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Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to episode 10 of The Apothecary Diaries! WHOA!!!! You guys, what a twist!!! I KNEW it!!! I'd like to go on record as saying that I totally called it about her dad!!! Also, this one had lots of interesting new info about Ah Duo, the Emperor's family, etc......and I'm going crazy with theories!!!! I can't wait to see where this is all headed! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH

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Hi Hime :) Maomao talking about how she wants to die and asking Jinshi to do so shows their dynamic once again. Jinshi refuses to think about it because he cares about her, but Maomao knows the limitations imposed by social status and that it is a possibility. Maomao having lived the way she has lived up until now is aware of these boundaries, which Jinshi being of high rank does not bother to look at, but Maomao forces him to look into them. The story with honey, lady Lishu and Fengming will be resolved in the next episodes, but everything will be cleared up I can confirm. Gaoshun disant "l'homme connue comme Jinshi" Now for the big revelations, small spoiler but not important in the story and which will not be addressed in this season. Lady Ah-Duo is the daughter of the current emperor's wet nurse and born at the same time, Ah-Duo and the emperor were fed and raised by the same women in some ways, hence this almost familial affinity between them. For the rest, I would just say that the information to remember is that Ah-Duo had a baby 17 years ago, that Luomen was the doctor of the rear palace, "eunuch" and was fired from his position, that Gaoshun says in an episode "the man known as Jinshi", now everything is not connected to the current story, but you had some ideas going in the right direction. The next two episodes should tell you a lot more about this.


Okay this is where the series is having me enthralled. I knew it was coming. It’s cool how subtly but surely the beginning episodes were building up to whatever this all is. Very intriguing stuff. I just wish I knew what it all meant. XD I can’t even begin to piece things together like you did. Great theories btw. Very creative. I just can’t brain like that. I can’t puzzle these hints no matter how hard I try. I can’t Maomao like that. 🐱 For such a “straightforward” system of passing down one’s concubines for an offspring to inherit (and I’m simplifying here) this family tree is way more complicated than I gave credit to. I can’t wrap my head around all the information in just one sitting. Phew thank goodness I’m not a reactor 😮‍💨 😅


Right?! Like I'm so hooked! I know, it's like we have some pieces of the puzzle but can't see it all yet. Omg I can't Maomao either! The most I can hope for is to get lucky once in a while :P Omg thank you so much for that, because I have a really really hard time wrapping my head around it too and I'm glad I'm not the only one! Sometimes I feel silly that I don't have this eureka moment on camera lol!!!


Hi Spadeas! :) That conversation was so intense. It's definitely eye opening for Jinshi, I think. I can't wait for the honey story resolution! Hmmm there's something important about the way that was said huh? Also thanks for confirming that they were more or less raised together! Hmmmmmm interesting, ok, so I can put something together based on a few of the hints but I'm not getting anything for the "man known as Jinshi" thing....I'll keep thinking! I can't wait for more!!!