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According to Mika, I have been procrastinating. You'll see what I mean after you watch 😅

But this episode FAM....this episode is the one for me so far. They got to do so many fun activities and their interaction with each other and everyone they came in contact with is just heartwarming.




It's crazy watching this again and seeing them talk about henna and "getting their friendship tattooed on their bodies". And now, in 2023, they all literally did it. Crazy how life works, huh?


This was impressive. Enjoyed the commentary and reminders to really pay attention Tubi to what the guys are saying in the show. Easy to get lost in thoughts from one moments and miss the next. Loved seeing them going snorkeling. That was V’s first time, but he has great lung capacity. On Run BTS, he held his breath for nearly 1.30 seconds uninterrupted. So not a big surprise to see him go deep so easily and stay down there. It’s funny how they were matched just by choosing their snacks at the hotel but they were truly matched well. That goes to show that the little things matter. Also, I love how Jimin said he felt like usually the friendship trips with a camera there pressures everyone to talk serious and deep and this time he wanted a different vibe, more authentic of them just being themselves and having fun. Being the oldest of the maknae line he swayed the other 2 not to get too sentimental and JK was surprised but glad for it. V seemed more intent on having a “moment” but really that just seems like his personality in general. All in all they seemed perfectly matched. Suga and JHope definitely compliment each other perfectly. Suga bejng so encouraging to JHope mixtape and solo projects is more important than people realize because JHope was waiting years for the opportunity and almost quit before they debuted. He’s also more self conscious than he lets on. So Suga caught in to that and took that opportunity to raise him up a bit. Also, this is the first time we see Suga cut loose more. Down the road we have seen him get even loser especially in 2021, but here he is just coming out of his shell and it’s a beautiful transition. It was good it’s one in one for him so he can do so gradually and JHope knows how to turn off the busy and noisy parts of himself for Suga and knows when to turn them up a bit louder. They really read each other and pay attention to the small things. Watching BTS like this makes me yearn for that type of brotherhood even tho I’m a girl. You do t here people reference sisterhood the way we use the term brotherhood. I think there’s a reason for that. They’re all serious when they need to be and true professionals but at the end of the day, even tho this is still work, they’re always looking for ways to make each other happy and smile and have fun. Success to me is finding that and keeping it. No amount of many other fake or whatever would ever stack up to that. 🤙🏽💜