficult to our language as well, lol. I guess I’ll see you next vid. :)


We’re definitely building something here. This was depressing. Thought provoking but very demure. Next ep!


It was a busy day alright! Yeah, it could very well be a prank, or maybe it's a prank with something more sinister behind it, like what happened to Lishu? Not being able to taste the salt would definitely be a problem in that situation! Hope your stressful situation turns around! Hahahaha he was totally doing some Fern style sulking!! Maomao really does have to do everything around here! I'm glad Maomao's dad kept her from getting to into the whole death thing. I can totally see how Maomao is another woman trying to control her fate in a dangerous balancing act of a life. Hmm, that's an interesting theory that that morbid curiosity could be what drives her love of poison as well. Interesting about the pronunciation, I have to listen next time they say it!